Show DF ELEPHANT PERILS HUNT Advertise Hunter' More ' Than of Afraid vf Stampede Being Attacked by Huge Beasta "We 'were now In the "bend 'of 'the and approaching Niger Lake a fine sporting country writes Capt A H W Haywood in the Wide World Magazine Here I spent nearly three weeks shifting my little camp as circumstances dictated It was near the Bite of an Inundated village that I made my headquarters for elephants These line beasts used to come and drink at the lake' every three or four days and I was fortunate enough to get two good tuskers here My first view of these animals was a one It was a beautiful moonlight night and I had sent out to my hunters in different directions bring me early news of elephants coming to drink at the lake which 1b a very large one Suddenly a man appeared saying that a herd was apand soon I heard proaching rapidly the thud of a multitude of huge feet The Monarch at Home the sandy ground Making a wide circuit to avoid giving them my wind I cautiously drew close to the lake on cannot adequately describe of the scene that met my eyes Some 40 elephants were disporting themselves in the moonlit waters bathing and douching themselves with water taken up in their trunks Knowing I should get my chance later I had plenty of time to single out the best tuskers and mark them down In the meantime I lay perfectly still in my concealed this reenjoying position markable picture Having bathed and drunk their fill the elephants proceeded to retreat leisurely homewards I had no With a little maneuvering great difficulty in shooting one of the animals I had marked down Now arrived a dangerous moment The huge herd frightened rather than enraged at the report of my rifle and the fall in all diof their comrade stampeded rections Some half dozen came cajeer-intoward me there was neither time nor space to evade them and for a moment I thought I must inevitably be trampled under their massive feet I had flung myself on the ground to when as possible be as Inconspicuous fortunately something made them turn aside within a few passed They inches of my prostrate body screaming and trumpeting in terrifying fashion as they thundered by Word3 the beauty RISES Very GHOSTLIKE IN COURT Much Alive First Husband Ap pears In Annulment Suit at N Paterson J Paterson N J — For ten years looked upon as dead Ralph N Y walked into of Syracuse Stevenson’s court and The established that he was alive suit of John G Schwartz secretary Buildand treasurer of the Schwartz Hannah wife his ing company against for annulment of their marriage was Mrs Schwartz under consideration was testifying when Peter J McGinordered nis counsel for Schwartz Mowerson to stand up the “Do you know that man?" woman was asked Only a moment before she declared she learned her first husband had died somewhere in the west Mrs Schwartz gasped and “Yes I know that almost whispered: man he is my husband” She was then excused Mowerson testified ’that he married Hannah E Straut May 8 1896 at Ten years ago he N Y Tollman deserted his wife he admitted and Mont He dewent to Phillipsburg nied that he had ever caused to be written letters to his wife declaring testified his death Mrs Schwartz that she had received a letter from his sister in Idaho telling of his death Human Chain Rescues Man Niagara Falls N Y — One of the most daring rescues in the history of Niagara falls was made by Aran Kevorkian an Armenian Wading out into the rapids a short distance above the cataract he pulled to shore with a pike pole the unconscious form of Henry J Smith of was assisted by David Kevorkian Thomas Gordon and Park Constable Harrington who formed a human to the chain anchoring the Armenian to him the resist and enabling shore current which was unusually strong owing to the high water THE mm IX OF THE PLAINS T)yPAMDAlXPAl?PI$H' Or'My 'mX “Author (Copyright t A C McClur g Or The SoirrHr Was King EtlCtc Lady Whem Wilderness Illustrations Bv A Co Dearborn MclvuiT-C- Jv ' 1310) a black tion a fighter by instinct and so long Aunt Caton’8 house servant to danger that the exciteaccustomed Imp of good humor who begged so ment of It merely put new fire into his hard to be taken back with him to the bor- veins a Virginian now Jack Kelt exactthe war bis stirhad held Why Now be understood boy that der plainsman Is riding along the Santa all numbing feel- rup the next morning when he rode l'e trail on the lookout for roaming war ly what threatened He notices a camp parties of savages The sudden rush of recollecand doubt vanished away tire at a distance and then sees a team ing of hesitancy lie tion seemed lo bridge the years and attached to a wagon and