Show THE GARLAND jj Footwear for Spring Summer 1930 By JULIA BOTTOMLEY 4 4444444444S4444444444444444444444444444 44444i4 H4444'S44444444444444' i I llVv f ! v i& yf 3 A 5 green (© ISIS WHUra Nvwipapar Union) If doughnuts crack a little less baking recipe "TV'S In cooking powder In try the of Instead Use paper napkins cheesecloth to strain fat that has been It saves used for frying laundry 1 1 : 'V®ST3 tvf'Ir'tS 3Aeas?Jv walls and woodwork help to make dark rooms light and they also make rooms appear lurger Take the children' shopping occasionally and give them some of Ilia of selecting their own responsibility clothes V U Recently several hundred uiun and 8 omen shoe stylists met to discuss trends In footweur for spring and summer 1930 According to the program voted upon at this conference here Is what you will wear litis spilng and summer : First of all kid leather "they say” will take the lead for oil but evening and the sturdier type of sports shoes for Palm Ceaeh and other Secondly southern resort wear and for throughout the country the and the trimmed white kid shoe will be very Important There are may reasons for this “white” forecast First there Is whatever that the suntan mode will be string as ever In 1030 and nothing goes quite as well with the loony suntan tones ns white shoes Footwear of this class will be simple sometimes with pastel trims restricted to little more than pipings or straps For general street business shopping and town wear black was duly stressed also Interesting browns also tan and suntnn beige with ltroj leal nautical and other shades of dark blue There will be many pastel slmtlos too as well as such novelties a dahlia as aubergine (eggplant) also greens and reds The Idea range Is for colorful shoes to carry out the costume tlicme of the ever popular ensemble With the stunning silk print frocks In the picture the hemlines of which are longer yet not too long to effect shoes ensemble and radical change With give the finishing color touch her print crepe dress the young woman standing wears navy This frock Is cleverly styled pumps with a unique jabot drape The sash Is drawn through a slot and ties at B by th of When one has a can of small beets and would like to change the serving of them try the following: Pickled Beets — Remove the beets from the can and place In a scalded fruit Put enough Jar to cover the vinegar and beets In a saucepun for each cupful of vinegar add one tablespoonful of sugar two cloves and Simmer until the teaspoonful of salt sugar Is dissolved and pour over the Close the Jar and let stand for beets three or four days before serving Anise seed Is liked for flavor by many In place of cloves If the vinegar CkXW50hXh5iJ United 8tta Dprtment Agrleultur) In some homes It Is the custom for the children to come to all the regular family meals no nintter how young they are In others children are glveu their meals at their own little table either before the funilly eats or at the same time The plan adopted must largely he determined by circumstances and It need not be the same for all meals Whichever way Is easiest for the mother and best for the children should be chosen In homes where the evening meal must he lute or the toon meal hurried the children will be better off If served earlier than the rest of the family When children eat apart from adults there are fewer distractions and usually no questions to be answered about differences between their food snd th it of the grownups If questions arise at the family table lei the children know that they do not eat the same dishes that grownups eat just as they do not wear the same kind of clothes Children are observant snd will Imitate wba( they see adults doing Choosiuess In foods Is often the result of Imitation Father mother big sister and the rest share alike In thetr to set the example of enresiKinsIblllty carrots spinach or whatever joying the menu offers The fewer the re tilndera to eat and the better the example seL the greater the cesull with children observant The bureau of home economics of the United States Department of Agrthat If iculture makes the suggestion the china glass and eating tools be and are long to the child personally always set out for him much will be added to the interest of the meal Have the cl lua gny In pattern and everything of good shape and weight A chId's own for little hands to hold trhle and cludr will prove more comfortable usually than s high chair Ibbs may he attractive In color and easy to pul on There may be a tray r an o cloth doily at the