Show Ml aside even the pretense of legal right Aa a and declared blmielf dictator consequence a condition of affalra now exlate In Mexico which haa made moat the een It doubtful whether CRUMPLIIIG elementary and fundamental rlghta either of her own people or of the citizens of other countries resident within her territory can long be sucNo Peace in Mexico Until Dicta which and cessfully safeguarded to imthreatens If long continued tor Is Eliminated Says peril the interests of peace order and President’s Message tolerable life In the lands immediately to the south of us Even If the usurper had succeeded In his purposes MONEY BILL HELPS FARMER In despite of the constitution of the republic and the rights of Its people be would have set up nothing but a precarious and hateful power which Need of Legislation That Will could have lasted but a little while of Capital for l downfall would and whose eventful Getting Choose have left the country In a more dePurpose — Would Presidential Candidates by Primary plorable condition than ever But he ' —Declares Himself for succeeded has has forfeited not He Philippine Let Anti- the respect and the moral support Independence—Should even of those who were at one time Trust Law 8tand willing to see him succeed Little by little he has been completely isolated Washington Dec 2— President Wil- By a little every day his power and son appeared before the joint session aTe crumbling and the colof the two houses of congress today prestige not far Is away We shall not and delivered his annual message as lapse 1 believe be obliged to alter our polfollows: And then icy of watchful waiting In pursuance of my constitutional when the end comeB we shall hope to duty to "give to the congress informasee constitutional order restored in tion of the state of the Union" I take distressed Mexico and concert by the the liberty of addressing you on sevenergy of such of her leaders as preeral matters which ought as It seems fer the liberty of their people to their to me particularly to engage the at- own ambitions tention of your honorable bodies as Bill Rush Currency of all who study the welfare of the HUERTA’S POM FAST nation Departs ' ' From Custom I shall ask your Indulgence if I venture to depart In some degree from the usual custom of setting before you In formal review the many matters which have engaged the attention and called for the action of the several departments of the government or which look to them for early treatment in the future because the llBt Is long very long and would suffer In the abbreviation to which I should have to subject it I shall submit to you the reports of the heads of the several departments In which these subjects are set forth In careful detail and beg that they may receive the attention of your committhoughtful tees and of all members of the congress who may have the leisure to study them Their obvious importance as constituting the very substance of the business of the government makes comment and emphasis on my part unnecessary The country I am 'thankful to say Is at peace with all the world and many happy manifestations multiply about us of a growing cordiality and sense of community of Interest among the nations foreshadowing an age of settled peace and good will More and more readily each decade do the nations manifest their willingness to bind themselves by solemn treaty Jo - tee i‘ flflsSbea-p- f peab the processes of frankness and fair concession So far the United States has stood at the front of such negotiations She will I earnestly hope and confidently believe give fresh proof of her sincere adherence to the cause of international friendship by ratifying the several treaties of arbitration awaiting renewal by the senate In addition to these it has been the privilege of the department of state to gain the assent In principle of no less than 31 nations of representing the population of the world to the negotiations of treaties by which It shall be agreed that whenever differences of Interest or of policy arise which cannot be resolved by the ordinary ' processes of diplomacy they shall be and republicly analyzed discussed ported updffi by a tribunal chosen by the parties before either nation determines its course of action There is only one possible standard by which to determine controversies between the United States and other nations and that Is compounded of these two elements: Our own honor and our obligations to the peace of A test so compounded the world ought easily to be made to govern both the establishment of new treaty obliof those gations and the Interpretation already assumed Mexico Has No Government There is but one cloud upon our horizon That has shown itself to the south of us and hangs over Mexico There can be no certain prospect of peace In America until General Huerta has surrendered his UBurged authority In Mexico until It Is understood on all hands indeed that such pretended governments will not be countenanced or dealt with by the government of the We United States are the friends of constitutional government we are more In America than its friendB we are its champions because in no other way can our neighbors to whom we would wish in every way to make proof of our friendship work out their own development in peace and liberty Mexico has no government The attempt to maintain one at the City of Mexico has broken down and a mere military despotism has been set up which has hardly more than the semblance of national authorIt originated In the usurpation ity of Vtctorlano Huerta who after a brief attempt to play the part of constitutional president has at last cast THE SAUNA CALL SALINA