Show ‘fwe ’' ‘j yi THE GARLAND Times The Garland at Garland Utah Thursday County nibished Every Boxelder TIMES UAH GAIU-AN- Readers of the old partfnent how Mr Globe” will remember the Kirkham 'undertook to readjust street lights of Pocatello about four Is a safety first man jears ago Joe Pecks Service Station and Mrs Lewis Lillywhlte had their guests Saturday' Dr and Mrs Richards of Salt Lake and Mrs Y of ’ogden who are W H Barnard iii'ite for a Tiidtor trip through the Mr made for entry as class mail matter Application ROY WAHLEN Publisher Advertising TV Cabriolet ' t D04I7 by 4 - lP©tWA ' PRODUCT GIN OF LTCa MI MOl OH S for a In answer to tint vviJespread all Pontiac Six siv of ulira-sirti with available been made Ixxly types liavc special sjxnt equipment Six wire wleclsi attraetive colors— t wo spares vitlic!ironio- liteJ ci imps oraJIcd m render all are u id tided Well'' — a folding tnmlv ritk — at a sti "lit in iov ' PECK & llloll a PcAMium (' 1 pa t — toe Peiti’orn OiTnen two rctunn'd vs G PRESCRIPTION e months M Guy E R Owen bran nniinger of for the Utah Power ai d IfiTTTt visitor this division was a Garland on Tuesday of tills wuk Alfred and Michavhs Mr and Atrs In Himdiiv afternoon family six ut an New ton with Mrs Miehaells siut-family Mr unci Mis Jrsso Barcr r DRUGGIST LLbt‘ UliTlUR Jionor pJJLUdJi JU of the bride's sister Mr and will leave August Iillywlute York where Mr Lillywhlte hike a course m Business Admin- Mr and Mrs J L Ilarvcy ret min'd Monday ciemis? from a visit to Salt Lake wluue thov passed sevei fil days and relatives as im sts of Mbs Altssa Manning left last Thurs- day for Idaho Ralls Idaho where slm has accepted a position at the Idaho We wish her success Falls Hospital Peterson’s Barber Shop Garland E Manning Alma on Mr to and motored busmes Insist on PEP gas and VICO motor oils for Your AUG” 13th T' R Brigham I r Fix Y on Liberty THEATRE Frid iv and Saturday W II IIF LONDON See the famous Kin at his best unday Keeleys Ice Cream Uji gharn City Soda Water Also a fine line of Candies and Tobacco Agency fur EASTMAN KODAKS and CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS Night Calls 121 'J Corner the cozy corner in your Tiome will be used nook imaginable Let us suggest the necessary items Tuesday Aug KIO GIRL FROM and Wednesday d Thursday Overland Lumber Company Aug “One Board or a Carload” — : Garland Utah Phone 18 Admission Adults 25c Children 10c - Mr and Mrs A I Orover spent hod relaweek hi Salt Lake City visiting tives and friends aslo tninsaetlng some business Mr O rover while m the city lurclusid a fine home In the Cannon Wind rs Ganett aud sail Mr and Mrs J phuiMiie letuini'd Irom uu rstemled trip the lutb'r part of the week at Rupert Burley and Paul Idaho with a and frineihs Tiny very pleasant trip Mr J Bell Phone Nol Cozy have a complete line of building and Hardware materials Paints Varnishes and ICalsonmine Sunday Nyal Remedies Dpi We Aug SLEEPS Tin Tin and Monday A most DESFKT BRIDE Mr and Mrs Lewis entertained at dinner In honor of their son Jesse and his finance Miss Stoker The guc sts huluded the members of the immediate family CAR BERTHA COMPTON call fur appointment Or 3701 Garland TIIE D "Mr and Mrs Wm King and son Logan on Wednesdly combined pleasure GARLAND PHONE' 