Show t "Mr Oormly" ike said resolutely rated the character and ability of "It you make tkat dream come true Oormly Tha Gotham Freight Tracyou will have done more servlet to tion oompasy tor instance had pooh humanity than has ever been done by poohed hla at first and even bow a oltlsen of this rtpubllo and you the publio press was filled though will be the greatest man on this aide with accounts of him and hls doings of the world" they still grtatly underestimated hla "And If my other dream cornea qualities Haldane himself had joined true" said Oormly "I will be the hap- In this depreciation until he had met piest" He had aa yet enjoyed no Gormly "May they all eome true!" aald the opportunity of conversation with him girl Impulsively rising and giving him save In a general way aa has been her hand seen but he was accustomed to deal WOMAN "Po you mean that?” eagerly asked with men and he saw Instantly that the man gratefully taking her profhe was face to face with a personalfered hand in his own firm resolved Aivsrmrmta &y Dc abbot M&l vh i deterity at once able courageous ttmumrr ms rnmmm mm clasp Hrmum ( mined and strong “I don’t know" she faltered “what Behold the two men seated on either SYNOPSIS your other dream Is but if it corre- side of the bright fire In the That’s your part of the partnership library mine is to help you and— " sponds with the one you have told me Haldane smoking one of Gormly’s exk foollih youne tandvrfoet boomM "And what are you going to do?" I repeat the prayer" cellent Havanas glasses bottles and faaclnetvd with the bold artful wife of a asked "At time" the man said the on proper a Interested ice little the hand table at He had girl Intensely drunkan proapeotor In a WHtern mlnlnf shall know Meanwhile tomor- disapproved of Mrs town Haldane’s manThy prepare to alopa la a blind leaning forward her breath coming "you row we shall get to work"' Inr billiard but ara aonfrontad by tba quicker ner not bsoause he thought It unsuit-emaudlin husband "Tomorrow will be Christmas" said Ila la abot by tha “I am going to he mayor of New to the occasion but on account of wlfa but tha ohivalroua boy plna a f the girl smiling the peculiar qualities and characterisota to tha body taking tha erlma York for one thing Miss Haldane” "My Christmas present to you Miss tics of Gormly and the "Yes And then?" upon himself la thalr flight to tha relationship In railroad atatioa tha womaa'a boraa It touched him Immensely to see Haldane will be the beginning of the which ha stood to certain matters of falia exhauatad tha youth puta har He had been Inclined on Importance on hla own and followa hanging to tha the matter of fact way with whloh campaign "And mine to you Mr Oormly" she the first entrance to follow hla wife’s she acoepted his stupendous declaraatirrup strap Baaing ha la an returned laughing "will he my good patronising arrogant tha woman thruata har aaoort into tion assumption of a mow drift and rldaa on "And then I am going to he the best wishes and hearty encouragement in superiority but now he strove to inbo stumbles Into tha railroad atatlon Juat New labor" York your an had ever honest fuse all the geniality and cordiality mayor a tha train baara tha woman away "I could wish a The administration shall be nothing better"’ he possible Into hls voice and manner yoara later thla man Oaorgo mayor la a In Now conducted on business lines and bush went on lightly glad and relieved at Oormly On the other hand Gormly naturalYork Ha maata HUaanor HaUaaa a ness with me doesn’t spell chleane thle change from the Intensity of the ly had a deep interest in Haldane As beautiful and waaltby aattlamant worker “1 shall announce myself the father of the woman he loved he There isn’t a dishonest dollar In my Interview and wttb har la bar worl a candidate for the mayoralty at would ownar af a steamahW ' fortune You will forgive my person!! Oormly baoomaa be a great factor neceeaarlly Una and flnda hlnaaolf fruatratad in piar I often resort to It hut the next election Representatives of In the battle he meant to wage for her and traok extension plana by grafting al- talk!make don’t me tell whatever you want the minority party have already ap- hand you Hls consent and influence dermen baokad by tha Ootham Traction An automobile proached me on that subject" Company accident on a to know" while not absolutely essential would "And what did you say to them?" "Go on!" atomy Chrlatmaa ova brtnga tba Hal If be naturally be of groat value dan an to hla country home Oormly "I am going to suppress graft I am "Nothing yet You aee this Is all could by any means win the support akaa tha marooned party comfortable going to break up the gangs that rob nsw work to me and I must consider and countenance of the great financier (he city I am going to bring the trac- my way carefully” CHAPTER hls dream would be by that touch the IV— Continued tion companies "Have the freight and the you ever made a public more easy of realisation He had an idea however that thla would he im "Never!" aald Gormly "And I con- others to terms I am going to make speech?" "Never in my Ufa" fess to yoa that of lata I hays had them give the people good value for That did not daunt him ox possible "Well If you can talk to tjie people render him the less alert similar thoughts To win I want to do some- the franchises they enjoy I am' going I Haldane’s for humanity" he went on to reform the polloe force and stop as you have talked to me tonight thin consent possibly might bs Its taking toll of crime Its connivance am sure you will win" no more practicable than to win Mies lowly "There are certain people The girl aald it artlessly carelessly who stimulate us to achievement who with sin! New York la going to be Haldane’s consent Yet Gormly was awaken our ambition who quicken our to attempt