Show "Ucr Page 4 THE GARLAND THE GARLAND TIMES JULY 20 1934 I'm the Latest Methods in Testing Correcting Eye Fatigue We Tlie Story of the Bible Told in Pictures Published every Friday at Garland Box Elder County Utah Entered at the Post Office at Garland Utah as Second Class Matter in August 1928 Subscription Price TIMES And W E Getz — Optometrist Tremonton Utah e $150 A Year i s Editorial I t’ Fact! S If You Want to FEEL g A NEW JOB FOR “JOE” and public gratitude are the onty rewards that come to those who occupy public position in church capacity It is certain that Mr J H Kirkham has found great opportunity for growth thru service in his over seven years of activity as a member of the Garland ward bishopric That he has won the respect and admiration of those who have worked with him is evident from his selection as a member of the stake high council He has proved himself to be dependable and conscientious and devoted to the welfare of his friends and neighbors The fine qualities of character that have made him a credit to the bishopric will add dignity and honor to the council of which he now becomes a member He undoubtedly will be released from his present ward position and the ward membership can whole- heartedly recommend him to any responsibility the new cay can offer him and certainly will thank him for a work well done here Students Calle d Cattle Being To First Big Purchased in Band Practice West Box Elder UGHT ¥ LEE THOMPSON’S SHOP BARBER sH Garland ' I Utah fj g 0 it TIMES ADS ARE READ f'c imu Tit Robekali at tha Well — “And Abraham was old and well stricken in age and the Lord had blessed in all things” Abraham called his eldest servant and made him swear that he would not take a wife for Atraham’s son Isaac from the daughters of the Canaanites Abraham sent the servant into his own country und among his own kindred to seek a wife for his son and the servant departed into Mesopotamia unto the city of And he made his camels to kneel down without the city ?ahor by a well of water And he said 0 Lord Ccd I stand here by the well of water and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw And water: rot it come to pass that the damsel to whom I shall say Let down thy pitcher I pray thee that I may diink sht shall say Drink and I will give thy camels drink also let the same be she that thou has appointed for thy servant Isaac And it came to pass that behold Rebekah came out who was born to Bethuel son of -- lilcah the wife of Nalior ALralmm’s botlcr with her pitcher upon her shoulder” — Gen 24: And the sign was fulfide as the servant had prayed It would occur Tlic Story of RcbcLah is the first romance in the Bible From an engraving made by Merian in the Seventeenth century iid ed runs: Brown: 12 Garland 13 Left This week cattle are being bought by lead forge ahead IV 4 tallies which on bases: Brown s 7 Garland 5 Struck the government In the western part of the Garlandites almost matched In the Box Elder out: by Knowles 6 by D Smith 6 by from County extending eighth with three and then came the Chambers Snowvllle to Junction Valley These Umpire: Clyde Buxton last inning In which the their first big Time of game: 2 hours 5 minutes shipments will be loaded at Kelton team furthered their margin to Eleven high school students will meet A R Buxton and Kosmo and will move over the The history of the last half of the 9th Scorer: with them to help the ogranlzatlon get Southern Pacific Railroad Assistant Is brief but sweet Grover singled started Director C G Adney Is overseeing was forced at second by Chambers The parents are Invited to attend In probably the most hectic game Duane these shipments m cooperation with doubled Archibald and Mr Watkins is anxious to greet scoring Dr John W Chambers and appraisers of the season which was played last Chambers which Morgan struck after all of them at this first big meeting A J Fife and Orson Poulson Borne Sunday Garland nosed out the out Then Garrett drew a The sponsor of each local band Is pass and twelve cars will probably move from Brown’s Ice Cream baseball team by both runners scored on Don Smith’s to be present