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Show ry 24y The Dixie Sun pbruary Opinion Opinion Editor: John Wadley n Change Barbie, but leave her breasts alone is Be; Anthony oBei, justf Castillo News Services Itsibune beret.' true, he pi. police it sv but ither must I feel, as I often do, that I direct your attention to somet- hing that promises to destroy a le bit ofAmerican culture and radi- litt- our way of life. When article in the Wall Street Journal, I couldn't believe my eyes. I had to read it fre or six times before it finally sunk in at cal) change Iread the which each time to ird esteem, and an of assortment multi-colore- you Inc. Barbie: Bombarded with announced Monday that they plan on making more More Barbie Barbie realistic. realistic?. images of overly skinny, beautiful models in Cosmo, Vogue, and TV this Barbie is convinced never meant to be realistic. was that shes She was an most young boys would hist after their entire lives. But no, feminists have My gotten their way. Officials at Mattel insist that the changes are not a result of pressure from any group, but I know better. A spokesperson announced that the doC will soon be getting a new face, wider waisfi slimmer hips, and a reduction to her awe-inspiribustline. Mattel, change her face if yrumust You can even change her bips, waist and hair. But please, se, do not touch her breasts, just wouldn't be Bartae without breasts. Seme of my fondest diildhood memories are of the nip-pfbreasts on my sisters Barbies. think I was almost in sixth grade kfcre I realized that real breasts 1 bad nipples; and this because I discovered was only National Geographic magazine. I then had die idea imprinted in my head that al breasts sag, and that there was a land far, far away where all Women walked around topless. Besides, do people actuall- y think little girls take the whole over- weight She has it drilled into her head that shes a meant to present image and physique that no woman oould ever obtain, and that d diaphragms. 2. Binge & Purge heard, Mattel and half-shir- sleep. havent ivford You want a realistic Barbie? Well, five got a couple of ideas for Mattel: L Party Girl Barbie: Dressed in a t and pink hot revealing pants, shes the life of all college campus parties. She feels that the only way guys will like her is if she sleeps with them. Whisper a cheesy pickup line in her ear, her clothes instantly pop off and she falls on back. her Comes with a pink beer bong, low self tly cried myself If rug I quie- nobody if she doesnt look like a model. Comes with a fun trickhouse mints that makes her look fat every time she stands next to ifi and extra long index finger that easily slides down her throat 3. Knocked Up Barbie: This Barbie oould be a younger version of Party Girl Barbie. Unlike Party Girl, Knocked Up Barbie, started her partying in high school Her partying ways, coupled with her desire to be loved, have left this Barbie eating for two. This doll is dressed in plain grey sweats because with a kid, its very unlikely that this Barbie will have a career or be going out an any dates. Comes with Dead Beal Ken who quickly disappears once the package is opened. I got another idea If youre going to ruin Barbie and make her more realistic, you should do the same to Ken. Give him a penis, give him a little beer gut, and let him sleep with Barbie mid not call her the next morning: So lighten up Mattel Leave Barbie the way she is. There are more serious problems and destructive images bombarding women. PaSe3, Clinton's sex life irrelevant to his political position By Jessica Weeks Tribune News Services Bill and his Whenever he seems to have everything under control;, another ladies. horse-face- nobody pops up and says Clinton tried to do her. But should we even care? I guess the real question is, does the d Presidents sexual histo- ry have anything to do with his politics? Its hard question. On the one hand, no man should be using his power or influence to of take advantage a women. But Ive got to say, dont you think that maybe these real lookers hes hooking up with arent getting a kick out of shacking up with the leader of the free world? Who is getting what from whom? Even if Clinton really did do what Gennifer, Paula, and Monica say, they are still rich and (in)famous. The only story of any real importance is the Paula Jones scandal. If she is telling the truth, he tried to coerce her into sexual activity by intimidating her and hinting that her job might be in peril if she didnt obey. That makes him a sexual aggressor who should be punished. His other infidelito ties do nothing improve my opinion of his character, but to be honest, Im more concerned with his leadership ability than his love life. Lets face it, politicians just arent the most faithful people. Show me one president who never had a woman on the side, and Ill show you one president that is gay. saying Theyre that Clinton admitted to an affair with Flowers, which means he blatant ly lied during his campaign. So what if he did? The scandal was completely irrelevant to his qualifications as a president, but he would have sacrificed his campaign if he had to the affair. admitted Whats he supposed to do? Youve got to be a little suspicious about who talked these women into coming for- ward. Its obviously all political, and if Americans are stupid enough to the impeach president because he lied about having sex with women other than Hillary, then let them get stuck with good olAl Gore in office. The only people Im concerned with here are Hillary and Chelsea. To add to the embarrassment that their husband or father is not a particularly good president, they have to deal with annoying reporters asking about his nasty sex life. Instead of picking on Clinton because, however inappropriately, sowing his wild oats, why dont we pin him on the real issues? There are certainly plenty to choose from. How about his oscillating between liberalconservatism? ism and Basing his political ideology on how the polls read? Reversing himself on policy issues such as trade with China and revamping the IRS? Taking a weak stand on abortion? Shady campaign funding? Whitewater? It kind of makes me. wonder if this scandal isnt just a smokescreen to divert our attention from something really serious. With all the political garbage politicians are pulling, why dont we stop worrying about sex, and start worrying about our country? I know mudslinging and scandals have been going since our nations birth, but maybe if we stop giving it any notice, the media will stop putting it in our faces. Im tired of reading about Clintons latest affair when it has nothing to do with his executive ability. If we are going to hang out his dirty laundry, lets at least leave out his boxers. Pigighslun Devon Pilarowski AssistantNews Editor Billy Vosburg Opinion Editor John Wadley A & E Editor Chaundra Stewart Editor-in-Chi- Sports Editor Barrett Johnson Features Editor Jenni Squire Photography Editor Jared Newbold Staff Photographer Hollie Stark Staff Writers Annette Seegmiller, Loni Johnston, Raelynne Loudon, Glenn Pilarowski, Courtney Gressmen Rebecca Lloyd, Jamie Cochran Computer Technologist Jeff Pectol Faculty Advisor Loren Webb The Sun is distributed each Tuesday during Fall, Winter and Spring quarters as a publication of Dixie College, its Division of Arts, Letters and Sciences, and Dixie College Student Activities. The unsigned editorial on the Opinion Page represents the position of The Sun, as determined by its editorial board. Otherwise, the views and opinions expressed in The Sun are those of individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Sun or any entity of the college. Letters to the editor must be typed and must include the name and telephone number of the author. Only the name will be printed. Names are not withheld under any circumstances. The Sun reserves the right to edit letters for length and taste. Letters must be submitted by noon on Thursday. THE DIXIE SUN Dixie College, 225 S. 700 East, St. George, Utah 84770 (435) il: 652-78- Fax: (435) 656-401- 9 sunsun.ti.dixie.edu |