Show THE GARLAND TIMES GARLAND wake THE GARLAND TIMES THAT A BEAR NEWSY RIVER The Surprise WEEKLY VALLEY INSTITUTION Entered at the Second ‘By at Garland City Utah as Matter In August 1928 If r At this another Immortal Yuletide Season when our hearts are in accord with the spirit of “Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men' John J Shumway extends Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous 1932 and all years to come tbe lolokx punk 2 Garland Shell Service Mgr Spend Your Christman Witout Tire Troubles U S TIRES DO IT SHELL 400 — The Easy Starting Gasoline EXIDE BATTERIES DO THE REST SAVE teacberr 1 Jotmaod Thrift laughed gay “Next the Christ: wa bang able to get I’ve ornaments all IS and cjWiftunlty’ this getber string of popcorn and cranbe the mother could spare" ‘You’re bound to have a Cliri Celebration ef aotne kind aren’t tea If we have been liiuuicd li In for four straight weeks year I’ve been here I’ve npv ueb a aleady snowfall" T "not a chance for an tlnued make that forty miles to the The yot up grade as It Is will get their faith In Sant: shaken I’m afraid this year will be mighty scarce" “Scarce all right" Peggy c “But they’re going ti agreed good a Christina a It la possible to us for give “Pm with yon on that” Tom said folk little “My and all tbe other are lookkiddies ing forward to thin more than they ever have to any Christmas big folks are too Fine Idea of yours THE EVERYONE has many things to express thanks for at this Thanksgiving Time Most of all we" desire to express apprecia-tio- n for the confidence that our customers and friends have manifested in this Institute tion during the past year and for the good will they have shown toward it : f t We trust you have been pleased with Manner in which we have served you the Tremonton Banking Co Utah 1 Highest Cash Prices For YOU A SET OF PYRENE DOUBLE DUTY TIRE Tom White PEP 88 FOR WINTER DRIVING THE GAS WITH A PUNCH Pullman Poultry Company LD OIL WE DRAIN THE CRANKCASE FREE 3TSJE YOU WITH Dairy and Poultry and KING SIZES OF COALS THAT WE ALWAYS HAVE ON HAND 7“ PEASTOVE— r! LUMP-N- UT I 4 X Ortsunss rsil csjt— Ten Better Made And Much Better Prices From 10c to $150 ‘ Per Pound Blue Bell Confectionery 4 10 - 15 -- 35 20 - 25 - -- 40 - 100- - 150 i 4 4 Toys & Gifts For Young & Old Big Christmas Special i §® But Sale ©m First Quality Brilliant Blue Enameled Ware ROASTERS One Large 7!4xl8!4 Inch Roaster at $109 And Get a 5x12 Buy Roaster for — JJC Regular retail value $249 A Medium Sized It will you pay HOUSEHOLD ' Roaster at 79c Get Another One For not only to do your Christmas but to buy your HARDWARE NECESSITIES ’ and LUMBER EC here Shopping including COAL II it Farmers’ CashrUnion “Your Good Will Our Best Asset” Phone 35 at tt 4 I Interrupted The Osnilnu Rail Call sure to answer “preaewt 4 M 4 aa he turned away from them “I thought w aa done for" Reg con tlnued "Instead I’m mode If you say o Peggy I've hunted all over foi yoU since your father lost bis money and you ran away from me because you thought It Made a difference" glistened Peggy’' eyes as' she fought back thcr tears then she' caught Iteg by the hand and dragged him Into the group sqrroundlng the gifts “llereSanta Claus already to dis tribute the presents!” Santa Claus caught her spirit and held her band a bit tighter a be guy Sanly added : "Amt Hie future Mr ta 'Oaus already to help him We wish you all a Merry Christmas!" And lhe'lUtltroiuiuliataJI— the evening had been so tilled with good will Just brimmed oer with laughter and song and Merry Christmases (IQ ISIS Wtattra Uatoa) B Jt Buy Your Xmas Candy From a Candy Merchant — -- 1- A 4 4 Nrpar Store Them Now For Winter ALFRED MICHAELIS Vb ± I - 4 (he car got off tfa track In the drifts and we came down the side of the bill like a rocket until we hit this school' “I’d say you did" Feeds Tom SPRING CANYON rjaac Don’t Be Mislead keen Everybody’s about it" As they chatted the tree waa fast becoming gay and In Its festive Christina apparel when tbs They bad barely finished to straggle In village folks began laden with baskets of food It waa to be a community dinner followed by carols and games and the distribution of tbe few presents they bad been able to assemble from the town's meager resources It was when the games were tbe very liveliest that the crash came— a crash that jarred the little school bouse and brought tbe merrymaking to an abrupt standstill A second and Tom followed by otb era rushed out then came the real In came Tom and with him surprise —Santa Claus In a scarlet Hudson Cay coat plaid trowsers tucked Into bis heavy boots and a fur cap pulled down over his ears Behind them were the others thelf arms filled wltb bundles of all alzel while dolls and ‘descriptions nd drums and all sorts ofjpyt trumpets were plied In a great hamper that twe In between them of the men brought Tbe boy and girls shouted with glee and tbe older folks looked on In Tom and Santa amazement Claus walked straight to Miss Johnson Santa Claus pulled off the great fur Both Sunta Oaus und Peggy cap PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE— FAIR PRICES Phone 1 Rei Phone 23-- KNIGHTS 5ZI JJL t'hriatmss A- -l ACCESSORIES CARRY ALL KINDS OF AUTO AVE YOUR CAR FILLED WITH WINTER OIL S DANGEROUS TO DRIVE YOUR CAR WITH and Representative for Globe MAY SPECIAL “Peggy I" he stammered “Reg I” she stammered back “Wbers did you come fromf" Santa Claus found his tongue! “1 was headed here— I didn’t know I heard the town was you were here snowbound thought I’d be Santa Claus But thought It was firs miles beyond figured my big car could get through n the down grad bated to think of kiddles having no SELL TO I CAN FURNISH WJLWood Mgr Garland 1 stared Your Eggs and Poultry - Light Service INS YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU NEED THEM THE WORST Johnson Ills Tremonton oil and them" Why We &re Thankful ‘ cum lue The f don’t water of salts mineral candy or chewing a Jot laxative eri the and swallow ewsle" For they can’t do It They only art ort Tour move the bowels and a mere movement doesn’t get at the cause The reason for your felling is your liver It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile Into your extracts amaata bowels daily gentle vegetable They contain If this bile Is not flowing freely when it your food doesn’t digest It just deliver pills Ask cays In the bowels Gas bloats up But don’t ask for your stomach You have a thick for Carter’s Little JUta bad taste and your breath is foul Lhrer the name Carter for akin often breaks out in blemishes Pills on the red WL Resent a Your head aches and you feel down substitute 25c at aD 6tore&- ten r GLYCERINE FREEZE UPS BERETS tbe OirixtuiM U Miss Juba That tbi Tom Blodgett who represe 4 tbe school board In t sto Tillage back and surveyed tko- C symmetrical fir he had ju made atablo In the center schoolroom platform r'ow wi Best IVi OR Jump Oat ef Bed in Morning Harin’ Us Gw you feel aour and Bunk Florence Hams Wells VYWvyvyyvvyvvyyyyvvvyYv ALCOHOL — And YouTl Postoffice C D Barfuss your CALOME WITHOUT Publishers- Class up LIVER BILE : Santa Claus Every Thursday at Garland Box Elder County Utah Published Wahlen Bros UTAH TT T’T T”TW Tremonton T V T T f T T W VT V V V W Uath rv T V V |