Show vi White Roses and-P- inl( By Harmony Great Wall of China Weller y (Copyright jm 1813 John Dillon laughed half In amazement and partly because be found the "But why" he girl's laugh Infectious asked "are you doing all this?” “I was wasting away to a mere shadow— because my father would not let me have the man I wanted" Mockery toward mankind was In the girl’s voice and Dillon felt slightly Irritated They exchanged a few more casual words then Elsie excused herself with the remark that her chickens were crowing for food John Dillon's book on "Modern Parentage" did not progress so well that day nor the next Instead he found himself admiring the girl who could so successfully build up t her mental and bodily Ills by sheer good sense and perseverance Thoughts and consequent depression which bad been wont to trouble him when he remembered Enid beOnce or twice came less frequent he found himself comparing the ruddy crimson of Enid's cheeks with the delicate blush rose that was beginning to sweep timidly Into Elsie’s The vagary of the smile In Elsie Lane's eyes charmed him now more than the unchanging vital sparkle In the eyes of Enid One morning when he passed the cottage Elsie was too absorbed by a cluster of children about her knees' even to see him When he arrived In the seclusion of the woods he kicked an unoffending wild flower During the day his thoughts strayed back to the A picture of Elsie and the children the have revealed Recent Investigations many new facte concerning sense of peevishness stole over him This most gigantic and he realized with a Jerk of his great Chinese wail Its construction and Its purposes between defensive work In the world was once 1250 miles long extending was Jealous he Jealous— that thoughts with of Elsie to from Suchau whom the China and eastward children gulf with of the tiny proper Mongolia n extension northeastward to the 8ungari river It It 35 feet high 21 feet was happy He came to a stop In his walk John thick and le faced with granite blocks with towers at frequent Intervale After the the wall dates from the latter part of the fourteenth century Dillon waa confronted with the cer1644 it waa allowed to fall Into decay tain knowledge that he had fallen In accession of the Manchu dynaaty In maintained for customs purposes love with a girl without regard for except at a few points where it was He was her suitability as a wife startled by the fact that he wanted SOME USES OF THE PIGTAIL TO STOP SUFFRAGE BRICKS her for herself for her whimsical smile and her fascinating trickeries Although modern China has sacriof voice and eyes ficed the pigtail on the altar of liberty In his desire to forget his longing many celestials still look upon the pigfor her he plunged Into work on hla tail as an object of veneration They book and found that It progressed find In It five advantages It saves the with an easy flow of understanding ears for if two Chinese quarrel they When he had marking Its pages of seize each instead other's pigtails spemt a day of splendid work he felt their ears It is a first aid to rescue that he must approach the girl who for if he falls Into a river boatmen can had Inspired him fish him out by the pigtail with their On his way toward the cottage the boat hooks It helps the police who whole thing dawned on him can tie two miscreants together by "Elsie Lane waa the one girl In the their pigtails and thus save the neworld to fit Into his scheme of life It is a proteccessity of handcuffs Any girl who had the strength to do for in a tion of respectable citizens — who done she had what any girl row the police first arrest those who could turn the white roses In her own have been disgraced by losing their cheeks to pink might turn a nation of pigtails Finally It ensures peace In children Into whatsoever she desired for with It a husband may the house Dillon quickened h!s pace not be upbraided by his wife while the garden Twilight had dimmed without It she Is at liberty to call him when he found her She was Just enany name she pleases tering the door with a basket of fresh by Associated Frees) Literary John Dillon bad loved and woo'd the not bo much from Enid Vance Oner workings of the masculine heart toward the feminine as for other motives He bad selected Enid aa a Her cheeks were crimfitting mate son with the vigor of health and her To associate her with step elastic the rearing of anything but a fine race of men was to doubt truth Itself With this In view Dillon had proby Enid— posed to and been rejected she having chosen to bestow her band and heart upon the less serious minded Billy Langhorn The week following the blasting of his hopes found Dillon escaping Into where he wanted to forthe country get the vital expression of Enid’s eyes Then and the crimson of her lips too his book upon "Child Life and Modern Parentage” would progress the seclusion of the counquicker