Show -- “V r THE GARLAND ' DINSMORE'S FOLLY Dv Crittenden Illustrations ' by Marriott Irwla Myen Copyright WNU Servic I SYNOPSIS That her grandfather left her the architectural known aa "Dlnstaor monstrosity esthetic reasons bysFoly’ no means pleasing to Ethel Dlnsmore modern "flapper" She would refute the bequest but her father millionaire head of Consolidated Trust will not allow It Tor CHAPTER I— Continued —2— That war how came to overheuc the conv ernuilon between him unit Mr I’iiuI li didn't make" much Impression od me then hut It was really very Itn J imrtunt aodjo of mj memory to put down here Dud must time looked up as Mr Paul came In for heard him call: “Ilello Paul! Wlint you brings down?” Then Mr Puul unvvered panting like: “Richards has sold us out” Father didn't answer by which I knew that the news wus very tin Dad portant or very unimportant never raises the rbdf except for’ things of medium Importance Mr Paul went on "tils stock added to that of the X Z crowd brings them within fifty votes of us If they can get fifty one more they’ll throw us out of the ARC management neck und crop ” understood this Ttie ABC wus Z father’s pet railroad The X had been trying for years to take It away from him and add It to their Hut Father had always beaten system Now It seemed that one of them off dad’s friends had gone over to the enemy After a while Dad spoke “They can more” he said get "They can't get one more — unless they find the owner of those missing thousand shares" Mr Paul did not seem to underand Father explained stand ‘‘The hooks show that an even thousand ehures are held by a Mr Concord who went West ten years ago" be said “Neither he nor bis stock has been heard of since t never tried very hard to find him for Richards’ stock gave me But If Richards has gone a majority over to the enemy we’ll lime to find Concord was Concord— or tils heirs an old man years ago and he may be Paul Better go to the office dead and get what Information you can and try to run him down” Mr Paul got up “III “Very good” And before g out this way" he said could move he had come out of the French window at tuy back to of course he pretended Then ‘‘Oh good see me and to tie surprised he ex Miss Dlnsmore” morning "1 dldn t see you” claimed I jumped “Why! Good up quickly “I hoped said Mr Paul” morning This I’d see you before yju went” couldn’t but was a fib of course hurt his feelings “Rut I'm afraid I’m wus just not going to see you long had going riding with Mr James’’ caught a glimpse nf Fred coming np and had caught at the the walk chance to esuipe ate Mr Paul looked toward the "Mr James and his face darkened “I don’t eh!” he said qnestlonlngly think know him” “lie's a reporter on the Curette “ “I believe he’s catering explained the city hall and the district attor ney's office and all that you know ” Perhaps you'll meet til rn some day noticed It Mr Paul flushed up et coulcJh’t understand It So hut Pm vesl It down to jealousy (Oh know i conceited minx “He’s having a vacation now and spending It down here with his int t h went oil "Fancy anyone spend er” But he's the here! Ing a vacation in mens wear— except only thing of course — who's been down yourself He's a per for u week of Sundays must go ami But feet life saver bowed You'll excuse me?" dress and started away was not to escape so easily puf It again Mr Pauls face darkened lie got Iri was always"1 darkening “Ikn’f go’ he begged front of me "I never get to really see you (inlcan't stand It any longer and can't do can t sleep work can Pm of vou for thinking any tiling mad about vnu quite nuid You must know It tie said It Just like that It took have' already As hwhv my Meath knew that he was mooning af said hadn’t really realized But ter me It Dever dreamed that tie felt And Mr Paul! as all that so strongly Fnrtv years old a friend of dads Tinning kike a bey Just wit of college me— nineteen me— years over "And It was too prepos old a mere baby blank IT Bfnredafhtratn t mils did ’the worst posThen amazement could have done: sible Thing te rrr I I dido t rLt'in to Insult Of course wouldn't have him or hurt him hurt the poor old thing for a fortune a purethe lesult-owns My laughter the muscle of contortion ly physical and nervousness — due to ' surprise should have apologized of ahem got my breath course ns soon as But Mr Paul gave me no time His Ills eye some more face darkened till they were positivepits contracted stiff his eyes glared from ly cavernous he “You— them dnggerllke really hKseT ft1! He did h! “you" hu