UTAH 17 and saslly available and eommand when he will the capital by whioh to We support and expand his business lag behind many other great countries of the modem world In attempting to do this Systems of rural credit have been studied and developed on the other side of the water while we left our farmers to ehift for themselves In You market the ordinary money have but to look about you In any rural djstrict to see Che result the handicap and embarrassment which have been put upon those who produce our food and Conscious of this backwardness neglect on our part the congress reauthorized the creation of a cently varito commission the study special ous systems of rural credit which have been put Into operation In EurIs already ope and this commission Its report ought prepared to report to make It easier for us to determine what methods will be best suited to our own farmers I hope and believe that the committees of the senate and house will address themselv to this matter with the most fruitful results and I believe that the studies and recently formed plans of the department of agriculture may be made to serve them very greatly In their work of framing appropriate and adequate Jt would be Indiscreet legislation in anyone to dogand presumptuous matize upon so great and a question but I feel confident that common counsel will produce the results we must all desire turn erous Justice toward the people of Porto Rico by giving them the ample and familiar rights and privileges accorded our own citizens in our own territory and our obligations toward the people of Hawaii by perfecting the provisions of already granted them but in the Philippines we must go further We must hold indesteadily In view their ultimate pendence and we must move toward ae tbe time of that Independence steadily as the way can he cleared aud the foundations and thoughtfully permanently laid the authority conActing under ferred upon the president by congress I have already accorded the people of the islands a majority in both houses of their legislative body by appointing five Instead of four native citizens to the membership of tbe commission I believe that In this way we shall make proof of their capacity In counsel and their sense of the responsibility In the exercise of political power and that the success of this step will be sure to clear our view for tbe steps which are to follow Step by step we should extend and perfect the system of In the islands making test of them and modifying them as experience discloses their successes and their failures that ws should more and more put' under the control of the native citizens of the archipelago the essential instruments of their life their local Instrumentalities of government their schools all the common interests of their communities and so by counsel and experience set up a government which all the world will see to be suitable to a people whose affairs are under their own control XSS8XSiX8X3SX!SX8XSSXS!XS!XSSXS2X$ ceive nine thousand No wonder and five seven Jones hundreq was symj pathetic! “TWs old wretch!” said Marjorlq MUNSON By GEORGE to me as we talked the situation over The news of Uncle Will’s death was that night “What are you going to shock to me I read It in the do about Oliver?” He was among the morning papers “Why I— I’m going to marry you killed In the accident on the Pacific of course Marjorie” I answered Mar’ "And leave me?” questioned railway The train had left the tracks while traveling along jorie quickly anthe bank of the Juby river In Colo"Not on Uncle Will’s life" rado and five cars had plunged be- swered "Marjy dear let’s get mar neath the swirling torrent There ried anyway and we’ll let the will was no possibility of rescuing any- stand for our part and turn tbe taone the death of all the occupants bles on Jones” had been Immediate It was bard to sacrifice the nine Uncle Will must have had a prethousand odd that would have come sentiment of his death because an to ue hut we felt that after the way hour before leaving his office on the the old wretch had behaved we didn't way west where he had to attend a want to touch a penny of hit money on some one of those naconference “Let’s get married next v eek” I tional movements in which he was said He had dictated always Interested "All right" said Marjorie Miss a new will to his stenographer suit ypu?" 1 "How would Monday Clarke Miss Clarke had typewritten continued It and two of the clerks had witnessed “All— all right Oliver dear” she his signature answered The relatives were summoned to You know And Monday It was meet at the house of Mr Brewster however much a man may love a the family lawyer Brewster smiled girl forty thousand looks dollars when he saw me and Marjorie enter large and while I knew I wouldn’t “I wish you luck my dear fellow" yield 1 wanted to get our honeymoon he whispered before the formalities started so that the legacy could he began Irretrievably lost And when we came I had always been a prime favorite out of the church together man and of Uncle Will He bad left me a good wife with Mr Brewster and Miss died round sum I was sure If he had Clarke emillng at us and wishing us the year before I should not have luck I felt that I didn’t care a snap been so sure because he was deeply for Uncle Will’s legacy mortified when Anne Claridge and I And Uncle Will met ue at the broke our engagement It was Anne church door and he was more agiwho wanted to be free but of course tated than I had ever seen him in his Uncle Will in his way life had thought I was to blame He had "It’s all a mistake Oliver” he Even shouted "I wasn’t in those cars always been fond of Anne after