Show Page 5 THE THE BASE3ALL BUG Continued from Page GARLAND 1 0O0 was a His hitting feature of the game He collected 2 singles a double and a triple out of 6 times at bat scoring 3 runs and It was his fourth hit of the day that drove In the tying and winning runs oOo Duane Archibald was inserted Into the lineup as a pinch hitter In the 6th and he came thru with a single a walk a double and three runs Nice work! oOo The team is L'adly crippled at present what with Larry Evans’ Injury Don Chambers sore arm and some of the boys being sadly and badly out of condition Some few of them seemj to have shown an indifferent attitude toward practice lately and as a result! have also displayed some baseball they that Is somewhat along the same line ' T tl 'b L - A ‘SKfeJl 1 h k sfrfil '2ZZ2C2K5XBS paa? &s3vve-- W ' n'vl WM'? I yt (Bcpciwwji r V iJ AAA x 7i ESCi si ’V i h r d&v f Ford’e Industrialized Barn Henry shown here a new exhibit at the Chicago World’s Fair this year how farmers can effect their own relief by raising and processing arfiinri!Uijrurun-Ji-irwmnar Subscribe Today - For The Times Shaw A & Iverson FUNERAL SERVICE COMPLETE Don’t Trust The W T' beans Left Inset: John C III Weston whose will be a mark for championship farmers to shoot at during Farm Week at the Fair Aug 11 to 18 Right inaet: The Time to Protect Your Crop Investment Against Loss Now Hail Insurance It Costs No More BE PROTECTED Now Than It Will Later FOR THE SEASON YOUR PREMIUMS REFUNDED IN FULL IN CASE OF A CROP FAILURE John There were only two games played this week In the Soft Ball League the East game being and the postponed encounter being called In the fifth inning on account of rain with the score reading 4 all In the other games give Mr Nick Owenga Blue Island last year’s champion whose title is alto at stake The milkmaid’s championship and other similar titles will also bs contested is GET YOUR SOFT BALL NOTES zS soy Weather ed off on account of rain tTJi game Is to L’e replayed Monday ' the weather man permitting so Fielding will either go into a tile for first place or Into second undisputed oOo It is rather hard for most teams to gather enough men together to play a game now as the busy harvest season is on however they have until August 8th to complete their schedules At the close of the softball season oOo this column is going to present bo Its reader— s for their approval (or maybe we should an all say disapproval) star selection of our own made up of what we think are the best players for each position together with our reason for each choice oOo Did you ever notice how cool and it Is on a nice scorching refreshing hot day to have someone remark “Can you keep warm?” oOo Well believe It or not If ever In our travels we should meet someone who to say that or "Is it hot neglects enough for you?" we would immediately be overcome If not by the heat It would be by the surprise of it oOo Well keep your fan going Special Contests" Exhibits Feature Fair Farm Wee!: It JULY 20 1934 are going to win the games moving the rodeo chutes and corrals to all who should visit it t the Sugar Factory team a drubbing been scheduled for the next back to the trees and moving the oOo 13 to 7 to remain In the top spot and few weeks they will We received a lot of encouragement certainly haye to grandstand back along the south row the Legion trimmed Plymouth show some much needed pep and of trees The Lions- - Fielding game will LV along that line since the last issue of turn out and put in come good hard the TIMES from various citizens and replayed Monday evening on the GaroOo ' work at practice as the boys who are' civic leaders and the test part of It land school diamond Then a new stand could be built turning out cannot do it all alone It Next weeks games are: the west side to form a triangle was — we did not hear any discouragtakes nine men to play baseball! comment It! Lions about at Riverside ing allow and East Garland at with the old grandstand Manager Rich has scheduled some space enough to have the home plate oOo and Fielding Plymouth at oOo The only thing we failed to hear Sugar Factory at Legion 60 feet from the stands real games Next Sunday we play was that someone had donated the The standing of the teams to date oOo Clearfield here and on the 24th we new score board for a material Is follows: as This would lengthen the outfield so go to Logan to tangle with the Logan that long flies would not go Into the Elks Then on the 29th we encounfield and would provide ter Kaysville here in what we hope trees in left extra car parking space during will be a classic such as was the game much celebrations and games with them on June 24th oOo August 5th we entertain the Coops It would not Involve much expense store team of the league hand labor and would be a mainly and Brigham journeys here to cross big Improvement over the present set bats with us on Wheat Day up are still setting the The oOo oOo pace among the Soft bailers this half of T’hat is a mighty nice lineup Later in the fall after the baseball by reason of a triumph over the games and should furnish the fans season Is cver the field could be work- Sugar beet wTanglers with some great baseball ed and seeded to grass without a great oOo Last week this column Jjgan a cam deal of expense and It would be one hold a half game lead over They paign to stimulate interest in the pro- of the finest advertisements our city their nearest rival Fielding this w'eek ject of improving the city park by could receive as well as a beauty spot as the fracas was call- should iftm—maaw TIMES If they that have J Shumway IRRIGATED FARM LOANS FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Real Estate Bought and Sold General Notarial Work Bank Building Garland Utah A S i f In Your Advertisements Home Town Paper Are Not Business Getting Tricks Of Unscrupulous Commercial But Are Rather A Neighbor Merchant’s Friendly Dealers Greeting To Whom He Knows Personally And All Of Whom The Reader He Can Call By Their First Name These aV k' Merchants Offer No Shoddy Goods At Cut Prices To Catch The Unwary Because Your Friendship Their Ads Are Honest And Friendly Is Worth More To Your Merchant I I I I Than The Money He Might Make From An Unfair Business 1 l Transaction Because The Merchant Feels That You Enjoy And Value I Your Paper V He Is Glad To Put His Greeting If His Ad Is Not There In Every Issue You May Be Sure His Friendship Not Genuine Is I t I I - — - if |