Show irVPil 't WOES OF THE BUSINESS MAN New Train Service via a Sampls of tha Many Things That Turn His Ravsn Locks to Gray Just T new girl was taking dictation head of the firm a Wall In the letter the genbroker the tleman was inveighing against practices of certain houses In the street “The firm you mention” he die tated in the course or his epistle “have an office In an uptown hotel but I do not consider their business legitimate I have never had either liking or respect for bucket shops With personal regards I am yours very truly” he finished "Now you can sign that Miss Fudge and mall It for I’ve got to leave at once” And Miss Fudge did The next day the boss glanced over book and tore his the hair when he read “I have never had either liking or' respect for bucket clops” And Miss Fudge put on her The from Btreet the Our Center of Population W TTT am fejfj ' rtmi Vwr 3 I ' - 9 w ‘lJ eft: ax l e’ mm hat The next stenographer was a young man The boss dictated: “The de ceased left neither bonds nor stocks" pothooks Any writer of stenographic knows that the word “bonds” Is written almost exactly like the word which is sometimes used for “trousers” Hence the man stenographer’s left transcription: "The deceased neither pants nor socks" And the man secretary put on his if ' ? Next? LUNCH s CHILDREN Midday to Be WILL LIKE Meal 8hould Be Packed and Warm Kept Appetizing Mothers living too far from the schoolhouse for the children to come home to lunch will find this a solution cf the cold lunch problem: Use a box about 15 inches square inside measurement pack a layer of excelsior very solidly In the bottom then put a tin or agate pall hava cover on this Pack very ing tight excelsior solidly around this to the top of the pall It 1b very Important to have It solid as the pall must be taken out A cover must be made to fit the box and this too covered for $hr?e Inches or enough to reach the pall with the excelsior held In place with cheesecloth or other light fabric tacked securely over It For the box make a cover of linen or dark canvas This cover should extend all over the box and hook on side For the lunch boil In the pall rice beans you may choose soup or whatever that can be boiled When nearly done cover closely and put at once In the box put the cover on the box and It Is ready and will be done and hot when the children are ready for it hours later Of course It a tin pall Is tomatoes used nothing containing This will be found should be chosen to mothers of especial convenience in children where the country living drive to school - - ‘m frkF'T' The exact center of population of the United States has been located In the premises of a furniture factory at Bloomington Ind In the accompanying On the photograph the Interesting spot Is where the instrument is placed left are Prof W O Cogsball and Prof C A Drew of the astronomical department of Indiana university who made the calculations that located the center of population TALLEST TOMB IN ENGLAND UNKNOWN LOVER A THIEF An adventure giving a good example of the- romantic temperament of the French has just befallen a young American and girl staying at one of the most fashionable hotels In the Rue de Pvoli Paris A while ago the girl who had missed a favorite brooch containing a miniature of herself and had given up all hope of finding it was much astonished to find fixed to her dressing table the following note: “You are the most ideally beautiful thing I have seen In Paris Permit me therefore to carry oft In addition to so many exquisite souvenirs which you have left In my memory the one which has charmed me most I inclose £200 as the price of your brooch” ‘ vs X I- hat How crastfi ' The girl’s reply was prompt and as original as the stranger’s letter She caused a brief note to the following effect to be sent to the other visitors at the hotel: “Mile X refuses the £200 as the price of her brooch but will be pleased to have herself photographed for the person who sends it back to her” i A photographer bearirig the missing trinket soon presented himself and handed over the brooch took a having number of photographs of the American girl whose identity by her special request is being kept secret both and the poby the hotel management lice LANDS IN South Tattooing Is universal and common among the Sea Island North and South American Indians the Dyaks the Burmese the Chinese Its Introduction and the Japanese to Europe was undoubtedly due to western sailors and among civilized peoples It Is practically confined to the seafaring class and to sailors Among the Polynesians' tattooing pro bably reached the greatest perfection In the Marquesa group for example men were tattooed all over even the and the tips of the fingers and