Show ( ' - u i TIIE GARLAND TIMES GARLAND UTAH “Lucile is the Happiest Girl” X News Notes DINSMORE’S FOLLY So many mothers talk about nowadays giving: theii children fndt Juices as If this werou new By CRITTENDEN As a matter of Diet for over fifty Illustrations by IRWIN MYERS mothers years have been accomplishing WNU Service results fa surpassing anything you eau secure from home yyy dA prepared fruit juices by using pure wholesome California Fig Syrup which is of hers Mr Paul seemed to recogCHAPTER IX— Continued prepared Tinder the most nize her too for he stopped the car —15— exacting laboratory supervision from ripe California Figs suddenly though so fur as I could The reporter? groaned In chorus hlui richest of all fruits In laxative noticed and “No use asking Mr Paul anything" see she had not even course I could not hear what they Of nourishing properties He’s got the explained the nice one It’s marvelous said and I could not see Mr Paul to see how bilious A clam sphinx backed off the map I could him but’ weak feverish sallow is real voluble compared to him If for the car concealed constipated her watched see Miss Laberf and respond to you wouldn't mind asking him and Its gentle with much Iterest their breath then tipping It off to us we'd be aw Miss clears up color flames in their cheeks The conversation was short fully gratpful" then a moment La and they become sturdy’ her listened fot I lauglied The man's Impudence playful enshe tossed her head and came on ergetic A 1 pstern again was Tfreshlng said “I’ll "Well" mother toward the house Mr I’uul'a auto Mrs H J Stoll Valley I Q e! think ahoiit It I’ll have Meanwhile stood still for a while and I could braska to talkAo him first if there’s nothing says: “My little daughter Roma rucile was constipated from' else you want to ask me Ml talk to Imagine him staring after her Then ” he went on I became worried about babyhood him now" heartf a sort of rumbling he her and deeidedfo give her some Then This was a pretty broad hint and saw I’er d California I’ig Syrup hated to give It It stopped her They were all side tne and looked around and Labert Miss kins gluilng towurd constipation and the way it such nice hoys was getting quick But Improved her color ifyd made her pl k scared thrusting his bead In and nut and cuss They were altogether up made me rcallioTioiv nyi down she" r nicer didn't know wlintthey’ m'fghf hud been She Is mF sturdy anfr well make ine say if L kepLou talking now and always In sui li good humor By this time Mr Paul s auto had that neighbors say she's the happiest come up Mr Paul Jumped out of the In the West” girl He car and came up on the porch Like nil good things California Fig nodded In response to the newspaper to Syrup Is imitated hut you can always men's greetings 'and then turned get the genuine by looking for tiia and sahl “Good me and Josephine ' name “California” on the carton morning" Then he turned batk to the new spit jierhfeii "I'l'nipc PtB not he said Is It Love? you gentlemen" Interrupting “Oh no not at all" chorused two Mable — Do yon think Clarice really or were three “We Just going when likes Iiohhy we that Miss Dlnsmore suggested Alice — She doesn’t know yet She's wait and ask you to tell us where going to that famous Vienna psychiaMr Dlnsmore Is” trist to find out Mr Paul shook nls head “I haven’t he defrom him" heard anything Give a peopje enough Idleness and “1 came out here to see clared they will develop feuds had heard Miss Dlnsmore whether l’i a Privilege to Utah NiXfeRion anyjhing" “His proiertles will suiter badly In the stock market today If he doesn’t turn up to support them woD’t they?’ asked one of the reporters don't know" re“I don’t know “Of course we'll Mr Paul sponded miss assistance hut we’ll try to proStill ot tect his holdings for him Von course the situation Is serious all know that It wouldn't do any good for me to deny JL" X Y Z that the “It Is rumored contiol of Mr has already gained Is thut so Mr railroud Dlnsinore's Paul?” “If It Is Mr Paul shook Ids head don’t know It" he replied was there Gazette “The says treui liery among Mr Dlnsmore s sop porters" suggested another reporter confidence In bis “and that some one How about that?" threw