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Show WEDNESDAY FEBRUARy8 4 - DIXIESUNNEWS.COM Mesittectin pea p r FOSSETT BY DIANA Ilabelts necessar) DianafossettDSN -- ...H.; , , ' ( ' ( The word '' ,, ---, ("'""1 ) used to make me . ''14 .' :.' pansexual ) : ' f :: .,,' .. , , :,. t, ' ., cringe a , bit. ,:: While I -- , .. ,... I r,::;.:, k , , iLi .. consider and liberal myself fairly raised I wasn't progressive, to how that way. Learning ' be a more open-minde- -,, gender identities, '; of my classmates (including myself) were minori1 ties, so those cultures were no problem for my young Staff Writer brain, as they had been a of my life as long as Nelson says DSU partconservative upbringmy , , ,,. i,, dixiesunnews.com - ,,, 7 '., , N, , ' '41,- ,,. , 0 , ''' (1 - '' ' I'''' ' , ', '. ' , Z M when closed-minde- d Copy Editor Diana Fossett says she used to be and learn to live with the politically correct word soup. yond friendly discussion. Then one day, while just walking and talking to a new roommate of mine, she brought up the subject of sexuality. I knew that she was bisexual, and assumed she was be just as annoyed with the term pansexual as less of their gender identity or biological sex." It just annoyed me to no end. Wasn't bisexuality enough? Why did we need a new term for basically the same thing? I felt like my own descriptor of bisexual was being changed out for this weird new term. It was irrational, I know, but there was something about it that just got under my skin. I wouldn't let it slide when someone began talking about their possible pansexuality, and I would debate with them far be I was. Instead, she just cocked her head and said, "I dunno, don't we all have labels we want people to respect?" That stopped me right in tracks. my I have plenty of labels I self-righteo- us it came to different labels. She says we should respect label Patient consiceratjon not easy, and for me, tainly is not a natural I still don't quite under. stand prom However, I understandi is important to the persc who asked me to use tN pronouns. Instead of being offenc they corrected me, I try t understand and respect tt we all want to be known by how we see 13urse1ves, whether we see mselves as religious, transgender and so mull more. use when describing myself: feminist, millennial, bisexual, agnostic, runner, and more. The terms in which I view myself don't detract from anyone else. I understand there is a greater discussion on freedom of speech taking place on university campuses around the nation. But I hope to skip past the lawsuits and zones and ask that we all take a moment to think about what we hear before we respond. pseudo-intellectu- IL' al free-spee- non-bina- ch ry pro-ck- u, , ) , ' 7 word soup. But the sticking point for me was the word pansexual. coin defines pansexuality as having "the capability of attraction to others regard - ,.., ; 0, $ 4.,,i '7t NZ, STOP-Homophob- , , ,,,' hadn't considered before swirling in my brain like , , - 8 ,46 8) 8 ing. However, when I left home and began picking housing at random, it led me to be confronted by all sorts of people and ideas I Read his opinion on - non-Christi- an faiths and liberal views. I'd gone political to school with people who identify as LGBT and most . , ,...,,( gious home, and because of that,,I've found it harder to understand things like isn't doing enough to fix retention rates. , and d tolerant person has been a long process I find I am still working on. I was raised in an incredibly conservative and reli- :Joe :.. , P ,, - ' , ) , revalent in college student Sleep deprivation LETTERS it' TO THE EDITOR i ., ,1 ''''''' ) ' ., Submissions 'should be no longer than 250 words and must be Writers must include name, phone number and email address. Students should also include year in school, hometown and well-writte- n. major. Letters are subject to editing for length, style and grammar. Letters consisting of inaccurate, libelous or highly offensive content will not be published. Letters should be submit- ted to dixiesundixie.edu in the body of the email, not an attachment, Letters become property of Dixie Sun News and may be published in any format. Dixie Sun News encourag- es a lively discussion on its websjte among its readers. Dixie Sun News does not edit comments, However, an editor will not post any comments that are libelous or vulgar. MISSY PARRY -- ..., - ; ,,,t. ''', 1 , ... MissyParryDSN I ' , I . . , .,.'t, , " t f , ' , , te --4,. 