Show art— - - John Arnesoa has received word from Dated May 26 1909 McKlenabns' ' at' Mt Pleasant to go Dilworth Wootiey Attorney ahead and reconstruct their holding MantJ Utah It jll whioh was burned This time it will be made ‘as Are proof as possible CHICKEN FEED— Ground bone and The insurance adjuster was down beef scraps for sale at tbe mill— G Have you a littlg idle moneyf last week ik'd made a settlement with Lorenten riace it where it is $afe "We' allpw George W Ecntf'for hie losses by fire Come and examine our new line of tie was awrdec sorrsover 800 youFOLR PER CENf on time Clothing and be convinced that yon ThaGa better than a "larger ungatsa electrical Bay a lamp get ketter valueahere at lower prioes per cent unless you are sure of your and ''ou will than senaing your money of for YSot’at'tbV'tfo-oValues investment never hate any trouble with your light and prloea never beard o The First Stat Bank Op Salina Gel next to Workmen’ sad iroa FINE pRIVING-anSaddle Horses I tv t k t for Well sale bred trotFORSALE-teaharness and wagon uptodate ting or pftoiog p S Crane Time or cash' See John Ewls ' A new line o Electrical supplies In Everything gsbing tackle at Lewthe Tungsten ie Drag Go jast arrive at the ' gives the same lamp la a ponder Use the deal §elMJeating Ir n light as si IQ candle power lamps —iron two big washings wtb and takes only half the current of an do on fine it the every you day things 16 candle lamp you should ordinary up yourself— in tbe sewjng room for try' one only 75 ct pressing-irofrom tbe everything Iron heaviest bedsteads to the baby's lace Wait for Workman the sad man Consulj County Cleric or Re- oap Further wo Mens T hundred Bos and Child- spective signers IfiONq pOMOT' ot kitchen in the rens suits in the latest shades and Information —away from tbe fads arrived this week at the Salina parlor— on ttie po:chwOilt under the trees— wimoqt qnetra step'' No ijnore direot from ifew York and In Th for hot irons Seventh Judicial patriot walking back anchor made up tospeciajiprder J 8 Then if you tbn£ you can do withShields & Co a pioos unheard of Court Sanpete County Utah In The Matter Qf The fista'fe ' out return at it our see it and and be convinced Come expense Tbe deal Sad Iron Deceased Watch for Workman with his iron Mary Knighton of four burns hours one on gas filling NOTICE OF SALE QF EAL ESTATE oline It costs less than one cent a r AND PERSQNALtY F attlng on shingles has been the The undersigned will sell at private day You can regulate its heat instantlthi week at the meeting house real estate y— something not pos8icle with an l'ach district has had itaday and done Rale the following deeorlhed and personal property ' belonging to electric flat iron something towards the work the said estate Tbe Ideal Sad Iron is j It will 6oon be time to fish We have Persona I Property Five shares of absolutely safe— we guarantee it It is sn entirely new line and fresh stock the capital stock of te Gunnison simple— nothing to get out of of fishermen’s goods Lewis Drug Co built to last a lifetime a corporation Creamery 'Company The Ideal Sad Iron is WANTED— Hans Christensen wants four shares of the capital stock of the s a invaluable In travel one thousand live chickens He will GuDnisou Irrigation It packs Company not spill— carry it Ailed for nse pay lo cents per pound corporation one buggy and one harness V N Real Estate an The S takof in is the instant— It and 1 ready by Perfumes 50c to per ounce at W X of Sec 2' Twp 20 S1 E E ing off tbe top you can beat water boil La wis Drug do S L M containing 10 acres in San- eggs eto Ladies watch fobs af Lewis Drug Co pete County Utah Also LfOt4‘ Block 10 Plat A GunnisEee those new bat pins at Lewis on Townsite Entry Sanpete' County Drug Co " ' Utah A new line of Gent’s watch chains Have a party wants to borrow $(300— Also Lot 5 Block 3 Plat Gucpis- at Lewis Drug Coon Townsite Entry Sanpete County long time hjgh interest— security four times value pf loau Here is a (banco Utah to put sotne of your iuoney to- work-s- ee Workman has tbe best in sad irons Also: Commencing at the If W corme about it A J Crosier If you want something good in jew- ner of Lot 2 Block 21 Plat A fcjalina Sevier