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Show THE DIXIE SUN February 19, 1960 Local Art On Display In Mr. Juan's Studio By JONI My Valentine, Daddy was echoed by the gals who escorted the.r favorite beaus to the Dads and Daughters party. Red hearts were presented to the dads and the g.rls wore gold arrows. Everyone enjoyed junior the program sparked by Nancy Rushtons wit. Darlene Alldredge gave a reading, Pamela Clove played her dads favorite piano solo, Lee Clark danced and sang My Heatr Belongs to Daddy, and a double quartet sang two songs especially for fathers. Prizes given for excellence in many things were given to the father. Ralph Stahelis father escorted by Katherine Gardner won the prize for the biggest waist line, Titine and Vicky Spilsburys grandfather walked off with honors for the baldest head, Sandra Thompsons won the big feet prize, Jessa-ly- n Empey and her dad got the prize for looking the most alike, dad New Schedule and after many tries Cook Brooks, escorted by twin daughters, Lida and Leona finally won a prize, the with the widest grin. man were served, dads danced. It was surprising what dreamy dancers most of the dads were. Mary Jo Wldic and her father won the jitterbug contest. Many they were the craziest. Thanks Sheila, Miss Hunsaker and AWS Council for a wonderful time. The Stero party at the gym was a mild success. At least everyone had a good time talking with each other. The noontime listening is reallv fun, lets give it a try. Amour et de Lune, the Sweet- heart Ball, sponsored by Lambda Delta Sigma was really enjoyable. The atmosphere was terrific, all those candles, park benches and Cake and punch then daughters and president Brent spreading good-a pretty chick from CSU. Penny Hafen and Gordon Barben made a happy two-some. Bovs, Larry Crump, Howard Brinton, Doug Labrum surely seemed happy with their gals down for the dance. A new couple at the dance was Larry Davis and Carroll. Mary Elliker was escorted by a fellow from the Y, as was Janet Smith. Irean Thomoson and Larry Harris; Shirley Gubler and Don Rowley; and Fae Alldredge and Leon Webb were busy sampling the French pastry. Sweet-nr- t was Ada Jane Truman and attendants were Marilyn Esplin and . j j Studentbody 1 1 na Linda Clinger. Judy McMullins dress was wonderful. Black satin brocade, flatter-n- e and very different. Well, tonight we journey to CSU or Lets another Battle of the Axe. support the team. varied daily schedule presents recorded albums at 12:30 in the Home Economics Lounge. Next weeks schedule is: Monday: The Best in Jazz. Tuesday: the Pajama Game. Wednesday: the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Thursday: Van Cliburn recording of Tschiakowsky Piano Concerto. Friday: Louis Prima and Keely Smith. Students are urged to submit requests for future listening periods at any daily program to M. J. Bentley, Bruce Hafen, Lida Brooks, Jeannette Garner, or Jane Schmutz. water. long-pla- y the moon. Crosbv is really will He escorted "Chrysallis" Star Reports Assembly Tour Brinton By Fleabilatlon Jew A group of paintings done by (Ed. Note: No one is responsible lowed. Between Bruce Hafen's milMrs. Althea Hafen of St. dewed sandwiches and Randy George for the following remarks.) is now being exhibited in Mr. I have been detailed to lay my Ences smashed cookies, and Paul Juan Valenzuelas dance studio at the pen to paper and comprise a few Penrods punch, we had seme jim gymnasium. This exhibit is open to lines on the trip taken by the trav- dandy meals. The people in Pananyone interested. eling assembly. Of coarse I could guitch quite enjoyed our costumes. SIX OF the paintings are color- write this in big words and express I think they were or are in the ful pictures of local Dixie beauty; my inadequacy for big words process of bug control and when the remaining two are California or I could writeusing it in George we rolled in they the police, fire scenes. Chamber of Thomas or Doug Jolleys kind of department, Mr. Valenzuela feels the painting language simple. Commerce, and Pres. B r u h n s exhibits he has been featuring this WE TOOK OFF from good old brother out to fight us off. year are very helpful in creating St. George at 6:00 Wednesday WE BUZZED INTO Valley