Show 6 Th ff every" person Sr'itsfil It had the Towns best interests at heart as much as the newspaper has a new era would dawn p naCall flirty i A t A Ivrtiiiij Mifck int iL ' Official TTTTSSESSTT VOL Marl the Lire Hires Irt a Community and you will find they are Subscribers Paper of North Sevier The Garden of Opportunity SALINA VI wr i i' You UTAH SEPT 28 1911 NO Little' Items From Horned may be More Water ‘W For System 0® NEW LINE of Ladies’ and Children's lints just arrived Bargains on Call aud see them every ha no Mrs W II REX A Honesty is in Demand There are some clerical positions that honest men oau’chold An honest man can’t be a gambler’1) or swindler’s onfldeutial agent or the private secretary of a corrupt politician for be will be required in any one of these positions to use bis talent in furthering act iahquest enterprise But in tbe maiD when a disonatged employe of an ordinary mercantile house tarns up with a oock and boll story about beiug discharged because he was unwilling to do dishonest things it’s awUe thing to begin to look around for the "— limburger There’s tiome'hing rotteu eisewheie When a clerk is conspicuously successful la his work when he goes at it like Ibe left halfback making a tackle in an open field when he comes into the office aad leaps to his desk like Bengal when iiis eyes sparkle and his face tiger lights lip with joy at a new piece of work why bless you the most dishonest He will employer outside of the penitentiary won’t Are him for being square find some other employe todo the dirty work Any good business man knows that the man who will steal for him will steal from him and even dishonest men who keep such human offal about are mighty oarefn) to select men of the other sort for places of high responsibility "In their employ A thief can sometimes get employment from a thief— but Dot In any important capacity Of course there are exceptions but in (he main sterling honesty does not cause men to lose? their positions Once show your employer that you are surprisingly and remarkably successful iu your work and a rival firm can’t pry you loose from your job with a board unless you prefer to leave it o When you want cut flowers funeral designs pot plants etc just call the Provo Greenhouse Co Phone 80 lie Provo give a dance U orchestra will at the opera house touight XI I TING Franoey K B daughter was WAS GOOD Y done by Mrs George ' At CASH patd for bad del ts Mrs Ross of Josenh Is Bulina with her sister Mrs Ford ham visiting iu 0 M born to Mr and Mr Friday John K Madsen of Mt Pleasant was lion P F Peterson is the only man heie ageiu this week lie haspurebas-eiaoa from Salma to help entertain I’rea immense of hay iu this Taft whn he comes to Salt Salt Lake vicinity aud willquauity feed a number of ' next week ' thorough bred sheep this winter ' W H Evsni has been In Murray all Mrs Cuddeback returned home from He received a message Friday Richfield week tbe other day leaving her that bis sister was dying and he hast- little recovered and ened to the pi cp and has likely at- the family out of quarantine tended the funeral ere now Commissioner Crane was a Manti Mrs R V Reynolds returned to her visitor yesterday Ogden home Saturday after a long and Mrs A 8 Crane entertained the pleasant visit here Ksusingtou club yesterday In the Leverue Stevens is teaching school usual happy manner in Monroe this year Mur why while returning Ilynnp Buroli was in Salina attend-inA Wallie CONFERENCE 'S but you can't vrer come the heart get it in the home payer righi rich and good tytd greet for mus from home hunger 23 Dastrup this week Mayor Crosier received from the State Board of Health report additional SupBoard has been prospecting for and developing for some time The analysis reads the asms as the supply now being furnished the town and is first class in every way state chemist Harms closing his report with (he words "A water of exThe addiceptional organic purity” tional supply consists of 29000 gallons hours and will be every added to the present supply by runmile pipe line tapning a ping water into the present feed line This spring will be near the source tapped at a depth of over ten feet and the feed and supply pipes run la and entirely covered with earth and gravel and tbe surrounding ground then fenced tightly with barbed wire tbe same as the present source with a view of keeping everything away from tfie ground and preventing any possible chance of contamination This certainly shows that the Boaad of city fathers are far from being asleep in matters pertaining to the town’s welfare and we have no doubt tney would start other improvements suoh as cement sidewalks etc if funds were available the one wonder being that