Show fwsi5 44' TIIE GARLAND TIMES UTAH GARLAND THE-CHE- CABINET Wten Nivipaprr Ubumi) this perpetual perturbations 1929 Tb Of Benefit in Community Foresight Are Outlined It puys a city just as it pays an dividual to look ahead and plan Its Moat of the larger cities of future America have the Idea accepted Some have heen applying it with good results others have been inclined to In the latter class Kansas City lug must be Included A few days ago a promising move for regional planning In this metroIn the city politan area was aturted proper plunnlug'la a fumBInr topic Yet Kansus a City remains without comprehensive program for development through a period of years with definite projects listed fur attention In the order of their urgency us nearbe determined in udvnnce ly us can fciiys the Kansas City Times That It is practicable to frame such a plan has been shown by other cities notably Chicago and more reIn jhe hitter a cently Detroit hlh been devised' with ELMO SCOTT WATSON OU may be one of those Americans so of your lu the history thut you can country mime all of the Presidents of the United States In the order of their administrations and ' can tell something about each one of them Put If some one said to you “YVhat do you' Know of the about the following Presidents Kilns United States: John Hunson Nathaniel Boudtnot John Ilnncoek Gorham and David B Atchison?" exclaim they “Why you'd probably never were Presidents of the United Statesl" And therein you might be wrong for there are those who say that those five men should be Included even In the list of our Presidents though such a statement would have to be made with certain qualifications In the case of the first four their Is right to be known as President based upon the following facts which have to do with the evolution of the office of President of the Uulted By States: The First Continental congress met 5 1774 Philadelphia September the delegates to U elected Peyton But Randolph of Virginia president he was only president of the congress not President of the United States for there was then no United Slates The Second Continental congress met In Philadelphia May 10 1775 and John Hancock of Massachusetts wras elected president But he too was Then president only of the congress on August 2 1770 the delegates to this congress signed the Declaration of Independence which brought Into being the United States of America But they were United States more In Dame than In actual fact of a strong government In 1777 a plan for the union of the tatea was proposed and within 15 months twelve of the stutea had agreed to form the new nation In accordance with 'a proposed plan drawn up under the name of "the Articles of Confederation The only state which opposed It at Unit time was Maryland Under the orlgtnnl Articles of Confederation each of the states made claims to extensive western lands John Hanson and Daniel Carroll of the Maryland refused to delegation enter the hew country under the abcfve and Ilonson existing conditions suggested the alternate plan Maryland offered to give up forever Its claim to western lands and to sign over Its territories to the federal government If the other states would follow suit One by one they fell Into line and 1781 finally on March there was a constitution called the adopted “Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Uilon Between the States" However tha confederation - thus formed hod no executive officer no judiciary and the sole governmental body was a alngle house of congress made up of delegates elected by the of the states legislature! On November 5 1781 John Hanson was elected president of the congress bit formal title being “President of the United States In Congress Assembled" Thus the title “President of the United States" came Into being and Hanson'a right to be included In the list of our Presidents rests upon that fact that he not only presided over rongrr a bat waa In fact as well as In name the country's Chief Executive — pro--chief of whom Is Seymour ponents Wemyss Smith editor of the Financial of New York Digest city who has striven for three years to win national for Hanson and who Is recognition planning to carry his tight to the floor of the United States senate that Hanson rsther than George WashingIn frtul Girl Keeps Lover’s Gifts When a man and a maid fall out maid may keep her lover'a gifts according to a decree of Judge Cohen of the District court at Sydney Australia After the tilt Henry Morris sued Dolly Reynolds for the return of a phonograph a silk shawl and a steel guitar together with $109 which he said he loaned Mis Reynolds Polly said Morris had not loaned her money Lot bad placed bets for her on horse the ton was the first rresident United Stntes In proof of Ids assertion Mr Smith