Show The Salina Issued On Friday EDITORIAL Notice For Publication ad In the U a Laud Office August 26 1912 la or will be paid for Nod is hereby given that James for the position of ads are made of Aurora Utah who on May ‘28 Ivie by the advertiser and all advertisers 1907 made hoenss'ead entry Werial have uo equal eimtioe with (he CALL 02Gti(i No lilS 15 for SW’j NKi' N W to their Merohants should iiltend bli4 NE'r HWl and 8E'4 NvV quar'er Head what a great alvei 7 1W Sen Sal lUuge Tuwtisliip 22 titer has said: Lake Meridian lias tl'ed notice of inis a sad but too true fuot that ter inn to mike li isl proof are luarohuiitt as t a lo rule cooutry to eHiuhllsh clainii to the land above axteusive advertisers I am onnvioo-e- deairibtd betore HN Hayea U H that they should ad ve Hite regular- Commissioner Utah on the RiohiMd I bwlievs so not 30ih day of September 1912 ly end persistently only leonine sums peopla who are sunames as witnesses AbraClaimant bepposed fo know say so lint also cause uiy actual experience incoimee-tio- ham Shaw Latirarole Durfee Andrew In n smail Anderson and Ezra Harding all o with retail ndverliaiiiitf town lies demonstrated tomeths Aurora benefits hot ti direct auil In E D II Thompson Register direct to be derived troiu perslseut TO ADVERTISERS — Every 'It advertising” Irj asking for Sunday elnuing of th® Snoring picture show soma people noraiuly condemn tuovieg picture bIioks altogeiher Tide ta wrong there ia tiolhiog bufoie thspuh lie today that has the educational and eutertaiuinc possibilities that motion pictures have I'hey arc- being put into schools 'they are t caching history portraying the tluest In art literature and Datura They are revealing (o ev cry body the wonders of nil time The Mormon ebur'h hits just had the first hundred years of it history every de tall of it with three thousand cliarap tors acted out inibr ujr nti of immigration canyon hI a cost to the manufacturer of $100900 This him in anti acturer read over it thousand books and pamphlets on Mortumtinu furnnd and against to get his viewpoint Moot condemn altogetr these pictures the w tderful pre duct of nu science KCORNER Electric Light Lewis bus Mr Max Cohen of lbe L®ad-taken the Agency lor the Prinuetou Clothes aline t is hand led by all the big merchants of t he laud For Hchool Shoes Call at the Leadstore acid save 25 to 80 per cent Keep your horses healthy while Pink Eye is reging Givethem Rex Condition Powders 25c 50c and 100 at Lewis Drug Co er Caskets Marin Nelson Miss Nora JorLinda AnderRon Alonzo Christensen Rudolf Jorgensen Ohrl J PeThsUtah Agriculture College at terson Mathild i Peterson Maria SM Two men broke Into the Logan Begins Its twenty third year B eienholtM of service on Tuasday September 24 prooee lings J B Borensou and C 1912 Courses io Agriculture Home Boon Miokelson emies Agrioulf lire Engineering ComTbs pnhlio school open°d Monday merce General Scieuoe and Mechanic in Bne shape Mr Ernest Frandsen is Arts his are Miss Nielsen gensen assistants prinoipaland 8tewart Miss Bown and Miss Ander60 pupils entered the beginners’ grade with Beats for only 47 so half WANTED To buy beef oattle of all kinds Best cash market prices paid Apply to flyrura S Crane son Genuine f or just right in a CCa- If It’s a surface to enameled be painted or varnished stained finished in any way there’s an Acme Quality Kind to £t the purpose Monarch ' Salt’s Hot Box consumes every particle of fuel sod ell the gases T no waste of fuel in a Monarch The Monarch Malleable Range - the best range for summer' use Being constructed of is - snalleable iron it heats snd cools off The Monarch needs less quickly fuel thin most ranges This means less coal to carry— less wood to split i— fewer ashes to handle The perpetually polished top of the Monarch relieves the housewife of the hot' smutty task of blacking a stove - ct Call and see the Monarch Let us show you its many ad vantages and conveniences You’ll surely be interested P Furniture F PETERSON and Hardware Dealer rStir-''“si Aa- and HACKS See us about Fencing Twine and Plows T Phone Salina Sevier Valley Merc CoBox 1 1 The Racket Mercantile Institution Salina The store where the crowds go f e 4 Fainting 1 The Store of Variety and Quality Its a goodtime right now to save money on X - AT mr Si New Hats New Shoes New Caps New Suits New Trousers Dress Goods Millinery Neck wear Groceries New Prices Ov5 J a m l Hv V' VV 0 itt' cuis £fa3ola East of Drug Store Travelers R10 & “The Scenic Line This Route more one one are sound — 11 vrlio 13 whose nerves brain and muscles BECKER'S BEER will maintain this it o a true food fceverago Jv ENffr fit- - V W rite for 6 vewi no UTAH & ? £ Fpscial - 3 Through ‘Standard and Tourist and Siteping Louis Kansas City Omaha and Chicago that can be seen extra Expense for - Springs and Denver Juns 1 6 3 12 1$ 20 31 September 4 and 5 Carsldaily' to Denver Superb Dining Car Service Ogden Utah wp Am RY the “Back j East’ Travelers Trip Fares