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Show ), 195 f lyers - Redmen FLYERS DOWN KANAB; LOSE TO ENTERPRISE To hde lay The Flyers on January 16 beat the Kanab Cowboys 5 6 to 39. AlWednesday, February 4, the though there was seventeen points Fliers play Cedar here. difference between the teams, During their firBt encounter the the game was hot and full of Hyers lost by five points. Because thrills. High scoremen for Dixie th lr previous encounter was the were Charles Hansen 16 and fl ers first league game, it would Scott Braff 11. Willis with 13 difficult to say just how the points was high Bcoreman for the Kanab team. liar game will come out. the Vt the first of the season On January 24 Enterprise Ibdrnen looked like a weak time, came down to Dixie. At the end con-fi- s of the game the score was 5 5 6 but now they have improved four first their in favor of the Wolves. Although winning cntly, the Wolves beat, it wras the Flygames. The Flyers have played hard, ers' game all through the play. but it seems that the breaks have During a spurt in the final secbe.n for the other team. Dixie onds Enterprise tossed in a basas a much faster team. The Red-nn- n ket to get the lead. have several of their footBarlocker with 21 points and ball players on their team; therefHall with 11 were high scoremen ore it would seem that the Fly- for Enterprise. Danny Miles with ers have newer and fresher talent 20 points and Charles Hansen Los o throw Into the contest. w'ith 1 6 were high scoremen for Issue On Friday, March 13, the Dixie. Buffaloes will play Dixie If I may say so, the fans wrent iere. On their first encounter the so wild some were close to falling jpped lley team beat the Flyers by out of the balcony. To date the have, b t a few points. The Flyers this Flyers have won one game and k abou line will have the advantage of lost three. hat ki vlng on their home floor. ng beb REBELS CHOOSE le you 1 1: rrning HEBELS at per-- REPEAT WINS CAPTAIN y The surprising Dixie Rebels becau you doi ontlnued to ridicule the early Oil predictions as they brought n the Carbon Eagles with a 4 victory in the first ashing ,ie of a twin bill played Friday lit, January 2 3, at Price. e time ain lit The southern five, predicted to broug a before the Eagle onslaught, fou wri a iilnted the fire and hustle of a ball team as they com-im, I v Men Pp tely bottled up Carbons fi7 ats, Westenskow and Ellis, to ind I h Allen, am Dixie their second league ly learn for you The Rebels gained an early lead een mis ad led by one point at the end the first quarter. At the half visitors had increased their Vantage to twelve points, le St. George crew continued lcir dominance over the next 1 siiod, again in front by a .argln. Unable to stop the surge their visitors, the Price cagers ad to be content with the bot-score. 4 end of a Dixies Melvin Montgomery led point makers of the night it h fifteen tallies. Clay Nielson Fred Lundin followed close Mt. Hoi lund with fourteen and twelve nts respectively. Lee Atkin and niald Amos played an outstand-i- g game in addition to the high lfriendl e time is it t 76-5- i h 30-1- 8. 55-4- Dudley llowley, popular athlete from Blandinu, was ciiosen cap tain of the Rebel basketball squad. m landing, was Dudley Rowley, elected to lead the Dixie Rebels this year by the vote of his teammates. Dudley is a returning letterman from last season and is a good defensive man. He was one of the few four-lettmen at Dixie last year, earning letters in football, orers. basketball, baseball, and track. He graduated from San Juan Carbon evened the series on turday evening, the game be-- g High School, Blanding. During a complete reversal of the his senior year at San Juan he served as student body president erious nights game. Westen-iofound the hoop and poured and won letters in all athletic rough ten field goals and six events sponsored at the school. si pitches for a total of 2 6 lints, which proved to be the REBEL GAMES tin factor in Carbons 2 SCHEDULED 76-5- w 25c 30c KING 'g VERS i ie 76-4- Ronald Amos led the Rebels eleven counters, and Clay elaon garnered