offers the following facts: On November II 1711 the congressional committee on "Arrangement of of the President's House” consisting Samuel Osgood Joseph Montgomery and Edmund Itandulph Introduced the In congress: following resolution That the attendant of “Resolved tha Preaident'a house conalst of one sa may he aleward and auch other found neceasary not exceeding eight" A residence had been leased a few day previously aa I'realdent Hannon's home to deliver an was The steward required accounting of expenses to tha President’s secretary each month and tha President was authorlxed by a resolution to draw on the public treasury for tha proper amount On November II 1711 Gen George waa aummoned hefor Washington thanked and oltlclally by congress Hanson for his victory at President Torktown "Mr President" Washington replied to President Hanson “1 feel very sensiof conbly the favorable declaration gress expressed by your excellency This fresh proof of their approbation cannot fall of making a deep Impression upon me and my study shall he to deserve a eontlnuance of It” Ill the before Washingmeantime ton became the “first I’realdent under the Constitution" the United States under had three other ‘Tresldents” In Nothe Articles of Confederation vember 1782 Hanson retired from the and died the following 1'resldency year On November 4 1782 Kilns of New Jersey who had served ns a delegate to congress from 1778 to 1779 and hud again been chosen In 1781 "President of the WM8 chosen United State In Congress Assembled’’ of and became the Chief Kxecutlve Aa auch he Issued the the nation the end of announcing proclamation the Revolution on April 19 1788 and another announcing the signing of the treaty of peace on September 3 Elias Boudinnt has also been called of the the “first President United States" hla right to that title being based ttpoi the fact that It was not until England had algued the treaty of peace and thus acknowledged the of hef former colonies Independence that the free and Independent United States of American nctuully existed the seut of government was changed to New York city and John Hancock of Massachusetts was elected “President” Owing to health however he did not actively serve In that position and on May 29 1780 he So another “President" was reslgued chosen — Nathaniel tiorhaiu of Massachusetts 17S3 On of ay 14 1787 a convention delegates from all states except Rhode Island met In Philadelphia “to form a more perfect union" nnd after a stormy session of four months adopted a new Constitution It provided for a new method of choosing a President and under Its provisions an election waa held In which George Washington of Virginia was unanimously elected President From contemporaiy documents It Is evident that the Chief ExecnttveTiUTtieTinttoBWHSrefcrreJ to then as the “President of the United Slates Under the New Constitution" whereas before that official hnd heen called the “President of the United States In Congress Assembled” Later that portion of the title "Under the New Constitution" was omitted aa being too cumbersome and there nnd dg races deducting his Invest ment if the animals won The Judge told I tolly to keep Hie gifts nnd forget fbout the money Natives Frighteasd by Doll 'A letter from Kenva tells of the curious effect of a doll with moving eyes When It was shown to a native chief he thought It supernatural On being convinced after some time that It was mechanics and not magic that moved the eyes he asked the loan of It to get back one of his wive after he waa referred to as the of the United States" In view of these facts It seems that John Hanson Ellas Roudlnot John Hancock and Nathaniel Gorhiun are as much entitled to being called of the United States" as are any of the men from George Washington to Herbert Hoover who have borne that title and thut In listing our Presidents we should divide them Into two clusses-those who held office under the Articles of Confederation and those who have held office under the Constitution The right of David R Atchison of Missouri to he included In our list of Presidents is a fertile subject for disHe Is called “President for a pute of Day” and the whole question whether or not he actually was depends upon whether or not a mun can be President without taking the outh of office or actively administering the affairs of the nation Atchison's “Presidency" came about In this way March 4 1819 came on President James Sunday Technically K Polk's term of office expired March 3 1819 and his successor Zachary Taylor should have heen Inaugurated on March 4 Blit March 4 came on Sunday and Taj lor did not take the oath of office until Monday March 5 M On March 3 George 1819 Dallas vice president nmler Polk announced In the senate over which he was presiding “The close of