to Pueblo Colorsda points on sale May 13 25 and 31 12 snd 30 August 2 10 ‘23 and Fares TT GRANDE scenic attractions Low Round principal Eastern 22 and 29 ‘July 3 price i:st order freta lacker offers East The World” from die car window £ without side trips than any other line St iij varied of the 5 Attractions a route famed for its Saenic and Superior Train Service DENVER Phone No and Colorado to Should seluct or wonnn who wins wi te t! ie mentally and plrynca lly lit — the - Bfay t SJ fV£XUVVSVWVWWV Positively tlie best that money will buy Guaranteed for life Another car from factory just If unloaded the third this year Call and see the latest styles & colors J are the kind to use Simply tell us what you want to do and we will give you the proper Acme Quality Kind for your particular Let us tell you Five purpose Strong Reasons for Fall Houso' S' Casket Hand-Mad- BUGGIES No money brings such satis- faction as a few cents spent in the Fall for “touching up’ shabby floors furniture and woodwork All winter long the bright attractive and wholesome home is a source of constant pleasure PAINTS AND FINISHES ' for the Qto G Clsan wotk Ephraim Utah We have in stock an line of Coffins and Casket and Halt Lake or any aecassories We deal dimodern olty styles rect with manufacturer sad nan save you middlemen and salesWe bare goods to men’s profit please everyone’s puree Call on us We can please you The Agent —'FREMONT Fall "Fixing Up” ACME QUALITY t f at Salina Co op from Dr J T C’nrMs Dwight ?ome Kan He writes: “I not only have cured bad oases of eczema is my patients with Electrfo Bitters but also cured myself by them of the same disease I feel sore they will benefitatiy case of eczema’’ This shows what thousands have proven that Electrio Bitteis is a most effective blood pnrifler It an excellent remedy for eczema tatter salt them ulcers boils and running sores It stimulates the liver ' kidneys and bowels expels poisons Helps digestion buil ts np the strength Prioe 50 o‘e Satisfaction guaranteed by all Drugistg Paints and Finishes NOTICE of at the Lumps Drug Co Malleable Ranga United States Land DILI Lake J23 101J City Utah Anguat To Whom If May Umeern: Notice la hereby given that the Stu'e or Utah has died in this office lists of lauds selected by the said a'ute under section 6 of the act of cotiarepe approved July 10 1894 ns Indcaiuity School lands viz: Bee 20 T 21 S It W mvjiwIStf B L M Berial Copies of said sts so far as they late to said tracts by descriptive subhave been aorispicuuus'y divisions posted in tide tfllae for inspection ty any person interested and by the public generally During the period of publication of this notice or any time there after and before final approval and under departmental regulations of April 25 19u7 protests dr contests against the claims the state to any of the trade or subdivisions hereon the ground inbefore described that the earns is more valuable than for agricultural purposes will be received and noted for report to the Geueral Land O tibia at tVsanington D O Failure to wo protest or contest within the time specified will be considered erffleieot evidence of oberaoter or the tracts the and (be selection thereof being other wise free from objection bs will approved to the state OI 2 E D It THOMPSON Register will attend in forenoon and the other Now Is the time to nse your Ivoduli Films at Lews Drug Co half in the afternoon Misses Zelda Peterson Leona Jensen Nineteen Miles a SecondWednesday a parly was tendered to and Irene McKenna have grne to Eph Mrs Maria Mickelsen in honor of the ralm to attend the Soow Academy of armireri-r69tb her birth Oneof without A BIG HARVEST FEAST ja" Shock or disturbance U was had end a ‘hs beat eccfal times psed of our earth through Redmond will bold a big harvest the awful at such ease of Wg wonder 25 for all her space tempting luncheon was partaken of feat on or about The following giAl friends and neighneighbors and especially the Jews It nature movement end so do those who a will be big time bors were present: Mrs Ohrlstenen take Kr Kina's New Life Pills No and Mesdames and NieLen of Salirm gripping no distress just thorough Miss Ltbbie West returned Rnnday Hsns Rasmussen J Willsrdsen P l h end flue work that brings good from a month’s visit in Hilt Lake tmlth N L Christenson Hrell 25a All Druiifist feelings Mar C M and C A Miekelson Frank Madsen of Mt Pleasant visited tid Jensen Jntia Frendsen J B Sor- in Salina part of the week on matters ensen J P Jansen K Grsvenstane of business Brlghamina Jensen Trena Nelson D Coffins Chidester Soren and Hane Sorenson Glorious News P Andreason James nanaen J O AND ACCESSORIES AROUND TIE paper Year Redmond News JlfHEAMtll of the Interior y at Balt Department $150 the Call furnished and full particulars' will be cheerfully any Rio Grands agent I A Benton Gen’Agt Salt Lake City Utatl Frank A Wadleigh GonPass Agent Denver MV t users on application E to Foutz Agt Ogden Colorado Utah Fir |