High awareness in his dance pupils. He School where our pert and vivanever to see red dirt and morning said the exhibits are put up chiefly dust nestling in our clothes again cious second vice president is from, for the benefit of his elementary for three yea! We hit Beaver and put our last and final show students who he feels are more at 10:00 days, and with a thud. There before the public. Everything went stimulated by the art. were ten or eleven mistakes wee except that my voice was gone, THE PICTURES stimulate rhythm made only but other that we did Sheila forgot her lines, and Mike and creativity in the dancers as okay. We were than before- Bear dhad the most terrible smellinformed well as lend color and atmosphere hand to be at our best behavior and ing case of halitosis that Ive ever to the studio, he believes. things when they de- witnessed, with the exception of Mr. Valenzuela is looking for compliment served complimenting. So this we my elevent grade math teacher, and other art works to exhibit during did. After the lights went off and he was bad news. the remainder of the year. He on about ten times With whippin Dave Shakespeare during the perwould appreciate any suggestions formance we complimented them at the wheel of the bus, we proof some good art works or exhibits. on their lights. ceeded along some highway until Then we hit Millard High where we came to the Zion Tunnel. At we tasted some of the best water this time we were led in the KOMA weve tasted in a long time, (an- kissing tone by Mr. Blake. other compliment). While on our TO SUM UP, we had a lovely Noon-Hou- r way to Delta we passed some beau- time, and it was enjoyed by all. Listening tiful scenery along the highway There is only one bone I have to Delta Psi Omega, honorary before performing for the Delta pick and thats with our bus driver. Fine Arts fraternity, is con- Rabbits. During Gary Adairs song Whenever he got scared as we tinuing its noon-hou- r listening pro- half of the studentbody got up and came down the canyon he would next week. The gram studentbody left. I think it was that they were take his hands off the wheel so he is invited to attend. thirsty for some of their good wouldnt be blamed for an acciA 7 Be THREE j . j dents. We staved in Provo and had a Todays valentine goes to Mr. party at Miss Ts. We stopped in Woodbury. Anybody who can think Spanish Fork for an hour to put un a test like the one he gave me our show on (sharp girls there) this morning needs help somehow. then went to Piute. After compli-menting them on their spacious lawns and ungluing Judy Hansen from the stage where her nose hit a wad of gum when she bowed as the Brain came on stage, we left for Panguitch. We stayed in and all got frostbite overnight. AT 8:00 in the morning we set out for Tropic. After hours of trail blazing, dog sledding, and Indian fighting, we came upon one of the nicest schools in the circuit. "Music Man" Reading We then headed back to PanThe Music Man, a play reading guitch and enjoyed a tremendous under the direction of Marion J. dinner for five minutes before we Bentley, was presented to the mem- had to put the show on again. That bers of Delta Psi Omega in con- was another thing I enjoyed was junction with a local womens club our spot meals which we were al- last evening in the college audi7 torium. t A STUDENT CAST headed by Ken Reber and Judy Hansen brought the current Broadway hit to the Dixie stage in high style. This is only one of many such See New Stock of coming activities for Delta Psi members, said Lida Brooks, club Wilson Sporting Supplies Some of the events in reporter. a will include the near future trip Baseball Equipment to Cedar City to see the play a panel on censorship of movies, books, and magazines, a critique of The Boy Friend, and a spring trip to Los Angeles to see the orofessional production of The Redhead. 1 Pan-guitc- r-- - h For Finest in Watches and Diamonds Hamilton, Elgin, Wyler Milne Jewelry -- Samsonite Streamlite Luggage Youll Love the New Low Prices on-din- e. Snow's Furniture Pickett's r 7 Center I- - - - -- Dixie Studio Department Store Everything in the picture line, see Dixie Studio near the bank. See the New Spring Campus Wear at Center Dept. Store j 7 |