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Show .TUNTQR. COLLEGE, DT-XT- Fif. Georga, TTt.n'h lir.trxb.er-2-3-rI9-2r-alJ,ir- ,. No , n.Q ki HS- -. 6 v 3$? 83Z3Sm)if: Xrffgir STUDENT 'COUNCIL Yearbook The Staff MAKES A student officers, in Ned- - decided" nesday afternoon, hind PLANS Approved their council' meeting to get A be- whole-hearted- ly - Uncle Sams IN .WEST, REPORTS MILES LARGEST :OE KIND. . , present CPT program in the Dixie college is the and the largest largest in the history of the college, . program in the Western st'atos, according to M. J. and chairman of this region.' Miles, lical The total of pilot j being trained at the present time i3 95, states Mr. Miles, The request for more scrap metal. Competition' between the college classes is to be. IS SCRAP PILE .UNSIGHTLY? fostered in a drive which. is to start Monday and' Student Gives Views co-ordin- ator f continue until November 11, The and combined elementary ground secondary schools of Dixie and Ven- tura colleges have 70 stu- dents in training, includ-A- ll ing 25 of the Navy 5. In addition to this lege program there is an instructor course nearly completed by Bassott and Phelps, with the groundre .course given by the , ... Thoro has been consider- Details will be announced. scrap collected will able sentiment against the bo added to the pile al- - scrap metal pile in front started by the X of the college.. But is it will really unsightly? club, and be used for the scholar- Are we. ashamed of. the ship fund for service man, fact that we are gathering Club presidents, who serap for the war effort? invited to attend the Hardly that, bqt we should logo Bassett has an adcouncil meeting, pledged display our pile' of scrap ditional elementary. organizations to get proudly where it will be structor course with 5behind the' whole program most conspicuous. students, and E. L. Ander' V-- col-rea- dy the-mone- y col-we- - in-th- eir of scrap the buying Bob and In normal times it would bonds and be unsightly, but these are not normal times, Total yearbook There is a war. on. son "has more., Six trainees are collecting of 5 includ-stamp- s. in the .Bassett and cross country Phelps and four course, pilots on are taking training ed Inscoro, presented his war! Wake up Dixie! We staff for approval. All are definitely getting outnominees were accepted, of step, with the war efcivilian status. Yvonne Jackson is to be fort, Dixie college' ground over United the D. school K. facilities and in- All assistant editor, Williams business manager, States people are pooling struction are being used Ronald MflArthur secretary, their scrap and proudly for all those courses, the eyes Those responsible and Alpine Prince photog- - exhibiting it-tfor None a has world. the of the air program appreciate raphor,The student officers al- - more worthy project than the work done on the road so decided to invite CPT we t here in Dix- - to the airport by City and students to attend all ie. Our pile, has excited County officials, but all student functions for half much favorable comment realize that much yet remains to bo done. (continued on page 7) price. editor, ? have-righ- - |