Show I THE SALINA CALL By C N SALIVA Lund Payson’s apple crop is nearly gathThis has been one of the best this locality has had for this ered years fruit on the new High school Excavating and Payson has been completed work on foundation will be pushed while the weath permits Utah sheepmen are jubilant over the outlook for winter grazing and declare that the recent storms will be ol great value to the Utah flockmasters Joseph Smith Boren a resident oi Provo since 1851 and one of the early residents of Nauvoo died November 7 following a severe attack of heart at failure Salt Lake may get a low rate on oranges and lemons from California if efforts to reopen the tariffs on citrus fruits before the interstate commerce are successful commission Six inches of snow in Huntsville valley has put an effectual stop to the in county road building operations that vicinity and it is probable that work cannot be resumed until spring Mrs Ellenor Schrepel aged 73 years a member of the original handcart party which crossed the plains in 1857 died November 7 at the family residence in Salt Lake as a result of general debility Leroy F Hobbs a resident of Park City since 1878 was found dead in a building at 'the rear of the Park City hotel by a man who had called to borrow Hobbs’ tools Heart trouble was the cause of death an illness of nearly five Following months Brunson T Young aged 6C degree Mason years a and known throughout Utah and Idaho as a bridge and railroad carpenter died Wednesday at Salt Lake Hunters from Provo still are going to the hills in search of deer and from the reports coming in almost dally almost thirty of these animals have from been shot by the sportsmen Provo since the 15th of October In support of the striking shopmen in their fight for a recognition of the federation the Ogden cigarmakers union has elected to tax each member 50 cents a week of the organization as a contribution to the strike fund Smallpox has broken out again in Weber county Richard Bates a resident of Plain City being now under a strict quarantine with' the contagion Every effort will be made by the Plain City authorities to prevent a spread of the disease double Seven miles of completed track betweea Ogden and Farmington is nearly ready to be turned over to the operating department of the Ore gon Short Line company A thousand men are at work on the extension oi the double track H T Haines state commissioner oi immigration labor and statistics has gone to Washington to attend the initial meeting of the immigration commissioners of the various states Mr Haines will endeavor to land the 1912 meeting for Salt Lake William H Crosby pioneer of 1848 who had enjoyed the personal friendship of Joseph Smith the prophet died in a Salt Lake hospital Thursday death resulting from Injuries sustained a month ago when he was run down by an automobile Ephraim A Nye who was sentenced to serve a year and a day in the federal prison at Leavenworth has been paroled Nye who was a livery man at Garfield was charged with knowingly and fraudulently concealing property from the trustee in a bankruptcy case The lifeless body of Michael Hogan one of the oldest railroad men in Utah was discovered In his room In Ogden The body was seated In a chair the feet resting on the floor the lips still gripping a pipe when the discovery was made Death was due to FALLS NEAR THE GOAL Aviator Injured aa Machine Rodgers Crashes to Earth on Last Lap of Journey Across the Continent VTAH UTAH STATE NEWS heart failure Robert Zaffey and Frank Romeo of the three Italians charged with the murder of Albert V Jen5 on February kins at Sunnyslde and the attempted murder of George Bentley were found guilty of murder In the first degree by a Jury In the district court at Provo Some improvement is Bhown in the Salt supplying scorings of dairies Lake with milk and cream in the lat est inspection of the state dairy and food department These dairies numhave hn aver bering about age score of a little more than seventy points out of a possible 100 Praises a:4 showered upon the Utah farmers by D W Working of the United States department of agricul ture Mr Working has spent consid erable time In Utah the past year in vestigating matters coming un(Jer the head of farm management the division of which he is in charge Mrs Mathias Martin a pioneer resident of that section of the state dropped dead at Richardson Apoplexy is given as the cause of death She was playing with her little granddaughter when seized with the attack Grover Kopp aged 18 of Salt Lake accidentally shot himself while rabbit shooting near Great Salt Lake shotgun Both barrels of a discharged squarely into the instep the loads penetrating directly through bones all the and shattering the foot and' tendons of tbe ankle two AIRMAN 1 PRAYING Ji BY ARE SHATTERED HOMES FORCE OF WIND AND EIGHT MEET UNTIMELY