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Show Page Beehive Classic Next On Forensic Tour The Dixie College Forensic Squad is preparing for their last speech meet before they place it all on the line at their annual Regional Phi in Rho Pi Tournament March. This speech meet will be held in Price, Utah, against From Page 3 but notes that sometimes people dont realize the difficulties of running the place, and how hard it would be to try out a lot of different things. Harveys sentiment does not put an end to the crusade, however. All parties, including Harvey, say that students interested in protecting their books need not wait for an elaborate security system. by writing their Simply names in their books, students planning to keep their books beyond the first two weeks of a quarter will have a much easier time claiming stolen books that end up resold to the bookstore. And if a student might want to resell books for full value, Harvey, as well as Barrett, suggests marking the book inconspicuously on several inner pages. Film Editor Speaks to Lit Class by Donovan Sheldon Kahn, film editor "The Electric Horseman" now being shot in St. George, spoke to Alan Payne's modern literature class Wednesday, February for 14. His topic was the adaptation of Ken Keseys novel Flew Over The Nest into a motion picture. Mr. Kahn, for his craftsin manship editing One Cuckoos Nest Eastern Utah, Southern Utah State College, Mesa College at Grand Junction, Snow College, and others. This meet is an important one, indicated forensic coach Michael Woodward, because it is the last meet of this year to pit all three Utah received a British Academy Award and was nominated for the American Academy Award. When filming, the cast and crew had no idea that they were developing a picture that would garner five Oscars including Best Best Screenplay, Actress, Best Actor and Best Picture of the year 1976. Always trying to be involved with different types of movies, Kahn has edited a variety of films. A few of these were "Same Time Next Year, "Cinderella Liberty, " "A Circle of Children, " Bloodbrothers " and The Great Scout and Cathoilse Thursday. " Now , in St. George working on Robert Redfords new film, Kahn is being assisted in his editing chores by Marilyn Madder-oand Bob Pugh. together." Previous meets have seen Dixie and College of Eastern Utah trade places in the sweepstakes position, and this meet should be a close one. Our kids are keyed to this one, indicated Woodward, and although we will be leaving home some very fine talent as we go into competition on the 23 and 24 of February, we feel that we have the talent to sweep the meet. - THE DIXIE SUN - February 23, 197; GOP Legislative Goals PubllrfMrt Student Service Do not hesltoto to ask in instructor he hold specific questions. For example. does you responsible for dates, naaes, places, etc These are legitimate questions and aost instruceven and pleased to help tors are quite willing " a student if that student is really trying - Gary Brown STUDENT'S ACADEMIC Harper GUIDE TO SURVIVAL Row 4 The principle of timely reading is basic to successful study. Timely reading means that at the best your textbook assignments before you go to class to hear possible time the professor's lectures covering the material. This will assure better understanding of what the professor says and, thus, will insure that you take better notes during his lectures you read - Community Colleges Thefts "Cuckoo's such schools as: College of 4 Holtiman SURVIVAL TO COLLEGE GUIDE , Brown Hi 111 .im Kayno II. Prent If you are willing to improve your desire to learn and your study habits, you will at least come to understand what knowledge is. how difficult it is to attain, how much industry, thoroughness, precision, and persistence it demands if you are even to have a distant glimpse of it." William STUDY Harper Armstrong IS HARD 1 Row fc The more time you permit to elapse between study and a test of what you have learned, In planning the less you will remember each subyour schedule, make time for studying ject as' close as possible to the time its class aeets - Eugene Ehrlich it. TO STUDY GET HIGHER Thomas Y. BETTER MARKS Crowell Co. from page 1) (Continued Wright hopes to see tl legislature permanent of amendment freeze taxes at 20 constitutional but state acknowlec less GNP, to tax growth limiting than that of personal ed that such a freeze wot result in some cutbacks. income. for the audience called the RepubliConcerning accomodate any minor 0 can sales tax bill, the Chairman claimed that that are needed, saying", sales tax for food stamps is must be willing to give if a some of the benefits. ridiculous, adding, food Wright spoke in place needs stamps, person he certainly cant afford the Utah Senator Jake Garn, n tax. Wright also said that scheduled speaker, who the Republican bill was unable to attend because more practical than Mathe-son- his wifes pregnancy. Sent to explain his si, sales tax elimination " administrat proposal because eight ation, Cams Kim Youn, million dollars were brought assistant, in from praised Garns work guests, and that money would be Washington, including Mathesons Senators push for an anr lost under fedei balanced ally proposal. budget. one for the removal of sales tax for 'food stamps ,and a s fey sdh3? liisssi ' ' A irj- Kasdl - Dont borrow money for school K3lpS to. if But have have to, look into the Utah unless you you Guaranteed Student Loan Program. How It VIorEcs, You arrange a loan with any lending institution willing to make a.studenrJoan. A bank. Savings and loan. Or credit union. (Most are willing to help.) You can borrow up to $2,500 a year for undergraduate school. Up to $5,000 a year for graduate school. You wont need any collateral to apply. (The state of Utah guarantees all loans.) You will pay only 7 annual interest. Well below the usual interest rates for installment loans. And you wont need to make any payments until you leave school. If You Are Interested. Application for student loans should be made at least four weeks before the start of a new quarter or semterT If you have any questions about the program ask your schools Financial Ala administrator. Or write to the Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority, 807 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103. We 11 send you a free pamphlet about the program. Utah Gucrcniscd Student Lccn Prcircm It might help you through school. |