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Show PflAUH -- ARTS GUILD CCIE3 TO LETS CFFICERsTfOR FALLS DANCi YEAR EVFkY The Beaux -- Arte Guild, a 'cre-v- ;. r- organisation that fostered an interest in the - fine arts, sane to life A'ednesJay afterelected officers for the year as follows: Gleiina Maxwell, president; Ina Fee Hamblin, first vice president; Dale Graff, second vice president; Margaret Ann Russell, secretary and treasurer; Ellen Raye Cot tan, reporter. noon and major function of the Guild is The S had by It ufCLUB LELTlE3TERDAY Institute building for the first in the in the E Ok C H CE SS iCT I h S A i 7r; Personals Maty, Lyall, Ida, Elondie, Ina Fae, snd Joyce snent the week end in Fanab attending the race meet; a good time was room. TIBS FACULTY ' VOX -p ALY the Fine .arts Festival, an important annual event at Dixie. The club will meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:30 art X- to sponsor p.w. in the I j all. (Isnt that right, girls?) that there is a new school, Blondie and tsrr. Starr seems two-so- me would like to inform the girls in the Th$ purpose of the nettto the outline ing years program, dorm to please not make so muc h noise which will include a continuation of the when lie tells Elondie "good night '; it disturbs his teclmigue. study of various countries. time this year. was Lac Brown TEE DELTA OMEGA last night meeting held its in the bi-wee- ing, kly institute Stott very interesting book rebuilding. view was given by Joyce Bithell, Host and hostess were Lay Heaton and Korlene DeSwan. Refreshments were served, Eskimo A : DRY LOU BRIiULRHOFF, from Glendale when still Tony scream Hell." fleers invited Delta by lamba Sigma office- s delta are to ATTEHDED 1 sendpro- the national in their sleep, glean- Gerald 7,Le con-be- nt of the American Legion, held in Sun Francisco Sept. 29 to Oct. 2, and' returned the latter part of this :veek. LIT 3 JIT .IE SURE COAT Cm HATE TO SWEATER DRESS YOU ion '. R . LAR3CH HILL LEYTE TUESDAY HIVE pFjp:: V.coFrG pCp. to meet with the Utah State Centennial com&ittee in Salt Lake City. LAI a graduate of 1942, was school Monday visiting with his Sharon Lamb. .OIF LAMB, around brother, Its been of the rumored that certain members faculty have been considering a ter.nerance league, since the roaring success at Lions, want I all ing out cons idorat ion letters members. woi Id like these spective Thy letters answered and returned by Cct. 9. LEE HATER Cutrusulla and , junior of last year at Dixie, visited friends at school Thursday. Lamb a ta.-tfc- i a yy: wonders as (hie) .'T,r 1BEL30H, UGA. |