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Show TIIE DIXIE SUN FEBRUARY DIXIE COLLEGE, ST. GEORGE, UTAH By Dick havp an unceasing, Dixie College students owe a debt to the March of Dunes drive angel drifting about Dixie. No doubt youve noticed her. against polio currently underway this month Polio struck a number of times in the communities surrounding file's quite unable to escape, for Dixie during the last year, and the March of Dimes responded with during her daily travels Bhe leaves help and encouragement and all of the facilities needed to help the upon those she meets and passeo victims get better. particle' of golden joy dust and Thanks to the efiorts ot tin- - Foundation for Infantile Paialysis, wisps of pleasant sincerity. Dixie students such as Itoss Eager are alive now and slowly recover-ing- . Her task as Lambda Delta SigIts a long road back to recovery, but good doctoring and nurs- ma sorority president keeps her ing and the best in nursing equipment makes recovery possible. busily in hand. Also she must g drive practice and perform with the A dime or whatever each student pays to the will go a long way toward helping that worthy movement to carry ivory keys. She has a secret talent on its work. tor telling her rendition of The Let us support the March of Dimes program wholeheartedly Fly and. besides, Bhe has to tSuch a worthy cause is deserving of our support spend valuable time entertaining ; and enjoying Ferd then, too, much happy energy is exerted in packing around A RHYMING GOOD TIME gold hand of twinkling One of t lie sparkling personalities Then there is that old favorite Remember back lu the days beof the junior class is that Yes. Darlene, we love you for fore limericks, when short rhymes ot Lee Hafens entitled, Go to Bert Winteiton, what you are. For given gifts, you were popular? How many of them I'apa. Charleston. Bert rates our Perreand cne, can you remember? personal character trait? Go to papa, sonality she said when vou designation for this minded us of the first one: keep and hold aloft. week's issue of The Sun. he asked her to wed, Lut she knew that he knew The sofa sagged in the center, Say, kids, remember that good that papa was dead, The shades were pulled just so. masculine, guy who reallookin, And she knew that he knew There was no sound from the ly played football last fall? His what a life he had led. darkness, name is Bert Wtnterton and he And she knew that he knew The fights were turned down comes to Dixie from Wasatch what she meant when she said, f , low. High School, Heber City. Utah. Go to Papa! i Then a noise came from the ' His home town is Charleston. .of sofa Which brings to mind another ' ' sVt ' Utah. t As the clock was striking two one We all know hes an outstandAmi she slammed her text ing football player. He played all Now I lay me down to sleep books shut four high school years and was I pray thee friend my notes to With a thankful, Well, Im on the varsity squad for three keep. through. his years. He served as If he getR through before I i senior year. Says hes interested wake, On the romantic side there are in all kinds of sports. One of his Please wake me up for goodnumerous ones that are good. J main hobbles is flying airplanes ness' sake! Here are a few: i and he has a private license. Of of all one Bert was a lifeguard last sumthese, my favorite In the parlor there were three. M mer at VtfrufcanVv.fo aft ..A is this: Midway, Utah, and from She, the table lamp, and he. what Ive noticed I doubt if he Three's a crowd, there is no She laid a pale and still white Darlene McCullough, talented stu- was there for merely the sun tan. doubt, form And so the table lamp went out dent from Delta, wins our vote Maybe he liked the scenery. Beside the others there, He w'as senior class president this week as Personality of the And then her anguished pierclast year and he ran for the ofa Week. Shes senior. Then ing shriek fice of student body president, Rang through the silent air. but was defeated by a very close towalked the down lane They With still another mournful in fact, he says they had Make margin; gether, wail to vote over. The sky was covered with stars, She turned upon one leg. CENTER CLOTHING Besides being There passed not a word beinterested in Tomorrow shell come back tween them; sports, flying, and scenery, he again Your likes music, and Ive noticed him He lowered for her the bars. And lay another egg. at the dances too. She neither smiled nor thanked Headquarters All of this is catching and I Bert plans to stay at Dixie two hint for school clothing . . find myself trying out my own Because she knew not how. years if Uncle Sam can hold off For he was only a farmers boy hand that long and then the Army he And Bhe was a Jersey cow. says, but his plans arent definite. