Show TIMES GARLAND THE GARLAND V j For wV UTAH Hotpoint Irons SituationJ AT NEW LOWER PRICES Come in and ee them buy one and be satisfied stock producers are more and Just as well as every other line of more becoming convinced that they in these days of Remember you'll find you want in Electrical must think of their live stock In terms farm is beginning to learn for instance Applances of meat— visualizing the swine cattle merchandising The producer on the and sheep hanging on the rails of the jwhy the packer prefers the 180 to 200 meat distributor or on the retail meat pound hog in preference to the dealer's counter This Is one of the hog of two decades ago Take Important trends In the live stock in- for instance the pork loin From the dustry and is something that is new hog the housewife obtains say two and worth while large pork chops when she Gone are the old days when the orders two pounds From the loin of Phone 10 200 he had the porducer figured that when pound hog she obtains as sold his stock to the butcher or packer many as six chops in two pounds The 4 meat from the lighter porn contains he was all through with the transaction The way it works out what is less fat and waste and is more tender ' and toothsome Manifestly for the distributor Is generally good the averLUNCHES HOT TOASTED SANDWICHES This statement age housewife would pcod for the producer prefer tli six Is true whether quality type or price smalllr chops the meat Certainly WITH YOUR FAVORITE DRINKS AT is referred to to Nowadays the man who distributor finds it good business raises or feeds live stock understands handle the more dlserable loin so it is that he has a very definite interest In good business to produce such a loin The producer must realize the grade 'the ultimate sale of the meat Live stock producers all over the of meat mo6t In demand and underUnited States are now contributing a stand the reasons for a better demand certain amount on every carload of for certain weights and types in order ‘Jive stock - they sell atf UuT stock yards to develop- - Tils breeding and feeding a fnnd used to advertise meats opwatim— and towards educational work The In the selection of hogs the towards this breeder and feeder must always have packer also contributes fund It’s sole purpose is to aid the In mind that the ultimate end of the retailer in marketing meat— because pork Is on the consumer’s table Bearall down the line the better the de- ing In mind that the pork loin and mand for the retailer's meat the better the ham are the most valuable portions of the hog carcass the demand for the live animals it must be of It Is a day and seen that the long backed bacon type Few are there of the Is the most profitable and desirable rave for the Pacific Coast markets "die hards” who now cuss and The beef animal with --the best set against the meat packer and the meat distributor Instead the new order of ribs and loins and thick covering A dependable Fire Insurance policy la ever an elert guardian of your of things on the part of the producer on the hindquarter early maturing peace of mind Is to attempt to his breed- and carrying the least amount of Only care can prevent a fire but If a fire occurs Insurance is your ing and feeding activities so as to pro- waste fat should be the goal of the berf vide the sort of meat carcass best suitabsolute safeguard against financial lots producer The wool grower has been ed to the modern day housewives’ quick to learn that the most We can give you adequate protection at the lowest practicable cost needs thus broadening the market for sirable type of lamb is the quick matIt Is to your advantage to call or see your local agent meat foods by offering a more desir- uring blocky lamb with good loins and able and attractive product hindquarters Possibly - to much atProducers and distributors working tention has been given by the wool together are carrying their campaign grower towards this type of lamb inBell Phone 2 Garland Utah even a step further by having official stead of following a ’bit more closely “tasters" at several unlverrslties These the demands of the wool trade men study the effect of various feeds Live stock production often seems on the quality and palatability of t A NEW METHOD OF PURCHASING TIRES it is a complex problem because meat Thus it is hoped that through complex age In which we are living the proper blending of feedstuffs the But in A method by which a dally purchase these days of fierce competition ly free If It cannot be repaired the most nutritious and tender quality of among all producers for the consumers’ may be bonded to guarantee full and user gets a new tire at a greatly reducmeat may be obtained dollars there are fundamental facta faithful performance and which may ed price For Instance during the first of All this means that changes are that are really receiving the attention have In the pubeffect month a $13 product would be replaced live stock producer was announced lic’s buying here totaking place in the live stock business of the successful for $1 during the second month for representday by Jhon J Bhumway $2 and so on In Increasing amounts ative of the American Surety CompIt Is stated that the surety bond any of New York who stated that his covers practically every possible cause Is now prepared to bond of failure Including accident collision Company misalignment purchases of Dunlop tires as they are blow-os rim smash bought by an individual motor car user faulty and the of what toe-i- n and of the This plan as an example and takes may be accomplished In bonding retail all of the risk out of tire purchase reso become to which well have Mr Bonds Bhumway according purchases Published by The cognized as a protection against disshould have far reaching effects bond as It Is used to benefit the tire honesty of employes or public officials Hardware Co Hyrtim Jensen Furniture purchaser relieves him of every ele- the fulfillment of contracts etc are ment of risk and under Its terms If the falls within twelve months by this Interesting Innovation broadproduct the local dealer will repair it absolute ening their field of usefulness Live what Emergencies case of sudden accident In to or illness AT it’s fight in the' house the means for forestalling disaster Take time now to provide yourself and your family with these articles: good have ABSORBENT COTTON — ALCOHOL — IODINE — ZINC SALVE — GAUZE EPSQM SALTS — ADHESIVE TAPE PEROXIDE — UNGENTINE BrGrKnothPharmacy GARLAND UTAH Pecks Electric Shop THE BLUE BELL Like I Quality I What That’s Counts I Grocer Ask your OF PRIDE Wheat accepted for stor- age to be drawn out in mill products as wanted 33 lbs Flour Bran 14 lbs per bushel Garland Milling Company Garland Potatoes And Style UTAH FLOUR I ! I for phate land that can supply