Show Tame!- On of tho Principal Advantages REPUBLICANS Governor and Carry Three of Congressional Districts GainControl of Legislature Ideal ing is that you have pen that will always respond immediately wherever you want to write The Spoon Feed regulates an even and steady flow end prevents overflow Gold Pens to suit every hand toll Iniy vkua "The Pen That ELECTRIC Every Town 5000 rBig LIGHT Men Use" IN DENMARK In That Country of Over Has Population Public Service to recent Information progress of electric light industries in Denmark it appears that all the towns of 5000 inhabitants and over are now provide ed with public electric service says the Scientific American As to towns having between 5000 and 3000 inhabitants there are only three in which electric mains are not installed so that it will be seen that Denmark is one of the most progressive countries in this respect The largest sized electric stations are to be found at Copenhagen and at present there are three large plants in operation giving a total of 27000 horse power Current is supplied for the city mains as well as for the tramway lines As regards the Danish stations in small towns in general each town has its own plant and there is but one example of an intercommunal This is at Skovshoved near Copenhagen and the central station extends its power lines over all the suburban also the ti?ways regions supplying of Hellerup In and Klampenbuig most of the town electric stations the Diesel heavy oil engine is used According about the and power siem Child's Popularity Explained A winning lottery ticket of in connection with the Nobles was recently presented for Bank in St payment at the State Bank and it now transpires Petersburg that the owner is an of the orphanage Orphan and Inmate tt Pskoff The lottery ticket was her sole possession Her relatives have done hitherto nothing for the child but when the news of her good fortune became known they were one and all eager to adopt her The authorities have placed her in the an of a distant concharge nection of her father Golfer’s Grand Army Score A golfer playing his first game of season the reported dowtown day thftthe had made a Grand Army score — he went out In 61 and came back In 65 — Chicago Evening the next Post In Gotham “I know a policeman who always of week every by something be earns” I who always one know "Humph! puts by every week more than he puts what earns” Much Grazing Ground Required It is computed that it takes twelve acres of land to graze on head of cattle on Texas range land China Soda to Brighten Soda will brighten china that Jas been burned or darkened by long use A FOOD CONVERT Good Food tho True Road to Health The pernicious habit some persons still have of relying on nauseous drugs to relieve stomach trouble keeps up the patent medicine business and helps keep up the army of dyspeptics Indigestion — dyspepsia — is caused by what is put into the stomach in the way of Improper food the kind that so taxes the strength of the digestive organs they are actually crippled When this state is reached to resort to tonics is like whipping a tired horse with a big load Every addi- tional effort he makes under the lash his power to move diminishes the load Try helping the stomach by leaving off heavy food greasy indigestible — light easily s and take on full of strength for nerves digested and brain in every grain of it There’s no waste of time nor energy when is the food s "I am an enthusiastic user of and consider it an ideal food” writes a Maine man: "I had nervous dyspepsia and was all run down and my food seemed to From reading do me but little good an advertisement I tried food and after a few weeks’ steady use of it felt greatly Improved "Am much stronger not nervous now and can do more work without feeling so tired and am better every way “I relish best with cream and use four heaping teaspoonfuls as the cereal part of a meal I am sure there are thousands of persons with atomach trouble who would be benefited by using Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Read the little book "The Road to "There’s a reaWellvllle” in pkgs eon” MAINE IN of Elect Four toi WIN Ever read (be above letter f A aew one a n pear from time to time They are genuine true and full of human Intercut ORGANIZE MILITARY BODY WITH VIEW OF RESCUING AMERICANS IMPERILED IN SONORA Portland Me— The fight for the control of the state government between the combination of all brands Democrats )f Republicans and the resulted Monday in a victory for the available Meet Behind Closed Doors and Perfect The latest Republicans of about figures Indicate a plurality With Are Organization Equipped 4000 for William T Haines RepubliRifles and Plenty of Ammunition can for governor over Frederick W and Are Willing to Fight Plaisted the present Democratic governor the election of three out of four Republican candidates for con120 with Ariz— Equipped Douglas gress practically Insuring Republican rifles and 60000 rounds of ammunition control of tbe legislature this1 city into shipped Wednesday Both Roosevelt leaders who night an organized body of cowboys control the the machinery of the RepubIs prepared to move at a moment's notice Into Sonora Mexico where Amer- lican party in the state