Show Pane 12 - Millard I SPS C'ounl Ihurs !eb 28 1985 Accepting PUBLIC NOTICES Public Notice Advertising Protects Your Right to Know Advertisement to bid Notice of Intention to Establish the Sherwood Shores Special Service District er Station Addition Utah l ire Delta Della er Delta City Council Delta Utah will receive Bids for a Combined Contract General Mechanical Electrical and Work for the Delta Eire Station Addition The building is one story in height and has a total area of approximately two thoufeet sand (2 square Bids must be on a Lump Sum basis Bids will be received until 5:00 p m 1985 by the (MDT) on Eriday March City recorder at the Delta City office 200 West 76 North Delta Utah Bids received alter this time will not be accepted Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud by the City Council in the City Council Chambers on March 4 1985 at the Regular City Coun- on March cil Meeting cluding Site Development 1985 RIPIION Ol I’ROPOSI D DISTRICT Ihe proposed district shall have the boundaries: following All ot Sherwood Shores Subdivision according to the ollicial plat thereof recorded in the ollicc of the Millard ounty Recorder on March 29 1965 as entry number 10129 in Interested Bidders are required to attend a briefing at the Delta City offices at 2(X) West 76 North Delta Utah Dl SC Hook 55 Documents may be examined at Bidding olfice of Delta City at 200 West 76 North Bidders may obtain Bidding Documents at the ottice of the Delta City Recorder West 76 North Delta Utah m accord with the the Instructions Page PKOPOSI I) SI R VIC S he Disti ict will he authorized to provide water and or sewer services through the quisition and or construction ol facilities to he located within the District Ml TIIOD Ol INANC'INCi DISTRICT to Bidders upon depositing dollars (2500) for of each set of Documents Project Eunded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Published in the Millard County Chronicle Progress eb 14 21 28 1985 the sum SI RVIC I S I’uisuani to the provisions ol the Utah Special Service District Act UC as amended el seq the District mav ills impose fees and charges to pay lor all or part of the services The provided District mas also annuallv levs taxes upon all taxable properly within the District to services and mav issue provide the proposed bonds lor the acquisition and construction ol facilities or systems to provide said serthat said levy to vices provided however provide said services or to repay said bonds must be authorized and approved by a of the qualified electors of the District at an election held lor that purpose 1C HI ARINCi ON I STABl ISHINCi IH Ol PROPOSI SPLCIAl STRI K E DISTRICT he Commission will hold a public hearon the of the proposed establishing ing '00 a m on Tuesday Disti ict at the 19th day ol March 1985 Any inteiested person mav protest the establishment of the District of said services or the tut rushing therein either orally at the hearing or in writing at or any time prior to the hearing Written protests must be tiled with the County Clerk and may be withdrawn by the protestant at any time before the Commission establishes or abandons the District Any protest signed on behall of a corporation owning property in the proposed District shall be sufficient it is signed by or any the president authorized agent ol the corporation here title to anv property is held in the name ot all ol the persons more than one person must join in the holding title to the property signing ot the protest The ( ommission mav continue Ihe hearMter conclusion ot ing trom time to time the hearing the ommission shall adopt a resolution the District or either establishing determining that the establishment of the District should be abandoned or may in its descretion reduce the boundaries of the proposed District and establish the District by resolution as modified It persons constituting and consisting ot over fit percent ot the qualified voters ot Public notice of invitation to bid: The City ol Della is accepting bids on a personnel vehicle for the Delta City fire for the vehiDepartment The specifications cle are as follows: SPLCTI ICATIONS ON PERSONNEL UHICIE OR TIRE DEPARTMENT 1985 Suburban 4x4 7000 G VW Silverado Equipment 350 CID Engine Automatic Transmission H D Transmission Cooler Axle ratio 