the Impossible accustomed and nine tlmea out of ten to achieve hope who— Don’t you comprehend? You hare put something Into my life That Haldano had any relation-- which It lacked Now I want to do ship or could have any relationship to him other than that of a prospectSomething for — yon MIsi Haldane" ive never me Mr entered hia “For Oormly head That was sufficient to render “For you and my fellow men for the Interview memorable to him You aee your approval and theirs The conversation began with a reyou have brought mo In touch with a mark from the older man about the state of being of which I knew little weather I have long wondered why I was sot born Into your society Unweather Is the staple Inaugural the til I asw you I had no desire to min- topic gle In It I have not taken a vaca"I have rarely experienced ao severe tion except business tripe aboard for a snowstorm” said Haldane blandly twenty-fivFor instance this years I have been coming down to Long in the first time In all that long period Island in winter off and on ever since that I bare stood alone in a room and I was a boy and this Surpasses anytalked socially by her gracious privithing within my knowledge” lege en terms of but ward equality It is had enough for New York" rewith a fine Ijlgh bred capable womwhen “Here sponded the Gormly an Can’t you understand how you temperature gets down to the zero exert a new Influence how yoa have mark and the wind blows thirty or brought a new force Into my life and forty miles an hqur and it snows hard that from my acquaintance with you all day we call It a blizzard results are certain to come?" At that last remark though Haldane He sat down on a chair on tha other no ostensible connection with the had aide of the fireplace as he spoke street department or an? other debringing himself on a level with her partment of the municipal administraShe looked at him with curlona Intention in fact the man slightly lifted hls sity head and glanced for a moment with She saw hla smooth shaven face deeper Interest at his companion eesmed and lined with thought and “I take it from your allusion that care She marked the strength the worse storms L you have experienced in his the resolution IMCJ andthe First State BANK of With Some incidental Salma- - ELATION E)TBE Cvbc3 Jbwn send Brady Drafts drawn on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe Banking in all its various forms Accounts Respectfully Solicited Four per cent interest paid on time deposits Now Train Service via it IN FAST FROM “You tion “You see I know humanity I don't know society you observed that by my awkward reception of you all here tonight” “Indeed” said the girl “It was ' most graceful and kindly hospitality and we deeply appreciate It” “It is good of you to hay so These things I could learn” he hesitated “If I bad some one who knew to teach me but other things I know myself I am at a discount with women hut I can handle men and I know men Every human being is glad to ally himself with success If you and I together do something you will be happy if we suoceed” “And miserable If we fall?" queried the girl with a nervous laugh "We will not faiL" "You are proposing a partnership?" "There is a existing between us now in the settlement house Your devotion your generous thought for those people with my business back of you — for it is back of you Miss Haldane in that or anything else to the last limit— is going to produce results there that nobody dreams of" "I Want te Do Something I am going to tell It the make it so!" He stopped and not trusting himself to look at her stared into the fire There was a long pause again “Well" said he flashing a direct look at her “what do you think of it Miss Haldane?” “It is the greatest dream that ever entered a human biain” said the girl quietly "It is my business It has been my to business all my life Miss Haldane make dreams come true and I am dreaming now a greater dream dearer to me than that 1 have outlined before free and truth and j TWO TWO DAILY THREE LAKE 8:15 a M and Tourist Sleeper to St Lents without change of cart Pullman 8:10 a For p m 7:10 p m agont and Chicago farther inform aitoa seoW MForney local er addreii I F A BENTON G A A WADLEIQ P D P A 0 G Salt Lake Ut Denver Colo : Why not say Hello to them? want to talk to you over ihe’nhone Better have it putin Your friends all With g Saline telephone in yonr horns yon can run errands go shopping do business ote without leaving homo Yoa will enjoy the conGot connected this coming Week venience Why not have SAUNA TELEPHONE COMPANY 3 C than this” too" me" said the girl frighten appalled as we often are by the granting of our prayers the acceptance of our suggestions the realization of our hopes “I don’t like to feel that what you are doing la for — for—" “Say it Hies Haldane For you" I can’t assume such a responsible-- ! ty“ she protested "and such a motive Is not the highest the best" “Nonsense!" said the man almost roughly "The best things in life are done for the sake of good women and Is not a human being in the there world who possesses your powers and capabilities who does not thrill to responsibilities In your heart of hearts you are glad — or you will be glad If through your inspiration someby whatever thing is accomplished way or means It may be— even by me — for mankind” And the woman knew that thwords were true She thrilled even then to the strength of his protesta- - NIOHT3 TO CHICAGO NIGHTS TO BT LOUIS NIGHTS TO NEW YORK TRAINS SALT WITH CONNECTION Burlington Route Rock Island Route Missouri Pacific voub f Intelligence countenance It laexed completing touches of tenderness it lacked the woman’s Influence but aside from that It was altogether admirable virile and strong "I want to do something" he said “to make me worth” his voice trembled "the respect of" be looked