and the Taft men are claiming credit for success icans are said to be gravely Imperiled ticket The cowboys met secretly Thursday of of the truce preWith night and organized a military body vailing the endingthe state campaign during closed The meeting was held behind the rival leaders will take up the idoors and reports were made relative to the situation of Americans at the cudgels against each other and fight has now various being for the six electors that each camps mining threatened by marauding bands oi put into tbe national contest Orozco rebels on their way west CLAIMS MANY VICTIMS TYPHOON Millions of dollars’ worth of property In Sonora the reports said was Torrential Rains High Tides and or in imminent peril of confiscation Floods Cause Enormous Loss destruction of Life la The country south of Douglas Shanghai— Immense loss of life is overrun with rebels who are said to Rebels visit- reported In mail advices just received be short of ammunition ed Ysabel station near the El Tlgre from Wen Chow In the province ot Chekiang property mining camp an American the death Chinese estimates give Merchandise valued at $1000 was taken from the company store The roll between 30000 and 40000 as the with rebels then burned bridges and tore result of a typhoon combined rains and high tides which up track on the Nacozari railway near torrential occurred August 29 Ysabel Great floods followed and the upper Seize Smuggled Cattle Wen Chow river overflowed a vast area hundred The town of Tsing Tien forty Ariz—1 Thirteen Nogales miles northwest of Wen Chow was head of cattle which were being smugStates from overwhelmed and 10000 of the inhabgled Into the United Various other Mexico were Belzed Saturday night by itants were 'drowned were destroyed towns and villages American mounted customs Inspectors Thi3 Is the largest cattle seizure ever and the prefectural church an Importwas washed ant missionary station made on the Arizona border Thomas Hester was arrested charged with the away law the Under at smuggling attempt FROM THE FAR NORTH RETURNS stock will be sold by the' confiscated the government Explorer Tells of Probable Discovery Murder Suspect Arrested Salt Lake City— J V Hill said to Murbe otherwise known as “Jack” phy guujghter of the trio of bandits murdered who are alleged to have Night Marshal Frank Colclough In the Vienna saloon at Midvale on the night of August 7 was arrested Saturday while he was working an air drill one and miles within the Snake creek drainage tunnel situated eight miles northw-esof Heber City Father Burned to Death Iowa — Rev H Grefe pasLutheran church In Germantown Iowa was burned to death before the eyes of his children and several other persons while pinned beneath a wrecked motor car The blaze was started from a lantern with which his rescuers were working See Paulina tor of the Kaiser of Descendants Bold Daylight Robbery Utah — While sitting at his Ogden afternooh desk in h's office Sunday Dr C F Osgood was held up by a and lost $55 as a result of add To to hi3 chathe experience grin the robber gagged and tied him before departing Dentist Takes Strychnine Salt Lake City — Strychnine taken with suicidal intent caused the death of Dr James W Ewin dentist shortly Scandinavian FISH was a pickerel are An Arkansas Casa J Henry 416 White trd Smith Ft Ark imya: suffered '1 v t r yihliig but death from terrible kidney I trouble had Awful headache and peili dissy urine ecald ed and my bark arhed c o n a tantly Doan's KidK three pounds ' and thousands of miles from home and fi lends The National Association points out further that from 50 to 60 per cent advanced of these cases are too poor to provide the proper necessaries of life and they are either starved to death or comcharity pelled to accept tho meager which this part of the country affords Electric Fans In India cents a day Although It costs hut in India for men to wave fans to keep the air circulating in houses they are gradually being replaced by electric fans as cheaper and more reliable a P ney cored me roniplntely and I have had ho kldnry ironblo since” Get Dean's any Drug Store 50c it ilgn of a Box Doan’s Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief — Permanent Cure CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail Purely vegeta- the liver Stop after d nner iff1! ' indigestion improve the complexion brighten the eyes SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature PARKER'S £SrVE l BALSAM - y TL vl 3 jfY Wfl sou iBwin K1 Promote th h luxuriant growth Foils to lltator Gray it Tomniul Color Htr to hair falling Pt 'V nnt H aThUTsat"d HOWARD E BURTON Lead Gold Silver i: Gold Hpecimen prices: Gold Sllrer Inc or Copper Mailing aud full price list sent on application envelopes Control and umpire work solicited IettdvUle National Bault Ueforenc Col Carbonate “Successful Drains’’ tl tree Funicular for Canada Stone most of Its stone from Viiw W N EYES what Write Milo U Weeen Bu Wubhingum Salt U am Hiva YOUR IPS EYE SALVE It- PETTIT’S Lake City you need Co Aliya MbUib lt4 No Don’t Poison Baby FTORTY YEARS New York ERB SECURES CONTROL Will Moffat Road Syndicate the Take Over Denver Colo— Contracts providing for the reorganization of the Denver Northwestern & Pacific railroad