for the try lanes It was in the heart of the woods that while be was thus engrossed anemic Elsie Lane passed him byf John Dillon cast but a fleeting glance at her he was in no way terested In girls since Enid had turned him down and least of all wiuld care to rest his eyes upon the drooping listless figure of Elsie Lane The girl in turn watched him with covert scrutiny Rumor had It that thlrt man was going about the or less unflamore village expressing ttering opinions regarding the lack of healthy women lu the world Elsie bad taken these opinions as Beneath the temporary personal was a of her manner there that had caught fire at his something words Elsie realized that sbe herself was and pale but that was because her heart was broken and Hadn't her father re her life ruined fused to let her marry Jack Rollins? at John Although she was Incensed Dillon for his slurring remarks she realized that he was a splendid man who wai striving to produce a better eggs from HARD WORLD'S GREATEST CANDLE candle made In Harlem N Y and destined for SL Peter's at Rome was blesesd before the altar of St Blaglo by the Pope and will "burn without drip for six long years Standing over 11 feet high weighing over 200 pounds and coating nearly $1000 the candle Is made of beeswax dipped with 200 dipFrom pings about a marvelous wick within a foot of the top to a foot of the bottom it lsN embossed in gold The centerpiece of cunningly wrought gold and delicately carved wax shows lilies of the valley and a lovely sacred picture The manufacturer will not tell the name of the person who ordered the candle saying: "When one has prayed and long ceaselessly to the saints for health he does not parade bis generous attitude He lays what he has upon the altar and goes silently on bis way" SL Blaglo Is the patron saint of those who suffer from disease of the throat It Is the tradition that be cured a little girl of miraculously throat disease while on his way to In the early days of the martyrdom church A giant GIANTS OF EARNS LIVING EVERYWHERE Most Beautiful Building 1 YEARS ARE ADDED TO LIFE Within the last half century an average of 12 years has been added to human life The death rate has been reduced from 35 in each 1000 inhabitants to about 15 This reduction has been obtained through the control of Infectious diseases The saving thus made relates only to the period of life under 60 years There is no the organic disregarding knowledge uses of advancing years the most beautiful building In the world the Taj' Mahal one Admittedly It mile east of Agra India la vlalted yearly by many thouaande of tourists built by Shah Jahan aa a burial place for hla Is a white marble mausoleum It le said to have occupied twenty-twfavorite wife who died In 1629 years and its cost Is variously stated at from $9000000 to $60000000 In building surmounted The building la octagonal by a dome and flanked by four graceabove a vault containing the bodies o’ In the central chamber ful minarets surrounded by a fine marti tile emperor and hla wife are two cenotaphs screen seems: Pills have cured thouis It sands the best rec- ommended special kidney remedy Mrs John Robinson 908 Burney St Modesto Cal Says: “My back was so lame and sore I waa practically helpless My feet and ankles swelled puffy spots appeared beneath my eyes and I became so dizzy I had to grasp something to keep from falling Relief quickly followed the use of Doan’s Kidney Pills and It was not long before I was enjoying good health” “When Your Back Is Lame Remember the Name — DOAN’S” 50c all stores Co Buffalo N Y THE KIND HE WANTED THE FOREST Australia lays claim to growing the tallea trees In the world whilst California trees are noted for their girth and diameter The tallest Californian forest was found giant discovered to be 340 feet by actual measurement high But Australia’s record gum tree beats this by 140 feet Baron Mueller who was formerly government botanist In Victoria said that the Australian gum trees attained a height of 500 feet but the tallest that the baron ever measured wag prostrate one on the Black Spur ten miles from Healesvllle which was 480 feet high This tree was 81 feet In girth near its root In 1889 a civil engineer Journeying from Glppsland to Mount Bore measured tree 471 feet In height though the same tree bad previously been estimated at not leas than 600 feet the nests Importance of the Newspaper Can you Imagine for a minute what life would be without the newspapers? The newspaper goes Into the home the ofllce the factory the shop on the cars on trains wherever you find human beings there you will And the newspaper More than that you will find the newspaper Is read carefully for not only the news of people and events that It gives each day but for the Interesting news of tb Fiores— Ben B Hatnton Hainpton't ?' alne HOUSEWIFE THE i SEA FISH FROM THE NORTH “Have one" she called when Dillon