Anne married Jim Thornton a had gone back to the observation car — month later which ought to have It was another man they thought was shown Uncle Will where the blame I I— I—" I couldn't help congratulating him lay — he was suspicious of me “A man who breaks an engagement but my face was as sour as Mr Brewto a girl wants a lot of justification” ster’s even If I bad juBt got marme to said he ried I couldn’t persuade him that I had “What’s the matter Oliver?” he wanted to marry Anne I believe he cried "You’re not sorry your old cut me out of hla will about then uncle’s alive and cheated you out of However after I had discovered that your legacy for a year or two are Marjorie was the only girl I could you?” ever love and had Introduced her to “Uncle Will” I answered "did you Uncle Will I got back Into his good suppose I would touch a penny of graces He was still a little dubious your rotten money? Not even If I could have got it by breaking the a great it to matters of domestic conStop Private Monopoly You already have under conTurn from the farm to the world f sideration a bill for the reform of our business which centers in the city and for system of banking and currency In the factory and I think that all which the country waits with Impatithoughtful observers will agree that Territorial Rights for Alaska ence as for something fundamental the Immediate service we owe the A duty faces ub with regard to Ala to its whole business life and necesbusiness communities of the country sary to set credit free from arbitrary Is to prevent private monopoly more ka which seems to me very pressing and not very Imperative and artificial restraints I need say perhaps I should effectually than it has yet been prehow earnestly I hope for Its early envented I think It will be easily agreed say a double duty for It concerns both actment into law I take leave to beg that we should let the Sherman anti- the political and the material developthat the whole energy and attention trust law stand unaltered as It is ment of the territory The people ol Alaska should be given the full terriof the senate be concentrated upon it but that we should as much as possitill the matter is successfully disposed ble reduce the area of that debatable torial form of government and Ala ka as a storehouse should be unof And yet I feel that the request is ground by further and more explicit not needed— that the members of that legislation and should also supple- locked One key to it Is a system of These the government great house need no urging In this ment that great act by legislation railways itself build should administer and and service to the country which will not only clarify it but also I present to you in addition the facilitate Its administration and make the ports and terminals it should itself No doubt control in the Interest of aH who wish It fairer to all concerned urgent necessity that special provision to use them for the service and dewe shall all wish and the country will be made also for facilitating the credits needed by the farmers of the counexpect this to be the central subject velopment of the country and Its peotry The pending currency bill does of our deliberations during the pres- ple But the construction of railways Is ent session but it Is a subject so the farmers a great service It puts Is only thrusting only the first step and so deserving of carethem upon an equal footing with other and business men and masters of en- ful and discriminating discussion that In the key to the storehouse I shall take the liberty of addressing throwing back the lock and opening and upon Its terprise as It should How the door the in a find will themselves it a tempting resources special message at quit you upon passage they of be are to the country exploited is of many of the difficulties which now later date than this It Is of capital that the business men of another matter to which shall tak importance hamper them In the field of credit ask and The farmers of course this country should be relieved of all the liberty of from time to time calla policy uncertainties should be given no special privilege of law with regard to ing your attention for it such as extending to them the credit their enterprises and Investments and which must be worked out by states not upon theory of the government Itself What they a clear path Indicated which they cary but upon lines of practical expediency need and should obtalq Is legislation travel without anxiety It isfesAli part of our general problem of portant that they should he rfegaot whlqji wy make thelro wn bundant We have a freer hand and Substantial credit resources availof embarrassment and set free 'to conservation In working out the problem In Alaska able as a foundation for Joint conprosper as that private monopoly In than bethe states of the Union and should be own In of certed local action their destroyed The ways yet the principle and object are ths half In getting the capital they must action Bhould be thrown wide open use It is to this we should now adI turn to a subject which I hope same wherever we touch lb We must dress ourselves can be handled promptly and with- use the resources of the country not’ lock them up There need be no conIt has singularly enough come to out serious controversy of any kind flict or jealousy as between state and I mean the method of selecting nomipass that we have allowed the indusfederal authorities for there can bs try of our farms to lag behind the nees for the presidency of the United confident other activities of the country in Its States I feel that 1 no essential difference of purpose them The resources In