toes crown of the head being covered with As from fantastic designs three to were occupied by each six months commencing at separate operation birth a man must have attained to the age of thirty at least before the entire scheme of bodily decoration was completed Among the Kabyles and Arabs of Algeria children are tattooed by their mothers as a means of Identification Probably the rudest form of tattooing Is that in vogue among the aborigines of Australia and certain tribes The method adopted dy of negroes these races consists In cutting gashes on the skin arranged In patterns and then filling the wounds with clay This raised scars these forming moderns opposed to the more common device of pricking with a needle confined to the black Is practically races Among certain African tribes notably the Kaffirs tattooing 1s an honor bestowed upon a warrior who A has distinguished himself In war long Incision Is made In’ the thigh whiph Is then rubbed with cinders un discolored The Fitil sufficiently jians and the Eskimos regard one who lives his days without being tattooed his happiness In the as endangering Burlington Boute Bock Island Boute Missouri Pacific FOUR ! FAST TWO NIGHTS TO CHICAGO TWO NIGHTS TO BT LOUIS NIGHTS TO NEW YORK TRAINS THREE DAILY FROM M 8:10 a nr 4:30' m p and Pullman SALT LAKE 8:45 a WITH CONNICTION St Louis Tourist Sleeper For further inform aitoi atent or address 7:10 p m I F and Chicifo to cheat of care without A BENTON O seeW A A WADLEIQET G P P M Forney D Sslt A Denver local Lake UL Colo 2CZ3C Why not say Hello to them? Your friends all want to talk to you over the’ohone Better have it put in With ping a Salina telephone in your Move you ean run errands go shopdo boilseaa sto without leaving heme Yon will enjoy the Why not have it? Gat sonneeted this sewing week TELEPHONE SAUNA COMPANY 3B mu Ay ' hereafter CLOCK GREAT OF ST SAUSAGE MARK’S Fresh and Fine need Like Mother to make Choicest line of MEATS and GROCERIES :A (1j The G BWEMM & !eri Art Treasures In Spain Spain Is considered by art collectors a lucrative field and many Interesting antiques are picked up here from Seville has numerous time to time shops where antiquities are sold and A BLIND needlework where the old Spanish STENOGRAPHER This section of may be purchased Near the seaport of Southampton the country has so recently (comMaurice J Myers a blind stenogthere 1b a remarkable ediEngland been Invaded by paratively speaking) rapher reported all the discussions at tourists that art buyers claim to find fice known as Petersen's tower which the conference on the treatment of Is the One of the sights of Venice a of marks the certain burying place here many desirable things of which blind held recently at Exeter Eng- great clock of St Mark’s which was Petersen a wealthy tea planter the the more frequented countries have John land Mr Myers’ notes which were made in 1494 by Glovan Rinadi and The man appears to have been rather on a narrow strip of paper son recorded long since been almost sold out Prob- an eccentric was Lombardo Pietro the archiindividual and In order to a length of two and a tect of the beautiful clock extended ably the old Spanish needlework and to tower' prove to tbq world his belief In the wood carvings are the most char- concrete miles and contained approxi- The bells of the clock are two one as a building material he set quarter acteristic finds though the antique about This clever within the other and the hours ate the construction of this great mately 800000 dots who can take notes struck by two giant bronze Moors writer Spanish and the lustrous Moorish tiles tower shorthapd The building took many years are also much sought Of course paint- to at a speed of 158 words a minute complete but Is entirely of con- helped to formulate “the and occaings are eagerly scanned Birmingham SHARK HAD HER PARASOL crete and the time the final laysionally a Murillo school picture ers had beenbyplaced had reached an al- system of embossed shorthand” He comes to sale Birmingham Royal Mlss Laura Dorsey of Saugatuck titude of more than 300 feet It is was trained forat the Blind Institution the her parasol Conn from a about 40 years since the tower was dropped harbor steamer boat In New York erected and Its present condition Is AT EIGHTY-ONearly this summer and a shark gobcertainly a Justification of the faith Wood In a certain form Is a combled it up of the builder Recently James Keyes Petersen left Instrucmon and constant article of food in Lewes A spry old lady Is Mis SueVorhees tions his remains should lighthouse at assistant keeper be that all sections of Siberia where the placed under the tower and this was an Inmate of the Del caught a shark and when be Yakut lives