stopped at the gate The North sea Is Great Britain’s “I am coming In” he made answer most profitable Last fishing ground and the new glad note In hla voice year the value of the fish landed on sent her glance quickly toward him the n ortheast coast was £3740614 “I don't want an egg" he told her over a third of the total value of the without preamble "but I want everyfish landed In the whole of England thing else In the world — I want you" and Wales and £400000 worth more In the Dillon watched than was landed in the whole of the blood rush up even to the gold of and Ireland combined during the She laughed her hair quickly — a The Increase over 1910 same year not vital I am "But trifle unsteadily and compared with 1891 was £178584 result demonstraAs a of riotous the ” nor strenuous nor — the total value of fish landed In 1911 the London militant John Dillon had taken her In his tions of most an Increase of nearly £2000-00showed of the buildings In the armB and his lips rested on the roses of the houses of parliament that were her cheeks the violets that vicinity been fitted with strong wire nethave the were her eyes and lastly oq poppy ting over the windows to serve as PAWN THEIR PAMILY GRAVES Cecil M Hargreaves here depicted that was her mouth bricks and cobhis life in dembut— mine" protection against the "Nor anything Elsie In times of financial difficulties the Is spending a part of ble stones which are the favorite weapthat it Is possible for a man he said Loochooans residents of the south- onstrating ons of the rampaging women to In hla earn any living part of the western Islands of Japan sometimes He started from London eight globe More Men Than Women pawn the graves of their relatives years ago and so far has been through The total population of the world IS HOLY GRAIL IN GENOA? however They are always redeemed countries covering nearly Is now estimated at 1700000000 This as failure to do ao means family disHe still has to do China 180000 miles Is based upon the most recent The turtleback shaped tombs In grace A large green hexagonal cup and Japan which all civilized countries which according to popular be- usually located on a hillside facing the now take with a careful estimate of Bhape was used by Christ and hla apos- water are elaborate affairs of stone lief the number of Inhabitants of uncivilCHINESE WOMEN DOCTORS tles at the Last Supper is treasured and cement and their cost and upkeep ized lands at eften bankrupt the family In the Church of St Lawrence The proportion of the sexes is Genoa Italy Its history goes much women ure Forty young Chinese known for 1038000000 of these the further back than that event as It Is HOBBLE IS HARO ON SHOES qualifying for the medical profession ratio being 1000 males to 990 fe- claimed that It was a present-frouniversities in American the through the The ratio varies considerably males It It la estimated that the hobble skirt influence of Dr Yamel Kin the first Queen of Sheba to King Solomon Raised His Hat When She Smiled at In different places In Europe there has been In Genoa since 1101 where has doubled the number of women’s woman doctor in China Dr Kin as Him are 1000 men to 1027 women In AlIt was brought by a knight from the shoes sold In the world They have to the head of the hospital for women In men to women 1045 loa In 1000 race of people her with Together take two steps now where they took Tientsin Las also for the last ten years Holy Land after the First Crusade the been training Chinese women-fomiration there was a desire to avenge America 1000 men to 964 women In For centuries It was not touched one before and that means the shoes al' Asia 1000 men to 961 women In though many of the faithful wished wear out twice as fast her sex In his eyes nursing profession When she arrived home after seeing Australia 1000 men to 937 women to adorn It with precious stones This of women was due not only to piety but to a The highest Importation Dillon she informed her father that she Intended taking possession of the is found in Uganda where there are fear on the part of citizens that 1467 to every 1000 men The lowlittle cottage beside the woods should it be broken pilgrims would “I want to try the outdoor life dad- est proportion Is In Alaska and the cease to visit Genoa It waa thought dy and raise chickens and eat car- Malay States where there are In the at one time that It waa cut from an former 391 and In the latter 389 enormou emerald rots” Napoleon took it Her father glanced quickly at her women to every 1000 men— New with him to Paris persuaded of Its confrom under heavy Scientists Had his York World high intrinsic worth firmed the suspicion that It was made daughter’s mind finally given way Cultivate der the strain? Would It have been of glass and Genoans got It back at When the worries and cares of the pretty much their own figure better to let her throw herself