be hnrd to M know It ‘Ton same It the all "managed to do laogt at me? By - G— dl My proud beauty j nn rnmr1 — X That’ what h called me: “Mv proud beauty!’' Honest he did Jiwe phlne says oughtn't to put this In the story She says It will make eo am making up thins pie think thnt Instead of telling an absolutely truth ful tale But he reully did say ft Maybe be bed been reading I aura Jean IJhby and maybe he Just went back to elenientHl8 hut say It he did In fact think It was saying It that brought him to ht senses for he hi' bis words off short and gulped onee or t trice Then— “1 beg your said pardon I' he humbly forgot myself for a mo metit was horribly disappointed and — und— You will forgive me will you not Miss Dlnsmore?' Of course said thnt would and hogged Ms pardon for laughing tried to explain about the Involuntary Cl'Ulrm tJor uf the facial muscles su “What Mean Is Has a Poor Man a Right to Ask a Rich Girl to Marry Him?” but he didn’t perlnduced by etc seem much Interested As soon as I had stuttered to an end he said It was all right that he quite understood that no doubt he had been abrupt but —now thnt be had spoken — would do him (he great favor of trying tb familiarize myself with the Idea and would remember that would hI ways find him waiting and so on? It was a very neat Really little earnest and well delivered speech But couldn't forget how he bad looked and acted a moment before Perkins came around the corner ol the building with the horses Just as he finished and Mr Paul bowed and went away before nv could reallj anything worth setting down here wns about to call to Fred when to look at Perkins and happened turn kept on looking He was staring after Mr Paul with hud ever seen on the blackest face a living man He hnd thrust tils bead forward like asnake ahem to strike almost he seemed tn have flattened his forehead “Perkins!” ’Whin are screamed you doing?" l'lien lie drew back Perkins Jumped Ids head and Mrulghtetied up “Nnetti-IngNaethlngl” he grumbled “’an na a man look out of bis e’en gin tie Perkins wn apt to revert to likes?" Scotch when he was his aneestral moved “But you were glaring at Mi luul amazed to resent the too protested "What’s be ever old man’s rudeness done to you?" "I havena MilfTTTes done" onyt h ing more calmly returned Perkins "No but you looked ns If he had You looked frightful Why Perkins! too lie And at Mr Paul Why! couldn’t have done ninthlng to make He's one of the nicest you hute him men know" Per ’Tin no hating him miss!" himself utmost kins had recovered "It’s a braw uillanf tie wholly and most people are liking him par the tlcularly the lassies — particularly It's fair against reason that lassies should he tinring nltn mbs” Just then FmLeameup(he had built been waiting In a summer hou'-'of the Parthenon) In Imitation and When turned to him for an Instant looked hnik Perkins had hitched the cooMkCfcxxoxswcx8XOC8acoxi Many Requisites te TIMES L horse to the rack and wus shuffling So by curl away perforce pushed and mind of ray oslty Into the back ran Into the house to gel Into tny rid Ing clothes window lust Inside the library 1 btfd clean ran Into Dad forgotten that he was there de looked at me wouderlngly— not angrily unr sadly but wonderlngly "So my little girl's reallj grown’ np I' he raid no the fore and he head It took me several seconds to realise had grown up be that Dad thought cause had had a proposal trgo he thought that Mr Paul' was my first If he knew— flood heavens proposal SHld "Yes Father” dutifully Then Dad up ano straightened ”PII liuve to take you into sighed Edith” be Iny calculations hereafter Run snld there! “Bur along and have your ride” He klseed me agalP and turned away CHAPTER II al 'It never ruins but It pours 1" ways used to think that this was a fool began fo change proverb but Mr It very soon after my mind about the be Paul’s proposal for that wn ginning of the chain of events that shook our household and that stirred I don't o good big part of New Yorkc mean that It was the cause of dbem though perhaps It was to some ex But it certainly led up to them tent tmme The second episode followed dintely after the lint When Father told me to run along wanted for a moment hesitated to ark him what he meant by saying lie must take me into hi calculations hut In the end I went without speak reasons for severs) went Ing second First Fred was waiting was over Mr a good deal excited Paul and a little excited over Pet kins and I wasn't at all certain "what and was at" (a the darkey said) third I