Read accordingly done Another desire thet Ithaca Old Ladles’ home While cele- opened it he found a parasol North of Verchoyanak except in a the chamber at the summit should conher birthday recently she ing of the find in the newspapers brating few sheltered valleys there Is little tain a light was defeated by the firm called out her friends on the lawn In Miss Dorsey wrote to the lighthouse food aside from that afforded by fish It might be hers front of the home and picking up a keeper which Trinity house the lightthinking stand than that furnished by the larch The house little girls' Jumping rope skipped She described the parasol and enough took on the matter natives eat It however because they Such anauthority times without the faintest of it remained for the lighthouse Illumination have been twenty-onlike it Even In sections where fish visible for miles out would sign of fatigue or effort keeper to identify It sea and would at had wood may be usually forms part have to sailors proved misleading of the native’s evening meal as the many cleanly stripped larch logs near SAVED BY HER FALSE HAIR every hut testify The natives strip oft the thick layers Immediately under the bark of a False hair saved the life of Miss larch log and chopping it fine mix Flora Brand of Higginsville Mo it with snow It Is then boiled in a when a Missouri Pacific struck kettle Sometimes a bit of fish roe is the motor car In which engine she was ridtadded and In the southern sections ing Her sister Augusta cow’s milk or butter — Harper’s WeekMo was fatally Brand of Greenfield ly 1 f: f Injured The Brand sisters were ridring In the rear seat of a car belongBrand ing to their uncle E C Brand Stumbled on Vein of Gold see the engine which was For seven pesos or about $255 a did not miles an hour ' “wl poor Chilean bought a few weeks ago running ' y iTT’j f ' until it was so near that he was unthe foundation of an old house In able bis car before It reached 1 to stop Putu near Constituclon relates the the track It came to a full stop on New York Sun As the man grubbed track and was struck Miss Flora out the stones from the earth his at- the y Brand's false hair became entangled tention was attracted to the yellow In the engine’s driver and was pulled He found It from specks In one of them her head contained an extraordinarily large “If the driver had caught my own proportion of gold He inquired as hair I know my head would have been to whence the stones originally came pulled under the wheels” she said and finally traced them to a hill in the vicinity There he found In the MUST BE GOOD SWIMMERS rock The Young Turks who are now ordering the destinies of thejr country slope a velft of from a small portion of which in the are committing many acts of vandalism in their desire to be up to date and course of a week’s work he and a must learn to are destroying All German soldiers historic monuments Among these are the castle of Aleppo friends of extracted $75000 The latter is the site Some of them are so expert and the vast "tell” on which it stands swim couple worth of gold A company has now that with their clothing on their heads of a city of great antiquity the Khaleb of the Hittltee and Assyrians the been formed with a capital of and carrying guns and ammunition Some of th ’’tell’’ was skinned Cbalybon of Xenophon and the Seulicldes to open up the vein and deter- they can pwlni rivers several hundred years ago for the sake of the stone and now it Is planned to raze both the mine Its true value castle and the “telL” yards In width A 4'l LONG mM - Harness Harness Horso Saddles full lino of Men’s and Boys’ Our poods are the best and our line and be convinced Store Tents and Wagon Covers and a Blankets Dress and Work Shoes We want your trade our price the lowest Drop in and look over ' LUMBER ' everything in LUMBER Nephi Plaster Portland Cement and a fine line of Builders Hadware Doors Windows Johnson-Arneso- Phone Moulding 6 Black Lumber Co n aL iUse Electric Lights Why not? n That’s the light to see your way clear by See Manager j Manion and get wired Be Sevier Light Power & Milling 1A nw Co- - - Emmett Robins ix t t Front White W Leather GoodsShop and Shoe 'ill Young Turks as Vandals : & RIO GRANDE DENVER IN MANY TATTOOING PROFESSIONAL BARBER Succeed when everything else fells In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy as thousanda have testified STEr IN GET ACQUAINTED ND BRING YOUR LaUNRDY FOR KIDNEYLIVER AND STOMACH ROUBLE Building It ia the best medicine ever sold over a druggist ’a counter N J BATES Lawyer Notary Public RICHFIELD Collections OTAII TAI10BING Step store pairs order up stairs over the and ask the man He cleans and makes suits August Ericksen p re- to it I |