away on a worthless scamp than — ? day fret you and begin to wear upon' Elsie's his you and you chafe under the friction laugh Interrupted LONG AND SHORT NAMES thoughts He breathed a sigh of re- —be calm Stop rest for a moment lief It was the spontaneous and let calmness and peace assert Elkhart Ind has within Its borders themselves If you let theee Irritatlaugh that he bad longed for wo men who probably bear the “I only want to get back to pink ing outside Influences get the better of having the longest and roses — here” she told him laying a of you you are confessing your In the mortest names respectively finger on her pale cheeks "and there feriority to them by permitting them States United The first Is the proIs nothing in the world like carrots” to dominate you Study the disturba of Greek kitchen candy It was thus that John Dillon pass- ing elements each by itself bring all jector When time permits his surname of your nature to bear ing the cottage on his way to the the thus s woods saw a girl groveling In the upon them and you will And that they In a burry with trowel and spade He will one by one melt into nothinggarden te signs bis name Speros Michaels raised his hat when she smiled at him ness like vapors fading before the The man with the name Ed Is short from beneath her lashes because he sun — From by William Ck remembered having met her at one of George Jordan the village muelcales Three weeks later he saw her again and this time stopped to admire the riot of flowers she had planted beside the wide veranda “Have one in your buttonhole" she suggested happily “You look too She selected a pansy and of”1 would offer you fered it to him a carrot also— but perhaps you don’t cafe for them raw” She was nibbling while she talked “I eat a dozen eggs a day drink two quarts of milk and consume bushels of carrots" FOR It’s hard enough to keep house if la weak woman perfect health but tired and suffering with an aching bach has a heavy burden Any woman In this condition has cause to suBpect kid- trouble ney if especially the kidney ac- tlon d Bordered Doan’s Kidney of Jonah and the whale? Grace Saintly — Why of course I do I believe every word of It Cholly Gayburd (enthusiastically)— will you be my Dear Miss Saintly wife? story BABY DISFIGURED ECZEMA "Our little boy Gilbert was troubled with eczema when but a few weeks His little face was covered with old soree even to back of his ears The poor little fellow suffered very much The sores began as pimples his little We face was disfigured very much hardly knew what he looked like The face looked like raw meat We tied little bags of cloth over his hands to prevent him from scratching He waa very restless at night his little face itched “We consulted two doctors at Chicago where we resided at that time After trying all the medicine of the two doctors without any result we and read of the Cutlcura Remedies at once bought Cutlcura Soap and Ointment the directions Following and promptly we saw the carefully result and after four weeks the dear child's face was as fine and clean as any little baby’s face Every one who saw Gilbert after using the Cutlcura was surprised He has a Remedies head of hair which Is a pride for any boy of his age three years We can the Cutlcura Remeonly recommend dies to everybody” (Signed) Mrs H Box 883 West Point Neb Albrecht Oct 26 1910 Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere a sample of each with book will be mailed to “Cutlcura" free on application Dept L Boston No Frosts There Llghte — It Is said that the tip of Florida Is the only portion of the United States which never has experienced frost Miss Sue Brette — Too bad it Is so far away from our traveling theatrical companies Foote southern When Your Eyes Need Care No Bmartlng— Feele Try Marine Eye Remedy Fine — Acte Quickly Try It lor Red Weak Watery Kyee and Granulated Eyelids Illustrated Book In each Package Murine Is not a "Patent by our Oculists compounded Pracicine”— bat used In successful Physicians' to the Pub Now dedicated tice for many years lie and sold by Druggists at and per Hottln naira Murine In Aseptio Eye Murine Eye Tubes Remedy Co 26c and Chicago The Substantial Part “Don’t you think the bliss of life comes with the rapture of the honeymoon?” but the real thing comes “Maybe with the alimony of the harvest moon" Important to Mothets Examine caret ully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over ioVearsT Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoiia Henpecked Lion Benham — They made a lion of me Mrs Benhara — Well I’m a pretty fair sort of lion tamer The Proper Course a powder trust?” don’t know but If there Is somebody should go gunning for ltr "Is there VI If testimonials received from tlio using Tea are of any value (lurlteld Tee does what wo claim for U Knougli sr)J Garfield It’s tough when love’s young fllss of old age tlix anq |