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Show 1111EDNEpAY, 2 - DIXIESUNNEWS.COM Studeni poor mem vs ill pride siudenis academic Ily, s daily , ' 4 I '' , , , . 1 ' 1 I m ,.---.' .44,- - - - ,.. 1 i ---- Li t- - 0 --- - v - , 4 4 , 'f i . ' ;' ,c : t, k , f u) ; i , ' ' , ,,. ., , . . 4 i ' k - ' f o, , , 0Z ' I 4 , A , 4 , . f i H , 1 ',) ' W ' .., ' ' - , ''''Iv...V.....' H , ,,,,,, , ,,1 0,7 '''',;, m w .40 Ci Z1 ZI . ' From left, Vika Havili, a senior integrated studies major from Salt Lake City, mentors Sandra Aguirre, a junior communication major from Los Angeles. Havili said student mentors lend a helping hand by advising students on test taking strategies, time management, and other things they may need. Are you a DSU student who does tlewisdsn your own taxes? Share your experience with us Dixie State University's Student Success Center is looking to hire student peer mentors this semester. The SSC was specifically created to help educate students about the resources on campus and make sure they're doing well academically and socially during each school year. The SSC is looking for students who can maintain a 2.8 GPA or higher. "You'll also want to be involved on campus and interpersonal skills are going to be significant," said Jay Sorensen, the student success assistant director. "If you don't know how to talk to people, it's hard to help on Twitter by using voiceofdixie. , iir - - t, , it L ant-- 60 EL VI. I , bean DIXIE SUN NEWS mentor, you are not looking to necessarily have them solve your problems," Sorensen said. "You're looking for someone to listen to you a lot of times." As a student confiding in another student, Romney said it can be easier to have conversations with those seeking guidance because she isn't above them like a professor or adviser would be. "I've had students come in over lots of different things, and I can look at them and say, 'I did the same thing, it is a mistake and you will learn from it," Romney said. Krissia Beatty, a senior communication major from St. George, said one of the most rewarding things about her job is being there for students and then see them , going?" Peer mentors can also help point students in the right direction to get connected with specific programs here at DSU. Aside from keeping updated on how students are doing, peer mentors are there to provide an ear to listen, Sorensen said. "When you come in and students." Spencer Ricks, you're meeting with a peer Peer mentors are required to work at least 5 hours a week as a paid position. As of this year, peer mentors will initially reach out to all incoming freshman. Leah Romney, a junior communication major from Duck Creek Village, said, "Our job is to connect with freshmen and get in c;Tntact text mesby either sage , or phone to ask 'what do you need, what can we help you with' or just say 'hey, how's the semester BY TAYLOR LEWIS succeed at the end of the semester. "My job as a peer mentor is to shape other people, so I feel like I'm giving back to the university because I am helping students be as successful as they can," Beatty said. Although the SCC's primary focus centers around freshmen, peer mentors are also willing to help current students who may be struggling. Students can reach peer mentors at 4691, online or just by walking into the SSC. "Students should be able to say 'I know where to go if I need to get help with math' or 'I know where to go if I want to get involved in a club," Sorensen said. "They should leave us being able to stand on their own two feet, academically and socially." 435-87- 9- Editor-in-Chi- ef SERVE continued from page Markee Heckenliable, News Editor Drayson Ball, Sports Editor Don Gilman, Features Editor Hanna Pollock, Opinion Editor Ashley Harrison, Multimedia Editor Kylea Custer, Photo Editor Wendy Stabler, Social Media Editor Diana Fossett, Copy Editor Stockton McMullin, Ad Manager animal must be prescribed by a mental health physician and can be approved by the DRC if the individual's disability is deemed reasonable by set standards. Dixie State University 1 picking things up or helping guide an individual who is visually impaired, Clark said. An emotional support Dixie State University has scheduled a career internship fair to enconk I students to get connected ( with 'potential employers Feb. 15. The fair will be held in the Gardner Center Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Shane Blocker, assistant director of employ t r relations and internships, said there will be employ. ers from across Utah and Nevada who are looking E to fill degree positions and c positions for different types of internships and career opportuni c ties c Before applying for internships, Blockec said students need to get 4 dui idea of what they plan to accomplish during an internship, whether that r means getting a network t going or seeing if they t want to pursue a career particular field. "One of the greatest benefits is the networkyou will gain from that intern- - c c ship and the skills pti will develop," Blocker sa, 2 "You'll also figure otA i really quickly if that's an area you really want to go r into." Students need to first look at what hard and soft skills they want to develoe Blocker said. Hard skills