Show 1 THE GARLAND GARLAND TIMES UTAH Clippings From i 4 The Metropolitan Life The Searchlight easy to own that no family need be without it has made insurance be more useful to1 a of woodwork This five of our prominent girls of The five are the school have decided Maxine Settle Phyllis Holmgren Blanche Wood Gwen Laub and Anita Hess made by Among the articles them are magazine racks bread boards screens and many more useful things They had a very wonderful display of their art at the County Fair which shows they are really interested in All woodwoik learning report that they enjoy it very much Could anything than the art To the WITH WINTER AND THE FASHION SHOW ON ly and regularly But there will no such income unless the husband applies insurance while' he is in good health If his health is good now he should not wait He should find out immediately what the Metropolitan can do for him be for he Sewing Department under the Supervision of Mis Shurtz is making This years fashion rapid progress to be a wow so far promises The first yeqr girls aie sewing on 'I Uttperio year en Representative Farmers Phone J is one of the A Grandfather most desirable pieces of furniture and at you could put in your home the same time is extremely useful as a dependable time-tellA dollar purchase may win it for you Come in and ask for details today J (Successors to Farmers Phone No 43 H Keller) Tremonton Utah the gills on Nov Open an account with us while you have the Money A account will make checking T Richards Market MEATS and GROCERIES Home Quality Merliandisc OUR MEATS AN DGROCERIES THAT ARE THE BEST BE BOUGHT AND WHEN THE QUALITY IS CONSIDERED ALWAYS IN LINE OUR PRICES ARE CAN he Bears added another scalp to list by defeating Flash Niel South Caehe Jamiais Beats Indeed had many breaks were Just It was oroueht before the b' The l they weie alvvav's and watclCilg student body was it ad anti we voted U't the best of their opportunities it satisfactory Th first quuiler was hard fought Why make amendmints every nnlli’r side si tuning to have an to suit special needs and to accomoalth iivli the passing of Bear date paitidulnr peoptc? Why nit liplin'd It the wav we u tumid R'ver stood out voied Pork In he second quaiter the Bears came Regular 2oc per lb be? They ask wlvt is the good of a ba k and it Was to bad for South school constitution if it is etminlly re- CnTi- stiong lb Regular 25c Hamberger In this penod Bush p the Bears vised and anunded? k tp nd who had been pi tying an outLet's get a staunch school constitu Loin 35c lb s’ o "" Regular ga ie per rimer d a bnth tion and always sec our school standC h fumbv back if Bear ards by it Bone Li e Regular 40c tu- put !' cue per lb fop E r tra Rivf itiid Jari ir p ip I it dti life fthc "3 n in tills DELIVER IN THE CITY III ars vv idd sroie b’t S As cj he f ug : buk Mublmrn v h 'cng tiu Tf4— — In'l on the two inch ho? The time! cp'aicr was a npd tun of tljc first with fr !i ti eras doing s me In hi s avriod tuck goid playiig The Ag Club elecedais then and Bear Runplays by rnJ runs by In this wrk fail Wifoox Eouth Cache brou ht n am- thrills year's I onus Kuig vie presriPm’ president The fourth perlxl is Urn mil lug and laid Rlchn K serdarv and one for the Ilears Tuuiit th- - lid on tieasmer Their aim is to tntng the their own thvy vaid h ie they carried stitution which some say ls too strict school ami the faimcs into G "tr con- It the THE CONSTITUTION v length of the field in guxl t an No tact They are meeting wi'h fhglbhty to hold office good straight loolbUl Hie tme w irking AGAIN QUESTIONED concerning decision has yet been reached success and hope to ctitintie success- as It never walked bef ire opened by - Many members of the school take ful during the mmfmdef of the year holes in South Cache's line through Tlie Student Council has had runny the stand that it is not too strict They As fiult of tlietr lalxirs the bovs won which our backfield men all working debates and hot discussions on making Say that last year the Student Council first place for crop and cattle judging like stars would make yaid after yard an amendment for the schools con eylsed it and madjjt what amendments at the county fair They also won prizes — for potato raising BEAR RIVER As a' result of confidence Instilled by these successes they went to the BEATS SOUT HCACHE state fair” and brought back to our 'school second place In cattle Judging At a meeting held some time ago the Ford Jtlchards and George Yoshlda class decided upon blue Fiank Chadaz were the illiisTrous three Sopohomore for their class colors To who composed the cattle Judging group and gold our loyalty and patriotism to the while Jeff Barnard Sidney Sorensen show to wear the school school we are and Milton Andersen displayed their colors red andgoing white in the form of skill at crop Judging banners but to distinguish If we were to sum up th A? Clubs caps and PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST the rest tff the scho-'- we are success in dollars and cents it wou’-- ' us from on the caps and banners the show one hundred dollars In prizes placing 31 the year of our graduation alone Tins ls not however to bo com- figuie At this mectmg we also decided to Nya Remedies pared to the fame It gives to The Bear charge a small class fee of River Ilmh School ' (I’utsto tase (aie of class expenses e tod u a It A Crca rn Keeleys vTiumj a my or sf and LVlow Deal: ' son have — The B pi of ilLspla" ed tlioir know kd re hi In last and one of the Ag work by each raivirr a ton