Show ):A r'i & VOL i HE Ill SAUNA Sen Smoot For Salina SEVIER' COUNTY UTAH A PR 2 1909 Richfield Social i Personal Letter From N & Snell Joseph Prows gave a birthday NO 46 News Death Visits Mrs Town Again Is the bar room really passing Is it out to stay 7 Idaho Falls Idaho March 2109 Must wegoing cease tbe revels Editor C&U rriH Aud put all our cheer away? In accordance with my promise that Joseph Poulsen of Ephraim hat come And i's cotton they’re a spittlu in On to Salina to stay He will move his I would write you when I left Saline will 6tate that It pleases me very the county seat of Sevier in this year family here eoon He is a carpenter and builder and is in the employ of muoh to receive your valuable paper of grace and to note tbe advancement that ihe Lumber Co April fool was worxed in Richfield being made In the town that I love to a drum shop’s Tbe Mr and Mrs A J Scott started on a This ie a great oountry but not morning’s morning faded away In answer to the petition sent to trip to Texas Sunday expeottng to be nearly so good as Sevier County only Nine funerals and A death Is a good Richfield is dry water— many for a little town like Saliuaand There’s him by citizens of Salina Senator gone about ten days They went for that it is in area It is true wter— water— larger nobut sent tbe following letter to an outing and to look at the country there are Smoot everywhere that’s juet the number for March that are very rich and where anything to drink that is drink Pres P F Peterson of the Commer- the point of especial interest being are makingparts Little D wain Williams the a few men rich while s cial club son of Mr and Mrs Orrin Wilthe Richfield March 23— There is a district great amount of this soil is a shallow D C March 23 1909 liams 'Washington passed from earth life Friday at veritable at here and of epodemio grip An Ogden merchant makes an offer sail unlaid with gravel requires Mr P F Peterson President ' 2 bresent Nearly every home baa one p m March 2G after a stormy illthat he will pay $5 to any person who a great amount of water It take Salina Commercial Club ness About four weeks ago he coni or more afflicted thebe to aud daud considerable time for the although will show him a piece of merchandise he from which — Salina Utah are no serious cases there is much traoted pneumonia bought from a mailorder house which produce and a'great amount of fertilas he Was recovered up Pear Mr Fetereon: apparently there course be to ueed Of suffering he cannot duplicate for the same or ize has bei the lie to a wish then and about for week I acknowledge receipt less is a boom on in this state end ‘people And there are not man lathe matter of beet raislog this came the victim of acute bright’ disof the petition addressed to me signed who money are running after tbe money are arriving daily from the Eastern year word has been received that ease and whooping cough Every rei by yourself and a large number of the States and purchasing this land and there will be no modification of the medial measure proved of no avail residents of Salina asking that certain Ernest Swalberg was in Salina part bating their judgement on the informlands be added to the Fish Lake Natio- - of the week aud had a fine tombstone ation that Is received from the real objectionable clauses Chairman Clark and thelittleinnocent fellow Buooumb-ereceived a message from tbe to the decree of death breaking nal Forest Kserve placed upon his wife’s grave estate dealers who always show them company that the company clrol that and leaving a void This SRme question has been up for well cultivated lands and tbe very best could make no Tbe oouoessions What ef- oaunot be filled Lumber Co iu this great grief discussion a great many times iu th then and in ands this part dumping fect this will have on the ofops this has received a car of shingles this have come both in the symhave and the sorrowihg parents petitions past i'iem on the gravel areas The climate ear is not kaotfa ThA funer-a- l The only week and will soon receive a car oi for and against the same pathy of the community is not nearly so pleasant to live in as reason it has not been acted upon is eemeut service a beautiful and appropriate Sevier as we do not get those balmy because there are so many private one was held at the R S Hall Sunday The shipment by the Salina Mer- spring days although the sun shines Tbe lands within the proposed area afternoon at 3 o’clock cantile Co this week of 810 pounds ol bright there is chill to the air The policy of the Frest Service has been butter as one day’s business breaks the City of Idaho Falls is certainly A very not to add areas where any consider- record both for One of Han3 Ditlevsen’s twin babies the house and for the attractiveTittle city and has a great able amount of tbe same is composed local the boy died last Friday Mter a brief creamery which furnished it many business houses and do a great If the Call should slip a cog and illness Funeral cervices were held of private holdings amount bf business especially on not issue next week w e 1 shall present your petition to the hope the people from the home Sunday uoon Manager C M Hansen of the local which ia farmers day bear with us Moving 19 the stumbling Forest Service and request that a creamery has been in the south end SaturdaySaturday Rale an auction Every block But if things go well the paper special examiner go upon the ground of the couuty