my official term being near at hand I conform to an established and convenient practice by withdrawing from the deliberations of this body" On the motion 'of Senator Benton of Missouri his colleague Senator David 11 AtchU' son was appointed president oJf the senate pro tem Since the terms of President Polk and Vice President India expired on March 3 and the term of President-Elec- t mrt dhl Taylor begin until March 5 when he was Inaugurated It Is contended that David R Atchison was President of the United States for one day Sunday March 4 1849 even though he never took the oath of office The biographical congressan official ional directory senate document hack up that claim although some historians contend that was President facto on de Taylor even though he as cot Sunday svYorn In and thnt Atchison wns not sworn In as President and never pretended to exercise any duty or prerogative of the Office But the state of Missouri honors him as the only Missourian who' hus so fnr served as President of the United States and on October 27 of last year It paid tribute to Its “President for a Day" when a J 1NOOO memorial statue of Atchison was dedicated at I'latts-burMo with Impressive ceremonies at which the governor of Missouri was the principal speaker He Is further In his home state remembered by a county which Is named for Min and Missouri’s sister state Knnsas has a city which bears his name although It Is more famous because It Is the home town of a famous country editor Ed ls because It was named for a “President for a Day" Timid Chsp She— If you really loved me all the lime why didn’t you let me know? — He I couldn't find a postcard with the right words on It who had fled to hei native village He explained that If he took It then all the men would floe aud thus be could secure his wife He prmed as successful In his prophecy us In hl quesL Worn An woman Is one w ho cares more about what Is served for breakfast than about where breakfast Is served — Albany Knickerbocker’ Pres Imate cost and the necessary tax rate determined Another example of a somewhat different type Is furnished It is announced that by Philadelphia there much of It privale construction will Involve of an expenditure In the next five years Through effort the aim will he so to distribute the work through the years that employment and other conditions affected may be reasonably stabilized The program Is only In the stage of but it invites serious consideration attention through Its obvious possibilIt Is said that unity and benefits In the city is only about employment 5 per rent Thus to provide work for all who might he desire It would On neither difficult nor burdensome busithe contrary It would be sound ness procedure of the It suggests the feasibility for stabilizing Hoover proposal years by orderly planning ahead with a reserve of construction In its public nnd projects and funds the country will private undertakings have to come around to this better The cities esway of doing business In position to exercise pecially are foresight nnd lay their plans for ordevelopment derly businesslike P&inting Brick Needs Correct Color Choice Thief among the reasons why brick Is often painted is that paint bring Of color variety to this material course there are n number of teen reasons why nmnv Ideal nnd practical people pilfer to have their brick homes protected with paint hut It Is safe to vvariaut that color advantage play a strong nnd prominent part lu Influencing their decision nnd "Can brick be painted though Just what effci ts may he obtained?” many people ask To the first part of the question the answer Is of course “Yes” while the second half requires elaboration The fundamental printdple underly Ing successful painting Is to adapt tho used type of finish to the material So brick may be painted although It Is Pearly any color of the spectrum to paint wiser and In better taste brhk ns brick and not try to make it look like something ele It Is con celvnhle that under certnin conditions a brick house might be painted whits cream with green trim but since that color scheme Is Irrevocably associated with colonial houses with clap it is not In the best of board siding taste to advise this color Scheme un reservedly Ornamental Shade Trees Are Most Desirable used m he one of the Indianapolis shaded towm In the benutifully country Perhaps it sttll ranks high Rut It Is fust losIn this particular It was a real d ing this dlstlnction-andistinction I’erhaps private and volsuv untary effort cat) do something Certainly the Indianapolis News property owners could In many cases homes of front In their trees plant But we are not now thinking of ways and means but only of the desirability Cleveland of the end to he reached used to be known as the forest city There