373 40 Gal Euel ront Tank Center bench & Power Ssteering Duty Power Heavy Tinted AM seat (6 passenger Brakes Glass Radio actor) Dual Installed Air Conditioning (front) Batteries Gauges Electronic Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Control Alternator Engine Cooling Heavy Duty Shocks Speed Rally Wheels 5 P 235 7R15 Steel Belted Radtals Paint Rear Doors The bids must March the office of the Delta be received 1985 by 5:00 p m at City Recorder Dorothy Idler) The City of Delta has a preferred Bidders Policy is to buy from within Delta bidder (supplier from ty if a non preferred outside Della) is low bid the lowest preferred bidder ot business shall be granted the opportunity to meet the low bid The Delia business has 72 hours to accept these conditions in writing after notification Delta City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or proposals ritten proposals should he addressed to: Dorothy letfery Cits Recorder '6 North 200 West which the assessed value ot the taxable included within the proposed serproperiv men protests within vice district tile teen davs alter the conclusion of the hear- P O Box 397 Utah Published Progress Delta ot the special the establishment ing against service district or against the specified type or tvpes ot extended service within the ser- 84624 Millard ( in the eh ounly A 28 1985 21 14 vice The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale on the front steps of FillMillard County Courthouse more Utah on March 27 1985 at the hour ot 1130 am of said day: lor the purpose of foreclosing a trust deed executed by Buford L Gregory and Elizabeth Gregory as Trustors in favor of First Security Bank of Utah NA as Beneficiary covering real property located at 166 North 300 Fillmore Utah and more West particularly described as follows: The South half of Lots 5 and 6 Block 78 Plat “A” Fillmore City Survey Dated this 2lst day of February 1985 BACKMAN TITLE COMPANY Successor Trustee By: zs David B Boyce Vice President in the Millard Published County Chronicle Progress Feb 28 Mar 7 14 1985 Notice to water users following application has been filed ihe Stale I ngmeer to change water in ( ounly throughout the entire year The with Millard otherwise designated unless ovations in SI BAM 256' (a 3402) Raymond Cordell P O '94 Della UT proposes to change the and nature of use place point of diversion of 45 ac It of water as evidenced by See ppl No 68 2867 (a!2801j) The water has well 910 ft been diverted from a L ft ft 154 10 a from at deep point ihe SW Sec 29 TI'S R6W and or for the irrigato Nov from March 4 4SW tion of 0 46 acres within the SW 4 NI Sec 29 4NLI 4 SI 4NL 68 Box S 4SW Sec 31 SWI 4 4 NE1 4NE 4 SE SE 4NI 4 Hereafter trom diverted 45 ac a 4SE 4 4NW 4 three TI'S all Sec SW 4 4NWI 32 4 SI 4SL1 SW1 NWI Sec 4NI 6 4 TI8S ft of R6W 4 4SI R6W water is to be ft deep well from the point NI 4 ( or Sec 32 TI'S R6W and used for the domestic use of one familv and from April to Oct 31 for the irrigation 4 of 0 25 acre within ihe NEI 4NW S 660 ft at a T17S W 915 ft R6W resisting the granting of this with reasons theretorc must he duplicate with the State ngmeer I6'6 Salt lake (its I T North Temple on or before March 30 1985 84116 Dee C P R ST ATE ENGIM Published in ihe Millard ouniv Protects ed in Progrrs- eb 21 A 28 300 gallon Alternator-HeaDuty Installed Installed Cigarette Installed Cargo Tires-- 5 each 23575R-1All Season Steel Belted Radial Shock Duty Front and Rear Stabilizer Package 5100 GVW Minimum Duty Cooling ar Step (Luverne) Delta City Public Works Specifications Cab and Chasis for a Wheel Base Approximately 1985 Model Inch Engine— 350 Cubic Minimum Gasoline 10000 lb GVW Standard Alternator-HeaDuty Duty t Low Mount er er Rear 3 each 750 X 16 8 PR "D" Highway 4 each 750 X 16 8PR "D" Mud and Snow Duty Overload Installed Ciagarette Installed Duty Delta City Public Works Specifications for a Flexible Sewer Drum Cleaning Machine Drum Capacity 58 Cable Minimum) Motor 13 HP 1725 Reversible Q1 60 HZ AC Auto Overload Clutch - Set To Prevent Kinking of Cable Pneumatic Toot Actuator Weatherproof Wheel Mounted With Handle For Maneuverability Accessories: Rod Repair Kit (2) Retrieving Auger (!) 