are the technical knowledge you need to be successful, whereas soft skill are qualities that set you apart from other applicant Blocker said today more and more employers value soft skills over hard skills, N 50 .' I F - 'S , 1 0H 0 I ' 't i at ka f,11 , ,: 1 - it , . I 1 t,, c. 1 4 I i ' c tlewisdsn i it , f , 4 , I , ,'' ---, a 1 i , - ----- ' ie; t 't ' 1 BY TAYLOR LEWIS 1 ' ' i for student internships v, I : must-hav- e - ' . t. Soft skills a allows for both emotional support and service animals to be present in student housing or on campus with the proper documentation and training. The process can be quick based on the recommendation, said Lindsey Hope, a of Housing and Resident Life. "There is a mattress and cleaning fee so the students basically buy their non-degr- ee 1 "Employers say to me, 'We can train technical skills but if students hall no idea how to communicate effectively or have make those with acute allerability to adapt, they will animals to Gubler safer, gies not succeed in our bus, said. I I junior English secondary iness," Blocker said. i t education major from West Gubler also explained that When students begin a? .t.. ... Mil 1 Jordan and Campus View while service animals are 4 ,, plying for internships, , ir' ''.! , N., , . Suites resident ' able t assistant. be with to the owner lie Olsen, a senior human .,, 1 at all times, an emotional ' Hope has an emotional supcommunication major frog ''.. I cat named animal in must ; port Calypso. ...., support Moses Lake, Washington, stay .,, was a good two or "It , the owner's and room can said students need to stay ' . Icy ,,', ! three weeks between getting ,k, only be carried from outside confident throughout the the doctor's note," Hope 1 4 of the building to the room. process. i, , i' ;, -1 -- - ,, i said. Emotional support animals "I think a lot of students ( i. i' '' , said most the of in be cannot classrooms Hope t don't feel like they're the 4 ,, ' i ' ' ,' ' A, ( from the housand are not allowed to walk paperwork most qualified, so that dc 1 i ' I ?. office to was ensure around on ing or , ',',. off 4,, any buildings ters them from applying '' leashes. property that may be damil( .:,,,,,f internships," Olsen said. the animal will be , Emotional aged by ,.,, ,., 4 4,,,, "Realize that an intern0 support , , , '''1' Xi t covered by the resident. The animals and service animals doesn't mean you have to , f office also an added are not just pets, Hope said. housing , ,.....- -have experience, it's a .. 1 0 ' extra fee for those who wish They have a job. to build experience." to have an emotional sup'''; "When I start to feel , Olsen said she applied ''' I , '', ..'.'"' animal to cover the cost down, I start to really feel port for two other internships , of the mattress, but this fee '''', i kind of I and . isolated, before getting her assisjust l' k, does not exist for those with a hard time reaching have tant internship coordinato , service animals. out to people," Hope said. position at DSU, which ,. "For an emotional sup"It's really helpful to have is why students should 1 port animal, here is a fee ," here so like it's Calypso start looking into applYit: said Seth Gubler, Director 'oh you're not alone. o , sooner rather than later, , ' "Your sophomore and cz o ,.., Corrections from Feb. 201 7 1, issue: z junior year are prime tiO ,,.............d to start doing internshiP In the "Trailblazer a softball because more and more Lindsey Hope, junior English secondary education major from eager to begin new West Jordan, and her certified emotional season" article in Sports, Pitcher Brooklyn Beard-shea- r, companies are recruiting support cat Calypso reside in Campus View Suites. Hope said Calypso truly helps her much younger," Blocker a senior exercise major, is from Tucson, in times of emotional need. mattress." By establishing this fee, the housing office hopes to tht , Skye Clayton Ryann Hein len Jonathan Holland Grant Jones t- - -- i,fr Jalen Jones Taylor Lewis Jacqie Miller Joe Nelson Kristin Parry Alexis Winward Braden Wood Beaux Yenchik s s , t ,., ' , ! ! . A ! c,' s . 4 ,, ' 1 " , i " . ! cf , t t .,,, :,,-- .,,- , el ,,,,- ,,- 4, ,,, -- -,- ,:,,--- '''k,,, 4; Rhiannon Bent, Adviser ,,,, ''.., 4 1 '''43, ,:t 4!. ' ,f- .., 74, - ,,,- HOW TO REACH US ., , , ' Dixie State University Jennings Bldg. 225 S. 700 E. St. George, UT 84770 ..10,' '''., . ' ' ,... w'r .., , , .1, , ., , dixiesundixie.edu .1 dixiesunadsdixie.edu 41 .,4 -- , www.dixiesunnewsocom or (435) ' , Phone: (435) 652-781- 8 Fax: (435) 656-401- 9 Ads: ' ' - Tq, 4,' ,,,,,,1. (:, , . - 6 1 ., The Dixie Sun News is distributed each Wednesday during fall and spring semesters as a publication of Dixie State University, the communication department, and Dixie State University Student Activities. DSU administrators do not approve or censor content, The student editorial staff alone determines its news coverage. The unsigned editorial on the opinion page represents the position of Dixie Sun News as determined by its editorial board Otherwise, the views and opinions expressed in Dixie Sun News are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Dixie Sun News or any entity of the university. , 57 . , An see INTERNSHIP page' L,,, |