was pretty sure that Father Father bad a way wouldn't explain of that seemed in things saying scrutable for the moment but that ways turned out in the end to be simple he never explained them leavand some ing It to time to do that time suspected that they were like the sayings of the Delphic oracle — framed so as to be correct whatever hap J don’t know pened though Fatbei was a wise old bird be could foresee the future as accurately as any member of the Prophet’s union that ever In fact for lived— more accurately he was seldom content with prophesyiHe went ahead and helped to ng muke his prophecies come true really believe that In the ten minutes thut elapsed between Mr Paul's step ping out on the porch and my mget Ing Father— It could not have been more than ten minutes— he had seen what Wt9 coming and had mapped out a plan for a campaign to meet It I did not stop o think ot However ran along to my room thut ttien and pu' on my riding togs slowly Had half a mind not to go riding at all But wenl at last chiefly— think of It — chiefly laugh now when did not want to disappoint hecuuee Fro' who bud been very Insistent In uskln me for this ride Joihlne Mid ounlly gone riding with us but on this particular duy she stayed at home on plea of a headache ll was not until long after that learned thut Fred had not asked hei to go Hnd that even my conscientious uter could have a headache to order when she thought It advlwible So Fred and went alone From the all four of us were The two hordes were dune kittlh wns troubled log all over the pluce over Mr Tuulund Fred was nervoio us a cat probably inquiring to lend he hud In nrind up tn the subject m hound to say however that he went up to It like a little nmn as soon us lie got the chance which wa as soon as Gypsy quieted down enough to let him range alongside 'Mtss Hrtirti"-he want m tagan — seemed Lie nk vou something’ hut took GARLAND UTAH Beauty Editor Not on View to Subscribers GII Palin the slogan king— Mr r al In Is the author of the famous POULTRY MTS FEED AND CARE ARE NECESSARY To get good summer egg productjilp It Is necessary to feed and care for hens even More carefully than In thg winter tune lu the opinion of Chnrlek L Keen of the Colorado Agricultural College Poultrymyn are mistaken If they think that Just because they huve good range for' their laying flock they can do away with the tuash and Scrap h feed have shown that best 'Experiments results ure obtained when the suuitlon of laying mash is Increased tele feed tleeretmed during summer months’' says Keen “It Is a pracile lun the hens begin M ct up in production to moisten enough of the line niasli from the feed hep tors to last the hens about twenty minutes eed this at noon each duy This practice will Increase the conmash so sumption of essential for egg production During the winter months more scratch feed Is necessary to keep up body weight “ Ir ide wurmflu In summer heat ls not esoitiul nnJ lf hens to° °"“l1 fattening feed they simply cease “‘Mng and put on weight” By this method the total feed eon sumption will be less Iwhile the birds are on range than when they are confined to their laying houses Production should however remain about the same and will be more economical factors that will help get Other the economical during production summer months and also hold up" the are proper sanitation cafeful profits Naturally culling and management the death loss wrill be higher during the hot weather and all sickly birds should be removed from the flock as ls also Sanitation sooq ns noticed much more of a problem during hot weather but It Is necessary for profits “Trying to force an early molt ls a mistake” according to Keen It has Get all the not beeq found practical eggs you enn while you can he advises and lf you have good birds tha which continue to lay through molt they should be forced to rest before the hatching season opens the fol lowing spring f’d dean Out MlteS and Bedbugs in Henhouse Chicken mites and bedbugs In poultry houses con be cleaned out by a of enrbolineum application thorough painted on the roosts dropping hoards obGas drippings and In the nests tained from around city gas plants has also proven valuable In getting rid of mites according to Iowa State college Miteg do their work at night suckDuring the blood from the pouftry lug" the day they hide awuy In small cracks and crevkcs of the house ln getting rid of nilteslt Is Important that nil equipment he movable so that for and treated It can be denned mites In using either