2" Cutter 3" Cutter 58 Cable (If Not Included With Base Machine Price) Delta City Public Works Specifications for a Vibratory Roller Engine Air Cooled 2 Diesel 3 Four Cycle 4 Thirteen Horsepower 5 Fuel Capacity Tircs-- m Below Eve line Minors Halogen Headlights Cigarette Lighter Interior Lights ol district the Commission shall in the former instance abandon the proposed establishment ot the special service district and in the lanestance eliminate those pc's ol services obtested to trom the resolution tinallv establishing the service district of the Board of Count men by order Commissioners ot Millard Counts Utah this 19th dav ot lebruarv 19ns IUHII SIM R hairman M R Attest Hit M R Millard ouniv lc"k Published in ihe Millard ouniv 28 March " 1988 Progress eb NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Wheelbase seating) the territory to be included within pioposed the service district or the owners of over fitly percent 125" 1988 HP Air Cooled 4 Cycle 12V electric start Alternator battery fully enclosed weatherproof shroud driving a 23 GPM hydraulic pump with individual circuits for spinner and conveyer minimum 2 gal gas tank 20 gal hydraulic reservoir remote in cab controls (ignition start ammeter startstop conveyer startstop spinner throttle control - electric) Feedgate: Screw jack type w ith handle on driver’s side Mounting: Dump body mounting Delta City Public Works Specifications for a Chemical Sprayer The NOTICE IS Ml RLUY GI3EN that on cbruirv 19 1985 Ihe Board of Count) Commissioners ol Millard Count) Utah adopted a resolution declaring that the and neeessit) public health convenience quire the establishment of a special service district m the count) to be called the Sherwood Shores Special Service District for the water and sewer serpurpose ot providing vices within the boundaries of the district Said resolution also provides for a public ol the District healing on the establishment Millard Count) Commission al the lumbers in illmorc Utah at 1100 a til 19 bids Delta City is accepting bids on the following pieces of equipment: Della City Public Works Specifications for a Heavy Duty Vi Ton Long Wheel Truck Base Styleside 260 - 300 CID Gasoline Standard Low l Mount ay Overall Length: 85 Inches 2 Overall Width: 42 Inches 3 Overall 66 Inches Height: (Maximum) 4 Drum Diameter: 235 Inches 5 Wheelbase: 59 Inches 6 Drum Width: 285 Inches Operating Data Blows per Minute: 3000 2 Climbing Ability: 17 Degrees 3 Sprinkler System Capacity: 40 Gallons 4 Operating Weight: 3000 Pounds (Minimum) 5 Direct Drum Drive (No Chains) 6 Front Drum Steering with Oscillation 7 Hydrostatic Drive Delta City Public Works Specifications for an Salt and Sand Spreader 17 Hopper Capacities: Minimum ExtenYd' Maximum (With sion) 35 Yd'3 Weight: Approximately 650 Pounds Hopper Width (Inside): 54 Inches Hopper Length (Inside): 96 Inches Hopper Side Angle: 45° Oserall Body Length: 113 Inches Overall Height (Excluding Chute)' 31 Inches Sptnner Diameter: 12 Inches Conveyer Width: 14 Inches Engine: Minimum 8 HP Air Cooled I lectric Start Alternator Battery I ullv Enclosed Weatherproof Housing Remote Cab Control Starter Ignition Ammeter Clutch Side Extensions Steele Construction Single Delta City Public Works Specifications for a Salt and Sand Spreader Hopper Capacities: Struck 54 3d' Hopper Width: 7 Foot Hopper Length (Inside): 10 feet Overall Body Ienth: 12 loot Maximum Oxerall Height (Excluding Chute) Approximately 50 Inches Weight: Approximately 2000 Pounds Body: 10 ga sides 10 ga silK 7 ga steel floor bolted in Side slope 45 oxerall height 50” Body supported on 3" structural steel channels hopper reinforced with 12 ga side supports Conxeyor: 24" wide All steel rex tied X 1" side bars roller chain Drive and idler 8 tooth sprockets cast iron Drive and idler shafts diameter Bored with grease fittings for lubrication Cross flights 3 8" X spaced on approx 4':" centers with chain oilers C hain Shields: Replaceable bolt in Conxeyor Gearcaxe Oil tight case with breather and oil lex el plugs Ratio - 50 Deflectors: Manually adjustable lour Spread Adjustment Control section adjustable external baffles Distributor Disc: 20" diameter with removable steel fan blades 17 Engine Hydraulics- Minimum Po- or Glass ly 42 approximately foot overall HP air cooled 4 cycle capable of 75 GPM at 70 PSI 50 GPM at 40 PSI Mounted on Skid One Hand Gun with Hose The bids must be