Show 1 K f ! I It t ''?' THE SAUNA CALL - 'yi'V Riel field Business and Professional People— Directory Weekly Newspaper Published Every Friday At Salina UlaR By SAUNA MEAT & A The Cal! Publish! Subscription Wiclt - J I Co $150 Per tsar Facts About Salma On the I) R G Ry In center of and chief town in the gredt Sevier Valley 1000 Population iVaiersystfem Light Public schools Good Extra system High School Mission School Mormon and Presbyterian (Jhhrches Beautiful Town Hall Fine Public Park' Good Danceaud Newspaper Bbauriful Homes Amusement Hall Fields Like unto The Best Neighbors Cattle aud sheep the Garden of Eden upon a hundred hiil9 Good ' Hotel Commercial club A Bahk Bell I ocal and Gov’t Telephones Forest offiee Climate like unto Southern Calfrnia Atout Twenty First Class Business Houses Doom and! opportunity for G000 families with a little means to establish themselvf'S hre as the state has just built a tf3COO canal to bring 510000 acres under cultivation nwwBMwawwuwaBMirJtetil'iow i mjijimi— We have received from the Agricultural College ot Utah a flue catalogue for the ccming year Jt shows up the work of the institution iu a very favorFrom this book one can able ligLt 'judge a lit le as to yvhat the bigschool ‘isdoicg and tLe itflucp its work is having upon the agricultural development of the state It s good to know that tie state has 'so good an institution HAYES and BATES FARM LOANS : r Ericksen: August JTT VI MAN J: G Jorgenson al Court House Utah Richfield BURNS -- line 'of complete Harness saddles whips robes horse medicines etc Come in Store Just South of The A Tile time must oma when education will center on the feelings sentiments aud emotions of the soul These influence a person a thousand times where reason does once They are the qualities which give life its real luster And aud constitute it9 main good truly as Dr Hall ssys above out of If fight them code the issues of life feeliDgft and proper sentiments are developed iu the child ren the world will sopq gijoyv rick in a bettir life and a bettor way nt living Thrre is of course agrqityuuouj-- of good coming from the education of today which ill go far to offset the con dition noted above But there is not Goodwin’s Weekly ol’ Salt Lake enough good anil wilf never be until each aud ivory child can cclpp from n romes out for Decoration Day with wb a Superb character special G A R number whii his indeed graduation shall endure for a lifetime that atbiug of beauty in its typographical Character development can only come features and a rich mine of high intelof the and ripe through a proper education noble sentiment ligence - sentiments and Emotions scholarship in its reading matter The feelings The sooner this the combs teaching tributes to the old heroes and to the be ter fo the couutryi the more day are the most readabls things one the and life for safety property will likely have the privilege of perAud theie is VOTE THE l'AX suing for this occasion poem by this veteran i writer that Personally we shall vote the tax for ought to live As a floe writer Good- the Capitol building aud we adyise win easily leads among the newspaper our readers to do tbe same Utah is and magBzme people of Utah coming iuto its own Tqe tourists aud In the cities and towns all around us the men of business and the men and Decoratiou Day was celebrated with women of art ard attainment of every music and song and speech but Selina kind and degree from every nook and corner of the globe come to see and passed it along with just the individual learn what manner of people are here jdecoratioo of graves as the peop'le saw lit Not a word nor 4 sentiment was and what accomplishments they have A capital to their credit building a so uttered iu any public way for day ba erected that all the world rich ia its history- We Would all have should view be aud admire ehould It might celebration been better eff fora proper of the day Let us uow yet fn line for buiit for the convenience of the people of this state flrat and foremost The o tre Fpprth a splendid celebration of July Kalita generally cejebrates state needsft location is fixed It should be that day enough to make dp for others noThe other plL-- than Salt Lake Sail Salt Lake Down at the depot Tcesdfljjwe notice Lake is Utah to tbe worldUtah’s cuituie civiliiatipni very large shipment ofcream represents which came to the Kalina creamery and ucheivemeut 4Qd here E II Uar11 be one of from the south and this same amount riman says Salt Lake w comes more than once a week This is the four gieat cities of America in the And he backs future that prediction very well for the cmun'ry and the of dollars The capitol town Iu the name of iianuu sense witbmillious let it continue Let the locul institu holding will advance it several long being what Harrimau tiou be bnilt up and enlarged ' Help strides towards lie to keep this cream comii g here Don’ sajs it will Governor Spry wen1 on record before stand around and bawl and kick and we election believe as wanting to see Aqueel because someone makes a little o it of it but get in line and show j oar the movement for a capitol building well uuder his term Ue is wtyduriug patriotism for home For