Show THE GARLAND TIMES GARLAND UTAH Salt Lake Tabernacle and Choir to be When You Need An Fire Insurance —Theft Insurance- - Bonds or Interview By Dr CONSULT Shumway Bear River 2 r Safety Deposit Boxes F or Rent Bear River Investment Company of Garland Building UTAH GARLAND J trip the Garland Locals resume to California holidays where they spent Mrs Warren Elmer of Los Angeles who has been visiting with Mrs Hall of North Garland returned Tuesday Ilenrie returned to Logan to be A home his work at the U S A C Cyril Linford has returned to Logan continue his work at the U S A C Mr Lauience Woodard the holidays with friends who spent this city In has returned to Salt Lake where he ° acna Fer has employment during the day and and i3 attending business college in the visiting with his brother Mr and Mrs H J Castleton enxng MeMn Mr and Mrs George O Mrs Oneta Shurtz made trip to Ogden Tuesday a Nye and business Have your grain and hay chopped— Work done at your own home Call 1 W Earl Fielding Bell Phone Donald Jensen left for Salt Lake City last Sunday where he will attend the L D S Business College Watch Crystals ground same day 104 Glass— Unbreakable $150— Farr Jewelry Store Brigham CHy Success rs to J J Johanson 41 Mr family and Mrs George returned Monday Ilenrie from and their " The Messrs Mose and John Garrett were called to Wellsvllle on Monday because of the serious Illness of their mother Mrs Catherine Garrett They returned on Tuesday leaving their mother a little improved Mr and Mrs Wallace Wise trip to Salt Lake City on January 7th made a Tuesday Mr and Mrs William A Kerr dinner guests last Thursday at home of Mr and Mrs O A Beal were the n Eggs Globe Al Poultry and Dairy Feed AND Scowcrofts Blue Pine Groceries FOR SALE AT G G Sweeten’s Cash Market Eggs Eggs be able to read the story of America from centuries before Christ down to Columbus" "Is the interest in those things really of so general a nature?" was The answer the next question was “If it is not we want to make it so That it docs not confine self to just a few is amply and convincingly proven by the fact that so many people visit our tabernacle and the organ recitals grounds which we give in the tabernacle daily with the exception of SunWe have statistics showing days that from a quarter to a half million people annually visit the recitals On account of this manifest interest we have made the elevating music of that organ accessible to larger numbers ami wider circle on by permitting the Victor Talking two occasions Machine Company to make records we of the choir and organ Lately have nude the instrumental and vocal music of oigan and choir still more accessible to music lovers in general by having it broadcast over the radio “Does it liaitv effect? Ietters after letters are coming to this ofand apprecifice expiessirig ation for the- - rare musical treat One letter just received here comes from a ranger deep in Canadian forest? a hundred or more miles This good away irom civilization ranger is thanking us for bringing high class music into his recesses of the forest so far away from contact with civilization “The tabernacle choir is known all over the United States not only through phonograph records and but also through radio broadcasting concerts which the choir in years irt several large past has given cities of the United Stales Among was Washington the cities Taft was unable D C President to attend the concert o:i account and after of precious engagements Senator the choir hud performed Reed Smoot came to the director that the president telling him would like t a hear the choir and us to sirg that night in invitin' We went We the White Home were taken to the spacious east room wlieic the president cabinet members senators and members of the diplomatic corps were assembled to hear us It had been agieed that we sing two numbers and after having finished them the presi- dent asked whether we would not do him the favor of singing some Of course we did The more next morning the papers curried ‘President and large streamers Diplomatic Coips Listen to Mormon Choir’ and critics paid high That the to singers compliments day we had to sing in Richmond Virginia where the clergy of other a denominations had conducted regular campaign against us paintas black as they ing Mormons could and warning people not to attend the concert but on account and reports we of these headlines had a crowded house and the most audience’ enthusiastic Mr Upon further questioning Smith informed the writer that the church is maintaining the musical three with organists organization and about 3t)0 two choristers Anhundred voices in the choir thony t? Lund will direct the choir when singing for synchronization and Tracy Y Cannon will be at the The two men need no console introduction to musicians and musin our country or ic enthusiasts other countries later With the large number at present showing Interest It Is anticipated that “Jonesy” will be very effectively The Bear River Sunday January 12th the