Show Guarantiee! Cough remedy is Bee’s Laxative Cough Syrup For coughs colds croup h hoarseness RDd all bronchial affections Best for children because it ii quick ta relieve and tastes groed Gently laxative Sold by Lewis Drug Co A THE SAUNA CALL A Weekly Newip&per Published By Every Triday At Salina Utah Call Publishing Subscription Price Co Woods Liver Medicine ie a liver regwhich brings quick relief to si?k ulator headache constipation biliousness and otbersymptoma of live disorder Particularly recommended for Jaundice Chills Fever Malaria Tb- - flOO size contains 2'X times as much as tbe DOo size Bold by Lewis Drug stora $150 Per Year Sickness As sickness anddisease and 'death has been so prevalent in Salina oflate a few wordj-:froprominent Boston the snbj ects of health and disease ought lo be of : great interest to all He says! Disease is unnatural Its cause is unnatural Jiving hub® its Sickness is Kature’s re® In 'voltand attempt to cure and critical illness early right treatment secures speedy convalescence saving time t'pain risk and expense The prevailing drug treatment tends to prevent- recov- -ery and in any event shortens ' life Poisoning the sick with ' and some vacine anti-tox- in other things- will ultimately lbe made a penal offense Soon the old drugging and ' cutting will be done away "with It should be made a finable 'offense for any parent to give tea coffee beer or wine to a growing child More than half the world’s poverty and sickneis comes from Wrong ideas about and drinking Charles E Page eating M D Sevier county has a new Taper in the SeVier Valley Sun a copy of which lias Reached us It is edited by Homer McCarty and managed by A E Howard FlHWTlNG or FIRST CLASS QUALITY IS OUB HOBBY GIVE US A TRIAL ORDEI i all the advantages of a fountain pen with non of the disadvantages Carry It upside down in vest or trousers pocket or handbag as you would a penknife It never leaks It always flows free easier to uee than a lead pencil for It never requires sharpening The only fountain pencil or stylo pen that responds to the quick touch so essential for rapid writing Not affected by acids or Inks Perfectly simple nothing to get lost or out of order clogged In attractive Very appearance Cap and body made of Polished Red Vulcanite The feed” Is Platinum and the "Writing Point” Is Iridium else — four and Very convenient Inches long — Just right for vest pocket purse or bag Kqu&lly office or for the home adapted school Used every day by the teacher the clerk the student the farmer and the business man SELLS REGULARLY FOR $230 Ask any dealr In fountain pens for a price on this or any other Stylo Ink Pencil Then send one dollar to me and I will mall you sample as described above complete with filler and cleaner And directions for using all in a neat box Wrap the dollar bill in a sheet of and 1 will take tbe risk paper Money back if you want it How can I do it? That’s simple I sell thousands where your dealer ells one Send before you forget it Agents wanted t Address' CEO Ii COOK Distributer Box 118 Elgin IH of Biid lists so far as they relate to said tract by descriptiv subdivisions- have been conspicuously in this office for inspection by posted any person interested anJ by the publio generally During tbe period or publication of this notice or auy time thereafter and before final approval and certification under departmental regulations ot April 25 1907 protests or contests against the claim of the State to auy of tbe traots or subdivisions hereinbefore described on the ground that tbe same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposea will received and noted for report to th General Land Office at Washingtoi D 0 Failure so to prtiteat or conflt will within the time specified bt considered snffioient evidence of tbe obaractei of tbe tracts and the selections thereof beihg otherwise free from objection will be approved to tbe State £ D R Thompson Register WMR 1TT!CATIOX Unite! States Lsnb Office Cit ? U'ah Feb 23rd 1909 It May Corcerns-Noticis hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists ot lands selected by the su’d State under section 6 of the Act of Congress approved July 16 1894 as Indemnity School lands viz-N X S E h j 8 X S W i N E X 8 W N £ M N X N W H Sec 26 N W Sen 35 'J 22 S It 2 W Serial 02899 Copies of said lists so far as the relate to balif traots by descriptive subdivisions have been conspicuosl posted in tbis office for inspection by any person inte rested and by the pu -blio generally During the period of publication of thiii notice Ur any 41 tbe theieafterand before final approval and certif cation tinder departmental regulations of 1907 protest or contest April 25 against the claim of tbe S ate to any of thetracta or subdivisions hereinbefore descritedon tbe ground that the same isbiore valuable for mineral thaD for Bgricuil oral purposes will be received an1 noted for report to the petjeral Latid Offiee at Washington D C Failure so to protestor routest within the time specified will be considered srtficient evidence of tbe character of tbe tracts and tbe selection thereof being othervise free from objection will b approved t he State jo E i)R Thompson Register Halt Lake To Whom and See August Ericksen upstairs in the store and get you a suit ' Co-o- p ViVlftN bURNS HARNESS SHOP Safina Utah Hand made harness a specialty Saddle buggy and fcpiirg wagon reck yokes horse blankets and all things in the harness and saddlery line ' Mite i- — Pafarcnn j Furniture and Hardware store EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE Hardware Stoves and Ranges P Peopl- e- TAILORING Si p up it nils over a He F 5 can't do better on earth with your Nui Sed money than at my STORE You thee store and ask the man pairs cleans and makes order re- suits to August Ericksen -- VIVIAN BURNSr- - Professiori! Harness Maker iff Store Just South of TheCo-o- Niels P Nielsen B00T&SK0E Shop Harness Shop In MOl ICE 1UU PCHClCAliOfC United Ulales Luii ctiloe Halt L tke ity Utah February 19 1909 TjWloeu It May Concern:- Notice is hereby given that the Slat of Utah has Itl d in this office lists of land selected by the said State under sectiou 6 of tbe Act ot Congress approved July 16 1894 at Indemnity School lauds viz: N W see 28 T 21 S It 1 W Serial 02886 Copies Go " Combines building df a Emmit Robins Tours Truly Tonsorial Artist LOUIS JACOBS iiwasAftia House Building White Johnson-Arneso- AL DAVIDSON professional Painter&Paper-hange- r Utah Salina PHONE NO 30 Red W B Dr Percy F Spicer Into Graduate Dental Surgeon THOROUGH BRED CHICKENS White Leghorns White Wyandotte's Eggs and Breeding Stock For Sale By Geo F Crane Residence Salina Everything fn Lumber Utah Phdne 29 btk Doors Windows pdints Glass and hardware Ageuts for Jumbo Hakhvall Plaster per tob Soulliof Co-o- All kinds Mill Work Jeppson the poplio Is preapred to supply with tbs finest kind of Lime at Bee him very reasonable phices at Anderson -- Fisher Lumber Co LTME! - HUMPHREY JWmYH IiCIM Office WANTED Cash paid for Hogs Veal and Chickens G W Long Oluf Ii BILLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ernes over uzat uassst LIME! LUMBER CO n Is now prewired to furnish all kinds Imported Lumber Shingles Lath Doors Windows and all sort of House At low as Prices firm as in the state Furnishings any -- - N or dfelt Bros SOMETHING Very GOOD Poultryj Eggs Veal Dressed Hogs land Beef will bring’ you money yWe pay spot cash for these at all — times and seasons HVe sell Groceries cheaper thati anyoneelse We have fine line ofcatidyi Tivo pounds for 25c MEAT is our leader atid we sell the bfest I Salina Meat 81 Supply SIS Go |