and It was a proud name In this cities forest be to many ought should be country and Indianapolis one of them most Homs Eatrsacs linportant should lie lospifhle The eutram-and so placed ns to help the hnrnionv In of the building— not necessarily the exact center of the front wall with the other fen but In harmony One too frequenttures of the house ly seen fault of modern houses Is thnt The fine big the doorways are small houses some of doorways frequently reach well up to the sill of the second story windows and seem to extend a hospitable air of welcome to the Incoming guest City's Nsed hand parks and boulevards dean property private skies and pure air will contribute greatly to the growth of the city 'and to the what Is at least as Important health comfort and pride of the Growing Clean nnd somely kept wli paved streets j' etithly want hitch and aaplratlona Coma from tha Influenca of an unaeon atar An undiscovered planet In our aky —Longfellow CANDY A FOOD ACCESSORY The convenience of uslug such preIn desserts foods as candy pared makes this a parhelpful ticularly to addition tbe emergency shelf Hard candles like peanut brittle and peppermint can be chopped or mashed Candy bar with Its delicious mixture of caramel chocolate and nuts or other Ingiedients Is best shaved aud added to the recipe Marshmallows slightly melted or fresh add a pleasing texture to a dish as well as flavor and sweetness t'eu nut brittle chopped or mashed for angel food or added to topping boiled frosting a good topping for cookies Added to whipped cream and frozen It Is attractive In a mousse Caramel placed In the bottom of a custard cup before adding the custard will make a delicious sauce when It Is turned out News Notes It'l m i PrioiUgt to Lwo in Utah SALT LAKE — Air passenger serv through Salt Lally has Increased such extent that tile Western Air Express has Installed 6 new large passenger planes on the route to Los Angeles this year HYRUM— Retail trade In Utah and southern Idaho Is showing substantial Increases each month During January 1929 the section reported an increase of 144 per cent over the same month In 1928 - Arrangements are ESCALANTE here for a big rabbeing completed rabbit bit and sparrow hunt The drive Is to begin this week and la to It is be continued for several days rabto district of tbe clear the hoped bit pest which appears to be growbeing A contest has been arranged tween the North and Southwards SALT LAKE — The largest crowd a skiing event in the yet to witness state saw young Kalmar Andreasen jump 98 feet and break the Utah record of 88 feet recently on canyon ranch lu the Parley’s Athletic club's The old tournament annual skiing record waa made eight years ago by Axel Andreasen GUNNISON — Dlry farmers of the valley including several of Sevier county met at the Gunnison Valley a high school recently to organize 0 L Malnigren' dairy association II A was temporary chairman Mathiesen federal specialist In work In the western dairy division C O Stott Sanpete county Sevier counagent and S R Boswell ty were officers in attendance LOGAN — During the month of January there were 3C6 cows milking and 68 dry in the association Dairy Herd Improvement Rol according to the report of Le The fverage milk proNelson tester duction per cow was 816 pounds as for 816 pounds compared with December The average butterfat production per cow was 29 08 pounds compared with' 29 46 pounds for the Stick Ice Cream— Take Peppermint sticks pound of peppermint one quart of medium cream one pint of milk of salt teaspoonful Soak the candy over night Add the cream salt and sugar If you want It and freeze Scalloped Applet With Peanut Brittle — Spread thinly sliced apples over the bottom of a baking dish Sprinkle with suit place a layer of peanut brittle on top repeat until all the apples (six large ones) and of a pound of peanut brittle Is used Tour over four tahlespoonfuls of lemon Juice on the last layer of apples before adding (he Inst layer of brittle Bar Cottage Candy Pudding — Cut squares of cake or ue cup cakes Cover with very thin slices of candy preceding pel iod from PROVO — Tw o committees bar Pour hot custard or lemon Juice on the over It Maricton and Eehi waited Ut county commissioners recently The need for sweets for children has In rtgard to read matters in their realways been recognized and advocated askA petition Suitable spective communities proby most physicians of the road vision should be made for sweets for ing for the Improvement growing children but they should he on the north side of Mapleton was after the presented by the Mapleton delegation given with or Immediately meal The child fond of candy will de The matter was taken under advisenuind It nl any time so ft Is uhrIi ment The commission appropriated better to