curlmlitioutn or gas It ls Impel font that the drippings for chickens he kept out of the hqu hours as the fumes are likely to chickens’ ey’os and nitty the Injure taint the eggs S Poultry Facts After the fink his been an excellent time to dtp for a culled “Safety First” — said at a dinner party at Pierre's la New York: “The three great modern Industries are the movies the motor car and If beauty making In beauty making branchrs—ln - Ita facial Its vurlous machines and clays and reducing instruments and dear know what— well If beauty making grow much bigger it will forge alieud even of steel yet— “Well a lady went Into the editorial of a magazine the other tlepurtmenr day and Mild: “’I wish to see the beauty' editor p!eae' “An elderly editor looked up at her his copy grave Way “JAre you following our beauty edilid said madiim?’ tor’s advice “T am’ she sitd “ ’lot couTWcitee la ll ” ’Perfect confidence1 “’Then yon don't want to see her said the editor” — Springfield old In u Is Ike t 16 i rY f n from I fs ifv DON’T suffer headaches or tny ot those pains that Bayer Aspirin can end in a hurry Physicians prescribe it and approve its free use for it does not affect the heart Every drug gist has it but don’t fail to ask th$ And don’t taka druggist for Payer any but the box that says Bayer witlj tlie "word genuine printed in red h Union i 1 Submarine Possibilitiea ns we lane been able to asthe greatest depth attained Sb feet by a submarine ls although submarines have been known to reach a depth of -- 300 feet unintentionally We ure Informed by the Navy department thut the length of time ’which As far certain submarine can remain submerged depends upon the equipment which it carries for the purification of the air Normally submarines are so equipped that they iuay remain submerged for hours and operate efficiently— Star Washington a Cof Ceremony - Over Wire A telephone from altar to bedside eLabled a mother at Cardiff Wales to hear her duughter married Because of Illness W Mrs Briiln of Curdlff was unable to attend the ceremony In Llnndaff cathedral so microphones and amplifiers were set up In the cathedral and a special telephone line was run to the bride’s home Mrs Brain heard the whole of the cere- distinctly mony Aviatort Locuttt Rout In a ot destruction campaign against a colony of locusts near the the British Egyptian Sudan border nlr force ls using poison gas with ef feet The young Insects were discovered recently and the aviators are them before trying to extermlnale they become as thick as they did In Egypt during the Urns of Moses and ITiarnoh f Aiplrtn trad mark of Barer Mann factor Monoicotlcooldoitor ef Bstieylleielg th of POISON IVY Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh batto rf Haay for w la SHAMPOO— Balaam Makes th Coniiot lion with rHrkr’fl 4 cent bjjmail or ct hair toft and fluffy fiats iliscoi Uwmicsl Works Pstchogos N FLOR£TON njp RICH MAH'S COBH TTARO'HTFft Only 14 with handle tpinf it prlc Ineverr aim k reaulog tbowlnf Urbweht Vrufress Co Kalins KftoiM picture of fcarreeter Pnrtr omn't r:Tiix-o- jjpixx j Invented In Altenhurg ls to he honored In a special wuy During the International skat congress to be held In e German post office will use us a concellntlcm stamp a replicya of the Jack of spudes— the first time this hu ever been dune United Statet Librariet number of llbtaries In the States Is 8 Ml according to tin tn tide in the Bom on News Buretiu This leading tinaneial newspaper tide also states Hint approximately The Untied 120 to 000(100 volumes are now available patrons of libraries Serious Subjects e' The Lord The Holy Scripture Faith Life to see yon so that "I am so ran rep'iv the 20 francs I owe you " I “Yes had foagotten that you me 20 francs" “I am a fool to remind yon but was riot certain that yon bad forgot ten"— 1’hnrlerol Mmistlque H SWEDENBORG Five Cents Swedenborg Foundation Incorporated M S E n RoomtZM 4l( 8tNw York li30KOOtetKXOC)OOCLJ KODAK R FINISHING Wi employ professional pbotofrrapbere to Nnih vour Kodnk fllmii SHfPLERS COMMERCIAL PHOTOCRAPHER 144 So Mata St Lake Cl t7 Utah < w N U Salt Lak City No Punishment Fqulre— Did you suffer badly from the floods Mr Giles? Mr Giles — think I did should Why I was shut up In tha house with the missus for nearly a week— Vancouver Province Defined Question “What's the the trouble between honsrn n hh an yn’rd tn an "It’s a difficult question to settle Who scrubs the pluzru?" In h EMANUEL Book ol 6U pacMr!rtr prtatfood papcf bound in tuff ubtUatialiy piper covtrt Lodowment