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, Berts a swell guy. Gals, get acHow I wonder what you are. quainted with him; you'll never I must find out before I rest, Another: t egret it. We're proud to honor So I can answer M. J.s test. A gift for Your teeth are like the stars," him as our Personality of the he said, Week. Valentine . . As he kissed her hand so white. a That will last a We Aim He spoke the truth, for like Lifetime . . . To LOOKING the stars Please You ! ! ! Hen teeth came out at night. TO THE FUTURE Did I sav romantic? Anyway SNOWS DRESS SHOP (Continued) DIXIE PHOTO STUDIO Saturday, February 7 - - Carbon I cant forget this one of Jo Tayat Dixie College COLLEGE COVE always use Kodak Film W.A.A. Dance lors: in the fimiliar Yellow Box. Monday, February 9 - - Band ConDelicious Ice Cream I never saw a light blue cow, cert Gallons $1.75 Portraits and T never hope to see one. February 11 - - Cedar 60 Quarts But by the milk were getting Kodak Finishing . . . . Wednesday. High School at Dixie Pints 30 now Sweethearts Ball Im sure that There must be one. 50 a Qt. King Cole Thursday, Friday and Saturday We fund-raisin- (her-to-b- e) star-mon- Mid-ter- S'' $ .1 : : McArthur Lets THE DT Ed101' Assistant Editor Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Exchange Editor Sports Editors Reporters Photographer Ads Iser VIE SUN STAFF jewelers Go To The SUN BOWL Rose Workman Lawrence Snell RGene Pugh Nila Terrell Marie Workman Paul Bennett and Ronald Amos Patricia Adams, Richard Earl LaVona Spencer, Helene Porter Club and Class Reporters Ronald Sanders Mr. ross e Spti n THE DIXIE SIN is published twice each month throughout the school year. It is distributed every other Tuesday to regularly registered students at Dixie College. BA1 Earl BR ever-friend- ' : RE NEWS AND HIGHLIGHT PERSONALITIES OF THE WEEK DIXIE OWES A DEBT 3, 19.', for a good hamburger, soup, chili, hotdogs, sandwiches, pie, malts, billiards .... SNOWS MODERN CLEANERS Well Pressed is Well Dressed Phone 115 M Friday, February M 13 Tournament - - Valley High School at Dixie Student Body Dance Dixie College at B.A.C. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, February 19, 20, 21 - - School Play Frldav, February 20 - - Dixie High School at Kanab Dixie College at Snow Saturday, 'February 21 - - Dixie College at Snow Thursday, February 26 - - Orchestra Concert Friday. February 27 - - Sophomore Sweater Hop B.A.C. at Dixie Well, with the flourish of d mond rings around the cam, and the return of missionar the girl population Is slowly . creasing (eligible girls that A boy nowadays looks over left hand of a girl very well; t is to make sure there will be embarrassment if he should ; the nerve to ask her for a da So, girls, if a boy wants to In hands with you, dont think is being fresh. He Is only try to find out if that sparkling of rock is on your finger. Well, it looks as if no mat-hohard we try In basketb we can win only one out of a tv game series. As you know, w e our series with Snr we won one. With our with Carbon last week, took one and lost one. But I r sure with the cool ball handli of big Mel Montgo ery and the sharpshooting eye Gordon Sprague and Dud Rowland of course with the sparkpli ging play of Clay Nielson, c team should make a very fine count of themselves the rest the league. But In the high school h just hope there will be a brleh day tomorrow. It seems as if tl are plagued with one or point losses and just cant qn overcome it. They are a fine bin of boys though, and the te really shows spirit in the ga and around the campus. AND Dixit i the i play. two-gam- ORCHIDS Sn Bran i Th oppo serie man cruci t for each south Fr leagu Dixie four At and i last c t son iRobel re u FLY TIG Tin (7-- pne. ,11 The thi ba lie f: sud re v On pir ONIOV thi Orchids to the Seniors asseni! for a job well done. Onions to those who didnt subr an article for the Quill. Orchids to the entire student bo but I dont know why. Onions to anybody who has crackers and cheese to go w them. Orchids to old Sol for help Dixie live up to her reputath Onions to Marshall and Paul put In Bryce and Freds so Orchids to the school play ca theyll need them. Onions to Mark Wells for stuffing a single class. Orchids to Lila Mae for her w, derful song, Dixie Dreams Onions to A. K. Larson, his o oclock class will tell you w Orchids to Gay and her Gay No for playing at the dances. Onions to those reckless drlv who forget people were mr before cars. Orchids for the basketball tean they have been working so ha Onions to all the students it wont support the teams. Orchids to all the faculty for mr ing Dixie the wonderful sch it ho pvio lolve So ve t laved ..I hers ion S Is. Onions to all the students v In talking while In persist library. Lunl Orchids to me for getting this part, i tide written. Besides I L Em. We Aim To Please You! ! SNOWS DRESS SHOf Dixie High Schoo! prise Gw as 1 Anj arts w ire qui ItiO ill and since |