him down “Nothing to say" replied Mr jpaul “1 can't deny all the fool starlets you young men Invent” “Ilovv do you explain the lariie sales demanded of X Y Z stock yesterday?” another reporter Mr Baulseetned a little startled “1 hadn't netieed that there were any "I large sales of X Y Z" he said don’tthink there were though i must admit that I ve been more Interested In u milling our own road than In 7 don bothering shout the X the snles can he of nmh suppose Now gentlemen — " lie ' A Sour Stomach In the same time It takes a dose of soda to bring a little temporary relief of gas nnd sour stomach Phillips Milk of Magnesia has acidity com lateand the digestive orgins ly' checked Once you have t led nil tranquilized this form of relief you will cm e to worry about your diet anil experiuuo a new freedom in eating Is t ns Tills' preparation e it whengood fog children too ever coated tongue or ft till lire ith signals need of a sweetener will tell you that every spoonful of Phillips Milk of Magncin mi tralizeS) many time Its volume in m d Get the genuine the name Phillips Is Imitations do not nt the important same PHILLIPS & Milk of Magnesia Salt Lake City Directory HmoXUIM Mitko Free Min KB MTV SAIT to II ooin II home fonrth booth md Mute btreet thla Huh Head jrmir Mur WANTED CREAM II a hlppln tO solved prnhlem to the BROORI lt Wool hr SkwM Tut So dw'd' on (REVSTHY oo when At City 8lt C—wImImwSmvm McCune School of Music and Art Leading Faculty Munir North pf F'SIncrl T' ch r S:hol otln rrtountaln Redon Dancing Itraroati Art Suit Itnh City ft Main CKISMOV ASSAYERS Office Temple Pox bt fumtahed Ml HOI AND CHEMISTS on flborery ft Lake JUil'i reiutst Went 8 I jinft City Utah P O end pricer We TeacirFromBIfect Sheet Music Ccirreapoodence couree oa GUITAR HAWAIIAN InSTEEL tue tlie mure by will be Rirro OF MUSIC UTAH CONSERVATORY SALT LAKE CITY Ct$ Teniplnton Bldg Also local tcnchlrp Write for Information £ Cullen Hotel eonnrd WuMRef Tnal rnrdne Ass't Mgr FrrS J I Meet Your Old Friends Cullen u at the' Cafe! and Cafeteria smr Lake Cr 8 J It W Xnd Vtak CULLEN GARAGE IftOV STORAGE W N u Balt ut 2nd Sn AND SERVICE Lk City No “Nothing to Say" Replied Mr Paul “I Can't Deny All tha Fool Stories You Young Men Invent” cotildn’f bis breath Ing beneatn a word he sahl- - but understand krew It was cuss words It couldn't hove been anvjblng else This gave me something to think atxftiL suddenly remembered that Ati before when Perkins gust day long had glared after Mr Paul and f remembered how he had dived between the plants In thc jmllroom after Ml lahert only the night before Now tie A dim was glaring at both of them suspicion began to shape itself in mi mind s lahert was Perkins lost wife hud been the villi nnd Mr Paul who hud enticed her away certain of It Miss lahert was Mill some away glanced toward her nnd tin a n turned to Mrs James Intending tell her ot my discovery But She bent me to It “Was tliil She seennd a Mr Paul?" she little disturbed “Do said nodded “Why yes" you know hltn?” “He called on me a week or tm ago about a thousand share of sToi owned In the A B P railroad said that your father wanted to m them refused to sell and then to fot mv proxy for use at a nnt Ing that he said was ahont to he held ” dim recollet tlon ot the euniei-- a Fnther tlon between and Mr Pan “Yes' nodd d came Into my mind “That liiiit have been the shares that father asked Mr Paul thluk he said some one had taken them West a good ninny and that unle-- s he gut them ne would lose control of the mm ” Mrs James look'd douhtf tl "Mi Paul dldn t tell me that It was m n nil rliat" she said "I’m d d these taiy lie the shares for paused took the This time the reporters When they him a ml turned sway were out of earshot Mr Paul turned to me nd Josephine torv in the Gazette this “Is ihit correct?" tie in morning quireii nodded “les It's ubout right" I neither that said losephlne “Fvcpt nre quite the noble self sacrinor fair damsels that ficing and altogether red made u out to he" seen your fa “And you haven ther?” “No shook my head haven't — I have " seen hist bnt Josephine trod mi my ftxt again didn't show any temo This (imp that Josiphjne had gathered tlon did not want ne to teW the newspaper