were New York Monday aftersigned in noon In which Newman Erb and a New York syndicate will take over the control of the road Under the terms of the agreement the New York syndicate will get 5l per cent of the stock of the new company which will take over the propThebond erty at a foreclosure sale be will Issues of the new company for $250000 0 0 every mother thought her child must hava laudanum to make it sleep These drugs will produce A FEW MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH sleep THERE Many are the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric laudanum and morphine each of which is a narcotic product of opium Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all cr to anybody without labelling them poison” Tho definition of M narcotic” is! teJl medicine which relieves pain andf produces sleep but which in poisonous doses produces stupor coma convulsions and death ” The taste and smell of medicines containing opium aro disguised and sold under tho names of w Drops” 11 Cordiab” “Soothing Symps” etc You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed CAST0RIA DOES NOT CONTAIN NARCOTICS if it bears tho signaturo of Okas H Fletchers Letters from Prominent Physicians Guarding Colonists Cowboys are Texas —Cowboys El Paso to the guarding the horses belonging colonies Mormons from the" Sonora which are corralled near llachita N M have been Forty cowpuncliers sworn In as deputies and they havo been riding the line to prevent Salazar from crossing and trying to drive The men the horses into Mexico have orders to shoot the first rebel who crosses the line addressed to Plan Memorial to Booth the new London — Bramwell Booth Army has ishead of thfe Salvation sued an appeal for $750000 with which to erect equip and maintain a new training college for Salvation Army officers as a memorial to his father Deb' Cause of Shooting Tooele Utah — In a d'spute over a Dick Neilson was shot loan of $10 three times in the left hand and arm making it necessary for his arm to be Evans was charged Will amputated with the shooting Prison Rioters Flogged Jackson Mich — For the first time In its history flogging was resorted to at the Michigan state prison here ThursNine of the ringleaders in the day recent outbreak were given from ten to thirty lashes City — Trinidad Santos editor of El Pals for ten years and a noted political insurgent died here SunSantos had been jailed many day times for political utterances and El Pais Editor Soji M tluba Aperfect Remedy for Causation Sour Stomach DlKTtaa Worms Convulsions Feverish iim Chas H Fletcher Dr J W Dinsdale of Chicago says: "I use your Castorla ami advise its use in ell families where there are children” Dr Alexander E Mliule of Cleveland Ohio says: "I Lave frequently prescribed your Castoria and liavo found it a reliable and pleasant remedy for children” Dr Agnes V Swetland of Omaha Nebr says: "Your Caatoria is the best remedy in the world for children and the only one I use and Pi fttSff Carloads of New weighing Vilhjalmar Burns Knocks Out Hogan San Francisco— A grudge of long was settled Monday when standing Cal of Oakland Frankie Burns knocked out “One Round” Jack Hoof this city in the tenth round of gan their lightweight battle at the Eighth r arena street night backache than anything else 'Twill tell you whether the kidneys aore swollen It and aching will tell you In that case that there is no use trying to cure It with a are scant if the passages plaster or too frequent proof that there Is Then kidney trouble is complete common sense will tell you to use Doan's Kidney Pills the best recommended special kidney remedy cure The Love in Fiction and Life A periodical devoted to the drama pleads for plays based on Borne emotion other than love The difficulty in such producing plays is that every play must have a hero and in making a hero the playwright as well as his audience almost inevitably adopts the view expressed 2000 years ago by a scribbler of the dead walls of Pom“He who has never loved a peii: worrian is not a gentleman” Morgan Offers to Pay the Bill Rome — J Pierpont Morgan has offered to excavate the ruined cities of at his own Pompeii and Herculaneum to stories appearaccording expense ing in several Italian newspapers urday WHAT WILL MY BACH? CURE Common sense will do more to When be yanked the fish It flopped around in the bottom of tbe boat In a lively fashion As Henry was baiting up again he He (at the muslcale)— That singer felt a sharp pain In one of his feet seems to be echoing our feelings and looking down saw that the pickShe— IIow so? made a Jump and fastened erel bad He— Shc’e slngiifg "No One Knows its teeth in his toe lie tried to kick How Sad I Feel” the fish away but the pickerel held on and Henry had to use the handle West No Place for Consumptives of his landing net to pry open the in all of the eastern Physicians fish’s Jaws before he got free of it states will be asked by the National The toe started to swell where the Association for the Study aud Preteeth had punctured It and Henry be- vention of Tuberculosis to stop sendHe says he thinks it ing consumptives came worried in the last stageB of sufficient and without possible that the pickerel may have tuberculosis had hydrophobia