the Lord sake don’t be so much of a knocker as taking a great interest in tjiie matter and would like if the surelypeople to help to torn all this creambackto see the matter as he sees it He the bo called trust ia Salt Luke The could aud all the olher state officials know opportunity Uf a lifetime is uow before the Salina Creamery uud it will beau the need for such aud are all working bard for the proposition Letthepeo everlasting shame id the community if it is not sustained at a time when pie get in line and vote tbe tax ben the thing is assured powerful influences are at work for the destruction of it and all other small HAVE YOU tSKEN HEK? creameries Emmit Robins Barbeiij I Step iq and get acquainted And whoa you need it let tne give you tbe best Jonsorial work in town Agent for tbe Sleam Richfield Laundry sought (75 i'' i " v f Al Davidsen w The F A Whitney Go Carts Baby carriages for 1809 the Leader for Professional Painter and Pap erPHbNfeHanger Red NO 8b r Va s4 tA so and $ t years F PotAvcon iI Furniture and F’ rreIerSOn Hard ware Store EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE Hardware Stoves and Ranges Dr P F Spicer Graduate Dental Surgeon OFFICE Prof 0V2S MEAT Theo ilARZET France Teacher of Vocal Violin and Cornet Music — - I have be$n Very particular carefiil in Selecting niy complete Piano Tuning Frofessional BLACKSMITH That’s what all know of Carl Nielsen Just across th street from SalmaGi'era House THOROUGH aud line of sp ing and silmmer goods both as to Quality and prices Therefore I am able to do better by yo’ii than others I buy right aud consequently can sell light at prices that are money savers to the buyers My friends knew this and keep coming imr And Rcpaiiiug— Organs Cleaned and Repaired 3EB5aLEaia 2 You cdrt't kettei 'in 'earth vith vour fcrf my STORt Nuf Sed Ho money Yours LOUIS JACOBS TtUiy BRED 3haaarrM''11 CHJCKEHS mi White Eggs and Breeding Stock For Sale By Geo F Crane itetbeiis ? White Hoiise Building! Leghorns Down at I’rovo an atti EDUCATION White woman went about among the good Wyaudottes One of the best authorities in the homes and took orders for aoap and G United States on education is groceries to be shipped from St Louis Stanley Hall Speaking recently be The prices she quoted were very said: much below i “In the near future education wll Provo bad to whattotbe good people of their dealers there pay focus upon the leelmg j Bentimoritd Oh yes emotions and try to da something foi The attraciirejlooki ig woman requir the heart out of which are the issues ed Id all oases a part and in most oases of life" full payment to be made with the We believe that prediction will come orderu true It should oduetrne The educa Then she went away With some band-retiou of today aud a the last fifty years of dollars ofsProwg Blooey baa not taken these things into conTh was last Noveaaer— wbeti all all 'Abe present process sideration at good Utah people were interested iu Is very cold biia audit is by noioa'an? the campaign mt doing for the child what' it ought to Hpv it is March and ft attractive-ookioIn a way lti8&oreor leas of a failure woman has been heard The inmates of all the country's prisons from Neither have her groceries Nor McCALL PATTERNS of all its teforciatnfie the millions! berpoep Celebrated for style x'rfcct lit simplicity dna n pi Sold irt nprl 40 years rclliibilily miUions-ef and boy stand girls and men Asd there Is a belief In Provo that every city :(nd tmvrt in th United State tlna More old than Cunuli jf by bail iliurct and women whd make up life under- it have btjeit cheaper to bay hruke Scijd lor Iree tatalO('ue nny oUrer world bare gone through the oothmon hlcCALfS lyi AGAZINB t groceries And soap at home t V‘AV More' aijl'scribers lljah 'any otlipschool process ikdtecelved whatever fvnjhrt VJUlcU tbe essohi we all Invaluable na(faiine— Inillinn ftionth were educated' vcoilld be given' sooner or children are to- Republican only in cold facts-iIre pattern yeut (tvQrtli doublg including day and ths history)! the country has 'j Subscribe today hr send tor Minpls copy Here’s to the sweat girl aud the 'demonstrated these clone will WONDER KUL INDUCEMENTS to I’oatal bring premium catalogue which should be mainly Just now the world ' - andAgents new cavil firiaselH-Vddrasr- v We handle cattle by the car load liogsj 7T calves and poultry Wholesale and retail! H AJeat hud Groceries Professional Harness - Maker Ldr Att’j- aud Counselor - lf n or d e r ltah Rich field CO We will have JPinh every Thiiriidby ana Friday ' i?r&sii t’rhit Tuesdays iixid FridEys We have dreps6d chidkeiis Tuesdays and Fridays Step tip stairs over the Go-store andasktlje man Jle repairs cleans aril makes suits to Attorneys at Law SUPPLY '' THE McCALL CO 131 M W J7th 5tH NEW YORK Is now prepared tofumish oil kic'ds Aporled limber Shingles Lath dloors Windows and all sorts of House rurnisbings at Rnces as low as any firm in the state W Mrlo M BILLS 0MPTLY ATTliNBfeDTO waPre it " $i4£EjC£ ’- Company ' Doors Plaster and SrTiTa Cemot W — Coonlr iPaihta ' hlectafeal Supplies Tuhfectop La nip V Hardwpjpc RranchrSortl L Screen Doors Windows Salina Utah Uordfelt bros Mgrs Phone :29 Black - jr- |