had heard Father's voice ui n that und now on the telephone grasped want me to the fact that she dldn eonldri under tell Mr Paul either stand why she didn't want hits to know hut knew that Josephine never without acted pretty good reason turned when she acted at all So the subject quit Uy “We haven seen arid we hnven't seen anyhodv him who could tell ns shout him" 'I said Seen “In fact we haven anylmilv he said m but Fred James he was sure fattier would win Ilia out ” — never n Bobert IIHIIS Stevenon o' Mr Paul limp grunted “Humph to limi “l'v he lookt d at Ids vvitih got to in sympathy with those n Dura atal lie hrouiili Joy hurry hm k to tuvn for the opening a‘fl t?r 'TTTf twvOrg h he mie: 'I ( of the market " lie dd "In all pr'h Pt for’ lilti It dd show consider will tndiy ability an not lie comforted my want to he In and perturbation no Life an reach of It If you near anything of n' he sure to iiietit totally ur siiiialile for your father's whereabouts cliin to Immortality on it n (ilne-iDon’t forgn mtf at once telephone Ilovv can you mim! eh" '' llirlM‘ It nmv This Is pitremely Important Shelley? You wouldn't If you wore affect rnur father's entire fortune cold as He pulled out a card “My telephone It may niv been thl lout bins 'I on this card” he added number to4o cold vvlili h j by fcome “Don't full to call me" into Stevenson s wit twist betrayed "1 won't I took the card he offered anr-t bis I literary blunder the Men forget" said hw cheater Guardian magests Mr Pau'gol Into bis car and started to u As I Marcel Rchcw b"ouglil toward the break In the wall “The” Mater nf Ballinrrae" I Stood watching him till i wo- 'trfinkliite a Stevenson litijd(red him to make man coining along the mat) toward him and of course towaid the house” Variation In the original let Mrs Henry thru! “Dray She was a long way off hut recog The award up to the hilt In the frozen rued her at once as Mis lahert ground’ he wrote "oni of my Incon coul dn t mistake that prancing walk Cold Responsible tit Copyright them from the West Inherited them' from an uncle who died In San Frniielsc a fvyo or 'three 'year ago gave Mr Puufljie proxy" "Thank jmjf evet sptnuch” said "I’m begtriQing fo recollect pretti well now end wanted the shares prel ioidli lie soldiluil with t hat llioiismd share? lie would he all p hout" tliemitie would lie right and all wrong li was ayv fully of g’ood Mis you Put’— glanced tdwilrd ihei who near— ts "hill there s soniwihingj want to tell pet Limes interrupt d von know how woiip n do inteirupt “1 was gid to do it” in sdd p nlw'ts heeti d IUi von father's manage iiient of Pram) what Fred ie Mr told- - Kit rrjlng to take It away was glad to help wanted to ask’ Mr hull it Fiotn your father was a train jtid having ihete might have been some mistake ’” ''No there wiisn t any said “Fether told Mr Paul to get Gif' J!!Ulrt? hliq gmiJI he dilL"0 I' t all right lYiiui to — ” i broke off But It was too lute to tell tny susph loiW for Miss Inbert was almost up'u us Po peffoice I farm'd to gree heT Mrs James und Josephine bud fallen decided not to n little back and reduce them didn't think site wr proper person for Josephine to know -- or me cither for that jnnttcf Sjill In the Interest of—er — In Father's fn terests would risk her “Good morn said ing” t Miss Inbert returned my greeting "Ain't It the xhifh" ph' cheerfully srIiI “l sure Is me gisid moMilng reckon these Dctoher’daya are about How's Mayo the flossiest ifi the year today ?” Mayo Indeed! Almost I flashed out How dared she — how dared at her Perkins’ wife even if she hiidn't dls graced herself— how darPd she coll Grnxtob name?’ f Mr by his given then I shook all over for a minute couldn’t be Jealous pihted down And besides of a creature like her she was a’ Jot older than I was “Mr Braxton baa gone” answered one fiotn him him- ret 'ia - and iL sweetly GoodHeavens '—Where ?” “Gone was evt The woman's consternation dent I answered still “1 don t know” “He went away very early sweetly lie believe The doctor took Idin to did not wake us say good by He left a note for us" "Say Mis lnherl’s face cleared that was a real rotten thing to do" “I with conviction she exclaimed It of Mayo lies always didn't think If However