child's a love for reading In chilcomfortable chairs of suitable reading correctly placed great helps and are Furniture placed parallel or at right to the walls gives the room a restful appearance than when or furniture sre on diagonal angles more rugs Hues By NELLIE soul that touches mine May contact Be get it the slightest tlnre from some good Borne little grace one kindly thought One aspiration yet unfelt one bit of courage For the darkening sky one gleam ot faith To brave the thickening Ills ot Ilfs Ons glimpse of brighter sky beyond the gathering mist To make this life worth while And heaven a heritage -- Th Outlook “every Children at the Table to a O OOP tPrcp&ra® foster Cold In Ilcad Cliest or Throat? Oomastle Young Prepared br lb of UnttS Rabbits Dprtmnt Btat ArHculturo) Wua It chicken or was It rabbit ? The guests will have a hard time telling until they examine the shape of the Vour domestic rabbits cooked pieces In any of the ways young chickens are cooked are very delicious They may be eaten throughout the year as they are not subject to the “open” and “closed'' seasons Domestic rabbits are raised In hutches under sanitary dead conditions and fed rolled cereals alfalfa tiny and leafy vegetable! The nature of their food makes the meat sweet temliT and excellently flavored Just as with poultry or with various cuts of meat young tender rabbits may be fried or baked while the older ones require longer slow cooking The bureau of hums economics has with the blologllcal survey of the United States Department of Agriculture In trying different methods of snd domestic rabbits has cKklng evolved a number of excellent recipes Here Is one for fried rabbit: Frlsd young domestic rabbit 11 cup milk tap lalt cup flour Vi V4 should The table If possible place room the food be In s sunshiny should be good to look at as well should mother to and the as good eat be calm and unhurried ready for hapThe Joy of aceora py comradeship Is so absorblrg that the pllshment hechild who feeds himself seldom dilute It with water to the acidity Deviled Sandwiches— Mix Peanut one small can of deviled bam with of a cupful of peanut butter cupfql of mayonnaise and a bit of salt Spread on buttered slices of graham bread and serve with a hot drink of fruit juices or cocoa when the young folks come In from skating 8wlas Date Sandwiches —Mix equal quantities of rliopped dates and nuts moisten with Spread mayonnaise on buttered cheese swUa canned whole wheat bread as thickly as snd date cover with sired then the nut mixture Cover with a tiles of buttered bread Orange Poultry 8auce — Taka s of bouillon extract one cupful of water to make stock Season with pepper paprika one cupful of orwith a few ange Juice two oranges l Melt two slices of rind of butter add two tablespoonfuls add the of flour cook until creamy stock mixture stirring all the while Cook until thickened remove from the fire and add cupful of white grapes which have been skinned and seeded This Is excellent with fish poultry or game Fat Heat the egg add and stir Into salt the milk the flour and the to form We those like to some of them will And them most tasty and satisfying today recall and Calves' Head Dinner— Scrape and clean thoroughly th brains head removing Soak two tongue eyes and gristle Boll head hours In salted water tongue heart and liver after scalding the liver added when the other meat is nearly done Season with salt and pepper and savory herbs tied In muslin these sre added when they are put on to cook When all ts tender serve th liver and tongue and heart sliced thinly lay on th plater with pieces of the head meat and garnish wltb parsley Accompany with a rich sauce made from the strained broth The brains may be soaked after the ten Is removed simmer membrane minutes in water to which a little lemon Julc and salt art added then plunge Into cold water cut Into bits and escallop wltb crumbs and butter Sunday Chicken — Cut up a large fowl Into serving sized pieces Dip ln- a calf The Boy Adventurer and Now the boy adventurer was actually meeting a city The city was not such as he would read shout In s book — but the city had actually taken on the shape of a person and was talking to him The city told him she was one of the daughters of the world parents Mother Knrth nnd Father Atlas And she told him that her name wus Lon don “Yes she He looked at her face was a good deal older he should suv than New York though he had never But she been any good about nges She looked didn’t seem old at all strong and full of life and full of