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Show ill I Tord just arrived th-- t tk? daw .Hyatt .aw boys no longer hove Ho;: H., i els on ( 1 are ai a to you) now, and as Hac says, "not 1 Flash'. Play pane ice for HIv ry family Has One' is u:H Hiss Henderson has that tired look, ml members of she cast cm b? soon slaving ovt lines or drooping out of the auditorium uLnst any time. Drier i Con has to wait hoars for Hen Teas to finish as Hr. Parker, and Hama Cmft swears she neve r has time to study, "ell, now hot "o know Joyce Hilne is ' its deer season and 'dear Coach Ilafen, Hr. Bruhn, and This week : o son I b; , n:turall have El oak Tills for that six-poin- ' t that O one (the ter r-v- rot away last year. Eldeno Hall and "orlene De3v:an have been wmshirw dishes for their deer camp at Pine Valley, and nil riht hero in understand that Hnrv Pennine's others have boon ton. . h'e do ins progress mking sisters home from German, while Hanona fuller does her share of "hunting r back and forth to LaYerkin in the station wauon. And then there's Sylvia id-i- n- Jones' Sylvias. Arthur ' firemen's Ball vans the social high-ligh- still falling and culis, still ere .'ho that of most the large and number of trouser fellows celebrating from the 7ire-ue- n I mean Ball. 1Te also learnEldon Hafen is home, and that the boys ere brushing up on ye Brawl :: ed of hair out techniques in hones of some day "x:f acting something almost comparable tc 'Tiny Cutruzzula s. .'Hit a Phi Alihans molly went in for initiations ssibly have last meek. missed Paul Hho Tail-iso;- could poid his rustic Swiss Alps garb or Evelyn Empey ' ith h:r doll that says "mama" to say nothing ffHarilyn Snow and those braids? h sides these freaks, there were the Hr ashmen (roor kids). They rroved they nr-o A solid worthy, Joes s every b- - from clear-cu- t, Janes ana dirt good-natured- and all around by taking the He ly. hope sorb's .shoes still snorkle after 'innumerable free shines they got the freshies. night Lambda Daltons kheld annual Halloween party in the big credit ional "spook houso", this tiro the too. converted elementary school, Someone has said that school isn't the same this year, for the dorm girls raven' t been holding those fine waffle suppers as they did lest year, Uaybe Hc because the waffle iron is in need icpairs or because Lev.'s had the iu. At ery rate, those parties have got to be ke rolling after all, morale nd Heunesday il-r- senool Cionia"' wad spirit wo Hr. end all that. Height would How k, about it, nrobably be batch of pancakes or to help out. whip up a from, her . mendector.y, end bach from her is T'eek end in Cvrcon, we can si n off until new.t wo'k hc'i:" common-- ' nets more Crosby. of the year. Everybody thinks so, doubt because of the confetti thats no recovering that darbara "cclo.s all right r:ith this year's done catches The on progress :y. - the Erooksby taxi-in- g it's 1 t |