been real gentlemanly the doctors got hint It's all right So long’’ she nodded and turned awav Then abruptly shp glanced hack and “Don't vou worry klddo hurst out she said "lie'll come hack all right Take It from tup!” She turned awav again and this time she did not look b k was com it was Just as well for Scott! Gient flabbergasted pletely Did betray mi self so pi dull as all That? Very nearly fainted with nior till cation me hack vol e hiought Mrs Janie “Who that remark chle to earth person?” she asKid a she and b?c ph ilie came forward flushed Into niy Ivikln Instantly ec hoed Im ts she? ' memory “Who Is she? She calls tierscll Mis laihert hut that Nut her name She Perkins’ runawav wife and slip po‘cj with Mr Paul" re aiti 8 sen to If in (I wanted tieiiititullv sidlon i had succeeded gasped and for om e Prole Josephine out In speec h “Kdie !” she cried In tiorr r sunken tones “Are you sure? Ilow dlu yon llnd ouf? Ioe Perkin know?’ was nhuut to tell the wnole tale “You're when Mrs James Interrupted “ she said positively “Edith wrong knew Mary I'prkitis well and she Isn’t half the size cf 5li- Ldcerl nnd look a hit til her she dccesn (TO DC CONTI VI fer Error of Stevenson’s? nn exiggoraiif n in velvnhie blutider e “tagger lingo' Snv oil1! to thrust It IrTo the ground” Live in N- - UTAH — More than 600 buck deer will have been killed in Utah this year by the close of the season it was estimated recently by J Arthur state fish and frame commi sioner MAGNA — Salt 1 ake county head all counties in the state in number of producing mines tonsof ore treated production of gold copper lead and zinc s third Introduction of silver and leads in value of all mineral st EPHRA1N — Snow ard mud conditions have been responsib'e for the the closing of road connection between Sanpete and Emcfy counties it waa announced recently at the ofTices of the state road commission PROVO — Fruit and vegetable growers of Utah county have had one ’of the best years this eaon in the according to history of the county local agricultural officers and more f rir t end ye'Te’ay °s Jiave been graded and shipped this year tharTeveF’beF' ' fore ’LOGAN' — Farmers of Duchesne to the dairy county are converted huMncss according to WW4 Owens state county agent leaded vho just and Uinjeturned from Duche-ntah counties where he made inves- tigation s Jjftheag fore ’svfecUng a county agent for Duchesne” PRICE —The beet harvest of the Carbon county farm hds is about half completed according to an announcement recently by Orson P Madsen county agricyltural agent The beets this’ season are yielding about higher per arre than in 1927 and the quality is better than in any previous year SALT LAKE — General market tendencies for turkeys at Thanksgiving suggest that prices will be about the rame as last ’year possibly a little lower it was announced lecently by Claude C Edumunds manager of the Utah Poultry Producers Coonerative association Prices paid last Thanksgiving ranged from 38 to 40 cents a pound PROVO — Inspectors of the California department of agriculture have beei instructed to reure admittance to that state of any shipments ot fruit from Utah in which any hay or straw contamination js found according to n letter received recently by Dr F E Stephens Utah state inspector of from A C Fleury superrgricultu’-vising quarant'ne officer for Cali- Are llou Ready i t When your Children Cry for It Baby has little upsets at times AS Totrrrttrerannot prevent thrmB can be prepuretL Then you can do vrlmt — any experienced nurse would do what most physicians would fell you to do— give a few drops of plain Cast aria No reSooner done than Baby Is aoothed lief is Just a matter of moment Yet you have eased your child without uso of a single doubtful drug Castorln Is VeKeiiibter No IPs Safe toTlMO UH Ofteir as an lufant has any II tl a pain you cannot pat away And it’s always ready for the crueler pangs of colic or effective too constipation or dinrrhea for older children million boltlrt were bought last year tW sasimm a’ Won waiting— the tip by Will Cold ' Virtue PRICE — More than 400 hogs on ranch of R L Lisonbee in the section of Carbon county have dim! of cholera recently it waa revealed by Orson P Madsen agricultural