she could too fun and as though tell him so much “1 can’t have you sit on a skyscraper couch as American cities I “but London continued would thought maybe you would like my You've no Idea how river beloved Sometimes love this river much when I get so busy and so crowded and so hurried as all we cities do I come down here for a little quiet There are my parks which I keep so and fresh but early In the green and late In the afternoon I morning 1 look over like to visit my river the bridges which go over this river I think of all the Jolly children In the world who have sung Tendon Bridge Is' Falling Down' and you kno'l never minded that aotig ” when T played that sometimes was a kid” David said “Yes I suppose you did" said think that London “and when bridge carries more traffic than any other It does seem a great Job Some might think It a bit Insulting but have always said to myself that If children were having a good time let them bn vc a good time MARY GRAHAM and small children Ailtfor Cliil Musterole siren’s NERVOUSNESS d treat Helpfully with Alt This ttttf Hywgfttrrii ar fttmpr nd Iiom of Irregularity anno? jrmfr— 'YOU KfcJ'D NERVInK EOKNKIB T btt nofMolml lr kid ftnd Imm lid iMibuwmfuUy proved ficiAl worth in th trnlmeot or Dm Krrrout Indlutloa ftod Nervous ImutbilU Ail Over Um World Afeock AT ALL DRUG STORKS Gomtoim FREE Ram pit on JtoQUuat liottk KomII MmIIcIm C IV pc U IMS No Wofla rwry Apples nl )444444444 confection Hera's truly wholesome to that Is easily made with materials Be sura to be bad almost anywhere nse tart apples for good The recipe was originated by results the bureau of home economics of the United 8tates Department of Agriculture 8s ttt Patsy Formerly NmtvImo Kom1 tKOENIGERVINQI In the old dishes which our New glam ancestors used dally we find s distinct cookery which la characteristic of the sturdy people of days feel eatier once an hour lor cap sugar cup bony cup watsr Counting Hrielf Out Be — Would you have any objection Prepare s sirup of the sugar honey water and salt by bolllny for 2 or 8 If your mother were to become my Wash core and pare the apminutes shaped pieces File — None at all— If had a alster ples cut Into about half an inch thick drop Into the —Stray Stories sirup and cook rapidly until the apand are practically all Listen to him who has four ears transparent ples Lift onto that Is one who Is t good listener the Sirup has been absorbed Cut up Into small hi msel f — Zenodot us waxed paper to dry' pieces some of tbs cake chocolate for dipping candles made especially Tut Into s shallow dish over hot water to melt slightly and stir wltb the fingers until the whole mass haa melted Dip the pieces of apple Into the From tlie day that melted chocolate until well coated nnd young man starts out to place on waxed paper to dry which seek his first position to requires only a short time when this the end of his Pack the method of coating Is used budness li fe hi apple candles In layers between sheets health and per- of waxed paper sonul appearance Pv ’’ have a world to do with his sucroll In to seasoned egg and water cess If you sre crumbs and pack In a dripping pan in not physically which a little minced salt pork ts fried up to the mark ouL Dot with butter or pork bite and —appetite uncertain digestion poor snd brown In a hot oven Serve garnished a general sense of incapacity ami weakwltb small baking powder bleculte ness take DR PIERCI'’S GOLDEhf DISCOVERY It renews around the platter of meat and pour MEDICAL red over a cream gravy mads from the the blood with the vital and promotes robust health fat In the pao wltb added floor and Corpuscles a clear skin energy pep Get “GMD” milk from your druggist In either fluid or Moisten chopped dates with orange tablets Ingredients printed on labeL Juice add a few chopped note and spread on buttered tounds of Boston brown bread Tills will please the hungry children lli( WMtara Nwppf Unto®) At Srat lea f enld taka SATVU'I UNUT-- tb tire that thoroughly It U th on yoar Intootino ealek was to rlifMildnd 1 10'NIGIIT guard font haalth afa purals TfUbl H 1C n By Chocolate-Coate- Muxterole well Into your cheat throat — almost imtantly you Repeat the Miuterol five hours what a glorious read! colJ remedThose good ies— oil of mustard menthol camphor —art mixed with other valuable ingreMuiterole in dients It penetrates and stimulates blood circulation snd helps to draw out infection snd pain Used bv millions for 20 years Recommended by many doctors snd nurses Keep Muiterole handy— jars tubes All druggists To