Bear Stake Board of Relief Societies will meet at the home of their PresiMrs dent Margaret W Manning In their regular study meeting On River Eggs the Tabernacle and the great Tabernacle will be used in the sound of the film synchronization The play its story its history and its success are common knowledge The story of the play is taken from the Hook of Mormon freand erroneously railed quently “The Mormon Bible" In addition to being a religious document the Book of Mormon is in some respects a history proven by archaeological discoveries the latest one is of which that ancient city the remains of which have been observed from the air by Colonel LindWrgh in his recent flight over Central America jungles Such remains are expected to shed considerable light on the American of about half a thousand years before the Christian era flow did it come about that the of the “Mormon' presidency the ue of the church permitted great organ and the widely reputed choir built and organized primarily for sacred and religious purposes in so secular an undertaking as a "movie ?” This question caused me to sevk an auihuiitative The logical man to give answer D:vid A Smith the that answer Choir president of the Tabernacle An interview was requested and giaciuudy granted To the inquiry as to the reason for granting that great and valuable privilege Mr Smith with a smile on his lips and a swift glance in the direction of the publicity manager present at the interview answered Then “Persuasion" quickly changing the course of his thought from humorous to serious Mr Smith immediately continued “The church has always been interested in the llay “Corianton" because its story is taken from the On the stage Book of Mormon the subject is visualized and thereIf fore more easily remembered seen by many it might give to many the incentive to want to know more about ancient America that America which is dealt with in the Hook of Mormon and which is of unusual interest and great imto American archaeoloportance gists Entirely aside from religious angles the Book of Mormon America a story gives of ancient that has been proven and authentidiscated by many archaeological Students are coveries of our time of the remains on the working language spoken by the Americans of thousands of years ago and are rummaging among old bits of predigging out the historic writings of hieroglyphics they meanings find and restoring to something order the various like grammatical One words of and scraps of buildings day the meaningcarvings sign writings and art rellike be fitted piecic will together es of a puzzle and everybody will Organ Choir L Bank Markus cause Bank Building Phones: Bell 129 M Some time in January a producer syndicate will commence filming “Corianton” the play whose author O U l'ean was hailed by literary critics as the American and of whom one of Shakespeare the critics said he had speared” Shakespeare The largest part of the filming will be done in the widely known De Forrest Studios In Long Island but one part will necessarily have to be done in Salt Lake City be- Loans on Your Farm or Hom j with David A Smith of the Choir President Want To Buy or Sell Real Estate or Secure John b Used in Film Version of “Corianton" High Observer High Grade Cotton Twill Lady Pepperell Part Wool All Nationally Known And AT PRICES THAT YOU CAN’T RESIST THE Red & White Grocery PRICES ARE DEPENDABLY LOW QUALITY IS DEPENDABLY HIGH GEPHARTS STORES CO BUY FOR CASH AND PAY LESS Garland Phone 6 Methodist Church Notes Sunday school at 10 A M Mrs P E Ault Superintendent Junior Church service 11 A M A short service especially adapted to children but adults who are always welcome enjoy these services as well Epw'orth League 7 P M Gloria Nichols leader EvenThe Sacrament ing service 8 o'clock of the Lord's supper will be observed at this service Special music by the Junior Choir ten were McDowall guests Lydia Meister Marie and Bertha Landvatter were Ruth Williams and the Fire lighters Lucile Cropley each gave a piano solo Dorothy Calderwood gave a reading and Ruby Landvatter a vocal solo After the Council Fire all were entertained with games and refreshments The guests were: Mildred Carter Donna Beck Dorothy Calderwood Ruth Williams Shirley Beck Ruby Landvatter Helen Rhea Williams Virginia Beyers Johnson and Floy Holmgren ATTORNEY’S OFFICE REPORTS ACTIVITIES The Annual election of officers of the Sunday School Board was held at In complaints issued from County the church Wednesday evening The Attorney Lewis Jones’ office today election was preceded by a luncheon Thos Davenport was charged with a served by the Ladles’ Aid Society and statutory offense against a minor girl which is alleged to have taken place a number of games Sixteen memand at the bers o the Board were present and on a ranch at Promontory same time Cleon Jeppson and James the following officers were elected for were charged with an atDavenport the coming year Supertendent Mrs tempt to commit a statutory offense P E Ault Mrs Jl N Cole At