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Show dixis Jimoa colt: Alunni Halloween It's 3t Utah Ball almost here, the annual Ball, that is! six more days and October 2b, aXc 31 BAT alumni or: b. Halloween Just you can wear those Halloween costumes you have been dreaming up since last week. The Ball's to be Oct. 31, you 'remember, in the re- creation hall. To add to the Halloween spirit there 7c1' -- I LEA: Sl'AKF a. c. gridirci: tchight buvh:rviliy; tc People Southern Aggie what AT 8, Humber 7Ij-. : Vi. representing Utah f ''jvQT'T TOOL will every crowd in town the Brandi football stadium tonight to see is to them one cf the most exciting will be all sorts of noise makers, and spert spectacJ.es of the year, h'hile the confetti for sale, not to mention .the two rival teams battle it out, win or lose, there will be as usual a few gallons and gallons of cider. You can't help but have fun, going on along the sidelines, along especially cheers and boos, which make the atwith if you are pluming to compete for one obese Dixie-!'- ., a. C. of the 7.?.c-mosphere around nris.es, else. most games from $10 for plenty exciting if nothing range striking group The Dixie Flyers and the 3 ... C. Broncostuir.es, to $5 for the couple with the best costumes, and a prize of ..,2.50 cos will be .t each other's throats when for the most unusual individual costume. them elfish in their first football gmie ...e-le- best-costu- is This that you es s me one of the events of the just can't miss. year since before the war . practically blazin' In hath rivalry the veins cf . a hh teams, thsre will lc fi fh ting fcr every one Yearbook Pictures Planned For Hext leek break from the opening kickoff, ox or ccuai or the other carries the adit end of the ..ane. Sittings for the student's g yearbook offTheat the s?uad h :.s bora veakeneo ro Dixie photographs will begin the first of next week, and should be completed by Frida;7. proofs will be taken of e. eh student. One print is for the ye:..r book r.d one retouched will be photograph T-- V D till o given to each student. The price is $1. Hr. Odegard, the yearbook photc-g- ..pher, expects to have the retouched prints finished who wish st'-- to rive them as gifts. ' D D P. F. .1. Boys Bet The for' those by Christmas- 75 dents For Trip raffle at the Firemen's ball last a-b- out of the Utah FFa band on their to the national convention in Kan- members trip sas City, Hissouri. of Dick's Cafe , ,r won Dick Hammer, owner the calf. D D Saturday there CClVImTIGN Attending held -- till at the be a hoes ecchceio 3.. Y. U, from Dixie are and Vivian Davenport. The Snow gridders should put better fight than they did in name at St . George. The Dixie preps ter s will try their talfootball ent against a tough six-m- up a much their ore-s- e an netted the agricultural students Garner reports. The money $75., will be 1. used to help finance the local week Zphraim. lirs. Berkley team from Bunkerville here tomorrow game. Fro', all a strong team has Bunkerville reports a show Dixie should and rough game for the long end cf the score. In order to have. his first string in condition fcr Saturday night's tip-to- p engagement. Coach otcvjell is taking J. s r second string gridders to Crderville with round high, a final tcu.y. Valley mentor Stoweil feels that the second team will get plenty cf good experience, (Continued page 2) night, in a non-leag- ue ; |