DEATH In Wisconsin Hurricane of Million and Brings Many Homea In Ita Course Causes Sorrow Twenty-Mil- (Copyright SLAY till) WOMEN AND CHILDREN Neither Age Nor Sex la Spared at Nanking Imperial Troops When Slaughter Begins by IN HOPES INTERVENE END TO WAR WILL Cal —In an attempted Los Angeles flight from Pasadena to Long Beach Coming of Winter Expected to to officially end his Because of Complications C P Rodgers met Journey Aviator Famine Many People Already with the worst mishap ofh Is career Suffering From Lack of Food on Sunday falling with his machine 125 feet Into a ploughed field on the the Orr ranch half way between' two cities and jvlthln sight of his desKal the last Peking — Yuan Shi Petination prop of the throne has reached were broken nJ bones Although He came Monday acking at last was badly shaken up biB companied by 2000 troops and Rodgers was hands were burned by his motor and warmly greeted by the administraho tion consciousness after recovering of a severe pain in his complained In honor of his arrival an edict was side His machine was completely him commander of Issued appointing wrecked all the troops In the vicinity of thfr Great efforts are being made capital TO DIVIDE THE SPOILS to induce him to accept the premierGreat Britain France and Germany ship but he has given no definite answer to Partition the Congo on Monday The national assembly Brussels — Reports have been current for some months that a grand discussed the immediate opening of but decided it would be parliament repartition of Africa was under con- inadvisable The matter was referred sideration by interested powers to will consult which which some color has been lent by to a committee certain observations by the French with Yuan Shi Kal The opinion is held at the legations premier in the course of a recent that there are serious complications speech ITALIAN COMMANDER TELLS OF These have taken more definite In store for China and greater sufform and it is reported on good au- ferings than she has yet endured The PRACATROCITIES HORRIBLE by ' thority that the proposed scheme pro- prospects of foreign Intervention TICED UPON WOUNDED other powers than Russia and Japan vides for the withdrawal of Belgium Winto be discussed from the Congo which will be di- are beginning terminate the to is ter expected vided between Great Britain France of troops but massed movements Their and Germany Declares That Arabs Directed rolls and In compensation to the there will be greater death Attacks Against Ambulances according provand Soldiers Wounded That reports Belgium is to receive the through famine even in secgrand duchy of Luxemburg and ter- ince The people in the central Turks Were Just as Guilty their ritory along the left bank of the tion are already supplementing food supply with the bark of trees Scheldt and Holland is to receive The government continues fatherconcescolonial Ciuliano the counterbalancing Washington — San but ing Manchu recruits at Peking sions soon will be unable to meet the payItalian minister of war forwarded to a ment MARTIAL LAW AT NANKING It is not believed here that the the Italian embassy on Thursday a large enough mobilize can relatChinese Caneva General from telegram and army about Peking to venture an atExecuted All Suspects 6 and NoBeing ing to battles of November Inability tack but the government’s vember 7 in which the Italian genRough Characters Enlisted to collect revenues from a single proeral declared there was ‘‘indisputable London — A dispatch to a London vincial capital Is almost certain to of the articles news of violation evidence agency from Nanking says mar- bring about a capitulation Arabs of of war” on the part the tial law has been proclaimed there as Caneva’s message was General Heroism of "Cow Girl” General Chang Jen Chung the vicefollows: she Cal — Because Los all suspects includAngeles roy is executing “Our scouts on the field where the her own safety to save ing some of his own men and is en- disregarded encounters of th sixth and seventh listing numbers of roughs The rebthe lives of an Indian woman and took place between the els have retired to their nearest her baby Miss Nellie Francis regiment of Italian infantry and camp fifteen miles distant The gov- a "cow girl” employed by a travelTurks and Arabs have ascertained ernment troops are bringing up artil- ing “wild west” show giving exhithat acts of cruelty have been com- lery to attack them but are respect- bitions here is near death at a lomitted upon our fallen One of the ing the neutrality of the railroad on foot Miss Francis cal hospital two dead was found barbarously de- Food supplies in Nanking are be- ran in front of a dozen steers and doubt exists that in coming exhausted ydtated buffaloes which stampeded A Tien Tsin disfollowing the encounters the Turks were pres patch to the same agency says