quesdevelopment I need not stop to tell do not misinterpret the wisljeq tion must be used but not destroyed to the life of or the expecetatlons of you how fundamental the) used but not monopolized of its country when the Nation Is the production I urge the prompt or wasted upon any narrow idea of Individual enactment food of legislation which Our thoughts may ordinarily will rights as against the abiding Interests be concentrated upon the cities and provide for primary elections throughThat a policy can bs out the country at which the voters of of communities the hives of Industry upon the cries of the crowded market place and the the several parties may choose their worked out by conference and concession which will release these resources clangor of the factory but It Is from nominees for the presidency without not and yet jeopard or dissipate the quiet Interspaces of the open valthe Intervention of nominating conthem I for one have no doubt and It I venture the suggestion leys and ths free hillsides that we ventions can be done on lines of regulation that this legislation should provide draw the sources of life and of proswhich need be no less acceptable to for the retention of party conventions from the farm and the ranch perity the people and governments of the Withbut only for the purpose of declaring from the forest and the mine states concerned than to the people Cegan to Drone Out the Terms of the out these every street would be and accepting the verdict of the priWill and government of the nation at large maries and formulating the platforms lent every office deserted every facand suggest that whose heritage these resources are about my constancy but he confided fallen Into disrepair And yet of the parties tory We must bend our counsels to this to be that should consist the farmer does not stand upon the these conventions not had Anne “skinMarjorie same footing with the forester and the of delegates chosen for the single pur- end A common purpose ought to ned” make agreement easy miner in the market of credit He Is pose but of the nominees for con“And my dear boy If you break ImThree or four matters of special the servant of the seasons Nature that girl's heart I’ll not leave you a gress the nominees for vacant seats determines how long he must wait for In the senate of the United States the portance and significance I beg tha stiver” he said to mey over the walhis crops and will not be hurried In senators whose terms have not yet you will permit me to mention in clo nuts the closed her processes He may give his note national committees How that amused Marjorie and mylng Our bureau of mlnee ought to be self! and the candidates for the presidency but the season of its maturity depends We were to be married the themselves In order that platforms week after Uncle Will’s return and upon the season when his crop maequipped and empowered to render tures lies at the gates of the market even more effectual service than it nothing could have separated us may be framed by those responsible And the to the people for carrying them into renders now In Improving the condiwhere his products are sold Mr Brewster began to drone out tions of mine labor and making the tbe terms of tbe will and you can be security he gives Is of a character not effect known In the broker’s office or as famines more economically sure everybody pricked up his ears productive Obligations to Terrlteries as well as more safe This is aq Uncle Will had left some good round miliarly as It might be on the counter These are all matters of vital doof the work of conof the banker but I knew there was plenty part legacies concern besides mestic them outand and the conservation of left servation At last I heard my name The Farming Interests side ths charmed circle of our own human life and “To my dear nephew Oliver energy lies even nearThe agricultural department of the national life In which our affections to our interest than the preservathe er lawyer read “I leave the sum to assist as command us as well as our congovernment Is seeking from waste of our material reof forty thousand dollars on condinever before to make farming an effsciences there stand out our obliga- tion sources tion that” — he hesitated and then eficient business of wide tions toward our territories over sea read with loud emphasis — “on condiEmployers’ Liability fort in quick touch with the markets Here we are trustees Porto Rico tion that he leaves Marjorie Field for WA owe it In mere justice to the The farmers and the for foodstuffs Hawaii the Philippines are ours once the period of one year immediately government will henceforth work to- regarded as mere possessions ere no railway employes of tbe country to following his marriage to her gether as real partners In this field longer to be selfishly exploited they provide for them a fair and effective and to be upon paid to him upon the where we now begin to see our way are part of the domain of public cona and law act liability employers’ of one the celescience and of serviceable and enlightvery clearly and where many Intellithat we can stand by in this matter bration of such year after marriage” ened statesmanship of We must adminwill be no less to the advantage gent plans are already being put into Marjorie and I looked at each other The treasury of the Uniexecution ister them for the people who live in those who administer the railroads of Leave Marjorie! ted States has by a timely and them and with the same sense of re- the country than to the advantage of in amazement MarThe room was In confusion to them as toward distribution of its deposour those whom they employ sponsibility had