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Show DEIS St. JUNIOR COLLEGE, Start in a NontI school is engaging Julio Paolasso as instrucThe tor in aircraft mechanics FLYERS TAKE TOP S.POT BY NULTING Dixies reserve in Dixies onc-touchdo- game shops . Hr. Cott.au reports that instruction will begin in month, and all students interested should get in touch with him. one about The game was Once 6. 14 part. scored first kick. Hurricane Dixie 8-- all. OUGHT C0ITE3T to be the vital factor victory over Hurricane in a in that town yesterday aft- more it extra points and made the on a scored next, making the tally Dixie, 14-- 6; then Hurricane, was after 22-1- 4, open HIPER 4 close throughout, with the breaks play- ing an important good HARD-- F The Flyers again pulled out, opportunity is still Once more for instruction in Tigers pulled up The 5, power proved v:n replete with thrills to work in the repair ernoon. and VCI.UTE 1943 15 , DIXIE DOWNS' HURRICANE INSTRUCTOR IN AIRCRAFT UECHANIC3 NAKED Course to Utah, October Go ergo, which the Coach 'Notts' chargThen Hurricane started on a scoring spree which took them out in But the Tigers wore front for the first time, 38-2- 8. more touchdowns by Dixie in the last through. Throe few minutes of the game put them on top as the game 22-2- 0. arc welding if dents desire it. According to Hr. Cottam, the Nar Han Power Commienough stu- es scored to bring the count to longer makes a distinction in classifying ended, no ssion 28-2- 0. 46-3- 8. Both teams showed a strong offensive. There were that women may do and that men do. All plenty of breaks, and the teams were quick to take work work fields of war work are now open to women, on an equality with men wand with equal pay. Hr. Cottam states that inasmuch as Dixie college advantage of them. All of Coach Uatts the reserves, squads calls, who gave after Uncle Sam the Junior Collegi- is behind other schools in ate Association holding women, the as interest wTell the lines along of as men, of war-product- ion boys played good ball, including rest the regulars a much-need- ed made the decision to schedule no competitive contests this season. in the critical stages of the game. This victory places Dix- ie in the top spot in the league standings. Hinckley will come to next Dixie Friday in the last The decision was made training, he like to see girls known by Hr. Bentley, who take instruction in those represented Dixie college trades which may be made at the Associations speavailable. cial meeting in Salt Lake. D He reports that inasmuch heme game. The foltwo weeks Dixie lowing will go to Beaver and Ce- HO last Friday would BHNTLEY REPORTS E CONTESTS as "Tcbcr college was the only school with a sufficient number of athletic schools nay students to compete in hold competitive athletic contests, no ouch contests will be contests, provided they have enough men on their scheduled. AIL though dar city, respectively. The ictors fighting v Flyers were grounds. Hurricane City a 42-- 12 hard-foug- ht Hinckley. over easy a game and team from Parowan on the home the same date trounced Cedar and Beaver took On contest from |