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Show ( J ... N I Scator Associate Editor Associate Editor Exchange Editor Feature Editor...., Drorts Editor Clara Uilliai.as oo or Maxwell . . . . .Donna Yardley Joyce Bit hell .Coraid Stott ..Kenneth McDonald . . . I. Editor Business Manager Artists. ... .. .Dale Graff, G-- . J . Anar a i ..Arthur Crosby Marion Bentley Lela.nd Holden Typists . . .Iris Woodbury, Jessie ..nderson Ida I.'illett, Dixie DeMille, Velda Leany Joy Vandor VJeyst, Dora Jean Leavitt Tee&nine I. LYCEUM 3. Mebb John Eel son Harris, D! TO RIAL SUCCESS of our first recall? to we h-- lyceum our minds ve ex-t- ?a NFRI D MEET THURSDAY .A D C. OCT. ISSUE OF D. SCHOOL :BIET J. 18. the material A BOM" TO GOOD FOC AD LL for a good Looks like wa have a good team; and the - makings of a good yelling section. One of the main marts of a game -- can the and yells, 1 me "0 T" years football got off to The mere use a few new have now.! Here's fine entertainment enjoyed in the past from these programs. Lyceums are a tradition v;ith Dixie. Bach in the early days of the college the lyceum brought world-- f amous artists to the school. At one ti...e, back when a dollar was worth three new, the school brought for the students enjoyment a violinist so famous that it was necessary to charge two dollars for a reserved seat. Students ana townspeople patronized the programs then. Then for a few years there was o slump in natronage, and the programs died. During the past few years the lyceum committee has put forth a groat deal of effort to mesont numbers of the old-tihigh standard. Miss Henderson, as chairman of the committee, Las really done a lot for the betterment of this Her biggest problem has been program. in gaining the rntronage of "&he students. Really, students, it is we ourselves who are missing out when we dont go to these programs; so lets all name an this effort to attend the first one w.iat ourselves see for year , and just wo vo been missing. ohe CIHIIIHO start last Friday. we DM? .FIDS CM PATRCHAG3 The announcement number of the year GOOD 225 M.ary Reporters. . . .Elaine &iort, Lyall McDonald Chester Eoundy, Milford H. Canfield L. Gifford, Ellen Raye Cottam Katherine Foscarini, Hose Uorknan B. Glen Smith Faculty Adviser L PHONE i ked an old one is the yells the hotter. Me yells to add to what that is pretty well : Got to make a torch-dow- n; Got to make the oles; Got to make a hoe-li- ne for that goal. DIM IE coll erei Yeah'. Lets go'. Think youve got a better one? Fine Lets have now pells. Me re bound to get some mood ones out of them. r go T The as AV rv 'rTr t',"uv juniors ' (pT j" announce their choice for Junior Uith his experience Hop and inrr.-mcre.bl- e on , d , wt ' hr ion Bentley the A xm chair inn. Soph Jw eater assembly mepmm to is sure to do a swell job. Marion is still selecting his committee, but has tentatively set the date of worl: on, he the Prom for April 13. |