during a portion of the s held aud datogLter ol Elna the any one who has anything may be issued as Usually and make a thorough examination of week at tbe request of some of th Mr aod Mrs Roy Allred passed away to sell may place It on sale And it is the lauds iu question If there are uare there A Wardrobe worth $25 (A) to the one from life Wednesday afteV a long and auctioned off to the highest -- bidder certain sections outside of the private first at 1350 dont hesitate severe' illness The parents have Mr and Nrs Ernest Herbert have bores cows household1 goods farm coming holdings that are needed as a protect watched abd worked overthelittle one chickens in fact' Avery about it at furniture Store ion to your water sheds or as a pro- - gone toScipio to make that place then implements wants to sell or ' A telephone has been installed at and others for many dAys but this a teotion to the standing timber I have home Mr Herbert’s duties as forest thingla that farmer two hundred to ebb away and pass head JpnesS Jahen’a Faria oiit lu the little life had buy sold Some doublthe additions will he gladly ranger- mils him there fold so early r— Of horse have been eoWatfrtton fiua Ji&ITijt the epez&c was b?rn out front ther family made f 1 Mrs Hausen of Epfraim mother ol since I arHved here I believe that by Jenseu'e and the bther half by the j Lioping that this quiestion may be Mrs Hans Ditlevser was down Sunday this would be a good ihiog for the company This Is at tbe place where settled satisfactorily to all concerned for funeral of the little who to and had in farmers aronnd Salina bby ' try Bert Jensen lives and will be a moat I remain yours very truly died it certainly is a benefit to all parties convenient thing tor the family Heed Smoot one man has p horse to aell and anoth Ogden Utah— Ttie President has The day after the above letter was A rare bargain The closing meeting of the Yoong a good second band er has chickens while another has a the 6 hole Good Luck Range for sale very just signed an order changing received from Senator Smoot he sent Men’s M I A was held Sunday evening Forplow that he does not ned and Rome Peterson sayiDg with a general program a telegram to Mr come quick to P F Petersen spelling of the 8a Salle National cheap instead ‘ oi one does ah exoharge “La 8al” The to thereby making Utah southern est In stetb that a man had just been appointed ths nsual class work Tbe meeting end all parties being henifited bv it was made At the request of the to visit Salina in the immediate future with a splendid one from every standYou people looking for Baby Car- change down there There is a sugar factory iocated here officers and look over the sitnatian and render point Worthy of speoial mention and also one at Blacktoot The one riages call and see the Finest Line in This forest is in charge of John was tbe part taken v some ttreportto tbe government of tl by Prices to suit all at Rils the son of the noted New Y ork at Blaokfoot does not pay and the ere the country members boys and girls talking of moving it to Twin Falls Furniture Store The following letter comes from younger reformer Jacob Riis Headquarters The did splendid and showed that The average tonage is not Very large Conference rates to Salt Lake are of this forest are at MoatyUtah Ogden: they have plenty of talent Tbe meet in this locality and ths average farm given out by the local agent as follows Ogden Utah March IT 1909 ings during the winter have bean very er who has not been ablA to tnaniru Rathe from the 2ud of April to tbe 5th F Felerbbn Salina Utah BIr Muocessful and tbe officers deserve his land sufficiently only reeleves ap inclusive final limit April 15th Dear Sir: praise for their untiring work proximately 10 tone to the kore This no allowed passage ItopoVers 0 A petition signed by yourself and not very profitable while thebe ere Tiokets $4 65 is Lorsine Stevens came home from eighty-onothers asking for th ade great many who rant their lands to The most ‘instructive Institute of and Fish-laremained Ephraim Saturday until the iaps end ia put in a ManZan Pile dition of a certain area to the at Elsinorw last they tend them with the tube witn nozzle Remedy be the year was held attached May National Forest has been receiv- Monday She is doing well at sohool exception ef hauling or delivering to applied directly to he affected parta week The following teachers from ed and forwirded to the Forester with ths factory for on half Guaranted 60c Sold by Lewis Drug Salina Prof E J Freece Stena and One of Renholt Mattsson’a child rea Hia atfavorable recommendation Thiels a greet sheeh fceotioh end Co has bad an attaok of pneumonia from Olevia Soorup and Ruth Qottfradson tention has been called also to the whlfeh it ia the range ia Very go’oa abd hapports were present In kha trlsolpals meet ing Did they April foot you? jnst FiooveriU 24 1907 dated July petition a great many were made for examinasheep thii year the arrangements W Reed for your grain Very truly youraF RiohArd Humphrey ef Salt Lake Caribou National Forest will graze useDqnt nee BlaeVHril to be held at Salina Rlebfleld tions Formaldehyde for the prevention Acting Distriot Forester spent about a week visiting friend-an375000 sheep end 14000 oettle and bora th U of of dmut ask os about it Lewis Drug and Monroe Prof tirigs in Salina talks on the book relatives U gave splendid returning as The febge is more adapted for Co Paul