as well as the chair those districts by the end of this week a count of 15 to 14 ' men of various instrumental comsingle winning tlie ball game The feed Is becoming very scarce In It was a battle of sluggers the visit- stinging 15 to 14 mittees All other people Interested the west and many cattle must be ing team pounding the offerings ol The box score: In furthering the music program In moved within the next two chuckers 21 Garland for hits says sixty days NOTICE TO WATER USERS north Box Elder are cordially welcome Robert H Stewart while the locals found time to slug a Country AgriculturThere will be plenty of room lor all al Agent few themselves getting 14 hits for 15 as the rehearsal will be In the high A total of 817605 beef cattle have runs ' school State Engineer’s Office been Lbught up to date on the parchlead changed hands several The Following Is the list of students who ed ranges of the 15 western states Salt Lake City Utah June 25 1934 and times during the affray which the are expected to attend this rehearsal Notice Is hereby given that the Town turned over to the Federal Surplus Re- Garland team started by scoring one and Mr Watkins hopes that every of Elwood Utah has made application lief corporation to be canned and dls nm In the first inning member will report promptly at 7:30 In accordance with the Laws of Utah to tributed The visitors came back In the second needy families It was In order that there be no delay in to appropriate 1 sec ft of water from by the Agricultural Adjustcanto to score 2 runs which advantage Cold Water Spring Area in Box Elder getting to work chairs ment Administration through William held until the the when third they will be provided for the following Utah County Said water will be Peterson state director of drouth re- locals garnered two more to again ‘Batted for Hall In 6th musicians: collected from lief service Total payments to farm lead January 1st to December Two men out when winning run scored 31st lncl of each year from said Comets and Trumpets mers to date are $2087695 on 16610 spring went at it In dead Brown’s Ice The Ogdenltes Cream Emma Gardener Dale Miller Byron contracts area the boundary of which Is describThe total number of cattle earnest In the 4th frame chasing In Hall Dee Hall Daniel Bradshaw ed as follows: Beg Don sold In Utah for tire first week In a point 2277 July six tallies and advanced one more In N of SW cor Sec 26 T 11 N R Flshbum A C Christensen Helen Is 1149 the sixth to be out In Front by a w S L B & M thence E 132 ft S Wight Melvin Manning Grant Smith None of the cattle so purchased and score j 132 Pallas Getz Reed Taylor Junior And- processed are to be sold but all are W 132 ft N 132 ft to the beTheir advantage was erson Robert Kelstrom Dewey 8now point of beg The water will be divert being used for the help of needy fam- cause the locals unloosed a barrage of BobLe Beard Ray White Jay Morten ed at a point which bears N 233772 ilies on relief lists throughout the and hits runs In last half ol the the sen Stanley Anderson and E 20 ft from said cor and concountry and will not find their way to sixth to tie the count at 9 all veyed 8000 ft to a reservoir thence Baritones market Hides from these animals go The seventh saw the Invading nine further distance of- approximately Naomi Nellsen Verle Waldron to the processor or packer in part paymiles and there used for domestic and Basses ment of processing charges StolHit by pitched ball: D Grover municipal purposes There is no “goal” or “quota” In catRalph Castleton Edna Munns Glen en bases: V Shaffer A Rhodes Duane This application Is designated In the 'Jackson Quentin Stokes tle purchases Relief is planned for Archibald S Sorenson Sacrifice hit: State Engineer’s Office as File No the hard pressed drouth areas and 2 base hits: K Homs V Shaffer Shaffer 11549 Donna Castleton buying and processing for relief purOyler Stanley 3 base hit: Garrett Vanfleet All protests against the granting cf poses is expected to continue only as Morgan Ralph Holman Marvin Barfuss Struck out: by S Sorenson Summary — Bases Morgan Morgan said application Bassoon— Betty