Utter of the Luge-Soda Brigham classis til the htoiy of the sihod pigs the first to bo ra id in Utah Tlcc c’hrs offices elected snmrtnne sgi ere- sold - on the Those pu'S are: Milton And?: vino president R tby line of Also a ember and Tobacco maiket to the Amerhatt pa and Kieth SaunIers lug House for 2 cents higher than tjle secret aiy nrd treasurer quoted price This price is the highest that the American Packin’ h has The class as a whole Is doing its best paid this year at any time to make this school year the bigrest This looks like niomy best in a scholastic social and and more EASTMAN KODAKS and Our time has been taken is replenishing the pockets of hlelic way Ar club members to up so far mostly with our studies but Cupiphmentery the Ag Club boys the Ogden we are looking forward to some good i Packing them Company entertained royally at parties and enjoyable ttmmes including the ChamWr of Commerce house at the annual flag rush wherein the are the Ogden and Sophomores Freshmen Bell 121 Calls J Night In order to ' carry out a tradition chief competitors We sincerely hope established long ago the Ag Club will that good fortune will Yrevail with our give the Ag Club Ball December 24 energlUc class and that the SophoThe general public is invited so all mores can once more carrxaway-th- e ' growl for the Ag Club now victory Sir T jnr v 4 "0 n r Bell B Serve Bank Best Able to Bear River Valley $ 25 t IS EVERYBODY “Oh BFTIXG 111 Take cf It Care I “Utah’s Favorite Perhaps you will Then again you may not In the meantime — FLOUR !( v dealer for it tAen on deposit and Flour Bran Shorts Wheat and Mill Products I can suggest an you that will be onomiial Insurance plan for SEE Tremonton Milling James Company Brough Garland Bell Utah Telephone HIGH 1 Hnoth Pharmacy s' Farmers’ Community Stores Inc GENERAL MERCHANDISE C M PETERSON Manager lee i City fine Candies Agency ior Phone Nol I ’it! ' for Bran Mill Chopping Cleaned I Lots of thinks can happen between now and "toilorFoXvy’Airfs don't ar- rive on schcihilcj Getting I'idak drpwniLib' "JfirtInsur anee protectRiifor homy or bus iness property takes all the worry out of what may happen “tomorrow" Ask fa lr Wheat Elect Class Officers' Phone K G The v i' Club Members i" farther Tremonton Banking Go 20c 20c 30c 30c Sausage per Steaks Steaks Utah go is WE Garland your Money th Meat Specials Saturday all Co Harness & Accessories Tremonton A PEP RALLY An Interesting was held pep rally 2 just before our exciting game wall South Cache The program consisted of a pep talk of by Leroy Bishop a former member ones lit nr River's football squad and now The dresses are chick and comfy thus old man winter and Miss Fashion ptmeipal of the school at Tremonton “Du Nice Lae tie Two readings aie being well taken care of and "Watchin the Spaikins"' were pwii by Miss Bumirishatn JUNIOR CLASS GIVES A slow motion drama under the ( lion of Mr Aiboil was presented FINE PROGRAM Its ens t of characters included A very fine prugiam was given last leriy Wood as "Bear River” Joe as “South Cache’ Rasclla Carter under the by the Junior Class Veryl Henry as "Defeat” Cook president of is "Game" minium me nt of the da s ImensUw readings were Mid Mr A) bon as Father Time remlei d by Lois Walt Alta Hanst n and liubv Itams STUDENTS ENJOY Gladys Moiten1 on gave a violin solo PICTURE SHOWS with latio Anna aecompammentby Mnknsen Men in II sit gave a SaxoInstead of the usual or assembly folo antfIi'me’ahd Ildicl phone of a footmatinee dance in celebration vvoilli rendeied a vocal s4Io ball victory the students on Monday took two hours from their class work a poem to gee the pictme shows at Garland ml Ti emmonton r The upper n generally went to Tremont m and me Freshmen and Eighth graejers the Garland show At Garland saw Corrine Griffith In “The den of Eden " "The of Winning Uubara Worth” was played at Trc-- i utun The student body caid was while purposes Clock classes woolen dresses still more advanced thhd have completed their wooldresses and are working on silk are busy CnCHRISTOPHERSON the wl'h their Presented The school play to be presented this year Is "Under Twenty" by L Wester- velt and John Clements It Is a typical play of young folks and will please any kind of audience There are ten interesting characters Including a dog called “Bozo" The heroine Peeks an ardent movie fan in every circumstance is always wondering what Mary Bickford would do if she was in the same fixThe plot develops Into lively inter-when “Peeks" declares she going to run away and Join the movies It also has an ending to please everyone “Under Twenty" will be read In the near future and Miss Burningham ex petts many to try out for a part show Metropolitan Life Insurance Company-HomOffice — New York Be K have one let us have arranged for advertising fnder Twenty” girl is what is a Local to GIRLS WOODWORK bestjyxection that insurance monthly inc6me The steady regular monthly check will protect her from want from worry and from loss No unfriendly hand no misguided adviser no court of law even can prevent her from receiving it prompt" L CLOCK GRANDFATHER so You can pay for Metropolitan insurance yearly Y ou can get as little as you monthly or weekly wish or as much as you wish For a woman can provide of the famous MAN The manufacturer MINUTE Water NOW IS THE TIME TO GET SOMETHING WARM sN We have a New Line of Blankets Sweaters Blazers Wool Shirts Gloves Underware - - — Call For the whole family and Let OUR PRICES Bell Phone 60 Us Fix ARE You Up — RIGHT i Garland Utah J |