and Prof He Is a brother of T sheep raising than esttle as It is a home Monday March took its departure like a lion and library subjects 1 should like Hit also weed range W B Humbrfey O and very mqeb took the teachers into the hill aud to is Tonic the Rex thing Poultry to see every farmer end business man And ga've bis lecture on nature visited E W Crane Get orchards give your chickens and turkejs belong to tbe Commercial Club and a package and begin feeding it which was Very instructive and The Gates Hotel has pnrchased a boost your resources as you havr 25oand60o today Much credit is due Lewis Drug Co enjoyed new hack which will he tlsed hereafter for his efforts to many and don’t kbock because when The Lewis Grng Company is offer- our County Supt Governor Spry signed the fiAh aud in hanling their patrona to and from you think you are knocking your make such an instructive and enjoy' Gall in certain lines ing prizes along game bill last week which took ths depot able Institute neighbor you are knocking yourself and learu about it effect immediately Upon hih signaMr Paul has arranged with Trof Join hands and all pull and you will Trout and bass wSa Chris Christensen and Fierce to come to Saliuaaad take the ture fceiug attached Pineules are for Backache Operated all be mutially benefited God speed brlDg quick relief to lumbago rheuma school out for a day iu Salina fishing which has "for the past two upon again at a Salt Lake hospital to Salina and her good I Canyon BDp peoplo all and tism other symptons It was a live in hopes bf again having tbe pleas 0f fatigue years been open until April 1st is this week for appendicitis Th-are a tonic to study theformations It is einoerely Kidney diseases In the appendix was nre of now closed and no spring fishing hard ordeal and being classed asto the entire system and build up hoped that Prof Paul may find an Residing 50o anb$l CO will be allowed until June 15th the found a stone about equal tu size one of her citizens open date and not only talk to the Success to the strengt and health Price All to a large bean ‘This was what' had season to close December 31st Mrs A J Lewis has been exceedingly Students but tbe parents as well It is to be hoped fishing and Lbnting licenses must be oaused the trouble few the ill during Having past days renewed and the gaine wardebs will now that tbe boy may recover and N E Snell been bed fast since her child was born the latv along regain his health get busy enforcing she has of course been a little ill all There was a Diphtheria scare here lines these Mr and Mrs $idion ilugentobler Robert V R Reynolds Supervise of the time Tuesday night she beoame but scare is The bill prowides for a bag limit o prefered to the dread full are now located in Salina again The the Wasatch National Forest with seriously sick and so bad was she disease Some dUcks no riiore than five twenty-fiv- e people used sulpher cane down from Mt Pleasant Tuesday headquarters at Halt Lake City1 was that two physicians were with her and other There is no preventives geese the shooting to open October aud are at home in the old was for sent Steiner Dr a guest of the Rex family this week and a tnird place diphtheria here at present t and continue to Decethber 3l9t the folliwlng day Wednesday night Ashton ths youngest Bon of Mr and fynail may be killed during the mouth J C Olsen formerly of Salina came f he took worse again qd Thursday Philip Masons jhas the sympathy of of October tbe limit being fifteen Mrs J F Martin has been vefy sick down from Bingham Tuesday toatie-morning she was reported to be dying people here in the loss cf their Child Tbe dove limit has been exteiided to during'tbe week and for tl time bis to some matters of business He re- - Dr Steinerof Richfield was again sen t Mr Mason was sick at the time twenty firebirds and tbe season opens life was dispalred of "to Lie laboas forand turned Wednesday again Erick Sorensen has been sick for every thing possible was done iu November August l5th and closes to bring her through the trouble H T Ryle has been visiting with along time but is improving b’ur in fact ibe season closes itself of Ephraim is in Albert Johnson j Mr Mrs and work Oscar has Nielsen for the substantial Some mighty Alma Chrowther Is here from Box Salina getting things ready for work as all doves leave this part of the been done on tbe meeting house this Elder County to visit his best on the new sohool house ountrv on Ibe first cold l)y Some-Np- s past week girl week and tho roof minus the shingles He likes Aurora the first of September finds all was In Salina is on This is good to see Dr Steiner of Richfield Now if gone and sometimes they Deer are limited one to each hunter Aurora will increase in population otto birds In local with consultation “ be can and Wednesday buck law the the or October Peotrimmings as long as doe” shingles reading reme and Girls marry young here A J Lewis for yars ple may shoot rabbits at any time of physicians in the case of Mrs put on it can well stand until means and Boys t broue are protected for four 2oramite‘ frequent are at band to finish it may be killed ihe year and need not take out a lioeas at Lewis Drug Co Entsc lowev'ir) sdgeheiia Acts Forest Petition party for her daughter Eva SitdrJay it being the teuth Anniversary of her birth In 9 Funerals anJ Death Matter Is Mirch EVrfeSfc r Record Notes The Institute The New Fish and Game Law Aurora ‘ig)li |