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Show Pago age Two DELTA PHI INSTALLS ten receive points, if the work is good; if not, the student dent installations Formal and hold by the Dolt a Phi Alpha club party wore Uod-nesd- at the night ay homo of Lies Lois Gardner. The installation Ceremony was very beautiful, and to be proved an in- spiration to all. as aro pledges Elna Gardiner, follows: Mary Vint eh, Laurel Jack-so- n, Jos so Mac Rodd, Rowa Allen, Mrs. Janice Morrill, Richard Foremast or, Dilts Workman and Walter Snow. were Musical numbers furnished by Josso Mac Tho Redd, Mrs. Dilts Snow. arc in Janice Merrill, and Valter Workman Other going to the mooting. new members participate first business L.D.S. completed, a stu- of work HOLDS FIRESIDE may forfeits 10 points. Lambda Delta Sigma l; its first fireside for' year Sunday. lien Toblcr, recently: the the points aro turned missionary, favc period, 'the group' assembled,: 'tabulate'! &r each stude the result of which pro- two vocal solos and brief report of his vides a guide for correcsion activities . tive study where needed. of a given end At -- r, Ila Holt played a pi Bayles reports a enrollment .in the solo. Refreshments were scr business department, and that the "point system is by the officers, climax a device to stimulate good a successful day s actr Mr. good work and tics. production. .ASSEMBLY CLOSES FROSH IMITIATIOHS initiation h the freshmen Climaxing of and students arc i:v ted to attend these fr sides, as they are throughout tho winter, All d all of day Thursday Friday was the morning assembly program presented by the so Institute Sunday Sci: hold each Sunday mernin D ,cu EIGHT TURN OUT FOR PLAY TRYOUTS ph Light refreshtwo classes involved ments wore served. ica Rowa Allen was elected fresh, sophs. Play tryouts were hrpp The program, too, seemed Wednesday afternoon, Q as reporter for tho club. cast was not clijy Business meetings aro to to carry the theme of the bo held the first and initiation or "Truth or sen, due to tho insuff'kp p third Mondays of each Consequences," as it was ent number of students 'lcr based on and around a voltried out. Lip month. D Students wishing anot:jn untary (or should we say to tryout, plc.B BOYS' CLIP COMPLETES chance "forced") performance contact Miss Render; the Freshmen were t'O prfrticipa'te witfT immediately. Tryouts r,r The boys met Wednesday threats of ''Bouncers from probably bo conducted :c end chose Dick tho sophs. The program day at 5 o'clock. morning Miles as their club's vice Teas well planned, and all Then, if there aro st:i;y President and Lloyd Adams wore good sports. not enought participan as its secretary. The music of the D.J.C, the play will net bo Pal Claes on representatives orchestra, and the remarks sented. were named as 'fellows: and wise cracks of the D is PLAMS ETSTALLATlct Alpine Prince, "Master of seniors; Ceremonies" L.D.S. Dick Foromastcr, juniors; proved to be assets to tho nd Dm Lambda Russell Officers of Moilson, sophoprogram. mores; Jack Mathis, freshSigma net Wednesday niUC A men . A and made final plans fo:cr SURPRISE party for Darrel H.afcn was recent- Frank Church was enjoyed mooting toe as me elected the 20. October clubs by five couples in tho held ly . A mooting Church president planned y apartment of the D Wadsworth building Sunday November 3 will bo do vet BUS IITE OS STUDEHT3 OH to questioning pledges TEC night . "POIWT SYSTEM as CRGAWIZATIOM con-spell- ed prc-plod- go D Students in Mir. Baylcs' business classes aro on a "point system" also, but this time it isn't ration- ing. For a certain amount EDWARD CERISTEKSEM, an instructor of two years ago, is now a private for Uncle Sam. Ho is still interested in what is going on in Dixie. important rel garding gious. cmd philosophic? questions important re membership in tho club.se will hold the fore part of winter quarter. Installations 5 ter: |