tbit book nbir u to rend to ny ddrM without further coot bbatioa on receipt ol only Error I oi Inspiring Unique Cancellation Stamp Fkut notional German card game a Bullets for heavy winter produe tlon must bp well developed vigorous and carry a surplus of body fat 'V “And owed r(UheFhreathles Late nolrmg liens are the living rial notice of it Anyone slum on liens and th y a! nuld be saved from Banger bad a nhf to he brent hie'the uiaiket to he u ed for breeders "Ak awny" “Speech h laughed free ” A little grout 'iiinc ls a good van hut Fred chuckled he didii t to pullets ti it ure lizy about tn he very mirthful "That's Jut the ulant — But also to older bens "Is speech free?' laying necitii" he dec'Wed to must be fresh or It nmv cuum pkndNln't know w bat he wn "Nn't It?” poisoning driving at flrd let him set the pice It ln'L It Dili fret "Sometimes r ri g A suddeu chunge fiom mound the district ittorney s ration to now grains often It wns I could pull off the The-tumbles gestlon and diarrhea scoop I've ever had Butl don't mean tth cv her are frequently confuted What tin an N anything like thnt diseases such as ihcdeiu or a rid has a pomail a right to neck girl to marry him?” a (TO BE CONTINUED eggs usually ae a re ra suit of a lack of mineral in CKooycmHyoCFOoxfoo or shill tlon If you nlnc'e ml r g matt other your bird you dably wll troubled wth soft slo k’ed eggs 7? tTmTT Treasure Ihe nurse T It y and For timidity audacity mh me If a cool Ini' meat trays want if poweis and audacity m on the farm for storing want of skill — Hippocrates a t yin rocuii r the- hetimol-unuer ing Where the Shoe Pinched built after a small structure Nurwai The Strong Man from fashion of a root cebur vvih iumiI was booked rcult on the Orpheumwalls and ceiling ills specialty was breaking (avlnt cm stones with a sledgehammer Tenc-0 the thicks c head It was a wov a I’m as they are old emu rh to Sud oed to say In the old country vide low per he a mcii wviphio denly his bookings were went three weeks old uiJ the h tlmThey put Mm on the e cor to to crowd each ttl O' where be bad to do four e ners of the brooder shows a day then jle dd It for several A good pallet for m n val! iiid bo canceled bis Contract “U iltldch of old engine od u mutter?' you they u J mi tur smnlt amount if wife getting 'headache?” on both u toe Pint diainfoctatL it lri'l that” '"Oh it oc k le the upper and uide r VH theSlrcrg 'Ken ’bit Im 2 r 0 'lev oil nnxture li to tie r! foiieu lube no space will be sealed and G'l'rd'V al" e r P rrt for Career of Medicine Whoever Is to acquire a competent ought to have knowledge a natural the following advantages: a favorable Instruction di'posltion position for thetnjly uiurly iuilhiu First of all a leisure love of labor natural talent ls requlredv Tor when Nature opposes everything else is In vuln hut when" Nature leads the way to what Is most excellent Instruction In the art takes place which the stu to himelf by dent must appropriate reflection early becoming a pupil in Mr Instruction a place well adapted He mut also bring to the task a love so thfit the of labor and perseverance root may bring instruction taking forth proper ahd abTindant fruits to the these tequisdes Possessing study of medicine and having acquired of It thu? a true knowledge esIn traveling through the cities teemed physicians not In name but in But Inexperience Is a bad reality v v J ' The polcjeri rule ls frequently used drawng u line of conduct for' oth- ers “Can you define matrimony?” Vou go to adore you rlDg a belie you give your name to a maid— and then you’re taken In!" or three Two times ths North American kildeer plover has found It way across the Atlantic and has been In discovered Britain aM Gann9!!: t) 1 You cannot expect a “high flash” or quick burning coal to 'last long” Anthracite coal is hard and therefore lasts longer and in this respect UTAH-GRANCOAEr is” verisimilar to it UTAH-GRANCOAL is hard Stores Without Loss lasts longer and is clean It makes no stringy and no clinkers In fact it bums almost like sooty Anthracite but costs no more than ordinary coal UTAH GRAND is a coal for fill purposes where coal can be used Phone your dealer or write us CliESTERFJEl4nCOAL-XOMgAH- H Salt Lake City Utah I f - Shampoo Yourself With Cuticura Soap Anoint the scalp especially spots of dandruff and itching if say Avrth Guticura Ointment Then shampoo with a suds of Cuticura Soup and warm water Kne thoroughly’ 'A healthy scalp usually means good hair" Iv of utcijr Vs 5niiYjn “tgtlCTui Slick 25c J 1 |