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Show tin nv I if V 7e nIXI - o VOLUME IX t .' w d 3-HigW- - 1. . A SWEETHEARTS Marilyn Esplin, Ada Jane Truman, and Linda Clinger. Sugar, spice, and everything nice; Lambda Delts favorite Valentines. . Leaders Meet; Establish Axe Game Rules Begin Monday Morning beard growThe Annual ing contest commences next Monday. Larry Harman, AMS president stated that all participants will be checked for a clean shave the day they enter. There will be an en- cents trance fee of twenty-fiv- e which can be paid at a booth be-- ; tween the Administration Building and the library anytime Monday through Friday. PRIZES FOR six categories of beards will be awarded. One for the longest, the heaviest, most or- iginal, beat goatee, best mustache, and a bobby prize award. There is a rumor of a kangaroo court for those not growing beards. So come on fellows lets really produce some originals. Chairman Jeff Holland released the names of his committee members as follows: dance and and Raylon floorshow, Otto Jones . Jensen, dance ana decorations, Dar- lent Heaton and sociability committee; beard contest, Larry Harman and AMS; parade, Gary Adair; program on hill, Brent Crosby, studentbody president; activities, Howard Brinton, Larry Crump, Don Campbell; publicity, Ruth Ann and Kathleen Blake; class activities, class presidents; grounds and parking on hill, Jim Prince. Ha-fe- n Renew Govt. Loans Now llor-tens- This years choice for the major musical production features the whacky costumes the gay dances and songs, the affectations of the CSLJ-Dixi- e ay i Any students who have not yet applied and who intend to apply for a Government Loan for use must do so by during 1959-6March 2. Application forms may be obtained at the Treasurers Office and completed forms must be returned to his office by date shown above. 0 e, The second meeting of the Planning and Relations Comof anearher confab between outcome mittee, a meeting which was the ,i V'l P 'Iv. Dixie campus February 13. on the held was of two the officials schools, Students helping on the Boy Main purpose of the discussions was to establish a safe, impressive Friend production staff are Barbara Holt as assistant director, f presentation of the axe. Hafen as stage manager, and The committees from the respec- Bruhn as set designer. Beth Ada Jane Truman named tive southern Utah colleges have j Xav been organized to promote better Ann Bruhn. Evelyn I halt, LaVoy of ac- Hafen, Lorelie Thomas, and Ken-laLDS Sweetheart Queen relations and Freeman are on the painting studentbodies. their between tivity crew. By Wilford Neilsen and Kay Bruhn The Dixie delegationof to Saturdays Dean WoodProperties will be handled by meeting consisted a trio of lovely young ladies was bury, Brent Crosby, Darlene Heat- Lynda Slade, Deanne Bcacham, and selected to reign over the Lambda on, and Priscilla Bleak. The earlier Ann McGarvie. Ball, Olson will direct make-up- , d e 1 a Sigma Sweethearts Saturplanning meet was attended pri- andGarna last will be provided by costumes Amour et de Lune, marily by administrators. Joan Esplin, Ilene Harmon, and day evening. TVIiss With regard to the axe, the fol- Lynda Slade. Ada Jane Truman was Written by Sandy Wilson, The crowned as queen with Misses lowing policy was adopted: Boy Friend was very popular in Marilyn Esplin and Linda Clinger an FOLLOWING announcement, London as attendants. being brought to each American before with Judy Andrews. It Decorations for the dance con- three representatives from school (head cheerleader, team cap- was made successful in New York sisted of scenes from Paris. tain, and student body president) by the same producers that gave Chairman for the annual event will proceed to the center of the us Guys and Dolls. of Barnum Ann Miss Roxie and the axe will be exchanged floor offiMesquite, Nev. Lambda Delt head cheerleader to team capfrom cers expressed their appreciation tain to student body president. DATELINE to Miss Barnum and her committee Is to be axe the When for the successful affair. February 19 Dixie at CSU. it will be passed from the 20 Freshman Class February Highlight of the evening was the head cheerleader of the defeated crowning of the queen, who had school to the head cheerleader of Dance Rec. Hall; Faculty Party after Game; CSU at Dixie. been chosen by the male members school and then on 24 Dixie High at Cedar; of the fraternitv, by Stephen the victorious February to the and team captain Musical Comedy (Guest). The to the Thompson, mens president. student body president. February' 25 Lambda Delta Sigqueen and attendants were preOTHER MEASURES accepted by ma, 7:30; Musical Comedy. sented with Sweetheart bracelets. MISS TRUMAN, St. George, is the group were (1) to have band February 26 State Wrestling fiRick at Dixie; Musical editor of the yearbook and a recent directors agree, prior to the games, nals, of the month. She has been upon what and when to play. Comedy. affairs Wash. County February 27 (2) Each school should be more very active in studentDixie. to keep the axe in view of Teachers InstihPe Dance; Musical throughout four year at willing MISS ESPLIN, also of St. George, the studentbodv. It shall be the Comedyq Weber at Dixie. has been FHA President, a member responsibility of the student body of Rebel' es last year, and was presidents to have the axe present der shall rest upon the host schools a hctorian of her high school at all contests. officers. school will offer 150 graduating class Each The school officials also agreed (3) e MISS CLINGER, a Salt Lake City reserved seats, the night the dinners beto exchange is a member of the assembly on its home court, tween executive officers and invite is game committee and was active in dra- to students from the other school. students from both schools to matics and related activities at her Responsibility for keeping or- - game dances high school. CSU-Dixi- e I La-Vo- y i ll j 1 i relin-guishe- d 26-2- 7; d Administration Urges 11 Roaring Twenties British and French style. Foremost among boy friends and girl friends are Jon Green and Joan McConkie as Tony Brockhurst and Polly Browne, who meet and fall in love at the gay French Riviera. Jeanette Garner, popular star of successful Dixie musicals will be seen as sophisticated Madame with Judy McMulhn as her maid Ihe perfect young ladies at her swank finishing school, the Villa Caprice, are Lee Clark, Pat Terry, Nancy Jackson, Penny Hafen and Marian Wadsworth, star of last years Kismet. THE BOY FRIENDS who court ne g.rls friends are Abe Young, Jess Brown, Larry Davis, Paul Hunt and Corrine Neilson. Some of the senior citizens are just as romantic Ned Ashby plays Percwal Browne; Don Rowley i5 Lord Brockhurst; while Irene Thompson plays Lady Brockhurst. M irion Bentley direc.s this lively patische, and choreography for the Chirlcston and other lively dances is by Juan Valenzuela. Music is directed by Va! Garner and i Echoes fro mthe auditorium as the girl friends express their en- thusiasm about the Boy Friend. The enthusiams felt by the cast and production staff of this lively musical will be shared by audiences beginning next Thursday, Feb. 25, as the production opens a stand. :7 D-D- NO. Erf We scheme about; And dream cboug And weve been known to scream about; That certain thing . called the Boy Friend Razors to Gather Dust As Beards 19, 1960 "?Eae Boy Friend (Operas S&arad lilauD'sdleoy f jv FRIDAY, FEBRUARY co-v- CSU-Dixi- co-e- pre-gam- d. i e |