they have accomplished as much as they have with tbs money that they havj had at hand giving analysis on an ply of water the town Splendid Speaking Fine Singing and Good Attendance Tbe vier day quarterly oou’ereuoe of the Sestake was held Saturday and Sunat Galina with a good attendance at each meeting Besides tbe local stake presidency and members of the priesthood Apostle Ueber J Grant and Charles U Hart of the seven presidents of seventy were official visitors The Riohfleld choir under the direction of John Hood furnished tbe tuusia Tbe speakers were Hebr 0 Christen sen C M Ivie J DeLong George M Cope Joseph II Jensen JoseptiL James Hansen William Q' Staples James M Petersen John Segmiller Mrs Roy home from town Wednesday fell from D Christensen R Young Heber J the funeral of her brother’s little his buggy aud broke two riba aud Grant and Charles U Hart child Saturday other bruises Vocal solos were sung by Miss Nellis of fixed one Peterson has up Bean’ Curg J G Peterson is Emily Larsen and Heber I very sick the finest studios imaginable in one of and but little hope isreported Grant “Hark HarkMy Boul" Gloria” entertained for fact that female It Is! a The following from the rooms of his father’s store ids re ' the “Prayer” “Praise the Lord1’ “Gospel jovery animals bring forth their young with lessons on the will he music Here give in obowrthe trend of events Restoration” and“Worthy is theLamb" Yet it little or nopain to themselves Dr Ross Anderson has been in Salina violin and bis headquarters will be were the most Important selections seems to be a universal belief that our the world and there ghoul i be cause there and Jtirt of the week and was tbe guest of It i a very sung by the choir neat place tutted to perfection women must suffer when becoming foralarm among tbe ruling classes: Dr C E West The two physicians was about ss While the conference mothers If one asks tbe reason for Unrest Is widespread in Europe Old formed on West an operation Joy dpi T Q bimper haw built an exceptiontbe usual conferences sre yet there this our truly orthodox friends ay world countries disturbed by Socialist ally flue and durable fence about bis removing her adnoids Dr' Anderson are a number of things worthy of speo-i' ted Lorentz that woman still Jbears tbe curse laid uprisings food riots strikes wars aud re ddence thus improving it greatly Dastrup while here aqd mention The speaking by ths on Mother Ere Others offer no reaeon preparations for war Teopls are In for favorable his recovery John Olsen has offered soma of late speaks vry visiting officials was nnnsuelly gooi revolt Situation while those more thoughtful say that against high prices with quinoy but is about again Mrs J H --Nelson came out from They spoke muoh on tbe gospel and is moat critical lu Spain Briton faccivilization has caused woman to Suit Lake laml-'the other day aud the brought to bear en their remarks August Peterson and Carl Nielsen ing civil war will hereafter make their borne iu pbysioally were in Richfield last week and acquotations from many of tbe leading news ceded in hondon Sept 28 — Today’s I never could understand how milltheir naturalization df liua getting men of literatnre and eoienoe in a way ions could be imagined as suffering for gathered from all the parts' of the old papers aud are ugw full fledged citiThe Call did not get all the names of that was edncatlve Ths stake cholf the supposed sin of one But 1 knew world tell of Socialist uprisings food zens so we week singing was very beautiful indeed and takers th give prize lat strikes riots wars or Mattsson an addipreparais building Ren general that the human race has committed erthem this week They are as follow: worthy of all the praise bestowed upon naiura lists continually rors in diet and in living I knew that tions for war in every important count-r- tion to his home Rl I"ylu MVW’v'U 2nd prize in Mand- - It Mr Hnjod can jiktly teal proud of wltu the minor expeps im prey In Europe for years women iiad encased their the singing The solos were inspiring nI Chambers Kidney Pills at 35 cts ard bred grades 3 years and up Game Warden Hanchett was in bodies in tight coraetB and bad worn tions of Holland Sweden and SwitzerThe attendance was Orrin Williams 2nd prize ou three and thrilling vicinity lately to look into the diseas- a box Regular price 50 eta This price clothing that had impeded proper pby land A careful analysis of the site a ed duokstbat are reported here 3rd prize on mule large there being 635 at the largest good on Saturday Sept 30th only of the countries which are each: tion in pical development To Mr and Mrs James Ilainsworth meeting Lewis Dkuo Co old mula The more I studied and praotioed now taking