at full gallop and he became instantly alive pursued by men on ponies When Keith would not lie there in that hole waitthat black face became familiar a reaches the wagon the raiders have massacred two men end depurted He searches ing for the formation of a mob nor memory of home the Victims finding papers and a locket would he trust in the ability of the remember Neb’’ he "Of course with a woman's portrait He resolves to “but that’s all exclaimed eagerly hunt down the murderers Keith is ar- marshal to defend him rested at Carson Cltv charged with the He had some triends without— not years ago and i never expected to sc e murder his accuser being a ruffian named What brought you VVest Clack Bart many for he was but an occasional you again visitor at Carsod— who would rally to and got you Into this hole?” CHAPTER IV Hick’s assistance but there would not The negro hitched up onto the be enough on the side of law and bench the whites of bis eyes conspicAn Old Acquaintance der to overcome the "Red Light” out- uous as he stared uneasily about — he was an Im- fit if once The Carson City If he had a short squatty figure with exthey scented blood a dpcldedly provised affair although was to be saved from their clutches cessively broad shoulders and a face It was originally a he must save himself popular resort if his inno- of Intense good humor cabin with to the cence was ever established it would gable “I reck'n dat am conslder'bie ob a street the front apartment at one be by his own exertions — and he could story" Massa Jack de circumlocution time a low groggery the keeper sleep- accomplish this only out yonder- free ob which would take a heap ob time Whether sud- under the arch of dty ing In the rear room tollin'” he began soberly “But it den death or financial reverses had W’hen de He lifted his head every hervfe tin happened 'bout dis way been the cause the community had in Yankees con e snoopin’ long de East determination gling with desperate 6ome manner become possessed of the The low growl of voices was audible Sho’ — reck'n maybe it des a yeah aft-- ' once and had at dedicated through the partition but there wa9 er dat time when we done burled de property For the pur- no other sound it to the commonweal Carson City was still or Co'nel— dey burned Missus Caton’8 pose thus selected It was rather well resting de ol‘ Missus and there would "be no crowd bouse clah to de groun’ built adapted being strongly easily nor excitement until much later Not was in Richmond den an' de ew nigand on the outskirts of the until nightfall would any attack be guarded gers left jest natchaliy took to de town With iron grating over the tempted he had six or eight hours yet woods I went into Richmond huntin’ windows the back door heavily spiked in which to perfect bis plans He de ol’ Missus but Lawd Massa Jack and the front secured by iron bars any prisoner once locked within could On probably be found when wanted the occasion of Keith’s arrival the portion abutting upon the street was by a rather miscellaneous occupied assembly —the drunk and disorderly were elements conspicuous — who awaiting their several calls to appear before a local justice and make answer for various misdeeds Some were pacing the floor others sat moodily on benches ranged against the wall while a few were still peacefully slumbering upon the floor It was a frowsy crowd evincing but mild disreputable curiosity at the arrival of a new prisoner Keith bad barely time to glance about recognizing no familiarity of face amid the mass peering at him as and he was hustled briskly forward thrust Into the rear room the heavy door closing behind him with the snap of a spring lock He was alone with only the faintest murmur of voices coming to him It was a through the thick partition room some twelve feet square open to the roof with bare walls and containing no furniture except a rude bench Still dazed by the suddenness of his arrest he sank' down upon the seat leaned his head on his hands and endeavored to think It' was difInto ficult to get the facts marshalled any order or to comprehend clearly the situation yet little by little his brain grasped the main details and he awoke to a full realization of his of the forces he must war condition against The actual murderers of those two men on the trail had had their suspicions aroused by his actions they believed he guessed something of their foul deed and had deto termined clear themselves by the crime directly against charging It was a shrewd trick and if him to their story ought stuck only they to succeed He had no evidence other than bis own word and the marshal had already taken