that one of the performances and bore ent and for this reason they are diits inde- down on the tent in which the Indian province declared Rumors the foun- Shantung rectly responsible She turned woman and her baby lay pendence on Friday the government dations of which it was not possible officials taking office under the new the charge from the tent but was to ascertain' were current regarding knocked down by a huge buffalo and regime Italbefore rescuers reached her was barbarous killing of wounded MAY SOON SECURE JURY were ians on the field while they badly gored still alive and prisoners Seattle Celebrates Birthday “It was ascertained that the Arabs McNamara Defense and State Agree Seattle — This city was founded sixMen to Accept I directed the fire and the attacks ago oh November 13 by a ty years wounded ambulances and find “If we can the Los Angeles Cal— against men among the party of Immigrants from Portland but it was still uncertain if twelve troops we headed by the families of Arthur A examined only the Arabs were to blame for it talesmen now being Denny and David T Denny Tennesor if the Turks should also have been will accept them without exhausting declared outlawed for violations of our twenty peremptory challenges” seeans They named the settlement after an Indian chief with whom the war regulations Now doubt is was the statement Sunday of Clarlived on terms of close friendsettlers and it has been ascertained ence S Darrow chief counsel for Jas until his ' death fourteen years in a most absolute waythat on the B McNamara on trial for deaths re- ship Seattle’s birthday was celeof the later battlefield of Ain Zar jQhe Turkish sulting from the explosion brated with a banquet by the chamof article 30 Times building here thirteen months in violation commander ber of commerce ordered hang- ago of the last convention ed without any trial our Informants Little Hope for Beattie District Attorney John D Frederand some Arabs who were suspected icks shares this view so that with on Richmond Va — By refusing eviof spying There is Indisputable three jurors already sworn a lucky Monday to grant an appeal In the case of of violation dence of the articles combination may furnish a complete of Henry Clay Beattie Jr convicted war on the part of the Arabs who Jury within a shorter Interval than In Chesterfield county September 8 were directed by Turkish officials expected of the murder of his wife the Viragainst the Italians” ginia supreme court takes away from RESERVOIR OPEN UNDERGROUND the condemned man his last hope oi Utah About Truth the Telling on November 24 execution Flood in Cripple Creek Mine Carries escaping The Denver & Rio Grande railroad Mann should interunless Governor Workmen Off Their Feet has Just issued a folder entitled “The fere Colorado Springs — A dispatch from Lands of Utah” which should prove Scho'oner Lost In Storm of incalculable benefit to the state Cripple Creek tells of the striking of flow of water in the Conn — The schooner New Haven The author is that well known au- a sensational bore of the Roosevelt deep drainage Witch Hazel from New York for’ thority on Utah’s resources Judge E tunnel The flow followed a round went down In the sound Provlncetown Almost F Colburn of Salt Lake City of shots and was so heavy that the off New Haven during the storm every section of the state is porworkmen were carried off their feet and The captain Monday night trayed in picture and story in Buch down the bore and narrowly two escaped and three men were drowned a manner that the reader cannot but drowned Water Is now others were saved wonder at the resources of this great being leaving the portal at the rate of and the opportunities commonwealth When a Dog Has Right to Bite gallons a minute or about four settler Howoffered the prospective Seattle — A dog has a right to bite times the usual flow It is supposed ever there is no overdrawing of facts that an underground reservoir or a man who steps on the dog’s tail the statements of the author being stream has been opened and that a This in effect is the ruling made by backed by photographs and statistimaterial lowering of the water level Judge J T Roland Monday when he cal tables which should convince the in the mines of the district will be found for the defendant in a suit inreader of the great opportunities to noticeable later volving a claim for $4500 damages The Denver & Rio be found in Utah for a dog bite adin work a Child Wife Suicides Is Grande doing great Want Funds for Missions Letha Everett Wash — Mrs vertising Utah Denver— The board of home miswife of Louis the Himself Defends Chancellor German of the Lamara a Greek committed suicide sions and church extension church decided fti the county jail here Sunday by Methodist Berlin — Chancellor von Episcopal before a hostile choking herself with a piece of rope appeared