part In a general movement of Sigurd Thursday a daughter The Mutual improvementoonferenoe ONIONS natural living the more became con- of unrest such as Europe has not vinced that much if not all of the sufA son ws born to Mr end Mrs Jos Sunday night was a decided success Geo Crane 2nd prize experienced In the present fering attending childbirth could be Cherry Sunday Great credit is due the local bishopeph DEPARTMENT AR fact case that in the reveals every avoided by right living At any rate I A sou was born to Mr ric for their efforts in getting things and Mrs A1 intended experimenting on myself As Socialist agitation or a revolt against Geebnt wont this be a dry old town! First Prize: Mrs E J Freeoe in shape and helping to make the eon think ii worth giving to other women tbe fast increasing oost of living is at fred Evans Sanday ilary A Nickerson Thesaloona close for good Saturday —From Physical Culture for October Ths Call hardly Remember that ou Monday and Tues- night and you can’t get a drop except Mrs O Olsen MrB Carl Nielsen Mrs ferenee a oneness the bottom of tbe disturbance day Oot 9th and 10th Cunning and through a criminal source and who M Elben Mrs C N Lund Miss thinks It just right that the bishop in Everywhere there is eyidonoe that his big mystery show featuring Mile wants to be a criminal? No mors liquor E whoea ward the conference is held U Sauer Miss Siger HELP FOR POOR CHILDREN workingmen ere beooming convinced Edmonds in Psychological phenomnot oalled to report his ward STATE OF TRADE Second Prize®1: that they are not getting their full enon will be at the opera ouse There will be that you have never seen IMPROVEMENT Tods and demand Mrs O Olsen Mrs E J Freeoe poston Girl Who Aids Little Unfortu share of tbe wealth which they produce and maythings never see again Don’t miss better Advance of season and crop natee in the City’s Tenement Mrs Ellen Humph Rose Mrs and for tbe first time they are applying Henry it maturing help Better weather Corn Districts the crinelpal of a general strike which warm weather Late crops look rey Sunday School at 10:39 PreaohiDg needs better Price revision of cotton goods Second best General Art Exhibit: has so long peso preached by Socialist A Sunday eve hones party was given Service at 11:30 a m at the Chapel when everybody is tryNowadays helps demand Dry Goods Groceries v agitators and Mrs Niels frBDdsen last by Mr A very pretty birthday surprise was and Hardware improved Mrs 0 Olaen Wool firmer ing to do something for the less fortendered Mr and Mrs J C Crane last Industry Iriegular Sunday evening There weia present Steel Third Prizes: Iron and Boston writes tunate children of ' Mr and Mrs F F Peterson evening gotten up by theirfonrdaught Wage reductions talked of Mr and FORGOT HI3 VOW quieter Mrs Mrs O Olsen Mrs E J Freece era It was a surprize indeed Phoebe Dwight The Truetproseoutions and dissolution talk in the' Boston Mrs McKenna of Salina togethey Mrs Henry Rose invited guests met at Josiah Martin’s depress Securities American Morey Mary Niokerson Traveler I want' you to know whal with the host and hostess Hotels a story East end folks are and went from there to the family loaned Abroad Defeat of Reciprocity Mrs Ellen Humpnrey She docs not beA daughter of Fred Christensen had pne girl is doing causes sharp rise in Wheat Commodievening was very pleasant-telling about former Councilman VI home I he the spent by guests and the folks the misfortune to break her collar ty prices firmer Cotton Depressed long to the class of the idle rich C Eraee: bone while playing Sunday with time enough for all kinds of One day after the Naps had been I F T Nelson and others have gone fads She is simply a Yankee girl badly beaten Iff Brace rmnriTii ril one of the daughter np Salina canyon to start ths Frandsea with a heart big enough to take in Cleveland’s most faithful fans was Marjorie The dipping corrall died dipping corrall of Mr and Mrs John Manaon "all the unfortunate little people tverbeard to remark : Thursday September 21 after a short at Redmond will be started Ootober 1 with whom 6he comes iu contact “If I live to be a million jrears old M Tbe Tneeiuy evening Sept 26 a citizens' siztness with stomach trouble Effie S Chase is her name and in I’ll never enter this ball park again” little one was the light of the home and mass convention was held where the Spite of the fact that she spends Next day tbe neighbors of Mr the parents are grief Etrickeu bbyond following ticket was nominated: Uoo B long days Working in town she duds Brace who had heard his declaration Sorensen Town Pres for the Funeral services were expression rT — teach classes Co-o- p time to of principles got to the- ball ttx