ten. Lee Atkin, d ley Rowley, Fred Lundin, tdon Sprague, and Burton d the Dixie cause 'oughout the final game. This split gave the Rebels a won, three lost record in Pne play. College basketball games during the next two weeks pit the Rebels against Carbon and B.A C. Friday and Saturday, February 6 and 7, the Carbon Eagles meet series the Rebels in a week-en- d on the home court at St. George. Game time for both encounters will he 8:00 p.m. in the Dixie College gymnasium. B.A.C. and Dixie meet In the Theres more in your head than third game of their e comb will take out. - Shaw grudge series Friday, February 13, at Cedar City. Lets hope Fritime at railroad crossings day the thirteenth means luck for like eternity. the Rebels. th Stan-carrie- four-gam- omen were made before mir-an- d have been before them since. There are epidemics of nobleness as well as epidemics of dis- - DIXIE COLLEGE, bT. GEORGE, UTAH SWEETHEART BALL TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK Annual Lambda Delta Sigma Ball will be held Sweetheart Wednesday, February 11, in the St. Cioorge Stake recreation hall The Dixie High School - Cedar High School basketball game will precede It. Invitations will be in the mail shortly for all those to be invited to the affair, always one ot the outstanding social events of the school year. Male members of Lambda Delta Sigma met Monday, January 26. to select a Lambda Delta Slg ma Sweetheart. Any senior class member of Lambda Delta Sigma is eligible for the honor The Sweetheart will be announced that night at the ball. A good orchestra will plav for the dance Bids have been asked from several outstanding dance orchestras of the area of the affair are Holier Jones and Helene Porter. Committee members include Carl Moss, Nila Terrell, Spencer Dellis-ton- , Romaine Prince. Brent Har-dGlenda Brooksbv, and Joyce Christian. dvisers for the organization are Mr. and Mrs Pearson Corbett and Mr and Mrs Arthur F. Bruhn semi-form- al SOPHS READY COMPETITIVE PROGRAM; FROSH NEXT Students are looking eagerly forward to next Friday, February 6, when the sophomores will present the third in the series of class competitive assemblies The Seniors, by right of ago the first assembly, presented "Dixie Dreams, a blackface variety show which they dedicated to their classmate, Ross Eager They were followed, last Friday, by the Junior assembly which featured an undersea world and its Inhabitants ideas of life above the sea. Next week the Freshmen will present the final assembly in the series, and from rumors heard, it will be good. After all the assemblies have been presented, the assembly committee will award a trophy to the class which produced the best program. Ralph Pace and Lnub are in charge of the assemblies. MR. FEIIER TO PRESENT PIANO STUDENTS i i bulauv Drama Students Presenttoot b, him To Loose Charles Quimby Burdett' comwill be preedy, sented by I lie drama department 9 of Dixie College ou February and 21. This play has been presented throughout the country b both amateurs and professionals and has been widely acclaimed. is, without a doubt, oue of the most successful comedies since NEW FIRES." This comedy is true to life, but it seems that the Early family lias more than their share of everyday problems of the average home. The cast was chosen by extensive tryouts. Those who were chosen for the parts were: Robert Mosb, Mauna Rae Workman, Ros-e- l Ruesch, Ifow'ard Miles, Rose Marie Meeks, Don Burris, Laura Black, Paul Bennett, Denlece Truman, Lawrence Snell, LaVell Bundy, Spencer Belliston, and Alice Ruesch. One male part Is still available to any young man who lias a good voice, is fairly tall, and is willing. Directing this play is Miss Myrtle Henderson, head of speech at Dixie College. department Those, who have seen previous plays directed by Miss Henderson, know that the are always well done and Interesting. Dont miss seeing this very delightful comedy of family life on February 19 and BOOT-LOOSE- ", 1 FOOT-LOOS- Mr. Adolph Felier, Dixie College piano instructor will presi nt a piano concert of bis students AUCTION SALE on Februarj 5 at 8:15 pm. in the SCHEDULED college auditorium. 