1 , ' , t , , ,1 ' ,.,7,,-..- , - "'''''' ,,,, . ,. ,,,,46 s'e;g0.,' , ,,, .''''' ,' --;-, .n, ( -- 1 - ' i I 0 0 overwhelmed two weeks ago, I'm definitely feeling it H 1-,, F E ' . part of my personality this point. I've learned sleep is religious and my roommates know that if wake me up, it had better because the apartment fire. College is about leani: things, not just about thc, world but about yourself; Learning how to survivc college sounds humorg: but we all struggle with thing or another. If sleep is one of your struggles, find out whal!,l causing the problem. Is:, stress? Too much caffei late at night? Existential dread? The Health and ness Center at DSU can you. They have therapi you can talk to if you'll ing overly stressed and practitioners to help a way to get more sleer We're all adults in co ' but sometimes a per,s1' "adult" adult with more life experierl'l to help us. We could always petit' the school to create a n4, class that teaches stile' how to take effective could pass that class eyes closed. a tli! ,... , I've got 99 problems and they're all due this week. If I wasn't feeling slightly .now. Trump presidency. You imagine my disappointra when I checked my phoa and saw the same drain3 Facebook. I've come to the realii tion that being tired is jtil , 4 ) ,, where I was and hopinal: slept through the Donald! . t' ,k-- , ; Send letters to the editor to DixieSundixie.edu. Letters to the editor are accepted and may be published in the newspaper andor dixiesun- neWs.com. The guidelines for letters are as follows: ... y '' is ., I , K , . , The fourth week of spring semester is done not like 4 0z , I'm counting or anything. 2 t My classes have evolved from PowerPoint presenta5 z ions and endless textbook , , chapters into quizzes, tests Staff Writer Missy Parry falls asleep while studying. She says getting a proper amount of sleep as and papers. Throw in endless a college student is harder than can be managed alone for some people. amounts of homework, a job and the responsibilities of ler with sticky buttons. the 20 alarms I have set on something worthy of any sciI've heard the college surence class experiment. personal life, and I'm ready my phone as cardio, so I'm to resign from adulthood. vival tips, "eat healthy, exCoffee and Red Bull are covered there. Thank you for the opportuercise and get enough sleep" my best friends. My diet usuSleep? What's that? Is that so many times I'm starting nity, but it's just not for me. consists Red of a ally coffee, college term for a really If anyone needs me, I will be to wonder if the people that Bull, more coffee, a couple long blink? Every time I can do those things on top of hurried bites of a granola bar hiding in my blanket fort colclose my eyes, I can't stop their classes are even human. I found swimming around oring and watching Netflix. thinking about how I need to How do you expect me in the black hole that is my College life for me is like get my act together and figto eat healthy when a salad playing a multiplayer video ure out what I actually want backpack, followed by more costs twice as much as a coffee. By the end of the afgame with a bunch of people to do with my life. I'm fairly on normal. Everyone playing McDonald's cheeseburger ternoon on a school day, my decent at math now from the has struggles, but over time and isn't as easy to eat body is shaking like a scared endless nights of calculating e-go? their gameplay slowly imI don't cook at my Chihuahua. The amount of the possible hours of sleep I proves. Although I'm teclmicaffeine I have in my body apai tment because I pretty could get, and it didn't cost much live at the school. cally on the same level as could quite possibly kill a me $100 for an access code. When I try to eat healthy everyone, I feel like I'm playsmall animal. I acI'm so on with a and buy produce, I forget I ing expert Exercise? I count runmap in cidentally fell asleep on the another language, no ammo, bought it and it sits in the ning late to all my morning couch and woke up around crappy vision and a control classes because I snoozed crisper drawer molding into two hours later wondering -- 1 :,. onth- sleep-depriv- ed l ),To we-need- |