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Show six Pago v- llbbife r Kcdgehopp - by-Homo This Ts, the- first time I huVo' evor writ ennythipg ifa'r college m paper. PTgsc dont- bo to sriticlo. - .. ' .' - ' 3nt'(' it sex hero). cliuncity of bloxAin-r'm- like "too take this. about I; would oppo.r- - top that here brain factory, this .Firs' and off, around--thi- those here cqllige gals shore are nice and friendly like. Especially the ones who throes a party ever to a .certain gals house , tot her Our prize drip, night.- Bruce Kenloy shor had .liim- as elf a time. Had . such a time ho hadda. fly.; next day n couldirt gor. fo- Tworen good t akafabTo nvbry Opr fcrih'icijsrn. tho ; .tf;' V a - dinner. differ was' sort" a "Did ja iiotico-;thboy Holloway once in the atmospliyro' at I hoar, destructive, Broken glasses, dishes etc. tho" dance lawbt Friday? S is gottin all right tho, on Everybuddy his Sunday ; with newuns,. em h it "shore was ' to thoso shore Peek Gabby crossed. up eyes. Didjya? git around, dont thei ora Hr. Milesss. famous rehoard I Only, yestiddy do & 'hoticeabld on a certain kay-de- ts as underpinnin, homeward: was walkin ' basketball, tussle. he from-- . .ya-hi- to 'our guys by. college guls .for Sumbudd; dinners . bin hov t the terra f irma, after, bail extended started tiiinkin. wo Jb.b'Vv LIST Lj tt THE tJ BOlJS r.ky Ifi you hoard locale datee bureau.. S help me, it works. All ya 'hafta do (I hear) is. to ..the present yorself creature. .being .an She obliging soul & receiving cooperation on both sides, arranges the arrangement n there you. aro-.-rarc SEND HIM 'SOMETHING or . you? Hope it doesnt to bureaucratic.! SOT 'with Cheery'. IPU-IM- about-;y- Whitoway Ftn. & ax Alp.a to fix ya up with a gorge 0U3 SERVICE ' 'fellers, Gosh, it"1 ' 0R CHRISTMAS: ' lov Have ' fORGE cooked homo vittlos), soverial invites r- - yust aforo (I all invited for weujis a batch uv at General Service of Aircraft class; Happy ' (the day Sunday was mark thought- tryin to?) Since ' ' comment- gaily to class? giggle moan girls were when marchin acquainted wit hfevorybuddy the makes Whut : of 12$ : ; p.h.' fail- m -I 'at tho rate in m:. that a chute ain' t :'ogeniii--- j " account of he replaced, in out ing ; 3. a- Seasons Greeting. fellers Us playin to o re get :' have been ' basketball' of latq, d ivied up into two division. of four flights D each. A3G in the and first division, DEG and H (Continued p. 7) : |