Show HIE GARLAND UML'i DECEMBER UTAH if (Elinsttnaa (Eattblf PARAMOUNT THEATRE FRIDAY- - & SATURDAY GARLAND ''I' Corner Service 9 BY THE SUGAR FACTORY “TO EVERYBODY!” — SHELL GASOLINE "L V nd MOTOR OILS J t SM viAi- PENNZOIL - tel £i ’W u Now' is the time ALCOHOL V m “We’re the kids you had such fun with in Tom Sawyer” and — we’re back again for another shindig ! C’mon along! v ifw j4 f4 at-- y a V k VL Y'"V' - K frnAj': igacn V rT T y T T T SUNi MON & TUES "T T trfay ANNA K BAKER— IiOimM JX Green A VT Utah Tremonton JL WED DEC 23 WED Dec 23 DECEMBER Nw AAA A A A AAA A A X X MM Your Bin Today BESSINGER BROS mg ranhlr’a liglft Brigham City Merchants and Business Men V “Practice makes BIG per-f- To make love in love! save time I Cilb Heab 5aa into mg heart tmtlglft OJP Junior Durkin Mitzi Jackie Searl Eugene Pallette Coogim BURNSRIGHT I CIjrtBlmafl roe Sear Qriat Ult with Jackie '1 A little ratthle'a rag ©fining tnmglir lle husk mill Ifgljt (Tlrr CCljrist CEilh on lia toag mg taiubom pan RjSWjinlialirb well ranble tljere oo 3’1L ligljt tt uil)ftt tlj laiiliglit rumra Cjy Attb Bag a Utile pragrr GfjhramjomtQiclurr JJC per gallon "a U fll Vix a quart or “'Tv J Siteftr11 H-- 20c per r ' QV £ ’ drain your crankcase and refill for winter convenience and satisfaction v 6£A fel? to with Winter Grade Pennzoil Who Will Be Glad to Serve You AT FIELDING DANCE Ball Given By The CLIO CIRCLEfCjLUB to two women at once— and believe me I learn GOOD a lot Come apd see me” FLOOR POPULAR PRICES : Gents 50c —‘ALadies - U i One Loaf of Kelpin Bread Contains As Much Loaves Of i'Vegetable Iodine Ai i 'Ordinary' 'Bread FOR SALE AT All STORES of Logan Blue Bird Orchestra r ’ v i: Annual Decorated 25c WED DEC 23 WED Dec 23 A T T’T'T TTT T' V T vr1 v T-- sjfr ' rW J iwt MAUSSCt! iY tytye h Two women — one gets his hand the other his heart! And is everybody happy? Would you be if you were HIS girl? 5 COLBERT Charlie Ruggles Miriam Hopkins Lieutenant DAY The Thrifty Shopper Qeu amount Qlctwe Will Portraits Excluftive The STUDIO for women See our Kadak Finishing Quick Service Brigham City Utah 122 South Main St r’r tt t - F Garland-Tremonto- n Milling Co ttt V" A A AAA For appanl fall display City Utah E A BIRCH Brigham 4 — Call 49 City Utah Petersen Service Electric VtVVV Good Dance Music Company Manufacturer Mattress Renovating ' Wool Washing and Carding We Call and Deliver Phone 25w ' W LEWIS TV tTVVVT smartest The Better Bedding Proof Jeweler V f not expeniv with bir rstuea THE ELITE Have your shoes reCham soled with Bend sole leather it is water and acid The Very Latest in Combination Ring and Neck Compacts— the Piece Sets— Chain Bracelets-Latest in Mesh Bags — Mens Watch Chains — and Christmas Suitable for Many Other Things J f but shop only 575 attention JUST ARRIVED §165 per cwt small Brigham Take Advantage Factory Workers tttt t rilONE NIGHT THEHASSING of These Items T SERVICE SYMPATHETIC Brljham City Utah 29 Always A Great Variety of Gifts Priced at $100 BUSCH PHONE Quality lb BOX OF NUT TOP CHOCOLATES f PRODUCTION Li B EFFICIENT PEN & PENCIL SETS $200 to $1200 an ERNST LU For The Herne STOHL MORTUARY Mortician M Thompson $139 0' :9he Smiling i COMPANY FURNITURE Everything s 1 PH£VALI£R with Claudette STOHL a aa a ± ± ± lvf- - i J Elertrlo Appliances and Quality LIGHTING FIXTURES Electric ContracUng DEYERELL PETERSEN MGR Phone 430 Brigham City Utah BRING US THE NEWS I |