and as a precautionfunds to the southwestern part ot tle ary measure he sent the head to the United States in search of health to tell accuWhile it is impossible Pasteur institute there rately how many consumptives German Farmer Good Business Man are at present living In the states of southa Arizona Mexico Colorado New Under offer seemingly generous of hospitality a North German farm- ern California and western Texas it er has managed to include a good is probable that no lesB than ten per stroke of business for himself In a cent of the 6000000 people in this Hanover paper recently appeared territory have tuberculosis themselves an advertisement that from fifteen to or havo come to the west because twenty women and girls (not under some members of their family have twelve years of age) who needed re- hnd It Every year the health author!-ti- t estimate not less than 10000 cuperation could have free board and diseased hopelessly lodging on a country estate But in consumptives exchange they would be required to come west to die For these cases the climate of tl section of the counpick peas from eight to ten hours Industrious pickers might also try can do nothing and they are comdaily s be paid cash for their labor pelled to die in strange surround fc l Rider Near Death Motocycie Chicago — Curtis Edwards a well is near death at known motorcyclist the Alexian Brothers hospital a3 a result of injuries he received while racSatmotordrome Riverview ing at the AN ECHO ANGLER Whether a fish can have hydrophobia is a question that Fred Henry of Hancock street Brooklyn would like to have settled and for that reason be Las sent to the Pasteur institute in New York the bead of a pickerel that bit him at Swarts wood lake recently Bays a Newton (N J) correspondent of the New York Press Henry was Asking In a boat that was a trifle leaky and he took off his shoes and socks His first catch Hill to Embark in Steel Trade St Paul — When it was officially announced Monday that James J llill of the stock had acquired of the Second National bank it became authoritatively known that Mr with Hill would establish a company It is rumored a capital of $2000000 that he intends to embark in the steel business afternoon before 5 o’clock Sunday Dr Ewin had been in ill health' all summer BITES Sends Brooklyn Man the Sufferer Head to Paiteur Institute Fean Ing Rabies The czar of Russia has 102 vast palmore than spending aces employing a staff of 32000 serfour years in Arctic exploration revants with an annual payroll of h turned to Seattle on Monday and told steamer from Nome Alaska Cuba Market of his probable discovery of the Cuba Imports It’s well to hope but don’t scendants of the Scandinavian colon- loaf on the enough Canada Job while doing it ists of Greenland who were last heard of in 1412 and who when trade w’th Greenland was resumed In the sevenhad disappeared' teenth century Dr Stefansson and his companion R M Anderson of Forest City Ia made a valuable zoological and ethnoAGO almost which Is now on logical collection with Dr the steam whaler Belvedere PAREGORIC or Anderson and will arrive in San Francisco the first week In November and DROPS TOO on the way to the American Museum IS NO WAXING of Natural History New York Recovers Baseball Pitcher Killed will inChicago — Coroner Hoffman death of Arthur L quire into the basewell known (Bugs) Raymond ball pitcher whose body was found in It was reported a Clark street hotel in sporting circles that Raymond had met with foul play — after NEWMAN William has comBerlin — Kaiser William from his illness He pletely recovered was greatly touched by the interest He read refershown In hi3 welfare ences In the newspapers regarding his health and carefully filed them for reference of Colonists Wash Seattle ANGRY recommend” Dr J A McClellan of Buffalo N Y says: "I bare frequently prescribed your Castorla for children and always got good results In fact I nsa Castorla for my own children” Dr J Allen of EL Louis Ho says: "I heartily endorse your Cas toria I have frequently prescribed It la my medical practice and hava always found it to do all that Is claimed for it" Dr C II Glidden of EL Taul Minn Bays: "My experience as a practitioner with your Caatoria has been highly satisfactory and I consider It an excellent remedy for the young” Dr IL D Benner of l'h’ladclphla Pa say3: "I have used your Castorla S3 a purgative in the of children for years past with the most harry effect and fully endorse it as a safe remedy” Dr J A Bcarman of Kansas City JIo says: "Your Castorla la a splendid remedy for children known tho world over I use it in my practice and have no hesitancy in recommending it for the complaints of infanta and children” Dr J J Mackey of Brooklyn N Y says: "I consider your Castor's an excellent preparation for children being composed cf reliable medicines end pleasant to the taste A good remedy for all disturbances of thn digestive organs" GSUiNU of Sleep Facsimile CASTORS A Bears tlie of ALWAYS Signature at Signature Ike m Dies NEW YORK The Kind You Have Always Bought Mexico- iraitteed under Exact Copy writings of the Wrapper sc In Use For Over T ecMTau OOIMNT 30 RTRatT HfW Years S3 in Goo&'Arrivmc Daily a They havo the largest most I assortment |