from his pockets tc the papers belonging the slain man He had not found the locket hidden under his shirt yet a more search would doubtless rethorough veal that also Cat Am Massa Waite an' John Sibley” “Oh De Good Lawd Even' should the case corns to trial nebber foun' nothin' ob ber In dat how would it be possible for him to ran his eyes about the room searching Den on' officer It was crowd man done got establish and— would innocence it for some spot of weakness ever come to trial? Keith knew the dark back of the bench and he turned me an’ put me diguin' in de trenches he in oxer direction Fho' don’ Ef xvah am dat’s that Leaning character of the frontier aud of man on no Den after dat J Jest want the figure of a nyt' wah The inclination of its citi- looked down City I reckon libbed zens in such cases A'as to act first curled up sound asleep on the floor natchaliy drifted and reflect later the law had but The fellow’s limbs twitched as if in a 'bout eberywhar yo ebber heard ob otherwise he might have deem- fo’ dar want no use ob me gotn' back slender hold being respected only dream when backed by the strong hand and ed him dead as his face was burled to de East Sho’ 'Somebody said dat A moment Keith hesi- de West am de right place fo' a nigprimitive Instincts were always in the in his arms then he reached down and ger an' so dene headed weat’ ascendency requiring merely a leader tated until he amused He cropped his face in his black to break forth in open violence And shook the sleeper to look up It was the hands and was silent tor some minIn this case would there be any lack sufficiently face of a negro An In utes but Keith said nothing and finLike a flash his mind of leadership? man stant the fellow at the stared to ‘‘Black Bart" There was reverted ally the thick voice continued the man capable of inciting a mob if towering over him his thick lips part— a 'J (iiitnisrvm w terror for some unknown reason he had suf- ed his eyes full of sudden ficient interest to swear out the war- Then he sat up with hands held be rant and assist in the arrest he would fora him as though warding off a have equal cause to serve those fel- blow "Fo’ de Lawd's Bake” he managed lows behind him in other ways would dread a trial with to articulate finally "am dis sho' yo' its possibility of exposure and eagerly Massa Jack?” to whom all colored peopk Keith grasp any opportunity for wiping the slate clean Their real security from were much alike laughed at tha ex his pression on the negro’s face discovery undoubtedly lay In death and with the "I reckon yer guessed the name all “Rij Light" crowd behind them they touid ex right Were you the cook oi How Sherlock' Holme Knew Impor boy perlence no trouble In getting a fol- the Diamond L7” tant Individual Wa Brought Up uebber cooked nodl’onda In the Country "No sah lowing desperate enough for any purI'se ol’ Neb Bah" pose The longer Keith thought the less "What?” "Hah!" exclaimed Sherlock Holme I'se de boy dat libbed Jr he doubted the result It v us not then "Yes sah a problem of defence but of escape wid ol’ Missus Caton durin’ de wah "Very well Sheri" said Pr for he believed now that no opporain't seen yo’ Massa Jack sence de “if you wish It will hah! But tunity to defend himself would ever day we burled yo’ daddy ol’ Massa what is the occasion for bailing?" The arrest was merely Keith be allowed But I knowed yo’ de berry "Have ou noticed that man with woke up Sho’ yo’ 'members the grayish hair and the Important part of the plot intended to leave hint minute In Neb sah?” manner?" helpless In the bands of the mob It came to Keith now in sudden this Hicks was in no way blamable — "Of course I could not very well rain belp doing so be bad merely performed bis sworn rush of memory — the drizzling He would attract at the few neigh- tentlon anywhere” duty and would still die "if need be in the little cemetery He was bors standing about a narrow fringe in defence of his prisoner "He was born In the country and no tool but only an instrument they of slaves back of them the lowering spent his boyhood either on a farm of the coffin and the hollow sound of or In a small town” bad found means of using earth falling on the box and Neb bis a man of ac "What Is his name?" Keiih was essentially SYNOPSIS IT TOO Wants Cook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Want a Situation Want a Servant Girl Wnnt to Soil a Piano Want to Soil a Carriage Want to SallTownPreperty Want to Sell Your Groceries Want to Sell Your Hardware Want Customers for Anything Advertise Weekly in Thin Paper Advertising Is the Way to Success Advertising Brings Customers Advertising Keeps