21. The recital, winch will be free, On Friday, February t, on the promises to be interesting and enBAND FLANS CONCERT stage of Dixie College an auction tertaining. sale will be held in order to disThose who will take part are Our Dixie College Band, under pose of anous and sundry arti- Ann Earl, Terry Rae Bullock cles that hae been left on the Carol Foremaster, Dion Andrus. the direction of Mr. Quentiu Nord-grehas been preparing for an stage, .n the dressing rooms, or Wendell Gray, Lynne Harrison, arious other places in the dra- Jane'Rae Fuller. LuDeen Nielson, outstanding concert to be prematic department. These articles Winona Peterson, and Marilyn sented February 9, at 8:15. With tile new recruits that came In at have been lett after assemblies, Moore. Each student will play a solo. the beginning of the quarter tbo plays or other events held on the stage. Featured on the program also hand is going to really sound bor-or owners the i w'ill be a duet bv Miss Bullock good. Apparently Each member Is putting forth ow ers do not have any further and Mr. Feher. extra effort to make it superior use for them or do not intend to to those presented In the past. return them to the rightful ownThe selections are outstanding ers Since we do not know who the CONCERT MONDAY and entirely different from those owners are, the articles will be Firri concert appearance of the used in last years concert. old to the highest bidders. ear of the Nordette The band members are to sell String The proceeds of the sale will was Mondav, February i the tickets, and the Quartet be used by the Radio Workshop money will at u pm in the college go toward the hand's annual tour. (lass to purchase records to lie m We urge all of you to attend for user! on the campus radio proNumbers included an evening of enjoyment. presented grams. G Minor Quartet, No Remember the date, February Following is a list of articles Haydns 74", in addition to compositions 9, at 8:15. to be disposed of: Mendelssohn and Tschaikow'-sk1 small light blue jacket for a by The concert was sponsored PRESIDENT HIMES lady; 1 pair of gold sandals for by Dixie College music departa lady with large feet; 2 pair of HONORED ment was and presented without mens shoes, rather worn; 1 pair mens shoes in very good condi- charge. One ot the outstanding tilings Members of the Quarter intion; 3 pair mens sox. rather clude Mrs Irene done in St. George Stake Quarterviolin: Everett, dirty; 1 piece of very good Sam- LaDonna Blake, violin; ly Conference, Saturday and SunQuentin sonite luggage; 1 Gillette razor day, January 17 and 18, was namNord-bloand Carl viola; Nordgrpn, and almost a full tube of Palming of President Ellvert If. Himes cello. olive shaving cream; as second counselor In the stake very lovely Q fur coat; 2 new hunting knives; presidency 1 box of razor Dr. Wilford J. ReicTimann, St. blades; 2 old hats SENIOR BALL ENJOYED for men; 1 slightly worn rain George physician, was named to coat; 1 old plaid skirt. The theme for the Senior be stake president, and Rudger THIS AUCTION WILL BE Dance this year w'as Purple C. Atkin was selected as first HELD IN THE DIXIE COLLEGE Magic The dance was held Jan- counselor. AUDITORIUM. President Himes, Dr. Reich-manuary 30 following the Dixte-BATITE HOUR IS FROM 3 00 to hall game. and Mr. Atkin were unan4:00. Chairman of the dance was imously approved by the people Clark Harvey. Members of the present at the stake conference. Mr. Merrill Fawson, who Ferved ommittee were LaVee Thornton, LOOKING Sheldon Snow, Stan Snow, Betty as stake clerk in the preceding TO THE FUTURE Allen and Winona Crosby. slake presidency, was named to The Senior class officers are be stake clerk in the new one. 5 Mr. Thursday, February All Dixie College students Join Preston Brooksby, DeLanee LeavFehers piano recital Glen Jay Gubler, Winona in voicing support of the new Friday, February 6 - - Carbon itt, Crosby, Gwyn Andrus, and Gwen stake presidency and for Dr. College at Dixie Himes in his new' work. Reber. Continued on Last Pacel audl-tori- y 1 -- C |