Mothers— Mutterole is also mods in milder Jorm lor babies RUB Deliciously Cooked a smooth batter Wipe the rabbit with a clean damp cloth and cut Into pieces of the right size for serving Dip each piece of rabbit into this batter and be sure that It Is thoroughly coated In tn Iron skillet best fat until It Is hot enough to set tha batter qukkly Brown the pieces of rabbit evenly then reduce the heat and cook at a lower temperaturs for 23 or 80 minutes or until tender To each cup of grtvy desired use 2 tablespoonfuls of the fat In which the rabbit was cooked and 1H tablesBlend thoroughly poonfuls of flour Cook until thickadd cupful milk ened Add 1 tablespoonful of chopped M parsley teaspoonful salt snd s dash of pepper Serve around the rabbit or In separata dish Rabbit MAXWELL acid ordinary too j YVomT Something Good for the TableV IKHKHKHKH? ChS IKHXKH5 - tlie right side Indicating a normal waistline Into the Park red enters of the oilier silk gown aud the shoes are of the same rich For daytime wear hue as oxfords pumps pictured To dren size lights UTAH I 3 Si GARLAND He4Ht4HHHHttHMHHHHI I ’ Rabbit Tastes Like Chicken j and even sandals are Included in the t list of In the evening shoes dyeable fabrics such as moire satin crepe and multiIt has color brocades are sponsored become the custom among women of discriminating taste to buy evening with slippers In white or view to having them dyed to order for Uie climax In the slory And iu for shoes —It Is wild that of color men's shoes sre also to be colorful Including dark red dark blue and dark !? f TIMES Are You Successful? S-' Colds a Big City st BONNER “You can see my Parliament buildings from here where they talk about matters very serious such as wliut should be done about this and "hat should be done about that and you know such questions are very hard to answer So many people have difBut I’m not going ferent opinions to talk about serious matters to you I love to sit by my beloved Thames The and hear the old clock strike hours have been piling up for so many years and for so many years 16c eWaaant— For Sale mi 0 All ALSIOMT Draggiste “And I'd like you to think of my people” London paused and David said : "You have ever and ever so many people with you haven't you?” "Ob yes” said London "but I should love to have you think not only of the people there are here now but of the people who at one time or other have walked through my streets who have come In on strange old ships from strange old lands and who have brought me so much that la odd and differenL “The exciting thing about It Is tbatj never know when one of these people walking through my streets today may become famous too” “That's like New York” David said “She told me how she welcomed people and loved to have them success- ful" “Cities Are Kind” Thought David Batoning to them adding on hour by hour hour by hour “I’l I’ke 70u tc visit my home — nil around here Is my home end Pro only second to New York In the number of to my heart At people I've welcomed one lime I was larger than New York I’d hke you to walk around my streets and I’d like you to see my old buildings and courtyards and you could visit my zoo If you wished— we cities like zoos Vv'e can't be out lu the wilds with our sociable natures and so wq have to have some animals here I've been to time Indeed!” said London “Did she That Is what we “Of course she did cities like and when small towns and country places cannot or do not help! who dls-- J people to become famous courage them or lnugh at themw love to feel that they wander to us and then quietly quietly they begin to show what they can do “We let them hide away for s bit and We let them try— try again Were not watching them every second to say to thetn that If they're not Isn’t successful there Immediately much hoe for them” "Cities are kind” David thought to read his seemed and London thoughts for she smiled and said: Maybe “I'm so glad you think so you've heard tlie humming going on?" lien I was coming to “1 heard It It at firs' trlk to you and Yes I st when you were talking can hear It” (A 1110 Wvelcru Nuiaptr Union I was three times under an operation and I was very weak and nervous and could not eat years I learned about Lydia E Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound and my husband bought me a botde I felt a little better and he bought me two ' more I hjd the Compound In mv home for two years and took it all the time Now I feel strong and can do anything” — Mrs A Michalk 5443 Mitchell Avc Detroit Michigan W N U Salt Laks City No |