the same tinje Hubert Sparks Is Supt of Primary rooms Mrs Mildred charged with issuing to Chris Hansen a fraudulent check drawn on the Nichols Asst Bernice Bjorn MissionDelog Banking Company ary Superintendent Mrs Mayme Jenk Nichols plead guilty to a charge of Ins Superintendent of the Cradle the peace as a result of an Mildred Nichols Superintendent disturbing too riotous New Year's celof the Home Department Mrs Gladys alleged ebration All of the above defendents Winchester Marie Secretary reside at or near Brigham City and it Treasurer Elias Landvatter Is expected that hearings will be held Pianist Ellen Woodward Organist for shortly M V Niell has been bound over to the District the Primary room Mildred Carter Court to stand trial on a charge of having obtained Alvin R Dickson Pastor property from Frank S Peck by fraud that he The Camp Fire Girls entertained awillfelony aand it Isof possible citizens of this face Jury New Year's night a public Councounty at the coming term of court cil Fire Thirty girls were present Mr Niell is confined In the County twenty of whom were members and Jail for lack of bonds produced Jan- School was held last Saturday uary 4 and will be held again next Saturday January 11 In order to deE Smith Principal Clarence In State High School clares ns we lace the Now Year that participate the general status and outlook for funds and to maintainset our high for our Bear River High School has never school at the standard be held a minimum school must State been better In the of the history school than at present Attendance Is of one hundred and seventy days durschool the year Any regular days more regular and the scholarship of ing not holidays both the teachers and the students Is that are lost through scheduled must be made previously on a higher plane Mr Smith believes that in all his many years of teaching up and It Is deemed wiser to hold he has never found quite school on Saturday occasionally than experience school year farther Into the interest and enthusiasm that to extend the month of May abound this year Many very worth- the while things are being done In the A WARNING TO POULTRY PROclassroom the shop and the laborDUCERS OF THIS VALLEY atory All teachers are teaching those particular branches they are best from Page 4) (Continued fitted to teach rather than being forced to Instruct in fields for which cannot be that too much emphases they have made no special preparatplaced upon keeping your flock In the ion Naturally the students are greatmost sanitary conditions and In the ly benefited by this arrangement passible health Mr Smith notes that the enroll- best This disease Is caused by a filterable ment has not appreciably declined as vlrous or organism too small to be has been the case in most rural secor separated seen by the microscope more tions there being than six by fllteratlon hundred students in attendance first The signs of it is a small pimwas held MonA special assembly or the wattles ccmb on the face day to give faculty and student body ple differentiated be from and should the opportunity to hear Guy C WilThe nodules vary In size from son of the L D S Church Board of bites a pin point to the size of a pea or evEducation Mr Wilson drew from his en Into larger They later ulcerate rich experience with young people known as sore head a hat is commonly especially at the L D S University of and are often bv roup cr accompanied which he was president for eleven are found of the mouth They cirlrer years to present a plan for determinon all ports of the head and often exin'! Just which young people were “on tend down the neck As the pox heals the right track” for success Mr Wiltt appears as a dnk later a black son emphasized the contention mass and then as it heals it not always is the student who receives scab like off leaving a scar the A’s bound for success Usually drops case of disease all sick birds In he said it Is that young person who removed from the flock and f hiding himself getting In wrong or should be and all dead “off color" quickly and honestly sets treated or destroyed be burned Chicken pox should birds about righting himself virus Is very resistant to the action of disinfectants and this process should CareMiss Burnlngham Wednesday read be carried out very thoroughly the play which has been chosen for fully examine the birds occasionally school production this year “Jonesy” for evidence cf the disease Notify or local plant immediatly Is the name of the play it Is a sparkveterinarian and observe strictest acts About upon symptoms ling comedy In three seventy-fiv- e prospective members of measures of sanitationB STEFFEN L the cast attended the reading TryBranch Manager outs for place la the cast will be held tht Fine Nashua all Wool Footwear for Men Women and Children BALL BRAND IS NOTED WEARING FOR ITS GREAT QUALITIES WARM GALOSHES WILL KEEP YOUR FEET DRY AND COMFORTABLE Come In Today and Let Us Show You The New wonderful value in Ball Brand Footwear Coombs & Perssoii GARLAND UTAH |