received by March 8 1985 by 5:00 pm at the office of the Delta City Recorder Dorothy Jeffery The City of Delta has a preferred Bidders Policy which is to buy from within Delta City If a bidder (supplier from outside Delta) is low bid the lowest preferred bidder of Delta business shall be granted the opportunity to meet the low bid The Delta business has 72 hours to accept these conditions in writing after notification Della City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or proposals Written proposals should he addressed to: Dorothy Jeffery City Recorder 76 North 200 West PO Box 397 Delta Utah 84624 Published in the Millard Progress Feb 21 28 and March 7 1985 5 Notice to water users The following application(s) have been the State Engineer to appropriate ed with in Millard water ure year tions in County throughout otherwise designated unless the Loca- SLB&M (A60604) APPLICANT: RR 2 PO Delta UT Michael Staheli Reece Box 299 QUANTITY: 0015 CFS SOURCE: 6 in well 200 ft to 300 ft deep OF POINT(S) (1) N DIVERSION: E 1320 ft 1320 ft from SW Cor of Hinckley) PURPOSE AND PERIOD OF USE: Domestic: family Stockwatering: 25 head of livestock Irrigation: From Apr to Oct 31 total 025 acs acreage PLACE OF USE: SE'4 Sec 28 TI7S R7W 28 Sec R7W T17S (I Mi N Amended Notice Sheriff's Sale Real Property THE IEDERAL LAND BANK OF SACRAMENTO Plaintiff 80 rods South 84116 on or before April 13 1985 Hansen PE STATE ENGINEER Millard County Chronicle 28 March 7 & 14 1985 Dee C Published Progress I in the eb PUBLIC HEARING public hearing will be held on March 12 1985 at the Tuesday hour of 1:30 pm in the Commission Chambers of the Millard County Courthouse purpose of this hearing will be: Amend Zoning Ordinance to allow a mobile home as night watchman quarters in the highway commercial zone 2 Zone change for a sliver of land located South Holden at the on to allow a Interchange billboard Said hearing is open to the public for comment Marlene Whicker Millard County Clerk Published in the Millard County Chronicle Progress Feb 14 21 28 & March 7 1985 A Citizens of Hinckley 28 to license your a $10 00 late fee ou have until February then will be dogs charged in addmon to the license fee Our office is am Monday Tuesday and open 9 ednevdav Be 6 dog licensing animal LNIORC ll regulations Any have months of age must be licensed ONLY two dogs before under strict Kennel regulations falling Please license call for details 100 trol we will be they Dog over 4 ou may must that advised dinances and covering this situation Dogs running al large All dogs rroperlv contained and under conall times Failure to do so will result up and fine by our animal control he at in pick officer All dogs must be vaccinated for Rabies TX O years proof must be show n at every time of licensing All ihis control your prelection and be consideraic and e do not have to be so about enforcing our Ordinances unpleasant Town ( ouncil Hinckley Published hrom in the Millard ounty sic Progress eb 7 14 21 28 19x5 your neighbors the rules follow is for Please The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder pay able in lawful money of the United States of sale at the front steps of the Millard County Courthouse Fillmore Millard Utah on March 19 1985 at 2:00 pm of said day for the purpose of foreclosing a trust deed executed by John Dean Adams and Ha Adams husband and wife as T rust or and Federal Land Bank of Sacramento a corporation as Beneficiary and filed for 1981 dated November 10 1981 Entry No record on December Book 158 Pages in the office 41301 of the Millard County Recorder covering property and water stock more particularly at the time 150 feet to the thence of beginning PARCEL 2: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 8 Township 23 South Range 19 West Salt Lake thence North 80 Base and Meridian rods thence East 80 rods thence South 80 rods thence West 80 rods to the point of beginning PARCEL 3: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of 23 South Section 16 Township described point Salt Lake Base and Range 19 West Meridian thence East 67 rods North 160 rods thence West thence South 160 rods to the of beginning of PARCLI 4: The West the Northeast Quarter of Section 67 rods point 23 South Range 19 West Township Salt lake Base and Meridian The Northwest