50 AT MONDAY Up Don’t Run Those Old Tires Buy New Ones and You Can’t Afford To Run Ride in Comfort Those Old Ones at the Present Prices WAVING PERMANENT SI 05 Tires "from"' N M''lll Mrs Albert IVti’vn hid a Sunday Miss Krina Iidd Oallgher of Mal'u Idani id Knoth Pharmacy di‘ and had Mr and Mrs John J Shumway d g lesks Mr and Mrs as their of Pi sum Idaho and W P Shumway Mr and Mis It F Shumway cf Trenton Utah B M he luus been Jeiwn UTAH GARLAND elv from Mss Ffiy Rumfiton of Fanning ion is viMtmeut the lrmie of Fostina t r and this week Mis Lira v ' Station for Goodyear and Firestone tires and tubes Our sales of these havjlmost doubled this year over’ last" Our community like all others tires are demanding more of the manufactured to day s lav in the Logan Tertmle Betty Stoker of Ogden and Jetse married hite of tins city were weekend uiiwiig the ceremyny the young at hei votnV left for O'tden where a Wf A Follow the crowds to our Me !v s GUNDERSON v veiling the Bee Hive Cil of the Garland ward motored the Cry ‘dal Springs where they Supper' a dip in the springs r served afterwards J'bey were d on the tr'p by the presid- L and M A Y war I i'kv of the our teacher Ladies pure at Bolhwrll (M'M Cull at Overland Lumrber Co at GarAlv land fir same ti ifltS Distributors Wilhatm-o- Mary y!IsyUii' Mi 'and Grover was a Miis of Ji'uueju Mi it I' Bertha M is 'pne't loi 'mi on V von Park Tu'dav On I their price 2 Door I tub u Apolication W U Vanfleet and son Clifton Mi were v’sltors in Salt Lake City the forepait of the wiek on business hnii'e cost L ties ultra On no i n r iv of u smart an oi equij mcnl olda odde fix pit"’iJcs tiie jPr as no o'liei advanta trs of Hody f her inherent l' cu :i arid tire p mrin e - iv u i ilJti ill Vie'lilC n ’!' til ( v vccp- w t' tc pi Ice is only V)“ tlouil “buv” iid’ oi Year In Advance on LOCAL NEWS nher HJiltira §iviiMRj fU iLinrt a ftov and available only to buyers cf y- Yellowstone and Manager $2 00 a Rates Subscription second 'as to II Klrklmm Idaho Lulls and family mliv mnt Mr this time M !!KlrkhamWednesdaytint he reports pnsed thru atiii’clay August 11th being or d’fltuib'd Poeatello withoi't direeted to Pe lie o Ilealii'uir'n s to take stoek: m the city stieet ami liJU de- - Poultry Feed Cheaper Eggs Higher New Advance Fall Styles in Men ami Boys Suits You will r' want to he first to new ou tfit of the in a step A one out range of 100 Lbs New Potatoes 5 lbs 100 Lbs Coarse Salt 2 Blocks 13 Packages Corn Flakes Rice 13 Lbs v Salt Rollifts'“pure thread silk-ful- l fashioned ‘Pointex heel hosiery in- - all the new shades at The Clothiers UTAH ami Table Salt — Bet Lbs' BanUTiask:::: 7 13 Packages Jello 2 Lbs Coffee (any brand) 1 Pair COOMBS & PERSSON COMPANY' : Raisns 11 Specials ' $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Tmimnw Packages FriflarantHhtiirday'i GARLAND THE NUMEROUS SPECIALS Can Honey (new or old) Bars CyrstalW hites Soap y kind V T4 Bars Toilet 5 Large Cans Pineapple 10 Cans Corn 10 Cans Tomatoes 10 Cans Peas' 10 Cans String Beans 5 Cans Lange Pork and Beans $25 to $135 Per OP 25 Splendidassorlment of materials and styles in a price l:KV Gallon $ 2 - f !‘22 §lou Tnxr $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 The Store Will Be Full of Bargains e 2 i 7T i |