Customers Advertising Insures Success Advertising Shows Energy ' Advertising Shows Pluck Advertising Is “Biz" ' “I tell Jack It was you’ Massa I mighty lonely fo’ Neb dem days didn’t know whar any ob yo’ all was an’ it wan’t no fun fo’ dis nigger bein’ I free dat axvay got out ter Independence Missouri an' was roustaboutin' on de ribber when a couple ob men come along what wanted a copk to trabbel'wid 'em I took de Job an’ dat’s what fetched me here ter Carson City” "But what caused your arrest?" "A conjunction ob circumstances Massa Jack yes snh a conjunction ob circumstances got playin’ pokah ober In dat ’Red Light’ an' i was doin’ I’d cleaned fine reckon up mo’n a hundred dollars when got sleepy an’ started fo' camp I'd most got dar w’en a bunch ob low white trash It made me mad It did Jumped me fo’ a fact an’ I reckon I carved some ob 'em up befo’ I got away de marshal come down took me out ob de tent an’ fetched me here an’ I ben here ebber sence wan’t goin’ ter let no low down white trash git ail dat money" "What became of the men you were working for?” "I reckon dey went on sah Dey had 'portent business an’ wouldn’t likely wait ’round here jest ter help a nigger Ain't ennybodv ben here ter see me nohow an’ I 'spects I’se eradicated from dey mem’ry — I ’spects I Advartise or Bust Advertise Long Advertise Well ADVERTISE At Oncsi In This Paper 0 F BULLOCK-- DENTIST Office B Meat an A' Company Store IS TO 30 OF MONTH evtr Ezppljr IN OFFICE Salioa I Salina Utah Is" CHAPTER Emmett Robins V The One Way Keith said nothing for some moments staring up at the light stealing in through the window grating his mind once again active The eyes of tho black man had the patient look of a dog as they watched evidently he had cast aside all responsibility now that this other had come Finally Keith spoke slowly: "We are in much the same position one is liable to Neb and the fate of This is my story” be the fate of both —and briefly as possible he ran over the circumstances which had brought him there putting the situation clear enough for the negro’s understanding without wasting any time upon detail Neb followed his recital with exclabulging eyes and an occasional mation At the end he burst forth: “Yo’ say dar was two ob dem white — ol’ one an man wid a men murdered gray beard an’ de odder ’bout thirty? Am dat it Massa Jack an’ dey had fo’ span ob mules an’ a runnin’ hoss?" “Yes" “An’ bow far out wss it?” "About sixty miles” "Oh de good Lawd!” and the negro threw up his hands dramatically “Dat Dat am Massa sutt'nly am my outfit! Waite an’ John Sibley” men with “You mean the Bame whom you came here from Independence’" overcome by the disNeb nodded covery "But what caused them to run such "Didn't they a risk?" Keith insisted Were on the war know the Indians path?” I heard ’em talkin’ 'bout dat "Sho but Massa Waite was jest boun’ foh He didn't ’pear to be to git movin’ reck'ned 'fraid ob no Injuns dey'd nebber stop him dat he knowed I reck’n dat chief on de plains he did too” "But wbat was be so anxious to away for’” (TO BB OOVJINUED PROFESSIONAL b’TE p in get ND BRING TOUR LADNRDY White House Build tag acquainted mszc N J BATES Lawyer Xotary Public RICHFIELD ‘lasrvwn OulUctioM UTAH n mu gt Fewer o( Praise wh'cn There is one tb ' however geneion!y disposed huwevei g've but which verypre poor is bound to ciy This 1r pals-H- e no cannot give it because It his own since la dpendejt fo Its very existence on someth jg in another can never become to Dim a tor can be justly with possession: bo'd it q hen the presence m merit Wasa claims it as a consequer irgton AilEton (UjpTngbt - ly by W LI) Everybody who reads magazines buy a newspapers but everybody who reads newspapers doesn’t buy magazines Catch the Drift? Greatest Man in Here's the medium to reach the people of this community the City — don t know ” "If ou don't know etj name how have you found out that ne was once There is no hayseed country boy? n his hair and I can see nothing about him to indicate it at he has not always been used to city ways" "Of course you can’t There Isn't But anything of that kind about him didn’t you hear that man who pointed him out a moment say he was the greatest man In thi great city?" “Ah Sherlock they can't beat you as a deducer Sines you explain It the whole is as plain as day " "I si thing The oculist should be a happy He looks well In ether people's ’(4 The Advertised Article S is £1 V? man eye xl one in which the merchant himself has implicit faith — else he would not advertise it You are safe In patronizing the merchants who ads appear in this papsr because their and nevsr goods are shopworn ! I b j: |