at her — “of people like you" he went on “and I am going to do something & RIO GRANDE DENVER u you” She strove What could he mean? meet his glance fairly but her own eyes fell before hls own direct gaze "Do you think I can do it make my dream come true?" he asked "Which dream Mr Gornily?" "Both of them" “That you can be mayor of New York that you can redeem the city that you can restore to the people Other their liberties — I don’t know men have tried it and have failed” “And I may fall too” answered "Such achieveGormly very quietly ments are not the results merely of une man’s efforts The people themselves must respond Whether I can make them do that or not will determine the issue" ‘1 think you can Mr Gormly You have made me respond" “And will you help me?” "H What can I dor “Do what you have done tonight listen to me believe in me inspire me be my silent partner in my endeavor as I have been yours in your to "Are you going to devote yourself endeavor" to that?” "And after you have aucccededr "No” said the man quickly “I have "That’s the other dream and—" something higher and greet er in vler? for You Mite Hsldano" but his heart leaped to the assurance “That’s to he determined" he said "Most men would say it was easier to talk to one woman than to a thouI have had experience sand people As I told you it has with neither been a quarter of a century since I talked alone with a woman" "Was that in the west Of which you spoke?” “I am glad to tell you It was In the west She wasn't a good woman Miss Haldane" he said simply "and I have never seen her since that night" "Didn’t you know that she was not a good wemanf asked the girl "Not at that time I did not suspect that is I was only a boy of nineteen" “And Is It because of that woman that you have seen no others until I met you?” "Yes Miss Haldahe" "Poor man!” said the girl half to herseif "Not at all” answered Gormly “you were quite worth waiting for” “Eleanor" said her father at this moment "won’t you take my hand? I want to talk to our Lost a little myself" “I have been in real blizzards Mr Haldane” answered Gormly quietly more than once where the wind’s velocity was scarcely to be measured where the temperature waa from twenty to thirty below where the sleet needles cut like whips and the storm had full sweep unchecked and unbroken by any thing However I am glad of the storm in this instance since it has enabled me to extend to you and your party the shelter of my roof I have been acquainted — I have had the privilege of knowing that Is your daughter for some time and am honored in the acquaintance of her father and mother and your friends” You say you have known my daughter for some time?” "I have hod that pleasure" "If I mistake not qhe said that you had been interested in her settlement work Quixotic imaginations of an enthusiastic girl my dear sir but I humor hrY You dw well” returned the other And If you will give me leave to differ with you I hardly call It Quixotic I have examined into the plan and must say it strikes me as being altogether admirable as well as I hope and believe entirely feasible it will succeed" He "Quite so” returned Haldanewas not in the least Interested In the matter I have assisted Miss Haldane in every way possible” returned Gormly who did not propose to be questioned aa to the details of hls relation to the “Of course” he went on scheme “your own reputation as a financier is known to me as it Is to all of New York and if I may be permitted to say so I am of the opinion that a large part of your executive ability not to to your say genius has descended daughter" Thank you” was the answer “Eleanor is certainly a most capable young woman” of grati"And It must be fication to you that she chooses to exercise her capability in this direction rather than in the vain and aimless CHAPTER V social avocations of a large and influential section of our so called best Mr Haldane Is Greatly Surprised people in the city?” Mr' Haldane was in something of a Certainly very true But frankly For certain reasons and for I could wish that there was a more quandary some time he had been contemplating equable division of time between the an interview with Gormly Not only — er— high and the low so to speak did he greatly desire the interview that Eleanor could give more of her which was indeed necessary almost attention to those— duties which after vital in fact to the furtherance of cerall my dear Mr Gormly however we tain matters in which he was deeply men of the world may deprecate them concerned but he did Dot desire that go to make up so large a part of life bis interest personal interest that is and leave more of the detail work of in the affair should appear this institution to others” The opposition had greatly under-(TO Bfi CONTINUED) l SAUSAGE Fresh and Fine aiod to Like Mother make Choicest line ol MEATS and GROCERIES The White G- - Front LONG W Sr Leather Goods' Harness Shop and Shoe Store Horse Blankets Tents and Wagon Covers Harness Saddles and full line of Men’s and Boys’ Dress and Work Shoes We want your Our goods are the best and our price the lowest Drop in and look our line and he convinced E The Advertised Article Is one in which the merchant himself has implicit faith — else he would not advertise it Yon are eafe in patronizing the merchanta whose ads ppeu: in this paper because their and never goods are shopworn Succeed when everything else fails In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy as thousands have testified FOR KIDNEY LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter N a trade overt J BATES Lawyer Notary Public Collections RICHFIELD UTAH Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPERj TAIL0KIN6 Step store pairs i nler up stairs over the and ask the man lie cleans and makes suits August -- Ericksen 0- re- to |