regulate the amount and t tie $100 for the completion of the road proper time for eating It rather than at Lake Shore leaving It to the appetite of the child SALT LAKE — Provision for the conmaintenance of livestruction and Candy as a dessert Is no new thing and ninny mothers find It an excellent stock highways is contained in a bill In the menu for candy compromise introduced in llio senate recently by children The bill emloving Senator R J Evans Food for the Family powers the state road commission the state board of agriculture When you wish to serve something county for your commissioners very choice family and city commissions city ' friends prepare: councils and town boauls to d senAlmond Soup— Take a ate build protect and these highways to purchase the cupful of blanched and ground almonds pound right of way therefor and to spend them In a mortar until the necessary money for the carryof this bid they pre a smooth paste ing out of the purpe-’adding a drop of milk to DUCHESNE — According to present Scald a quart moisten plans of the state road commission of nihk add the almonds basin be will roads in the Uintah ot and a tnhlespoonful during this comine greatly Improved butter and seasoning Bids have been asked for summer flour well blended tor a of four bridges Two the construction Cook unlll very hot serve binding of these bridges are over the Duchesne lu bouillon cups with a spoonful of to connect river east of Duchesne whipped creu m bn top" Garnish with with the completed project at Antealmonds and serve finely shredded lope and the other two are on the To prepare them but with croutons Duch?ne to Erultland route over Red ter slices of bread and cut and wash The bridge ever Into squures: brown In the creek Red cieek will be more than twenty oven stirring until well browned all feet (hove the surface of the water over RANDOLPH— -- Heavy losses of wild Vaal Birds — Take meaty slices of fowl are beig suffered in the slough Into st rips two by four veul cut near Laketown in Rich county area Inches spread with any desired stufaccording to advices received recentfing usjng chopped salt pork some of ly by the state fish and game departthe veal lefl from the trimming hren1 been ment This area has never and nuts If decrumbs seasoning known to freeze up before as solidly Roll up the veal strips skewer sired The excessive aa it has this yeav with toothpicks and place In a baking and continued cold weather however pan with enough rhlu erenm to partly Roast hasting occasionally nn cover has closed up the grounds and the Thicken Some til the veal Is well browned ducks are starving to devh the crem m adding more If needed to feed will be shipped into the district make gravy to serve aroup" the by the deportment to tide the ducks birds over until the weather breaks OGDEN — It Is announced from the Benarsa Salad — Chop fine one Rer rnnda onion add two finely diced ap district forest office here that anonymous cash prizes of $1000 and $250 plea one small floely shredded plmen to and one cupful of fresh grnted respectively will be awarded throurh coconut Blend well and serve on letthe Society of American Foresters for tuce with a simple French dressing essays describing the present forestry —Cook and a mash and situation In the United States Parsnip Frittsrs upfnTmore of Mold a tahlespoonful s fritter batter BoDed of t)e pnrsnIp dlp nto the batter fry In deep fat and serve a ran of pineapple from a with amice targe pulled Fig Dessert— Steam figs slit the side and fill with a nicely Masoned cream cheese to which a few Press added been have nuts chopped In the orlginnl shape chill and serve on a doPy covered plate with crackers and coffee of food Its The prope choosing manner of cooking and sen big Is no small matter In the success of an InWho knows what heights dividual have been reached by the well nourmen and what ished and healthy crimes have lx on committed because suffei ing or Impropundernourished erly fed people have given up the ‘ fight f ' a its solution The scope of the submitted should be to suggest a for the forest situation that will sliTve the problem of a permanent and sufEsficient supply of forest products says must not be over 3000 words in length and must be based on the acin the United States tual situation esy CEDAR CITY — Plans are now r:f! ly taking shape for the letting of remaining contracts for completion of the section of the ZionltT" Carmel highway in Zion National park according to E T Scoyen superintendent Mr Scoyen has Just returned from Ogden where he conferred with B J Finch district engineer United S:au bureau of rubric roads who Informed him that plans for the two bridges one across the Vtrrin river and tbe are now other at'cs Pine cierk t prsilica’lv r: rupUte and ready to for bds |