Townsite Co Utah to fco County Lewis Entry Drug elry thence easterly along tbe north line of said Lot 2 a distance of 208 feet thence southerly parallel with the east line of said Lot 2 a distance of 50 feet thence west at right angles wfth IS THE QREATE8T ANobby feet to the east the line last ruu line of ?aid Lot 2 thence north to fhe THEATRICAL M SHOW PAPER place pf beginning and containing — IN THE WORLD square feet of laud fu Seviep fjopnty IATHEH Utah $400 Per Year Single Copy 0 Cts Said sale will be mde on or after ISSUED WEEKLY Saturday the 12th day of judp 1909 and written bids wilf be received by FRANK QUEEN PUB £0 (Ltdi the undersigned at Juab Juab County PUBLISHEKS ALBERT J RORIE 47 'V 2STU ST Manaobu Niy yoRKUtah) terms of sale cash ten per cent at tirpe of sale and bajanoe upon confirmation by the coqit Al The of course ' John M Knighton Where else would you look? Administrator W I" V" tfllTEMS OF 'U GENERAL Z interest for The Hats that arq nobby and suits that qompa With the best that are made anywhere' A guaranteed fit ajid best kind of wear 9 9 9 : i Our ladies’ under and outer wear " r Is lways sure to bear Thg very worst of yvear and tear x x Dame Fashion lives apd lingers her All through our spring and summer The very best for ladies’ fair IfflL Sample Copy Free Coop s Ephraim’s One r'" Carnival Spring I 9 Come in the store and share The sights and wonders there Once in the chance is fair That you’re a patron there 9 X 9 6 9 9 9 9 9 I The Salina Reduced ON REAL ESTATE ' The Jackson Loan Fort Worth Texas & TTust Co Jackson Mississippi 9 n OFFICERS N E Snell President A A J Lewis V IIUL?Tj£cshier i$B 000-0- CAPITAL STOCK i ' Drafts drawn on all the principal cities ot the United States and Europe f®Four per cent interest paid on tine deposits wj lSmqTM Slogans MacKine Sewing runs lighter than any other longer than any ptker Jasts lias si Scesic otter CANYON OF any otter MDN'aridTEAMS taFE&EE is tke test of all bined in one WHEEL GLEN WOOD lif GAP SPRING! CANYON OF THE GUNNISON GARDEN 0P THE CODS MANITOU SPRINGS THE ROYAL and GOROB TOURIST SLERPERS To Denveri St Louis and Chicago Trains leave Salina Northbound) a m E M Southbound 3:21 p m Local Agent Peyton YIen Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper com- FREE SEWING MACHINE CO ILLINOIS it CHICAGO Sold by Salina PRANDH CANYON WAGON 10:51 makes a more perfect etitek tkan any otker World 1' Jim RIVEq PULLMAN is easier to operate ttan lb A panorama of patural beauty all the way A beauty spot in every pnile j £AGLE tkan any EASY PAYMENTS LONG TIME WANTED REPRESENTATIVES RELIABLE 9 99 In Town” lias less vitratioq once at AXTELLUTABt ! FIRST STATE BANK OF SAUNA Salina Utah s more beautiful tKap any other wanting permanent work should apply at Store p 000©09®i©e®COtC$®®OCO®®®®t©99ee9994 prepared public suppfy with the finest kind of Lime al reasonable him See very prices Those 'J'JftJS! i 0 MONEY LOANED Co-o- “Brown’s - - - a TtiLUL All attractions furnished by Nat Reiss - Carnival Co The————— Grand Military Rand Rates on Railroads j 9 LIME Oluf Jeppson to the WANTED wer X Week Starting June 7 Krabenshires Airship will make daily ascensions J ' riEW YORK ©UPPISH on the run others follow on the walk lead We have all there is in merchandise and win our way on merit Money vtfnmicM Home Here v— Try ThisSplf Renting Irqn Notices at Yoi Are Bank Your Money Probate- - Qaurd janship 9999999®®04 ) Co-o- p fSUw by acting is bowels The Cough Syrup that rid3 the system of a cold as a cathartic on tb 60 YEAR8 EXPERIENCE LAXATIVE tl A1 DE3I0NS 1 111 Copy rights Ac mf lending i ketch end deecrlntlon whether an ascertain our opinion free Conininnleo la probably putenteble HANDBOOK on Patent! itrictiy conildentlal ree Oldest aeoey for ecariiiirpatenu Co rclTI tnti taken Inrouh Munn-on GOUGH SYRUP (Ion eharge Spalding Investment Co GunnisonUt la the tkniific flititriwn idiom el y 111ulrIed weekly on of any rlntlBe Imirnal Bold by all four months Iret clr Term (a a newdmlrh Bees Is the original laxative cough syrup the contains no opiates gently moves carrying the cold off through the to give Guaranteed natural channels bowels satisfaction or money refunded FOR SALE BY LEWIS DRUG -- |