Monday to Issue an appeal to the dehouse on Thursday to defend the Lamara and his wife were arrested nomination for a fufcd of $1500000 ex2 and were being held agreement and November to carry on the work of the coming the pending an investigation of their conhausted his skill in explaining year great advantages of a friendly settle- duct Enright Given Life Sentence ment ’with France seeking to show Hunter Kills Child Chicago — Maurice- Enright business the future value of the colonial acof reWIs — Mistaken Is agent of the United Association it to and the Couderay disprove quisitions Plumbers for a deer Jorda Sundberg recently convicted of the ports that Germany had backed down supposed was al- aged 4 daughter of Mr and Mrs John murder of Vincent Altman was senHe before British menace was shot and killed Saturtenced to life imprisonment by Judge lowed to finish with scarcely a sign Sundberg The hunter could not be found McSurely on Monday’ of day BLAME historic Nanking Is In Nanking— the shadows of the Manchu butcher Friday’s sun Bet upon a scene of fire desolation and butchery unrapine rivaled In modern history and Friday night 12000 Manchu held old style soldiers imperial Purple hill where they are intrenched while from beneath their stronghold they drove before them hordes of Chinese out of the city Innocent Chinese leaving everything behind them fled and destitute to shelter In the ternal injuries a of Proede a bride Mrs Elizabeth fields at the rear of the reform The latter few months was Instantly killed when forces numbering bethe house was carried away Her tween 20000 and 30000 are Impotent husband was in tbe barn and discov- to check the slaughter or avenge the slain because of their lack of ammuered the body after the storm passed sixteen years old was nition Leo Lentz 8 Since the night of November blown from a new barn which he was helping build six miles northeast of when the first attack was made by Hanover His father Theodore Lentz the revolutionists the Tartar general barn inon the has endeavored to terrorize the who was also working executions habitants by wholesale was uninjured Near Milton there was one death Those whose queues had been cut off but Friday when Helen Austin five years old daughter were beheaded otha farmer Three the order for a general alaughter of Alfred Austin ers were in the house when the tor- given the Whole native city was invaded by the Manchu soldiers who nado struck it massacred men women and children Utah Choir Advertising Even the aged and women with babes choir In arms were shown no mercy New York— The tabernacle has been lavishly entertained here SHOCK RESTORES SIGHT afternoon they were the Saturday a at Adams Maude of guests Man Blind for Seven Years Able to matinee given in the Montauk After See Over Chair Falling After the pertheater in Brooklyn susCal — A fall San Bernardino formance Miss AdamB received tbe tained when he rushed to the aid of choir on the stage and shook hands with each member Miss Adams said his daughter who had burned herself on stove a hot Bhe was proud of Utah and the choir Saturday brought and was certain a great amount of back the sight of Henry Pennlmanof good was being done for Utah by the Paris Valley who had been blind for fine work of the choir on their east- seven years as a result of a runaway accident Pennlman was dragged by ern tour a runaway team over a plowed field Wed In Funeral Chapel on his farm and when picked up he Salt Lake City— Karl Friedland and was blind he heard his Saturday both of Ogden Miss Mary Ludwig cries for help and while daughter’s in this city groping his way to the kitchen fell were married Saturday and as a result of a dare from friends over a chair When he rose he could the ceremony took place In a funeral see almost perfectly The manager of an unerdtak chapel Mail Carrier Turns Thief lug establishment a close friend of Mont — Edward W Great Falls the contracting parties invited them a local mail carrier is in In a spirit of bandinage to have the Thompson of having stolen $56 Jail on a ceremony performed in the chapel from threecharge letters which registered and the used for funeral ceremonies had been given him to deliver He challenge waB accepted admits the theft and offers as an excuse was so he that heavily in debt Boy’s Fatal Mistake that he could see no possibility of getEverett Wash— A boy named ting from under and desired to be “a 16 years old shot and killed himdead sport for once in his life’’ self Saturday while showing a boy This game to be his first ofis understood how to handle a hammer-lesplaymate fense safety revolver To convince his how harmless the weapon comrade r to Take Back Trail was In experienced hands Bolger WelCak — Abraham San Francisco pointed the pistol at his own head ler a r aged 82 announced and pulled the trigger supposing that would