North of and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast 17 23 Section of Township Quarter South Range 19 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian EXCEPTING THEREFROM: All coal and other minerals 150 feet PARCEL 6: Beginning South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Township 23 South Range 19 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian thence Noran thwesterly existing fence along 2910 feet more or less to a point 262 feet more or less South of the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 18 thence North 262 feet more or less to the Northwest corner of the Southeast PARCLI Quarter and the the Southwest Quarter 5: East 2640 feet thence Quarter or less more corner of the Quarter thence South more or less to the point to the Northeast Southeast beginning EXCEPTING THERE! ROM Gas and other Minerals PARC! L 7: The West the Southeast Quarter of Section All beginning Excepting therefrom that portion the boundaries of the county road PARCEL 3: Beginning 485 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 6 Township 17 South Range 7 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian thence South 2417 feet thence West 2087 feet thence North 2417 feet thence East 2087 feet to the point of within beginning Excepting therefrom that portion the boundaries of the county within road Township Salt Lake Range 675 rods thence South 160 thence West 675 rods to the of beginning 2 rods PARCEL 8 Beginning North of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section East rods point 21 South Range 19 West Base and Meridian thence 417 feet North thence West 417 feet South 417 feet thence East to the point of beginning PARCEL 9: The Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the South of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest of Quarter and the West the Northwest Quarter of the and the Southeast Quarter Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of 22 South Range Section Township 20 West Salt Lake Base and thence 417 feet Meridian PARCEL 10: The Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18 Township 23 Souih Range 19 West Meridian Salt Lake Base and 874 acres more or less TOGETHER WITH the following enumerated components of the Containing sprinkler the land irrigation located system on which are the mortgagors to be tures part of the real property encumbered by this mortgage: deemed by and a One 14 mile mechanical sprinkler 2 Two wheel roll line with movers heads 1100 wnh Wade connectors and roll lines connectors foot wheel heads sprinkler and all olher sprinkler irrigation now located on the above land and all replacement parts additional equipment which for irrigamay hereafter he acquired land tion of the subject TOGETHER WITH the right to use underground water from one well Uxated on the land as evidenced hy Certificate of No 10157 propriation ALSO TOCiLTHER WITH the in the right to divert water flowing Snake Creek for irrigation of the equipment described or above described Certificate land av evidenced hv of Appropriation of and together with the right to divert 16 of the total flow of water from Snake Creek for irrigation of the above described land as evidenced by Certificate of Appropriation of aier No 1329 all of the aforesaid certificates being on file with the State Engineer Also 1000 shares of Second Big Springs Irrigation Company stock Purchase price pavahlc in lawful monev of the I nilcd States of America ED Water No 73B Progress 28 Feb Chroni- County & March 7 1985 Notice of Trustee’s Sale On April 2 1985 at 10:00 am at the door of the Millard County Courthouse Fillmore Utah KIMBALL C ACT Slate Director of the Farmers Home Administration for the State of Utah as Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all payable at the time of sale the following real property located in Millard described County: 75 feet South of the Beginning Northeast corner of Lot 8 Block 76 thence Plat A Fillmore City Survey feet 29 thence West 183 feet South thence North 104 feet thence East 6 feet thence South 49 feet thence East 80 feet thence South foot thence East 67 feet thence Southeasterly to the point of beginning The sale will be made without convenant or warranty regarding title possession encumbrance