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Show Page two .REPARES CONCERT CHORUS Rale Chorus 10:01.5 Last year calves paid from' 120 to :160 a pourid in the open' market. Those that made the 'grade in the aLUi -- aI Anile the remaining memhere of the student body - livestock shorn wide BALL TO BE HELD TONIGHT HaLLOV-JEE- : 2:15 At, : The annual loween- Ball much-- Alumni. Halwill be held -- tonight in the recreation nib la as brought hall. Details have not it their a s f2 . 20 pa pound . been savorous meals, almost 'high received by the? D . 0 J. I ne next this prices seventy vocalists enjoy a June, should be even hinder.' C. staff, but this affair different but equally olea-sont is always considered one D. of the outstanding events occupation singing .dy.ltD f .TiuKS- Oh under the direction of. J. of .the year, ? I0LCGY A ED 'TAR i cat w more.. e a g e me s s h- One ' - ' ; . ' - ' 1 'minister . . This paring - ' ... - , is group ' : . noxv ...'..There., pre- The importance be. concert,, in the near liven future, r worm the numbers' eiiig stulied are, .'Conquest .: of the 'Air,". '' a to-- , gy " sion of biolo- .will charge in the war effort was for extra -- spectators out be an admis- of 150 each .ladies, and .for " -- a by hr. Hardy pointed Concessions mold, in' the ''Wednesday orientaincluding ,box lunches by tion assembly. the Daughters...: of Iphi Lr. emohe sized nix' J'Good. night. basic Hardy contributions: re loved, " oy Giro rinsur-i1. The problem of health and Johann Strauss' "In is one of biolo- - STUDELTS TO P03S FOR primarily Praise yearbook pictures ,.;onday although the chorus is' a. Biology maxes a study The taking- of fairly large, new members of animal. pictures and .paraplant would. help; their particfor the yearbook will sites that cause, disco so. The lower ipation would be 'appre3. Biology emphasizes ..division students- arc ciated. to conservation of natural ,b." i : ; .rti-li--b- ' -- Peter-Tschaikowsky- PiOr-neers- . D-- - commence kon-aay- - special .n. has chor u s 1e mu. pose resources. recently been started, with scheduled daily practices kondsy with and Tuesday, upper division the boys the and i gals to face the from 0:i-- to 9:i0 truth, ahput rqce. theories. camera .and Wednesday 5. Biology provides for a.m. This organization is Thursday. Strays will 'be relaxation and recreation; .cared open to any boy- mho would for Friday.' considers life to sing !(a slight natalcarefully. Pictures will be taken health. vocal ability courteously in .the just west of ) . roe tells b. Biology . . :, - ' ' ' nested ' D F.F.x'l. OFFICERS of office. ' URGE Yearbook ' RESTOCK 'PROJECTS t. F. toys, D ai ers inter 'sted in ..livestock, are asked to be now for next preparing The 1 s livestock local show. club offithat weaner m preparation mg cers advise calves of from b montns be used, to 6 stice Dav, C. R with w williams a nayrack ride was-- ' the ieature of junior class party ulond'ay night. The ride ended at the has been for Armi- selected as drum major, weight from 375 to '500 bpirioy S humway, Bettjg Jo' pounds. Or, if PigS are' .orris, and Vivian Coving selected, they should bo con will serve as twirlers from those born etween n dress-u- poccasions, November 20' and December 5. Lary Judd, if the animals are- fed Cannon, and Beulah Elaine Blake calves herd tne positions of bancorrectly the snould weigh between 700 ner bearers. the-- " ' Virgin river bridge, where the group, danced, played-- ' : games and s ' .Helens' -- and 950 pounds by and the pigs should 10 pounds. Bob In- JUNIORS FUTURE HAYRACK -. RIDS IN ROND AY SOCIAL ' summer editor, score asks that the "pool" room be kept' 'busy ever-hour of each day next week ' ' ' ' : served around a cheery bonfire . elass president, Alpine ' prince, sic was in charge, was provided1 by Cla-- 1 -- nee and Rosamond onow, June, Election of band of- uubler led in the singing, Tnereach ficers will take' juniors gave the-aplace In the very near future. : - sembly Last Friday. ' - |