once more go “over the mechanism would prevent its dis- thathe the trail" and brave the perils of the charge sandy waste Weller is a pioneer of the San Bernardino valley walking White House Again Occupied from St Louie In 1849 when he was Washington — The White House Is old He was a placer occupied again Tbe president swung twenty years gold miner He will start Sunday to down from his private car here Sunwalk to Salt Lake City thence to St a m 6:45 at end at the day morning Louis taking the road he came over of his trip jyid fifteen minutes later the glass doors of the ex- to California in ’49 ecutive mansion opened for him It Football Fans Injured was the president's first call here Lawrence Kan — Ten persons were since August 22 excepting only for Injured when a crowded street car rea stop between trains two weeks ago turning from the football game Jumped the track on Woman at the Head "Hill grade” half way between the Milwaukee — For the first time in main part of the city and the univeron Saturday many years a woman late Saturday was elected to head the Wisconsin sity grounds ' Teachers’ association The honor was Frozen to Death bestowed on Mrs Mary D Bradford 43 la — George Platt Ottumwa superintendent of schools of Kenosha years old a recluse was found Tbe convention went on record In fa- Sunday frozen to death in his cabin vor of woman suffrage He had lived alone for many years Death Due to Storm Woman Jury Unable to Agree Omaha — One death is credited to Cal— Unable to agree Los Angeles Saturday night’s storm in this city upon anything the first women’s The body of P C Campbell aged jury to eit in Los Angeles was disfor many years a watchman The case was that Friday charged in a department store was found of L H Magor accused of having within three blocks of his home violated the speed ordinance Stranded Steamer Floated Evidence Against Woman Prisoner Kobe Japan — The steamer MinneChicago — Poison found in the vissota of the Great Northern Steamship cera of two more of the ten persons company which on Saturday stranded who have died mysteriously beneath in the Kurusima passage off Shikeku the roof of Mrs Louise Vermilya island and later was floated arrived have made more tangible police sushere gunday picions against the woman J ARE AND PUT Loss to Janesville Wis— A tornado which swept over Rock county Sunday afternoon caused the death of eight persons the injury of many more and will a property loss which reach a million dollars timbers broken furniSplintered ture crumbled rock and plaster scattered farm produce and dead farm animals littering the ground over an area a quarter of a mile wide and twenty miles long indicate the tremendous force of the storm The tornado originated in the vicintwelve mileB southity of Orfordville west of Janesville traveled northeast for several miles and then turned to the east missing this city by a narrow margin Its force was spent near Milton The greatest damage was done near the point of origin and at Milton f residing Of the Schmidt family of a mile from HanHe over there is only one survivor is Albert Schmidt a boy Physicians say he cannot reAlice Schmidt and her youngcover er sister were in the houee when the bodies were Their storm struck blown acrosB the road the house beAnton Schmidt father ing demolished of Albert and a tramp were In the barn The tramp who was not Inwas blown says Schmidt jured through the barn door His body was The boy was found In the yard burled In the debris and received in- CHINESE PEACE THE ARABS applause force which men Look Out for Cold Weather Will Reinforce Garrison of winter Washington — A touch Paris — France has decided to reinthe French garrison at Tunis will be felt over practically the en1200 tire country this week and thea now consists of only This determination has been will be many sudden changes in the reached by the government because weather according to the forecast is sued by the weather bureau of the recent Arabian outbreak Humane Association Objects will the No longer Washington— disciples of Isaac Walton be allowed to catch fleh In Yellowstone Lake In a hot and cook them immediately as the nearby spring conveniently umane association objects Below Zero In Montana Jerry Burke Answers Summons Cal — Jeremiah T Burke Beverly Great Falls Mont — Northern Monthe t coldest for many years political agent of tana is experiencing weather ever known at this time of the Southern Pacific railroad in this record died at the state Sunday at his home here Although the year Mr Burke was strick Great Falls Is only 6 below It Is 20 of pneumonia en Wednesday last below at Cut Bank 100 miles north Hurt In Collision Congressman Mich — Twenty St Clair persons Including Congressman Henry of Port Huron were injured when a northbound Monday night Into limited lnterurban car crashed construction cat sear here |