fainted! its facilitated the moving of the crops We ought to devote ourselves te jorie owyi people In our domestic affairs No Mr for he was as Brewster As in the present season and prevented doubt we shall successfully demands of plain much pressing enough meeting as upset anybody the scarcity of available funds too oftbind Porto Rico and the Hawaiian Is- justice like this as earnestly as to “It’s inhuman” he exen experienced at such times But lands to ourselves by ties of Justice of political and claimed positively the accomplishment “It’s contrary to public we must not allow ourselves to deand affection but the performance of economic reforms Social justice You can have the will anmorals! our toward the duty pend upon extraordinary is expedients a comes flfst Law is the machinery for Philippines Mr Curtis Why he — he — did We must add the means by which the mpre difficult and debatable matter Its realization and Is vital only as It nulledever know to uncle drink you your farmer may make his credit constantWe can satisfy the obligations of gen- - expresses and embodies It I cern overal next of kin togeiner That and nieces other nephews meant that Instead of bis own paltry thousand dollars Jones would re- will” "It was Inhuman!” cried Marjorie said Mr "It was not professional!’’ “To make It conBrewster severely ditional that he should leave his bride for a year—’’ "Leave her!” shouted Uncle Will “What do you mean? I said 'lova her’ Didn’t you take It down in your notes as ‘love’ Miss Clarke?” Miss Clarke elapped her hands to her head and went down In a dead faint upon the sidewalk the That AIR IN Limit Even Is Unrivaled Luxury A HOTEL In This In Its Age The "ultra” of scientific hotel achas reached Los Ancommodations Soon gueBts of the Hotel Alegeles xandria will not breathe the ordinary air Which circulates the highways and byways monsieur No indeed and madams must be made comfortable therefore the dining salons and foyers of this hotel will be equipped with perfumed air in the And to make this Innovation even more complete hotel business which reach the nostrils of Alexandria guests will vary with the ordors the seasons For instance according to Manager S J Whitmore spring will announce itself to the city dweller who never visits the byways by a delicate aroma of violet a little later the scent will and the delicate "parfum” of change the orange blossom will be de rlguer With autumn will come the Indian summery fragrance of pine needles— the virgin forest With winter bn cause this is southern California roses Exhaust fans which pump In cool air through a rainstorm of scented All waters will make this possible hall invisible grill and the banquet supply fans will constantly keep a new current of perfumed air In circulation among the diners and loungers Should monsieur wish to give a little dinner in a private and have a fancy for the scent of lavender then It will be supplied to him throughout the meal "It is our object” said Mr Whitmore "to give our guests the most After careattractive environment ful consideration we find that the perfumed air for our will be a pleasing touch for all those who wish to enjoy It The only danger of course would be In overdoing the thing None would want to take a meal in a salon saturated with the odor of orange blossoms for examOur tinctures are to be doitcato ple however The perfumes will give a — aroma no more” Los Annatural I geles Examiner Sabbath Reading “Louise I really cannot permit you to read novels on Sunday” "But grandmamma this novel is all It tells about a girl who wras right engaged to three Episcopal clergymen all at once” — Life am afraid tbe young doctor is courting our daughter may In a bill about it" "How can he?’’ "For visits connected with a affection” Where Found “I notice that you quote the classics quite often” know what I would do I don’t “yes If it were not for the back part of my dtctlonery” The Difference "What Is the difference between a political gathering and one of a hunt club?” “I know One Is a mass meeting and the other Is a meet massing” The Cause "I who send heart He Explains “Is this milk pasteurized?’’ asked the city lady "From the start” said the old farmer "Instead of grazing our cows In a meadow as many do we graze them in a pasture” Sensible Girl “How about being an old man's darling?” "There's no necessity for It I’ve found a young man with the price of a bungalow” An Ingenuous Answer me Clergyman — Do you remember my dear? Little Girl— I don’t ’member your name but you’re the gen'leman mother makes me stay awake an’ listen to In church — Life Wearisome “Botts tells me he took a long trip this morning” "Where'd he fo?” "He rode twi llvcks on a street car with Biffels" ( - by W G Chapman) (Copyright PERFUMED About ' Oliver?” "Not so that you could notice it” answered “Then he must have been mad" he Must Be Simple In a registration booth In San Fransaid "My boy you can have the will ' cisco an old negro woman had just finannulled" “I’m with you there!” exclaimed ished registering for the first time “Am you shore" she asked the Penton Jones another nephew of the old man’s though I am happy to say clerk "dat Ise done all I has to dor no cousin of mine “I'll back you “Quite sure” replied the clerk “you see It's very simple” my boy It's barbarous monstrous!” 1 felt a kindly feeling for Penton “I’d ought to knowed It” said the “If those fool men folks Jones for the first time It was not old woman until the next day that It occurred to been doing it all deBe years I might a me that if tbe will was broken Jones knowed it was a powerful simple pro— sum as cess” L'fe and I would Inherit an equal 9 |