director who returned to Price recently from a trip into that region 100 Annroximately noie head are afflicted with the disease according to the agricultural dirfct' requires ” BRIGHAM CITY — In repon-to a re'i from Piesidert 0 P Ba'es of the Tm mnn’m Comm rcial club about f have riven approval of th plan cf Pmrjeri’ sui1’ouitry of r r n‘ on for th THREE RULES Caldwell watched the result of constipation lot 47 year and believed that no matter bow careful people ar of their health diet and exercise coni’ pvt on will occur from time to time Of next importance then is how to treat Caldwell always it whrn it cornea was in favor of getting as clow to nature as posiible hence bis remedy for It is a mild vegetable compound can not harm the most delicate system and is not habit forming The Doctor never did approve of drastic physics and purges He did not belter they were good for human beings to put Use Syrup Pepsin for into their system snd members of the family in yourself constipation bi iousness sour and erampv stomach bad breath no appetite headaches and to break up fevers and colds Get a bottle today at any drugstore and ohsens these three rules of health: Keep the head cool the feet warm the bowels For a freo trial bottle just writs open “Svnip I’epain" Dept BB Monti cello Illinois Dr Ir Salt Lake City Directory Columbian Optical Co Salt W Jean Bap fielug one great Sev to wrhe a — Artificial Eytt Eye Examination broken glass for repair returned rtyne day us your Work Little 22©4e'n 67 Main a result of the v 'a'ler of th la'l week of Octpber trrcr'lirg'to the weekly iropr’port rfpt!y by J Ceil Alter His re- potrnrert meteorologist "Fail plowing and port continues: suear beet and potato doping are well along though hampered in most Fall grains places by iard soils re at a stand- pastures and ranges til! for the wxnt of moisture gen- rally forage being poor as a rule” Lai to Mite Lenses Duplicated Utah -- CALDWELL'S DR Send Credit Given Matters T exercise m my hicdA- r of SALT LAKE — Expense the 8 s'ate in October amounted to Cl according to the monthly reof Walker John treaurer rtae port Th made pul It recently report shows a falance on hand (M!or 1 The itenpts were f J 11 18077 M £1 043477 93 niakin’ a total of cn hand The ba’anee October 31 was $112189717 Tha ra'e of dsraret stamps darli)" the jiiorth was $1222683 I OGAN — Resulfs rf a recent ic aurvry of Utah's apn'e was dDcus-eby W P Thmas the Bluebird before the regular of the Utah meeting monthly crorhonist at recently F’atiin staff Recultural experiment by the cording to an announcement including George program committee 1J ( lyde F B Wann I) Pittman I) E G Carter A Byron Alder and Mr Thoma Iljre’ovne that MOAB — It was stated the s’orrns of the last few weeks have placed the road through Logan canyon in Carhe and Rich counties and the VaLey read in Iron in poor condition! and Kire counties so that they probably a“e closed for one of the wnter Although thep f ir a tim roads may be passable state road officials ere discouraging1 mote ri ts from attempting travel over the upon the crilhs regard Literary liMte l’iMuelin (Molieret as "f the first If not the first en teenth century dramatist uotabi comedy Winter the "Logging” Mode Easier ot logilig tie idll In great pie es ol litnlei ns- sulln ii tit mioW ground iinltl tliere Bv the to "snake’ them to the Water metlfeN must nnaiern lie log are met tle anow drift by in‘ao of a monorail svstetn wldib supports the iurrier wiili Its uirgn a feu feet tve Hie grouml 3 line snd money are saved for the ton cost of tie “I” line Is not grfiL You This fornia Scientific I’y Worry a cold within a men 1L few hours ot contracting Anyone can do It with the aid of a simple com-- cornea in tublct which form and pound no trouble to take or to ’always Don’t "dope" yourhave about you self when you catch cold use Tape’s Cold Men and women Compound on this amazing little everywhere rely tablet— Adv Some Street SALT LAKE CUT r II rr’e Without Bih Itauiue annul Batiuir J n Hr ith day Eoviaii ub Lkitli prdyli All Depot Street Car Pass the Foomt L Houm KEARNS I H DLDC CARACE tn !' sMIFPWKlr RN BrCa to o 15 to it jd Hotel Bom W) I A a cttri ikta fcaanfii fry bjt tfw f r± V |