Show V Page 5 THE GARLAND TIMES i Ft L i i £w 7y- v v irb'h Urf t i ftp - n:i : in Ui ' - I pk JPrtf 'y ptPi ’ v?a r 'frs-z- r?w ' ! fiA if ' 1 VVf' jf4& t A- X'£i- The Missicci' pi cieieit iccowhich helped to build the South 100 years ago and is now i' Virgs of a Chicago World's Fair Century - for Mrs provides a restinq pr O Peterson of Dos !' rc't Iowa as famed author tells some Ople Read thing of its hictory SoisvciiI3 This street scene in Mexican village at the World’s In Chicago Fifteen foreign vilthe offer visitor the equivalent lages of ai tour of the world in a day or two at the exposition this year Low travel costs and added Free Fair features make a Fair ’'acatlon cheaper this Fair Are Free at World Fair Millions of visitors finding that much of tie best th World's Fair at Chicago is fres of charge Left: Every Saturday is Free Souvenir day at the Fair Shown hers is one of the huge throngs that jammed the Foode building In search of gifts from the forty exhibitors there Right: On this lagoon theater there are 10000 free seats where visitors may watch circuses water carnivals and other thrilling shows Reduced rail and liih nys make World’s Fair bua rates and travel easy ad I moult to you when we present WwHUitfcijmnWii irw'BrtrarsrTar m ira-sna- times paper subscription and settle down to minutes you are loudly to s worth? Moneys and are why TIMES bring you a weekly entertainment editorials and comics in it Costs ut rJEUT-n Wyrwrw nyor Fulfil m m myprxrrtirMmsrvnr‘ Tffffg More Now Than It Will Later FOR THE SEASON John J Shumway IRRIGATED FARM LOANS FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Real Estate Bought and Sold General Notarial Work Bank Building Garland Utah r your newsEvery-1- 5 you should of news di- you will not fail to give those who send it to y6u— the advertisers whose ads chandise needs No YOUR PREMIUMS REFUNDED IN FULL IN CASE OF A CROP FAILURE I s so! BE PROTECTED program to SERVICE COMPLETE Hail Insurance The editor is their program appear in it each week — first opportunity Iverson GET YOUR the GARLAND and appreciate your newspaper say & A FUNERAL Investment Against Loss is Now rector paid to give you a good program under their sponsorship If you value oOo Well Shaw The Time to Protect Your Crop and unobtrusive that you hardly realize who is your benefactor the advertisers Times Trust The Weather program told For The Don’t his products In a manner so gentlemanly stories a of Today oOo addition to that classic it has arranged for some o' the Val-- I ley’s bronco riders to be present to ride out some horses that the redeo committee is trying put for the Wheat Day program In been reminded that a certain advertiser is bringing you the entertainment patronize cost the listen Subscribe revenge mm You buy a radio set at many selection v And now as a parting shot we want to tell you that a double treat has been arranged for Sunday Eltemoon Do you remelAr game of June 24th wtb Kaysville that ended with a the Davis County boys Well score? wc returning here next Sunday for fellows No wonder bo many local have been sitting around or leaning against something the past two days “Gil" in particular oOo The Legionnaires managed to fin lsh ahead of the SUgar factory L'oys by the scant margin of one run after which the engaged Plymouth in a game that continued until the ball needed a tail light on it so the players could watch its course The moon was a little late in rising so the managers finally got together and decided to call it off while the score was tied at 9 all on account of the field not being equipped with flood The game will be replayed lights here Monday night we were informed oOo their continued Fielding winning performances by downing East Garland thereby remalng in a tie with the for first place oOo As the close of the second half draws nearer we are casting our eagle eyes over each league entry in our search for material with which to mold the team" which the “mythical writer of this column is selecting and which will be publishedd soofl in the TIMES together with our reason for each choice oOo No doubt it will be a thrilling ex penence for a player to see his name under a large heading which would probably read “Local Boy Makes Good on Local Soft Ball Team" At any rate we hope the tomato crop has frozen down and the hens are in a I the oOo oOo TIMES ADS ARE READ in £LJUSoAJELJUI JULY 27 1934 second 1 summer Enisi-tainme- off y r A£rj ELcctcr oOo Tliere has been much comment by from Page some of our rivals as to whether our 1‘jjs could hat the pitching of Utah Cache Valley team Idaho league teams oOo oOo Our own ljieup was minus the serIs Well we think that argument vices of Lee Thompson who Is as our boys have his tome w ith a severe attack completely settled on chased pitchers to the showers a We are hoping for of jiisilitls several occasions now who have been Kcdy recovery chucking winning ball in that circuit oOo There just seems to J)e no place in the Lee’s place in centerfleld was filled no lineup for a pitcher to let down by Delos Thompson who played a nice sirree1! game despite the fact that he is Just oOo recovering from a tonsil operation On the other hand it is noticabiy oOo fact our pitchers have got A snappy double play by each team plain ften along that well with the reasonably did not sene to detract any interest hitterS 0f thfit loop from the game either Ours came In oqo the second inning After Reese had down Don Smith set the singled Mullincaux hit a hot one to wth but six safeties Loganites and struck out Garrett who scooped it up stepping five on second base and throwing to Ken oOo Smith at first The Lions and Riverside put on a oOo slugfest Wednesday evening at RiverThe Loganitcs double killing came side there being a total of 43 runs in the ninth With Garrett on sec- scored of which the Lions collected ond base by reason of a 25 and Riverside 18 There was one Ilerm Thompson hit a sizzling liner iniTng"in which the Lions chased in who J2 right into the mit of Rasmussen talles limply tossed to Peteison catching Continued ' tv - Fair r ' -- at P&iico 0 THE BASEBALL BUG supply your mer- - |