Pelrsen stating the reasons long ss the situation warrants 5 by Bessinger 2 by Duane Archibald Duane Archibald 2 Stolen therefor must be by affidavit In dup1 Left on Ihses: East Saxophones Garland 7 bases: Morgan 2 D Smith Duane licate accompanied with a fee of $10C Douglas Holmgren Garland 7 Earned rims: East Gar Archibald Ruby Johnson Parker 2 Bengoe- - and filed In this office within Vaughn Garl&ad thirty Plays Don Johnson Darrel Ldveland George i- Berutto Skeen land 5 Garland 4 Passed ball: Dean chea Knowles (30) days after the completion of the Good Ball To 2 Sudbury Archibald Wild pitch: H publication Myrtle Hall Bessinger base hits: D Smith L Thompson of this notice Trombones Home Dent’s Nine Charge defeat to Bessinger Umpires: Pwker Bengoeche HBMPHERYB T Dorman Perry Shirley Beard Leon runs Evans and Riser Time of game: Knowles Smith Passed ball: Nellsen Leonard Miller Leonard MarState Engineer Continued hour 45 minutes Scorer: A R Buxton Parker Wild pitch: D Smith Eam- from page 1 Date of first publication June 29 1934 ble Delos Gibbs Elvold Hoskins all hits at most the of last coming Date opportune Clarinets publication July 27 1934 times Shirley Nielsen Ted Burton Anne Following Is the box score: Watkins Homer Shurtz Noel Cook Dana Muir Junior England Eldon Munns Richard Anderson Mary Allen Ruth Gibbs Warren Holmgren Ber nelce Anderson Ted Linford Vera Johnson Shiglrn Ha&hlmoto Lynn Meldrum Dale Thompson n Lyle THIS is the time of year Francis Fashbaugh Owen Stokes yon gel the to Margaret Firth Gladys Newman Verle Anderson Noreen ErL Dal Durfey The ( e bone can L&vell Simmons Ruby Nischiguchi be of great assistance to Lydia FridaL you Percussion friend calling In Afton Barfuss Ruth Pack Elolse towns ahead t v tea them Alien Jennie Eldridge Velda Gibbs you're coming calluig Elaine Stenqulst Ralph Melster Irva for road Ray Geraldine Beard Jack Anderson Information BoL Wofflnden Pearl Hopklmon M and arranging accommodaJ Wood Heber Butler EE the British Islsa Continental Eur tions ' o r back calling ope African Coast tho Orient —many home to keep ol the world's moat interesting placos— in touch Miss Mildred Bush Is spending sevtransplanted in ths form of picturesque with eral weeks visiting in Salt Lake City the folks or the native villages! A boat of new buildings Murray West Jordan and Ogden 84 milea of spectacular exhibits — Office thrilling new treats in thin colorful paLose Legion conditioned geant of a century's progresal The Long cars dm- Distance Game of Scries And it's economical in time oad mc:ie v m' if you go via Union Pacific Railroad operator will be glad room cars trip fares daily In addiii-- n sunAfter defeating the Brigham Legion’s rooms and compartto tell you the rates nier reductions everywhere with varyon many ments) entry lest week in the opening game to any ing return limits r:cn Pat :c trams points the Garland bo? let of the senrs tins st:mrr For full particulars see your local crcuL to their opponents at Brigham City Monday The States The final and deciding game is to be this afternoon on a neutral Telephone played F N Feld with the county championship A Rhodes 2 D Grover In V Shaffer J m T L‘e til- id i!li X— V the balance Base on balls: A Rhodes M Sorensen hiC C Watkins band director for North Box Elder Is calling his junior on Wednesday bond July 25th for Have to You LOOK RIGHT Garland Noses Oat Brtwn’s IE® LEGAL NOTICE at 'H ft ft ft East Win From Thaw nnvuTi a UGH W MB B Juniors Second i ft M Now for a Vacation nrf ep Sts “ Mountain &Telegraph Co i 1 BLOW-OU- T PROTECTION' FREE! cr'!a c ly 0::ce yru have lope juu Now nev S 'r ry gives you protection free— and months of f’tru r:i!es in tV bargain! The ama-Golden Ply now bunt ing i: to every Sihvertown Tire resists heat the great unseen cause of t and early tire failure months longer and fear of blowouts is banished! Yet this Safety Silvertown doesn't cost a penny more than otherstandard tires! Come in ana see this tire Subjct to chine without rtolict and to my (overunmtal tu or levy ths Goodricli Silvertowj CCLDW TLs WITH Garland APCO C D BARFUSS Service MANAGER 1 av fr |