eight billion tons fertilizer there are 65 unde- eloped oil fields that can supply barrels of oil and four million acres of shale land that can furnish sixty billion barrels more when it is necessary to resort to that method of it Think these figures producing over a few minutes and you’ll not only get an idea of how vast are our undebut you will see that veloped resources there is no occasion for worrying over where the next generation Is going to its get its coal or fuel for running automobiles Utah Not All Gone If there’s anyone around Garland of the opinion that styles have not-- i thing to do with faritilng and garden-- I ing he wants to get that out of his head right now Last year the nat-- j ion’s potato crop failed to move as It should It was sluggish and there was a slackening demand Now experts are explaining' that someone told the women that to be stylish they must be slender and to become slender they should refrain from eating potatoes thousands And thousands of upon them are said to have heeded that admarket suffered vice The potato sufferjust as hairpen manufacturers ed when the bobbed hair fad struck this country But no one fears the worst Bobbed hair is already going out of style and It won’t be long before common sense will steo in to prevent foolish women from starving themselves to death just to be stylish Don’t worry — the potato has been here too long to be knocked out by a silly fad JAMES A choir singer was recently murderThere seems to be no occasion for ed in New Jersey Some people never of will be able to tell "the difference beabout the disappearance worrying where our fuel tween good and bad singing our national resources erf the future Is coming from and all that Uncle Bam sent out a bulletin FARM WANTED on the subject last week and in It we note that a recent survey shows there are still ' thirtyTiimirirT’ acres ofrtml —Wanttohear’ from owner having land underneath which are two hun- good Utah farm for sale If bargain F B O dred billion tons of coal In addition send price and description adv there are a hglf million acres of pbos- - Box 495 Oley 111 Homes New careful farmer cultivates his crops regularly and keeps out the weeds which would rob the growing plants of their nourishment The prudent man of affairs saves bis money regularly THE jl f a certain sum In his savings account depositingeasier' for yghy regularly? Because the habit makes It him to keep his surplus beyond the reach of the dally spending' Those for easy and wasteful temptations little temptations like weeds tend to destroy Are you cultivating your Income regularly? success u Tremonton Banking Company The Bank Best Able To Serve The Bear River Valley Spring By A" There’s no use talking — so many Interesting events take place duriMore things than yoii ng March that we are as nervous as a witch could shake a stick at (assuming of course that you had a stick) and we just don’t know ho wto get them all In these two or three short paragraphs The problem Is to offend no one and at the same time please For example the Herbert Hoover boosters want us to give everybody the evolutionists plenty of space to the Presidential Inauguration act — changing have warned us that March always does an animal on from lion to lamb the weather prophets expect us to comment Winter’s official exodus on the 21st and now that we look around to mention the store we think It wouldn’t be exactly the new Spring Funlture now on display Which on second look settled the King and Knights Spring Canyon Utah’s Best Coal Alfred Michaelis Coal Yard Lee Isaacson tells us we are late in announcing our Spring items To because he is enjoying summer weather right now j those who " think Lee guilty of a slight exaggeration we hasten to say that he an Estate Heatrols last week and is getting a house full purchased of real June warmth now — 24 hours per day Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of house? Is it “old fashioned”— ugly — out of You with the times or the neighborhood? have it remodeled and improved at small We the materials on estimate Let us canhelp its hand and working it out in your head and by preparing In advance for Its arrival The man who is always hind Is one who gets started late or who waits until the last minute to get ready Seed men all know this that’s sound their warning they why of spring’s approach well in advance It'a a that is always sufficient for the wise And it ought to have some effect on those who haven’t learned the ways of the seed men and the seassotxs Utah Garland Garland-Hot- $1 04 European CLASS HIGH piE sod Up DINNING ROOM — There’s tween and loess a a difference man sugegstions bow to run his whale a offering telling hi CLASSES Repair-in- in Ignition Specializing and Generator Repairing BEST OF SERVICE PRICES SPECIAL Auto Flan REASONABLE PHONE There not Phone 18 General CONNECTION IN never was a pretty gilr who be twice as pretty If she did know that she was pretty —: AUTO REPAIRMAN Rooms hint not : Ler Isaacson el the would your step can cost you OVERLAND LUMBER CO SIGN OF SPRING We have had for the past few days positive Up that spring is on way We get the tip by seeing the annual of seed catalogues In the mail— and there are no better forecasters in the world than the men who sell farm field and garden seeds and the accessories that go along with them To use a little modem slang “It won't be long now” Spring may as in the past several years be a little shy about throwing herself into old King Winter’s lap we may get some pretty blustery days and quite a few more uncomfortable ones But that dosen’t mean that we are going to be entirely bereft of spring The seed know better that's why they ’re sending out their catalogues now Garden planting time U really here and plantIs time ing Just around the coraor Any job is half finished that is plan- edln advance and that bolda true with gardening and spring cleaning the as with everything else You can make it a lot easier when you do fin get at K by setting down before-- j Garland Utah Bell Phone 23 J problem And very satisfactorily Indeed for our complete line of Spring Furniture is sure to please everybody Here you will find everything And last but not least If for the home from attic to cellar you’ve —come never traded here before in you will find our prices and terms always please everybody too a lie Weeds Home Folks March Marches A Out BROUGH & ' weeping the Night ’Round The Town We can remember distinctly way back when the buttons would stay on a garment for at Ie&bl’ six months after you bought It Next to nothing Is as as a woman’s pro-- I much overworked mise that she is going to start dieting in PRICES TO for PRIVATE CICB PARTIES J FOR SERVICE and BELL FHONE SERVICE NIGHT or at PECKS STATION SO of r M FRASER Manager All work guaranteed f |