to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in that certain deed of trust LABRUM executed by REBECCA H GRANTOR to United Stales of America acting through the Farmers Home AdStates United ministration Department of Agriculture and his successors in office as Trustee for the benefit and security of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA the named 21 dated November Beneficiary 1980 and recorded November 1980 as Entry No 35160 in Book 147 page Official Records of Millard County Utah or of Default Notice real and Election property was recorded on July 2 1984 in Records to Sell said in said Book Official page 182 558 is subject property described to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the purchaser will be required to sign EmHA Form “Nondiscrimination Agreement" if the purchaser intends to use the property for its original or similar purposes Dated this 5th day of February 1985 KIMBALL C HARWARD Acting Slate Director of Farmers Home Adminstration for the State of Utah Trustee The Rain Movers and cle and at the Northwest corner of beginning the Southeast Quarter of said Section 31 thence North 160 rods thence Township Salt Lake Deseret 19 West and Meridian Base in the Millard Published of with 67 shares Together rigation Company stock sale is without warranty as to title or encumbrances possession DATED this 8th day of February 1985 Wayne G Petty Successor Trustee 600 Deseret Plaza Utah 84111 Salt Lake City Telephone: (801) The Oil 21 South as: PARCEL I: Beginning at the NorSection 6 corner of Lot Township 17 South Range 7 West thence Salt Lake Base and Meridian West 485 feet thence South 2417 feet thence West 4174 feet thence North 2417 feet thence West 7246 feet more or less to Abraham Canal thence Southeasterly along said canal 2805 feet more or less thence East 434 feet more or less thence North 2572 feet more or less to the point of beginning therefrom that portion Excepting within the boundaries of the Millard and the County Road Abraham Canal PARCEL 2: Beginning 6937 feet West of the Northeast corner of tion 6 Township 17 South Range 7 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian thence South 2417 feet thence West 2087 feet thence North 2417 feet thence East 2087 feet to the point of theast thence 1470 feet with reasons therefore must be plications ed in dupheatewith the State Engineer 1636 West North Temple Salt Lake City Utah Notice of trusitee’s sale HEELER LAND AND LIVESTOCK a partnership et al Defendant To be sold at Sheriffs Sale at Millard County Courthouse Fillmore in the County of Millard State of Utah on the Ith day of March 1985 at the hour of 12:00 pm of said day all right title and interest of said in and to the following described Defendants real property to wit: PARCEL I: The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of 23 South Range Section 8 Township Salt Lake Base and Meri19 West at the Southeast dian and beginning corner of Section 2 thence North 80 rods thence West 1150 feet thence of (A60634) APPLICANT: J Thurman North 460 East Provo UT QUANTITY: 0015 CIS SOURCE: 6 in well 100 ft to 650 ft deep POINT(S) OF DIVERSION: from NE Cor (1) S 430 ft W 640 ft Sec T17S R4W mile south of Oak City) PURPOSE AND PERIOD OF USE: Domestic: family Stockwatering: 20 head of livestock total Irrigation: From Apr to Oct acreage 025 acs PLACE OF USE: Sec 7 TI7S R4W NE'NE1 Protests resisting the granting of these PHILLIPS Sheriff of Millard County State of Utah DATED at Fillmore this 1th day of February 1985 ED PHILLIPS Millard County Sheriff Wayne G Petty Attorney at Law Published in the Millard County Chronicle Progress Feb 21 28 and March 7 1985 Order of Sale Civil No 7649 herein Published in the Millard Progress Teh 28 County 7 A 14 March 1985 Notice Notice is hereby lhai given Delia City will bids on its general insurance conaccept for insurance contracts tracts Specifications can be obtained from the Della City Recorder's office between 9 00 a m and 00 p m on business days Bids must be submitted at the Delta ity Recorder's office located at in the Delta '6 North will Meeting on Published cle Municipal Building 3est Delta Utah before 1985 Bids March Regular City Council 4 1985 March Monday 200 p m on I riday be opened at Progress in the Millard eh 14 21 County ChroniA 28 1985 |