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Show Page Six li' IS "WOE In diapers and nightgondi The Freshits came flannel to school; Sophies made them bow and taught them how To obey the golden rule. The Fro shies cried for mercy, The the Sophies leered and thought And made them sing But scream And made thmm Till every horror they got The Day And the a vow, will soon be over Freshies have "Next year THESE HAVE MADE THE SUPREMlE SACRIFICE was born October 1, things 1923. To make attended the Dixie high -- 19school two years and was Although still reported graduated in May, 1941. officially as missing in He also attended thethewinter some" of Dixie's lege during He co-acti- former students, due to quarter of the time that has elaosed and due to the circum- - 1941-4- 2. The we'll think of 'em scream at the ones now, made " Woodward , , D FOUND on, Owner f ice, GIRL'S WRIST call at please D WATCH, of- - D JUNIORS NAME PROM CHAIRMAN JOYCE MILNE is warring a from received diamond, with AND REPORTER Cook. Harold their disappearance, are D the juniors considered as having paid On Oct. 1 met and I'm not elected Olive the suoreme sacrifice. "But, mamma, as Prom Chairman. hungry, I just ate all the One of these is T. M.3c Brooks also John Harvey appointed Vivian raisins oif the fly paperl' Savage of They Snow as class reporter. was reported Leeds, He WE 'LL BE D seeing YOU AT Dec. 21, 1944. missing .THE, SJ2CIAL AT5 In October of that year the submarine Scamp failed to return from offensive CuA GIFTS PoK Brio and has the ship action, WOCH.6- - fnr-'x.-i not been heard of since. g, HAt The entire crew of 85 are still officially missing. j Harvey entered the Navy stances connected com ste 1 He rein April, 1943 ceived his boot training at Farragut, Idaho, and thn was assigned to San He was Pearl Harbor, transferred to the Scamp in September. Harvey is the son of Mr, and Mrs A Y-'- ) A . -! Calif. In March, 1944, he was sent to Pearl Harbor, where he was assigned to the U. S. S. 41 This ship was detailed to do shore patrol duty from Diego, w tl R. C, Savage and ;'.V |