Sunday held at tbe meeting house Saturday at third time Councilmen C T Nelson park i j before the ticket window had been The speakers were Pres R Charles 0 Nelson David Chidester to I o’clock TACT D Young and Pres Charles 0 Hart succeed themselves forthe second term opened Standing at one of the entrances impatiently Some beautiful song selections were aad Chris Jorgensen to succeed Peter on the And do you really think I ara window with his cane rapping These are honorable men rendered Among them were “Guide retersoh wa3 Sir Brace P lenutiful Jack?” Bhe murmured as Me To Thee’’ “Nearer Dear Saviour who will faithfully serve the public “I wish they’d open these dam Pres J B Sorensen has appointed H To Thee” (he nestled up close to his pink waistold gates’ he said “I want to see Charles Jensen Erastua Peterson Another funeral was held at Monroe coat those kids warm G A up” — Cleveland Christensen "Well—um — ha — Maria” said lie Sunday and 'Interment was at that Charles 0 Nelson Lead and David Chidester to solicit funds place "yes That is you are beautiful to for the lostalalion of str9et lights Tbs me and who cares what other people be ou oar will soon eloctrii lights ORIGIN OF ELECTRIC FAN streets think so long as we are satisfied ?” To Mr and Mrs LS Dorions of Ephwith a woman’s per- Db Whereupon S a 8 Wheeler of New York raim daughter versity she wept so hard that color Mrs Chris Jorgensen who has been Funeral services over the remains of vented This Deran away as fast on his waistcoat bedtast for a long tine is recovering vice in an Accidental Manner little Leo Allred the Arthur Christensen is a It knew how — udee son of Mr and Mrs Horace Allred was from sn attack of typhoid recovering Tbe electric fan was an American held Saturday at four o'clock at the The members of the Y L M I A BE CURED CATARRH CAN NO A solo was t invention which has been bouse with LocbI Applications ss they given by tendered theira retiring president Miss developed meeting Catsurprise party reBch tbe seat of the disease within the last few John Hood “Come Ye Disconsolate” Christensen pleasant until milWednesday evening and presented her arrh Is a blood or constitutional dis- lions of the fans are years Solo by Mrs J M Peterson “Come with a beautiful in use throughbook ease and in order to curs It you must Me” Remarks were made by C Unto CatarHall’s out the Back world remedies in internal the take early N Land and Apostle Ileber J Grant rh Cure Is taken internally and Bets eighties Dr S S Wheeler an elecNO NEED TO STOP WORK “Saved Alioe Bird gang another solo ditect on the blood Bnd mucous When your doctor orders you to stop Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a trical engineer of New York was exThe floral offerings were work it staggers you “Iean’t” you say hy Grace” by perimenting with a small electric You know you are weakriia-dowand quack medicine- - It was prescribed and beautiful mnny oneof the best physicians In the count- motor failing iu health diy cy day but you In the course of his experimust work es long as you oan stand ry for years and la a malar prescripments the doctor conceived the idea What you need is Electric tion It is composed of the best tonics to Bitters OF THANKS CARD combined with tbe best blood that steamboats might he run with known give tone strength vigor to breakdown onriflers acting directly onthe mucous electricity if the and build you up Don’t be weak sickpropellers could ho of Mr and Mrs J n Munson hereby ly or ailing when Electric Bitters will aifaoes The perfect combination elecbenefl yon from tbe first dose Teoii3 'he two ingredients is what produces direct connected to express their most heartfelt thanks for anda aoh wonderful results In curing Cat- tric motors doing away with all the them for their glortons alt the help and kindness extended to heapb bleas free and strength arrh Bend for testimonia’s Try them Every gears then in use jit steam propulthem during the death nnd burial of bottle ie guaranteed F J Cuenev & Co Props to satisfy Ouly sion With this idea in mind he O CO-OTojedo I hey 50c at All Druggists their little daughter Marjorie MERC THE SALINA 75o all price hod Sold hy Druggists a small screw propeller conwere indeed pleased with the expressTake Hall’i Family Pills for oanstl structed and fastened it to the arma- of sympathy shown ions 150 andtuko the Call Find tUoUi Motherhood A Bad Situation More Pri zes Saturday Special A Dry Town REDMOND Child Dies Which store? Echo answers of course’ (The Let Us Dress J Our New Gent’ Furnish ing department is now open and the crowd is getting its clothes here The Fall and Winter lines" are on display Come in and see them Funeral Always for the People INST Ct v |