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Show r TEAM MEETS STRONG HEAVER TEAM TODAY SIX-MA- N Fight For Third Place To Dixie The ball to sixman will team foot- Beaver a visiting this oon at 3 oclock. team here well Y 1 r n N J 1 r r T- - - flLL six-m- an aftern- This after getting off slow start :this year ' now title race. week CARBON TEAM- ball' if they the B. A. C. tional game !sexpe c't to on Saturday, . is the next on-- week' Dixie, lost . Hurricane will fight and'1 it . : for the docket eleven-ma- n .... a close game to CaiU.on - col-- ( C. remained .in a tie lege '.by the score , of vfor ;the league 'leadership with Carbon 'by defeating a at Mesa team strong Grand previ- - Junction : to its, story this 33-- 0. meeting of the Omega Delta club last night. He discussed present world hap-.do- penings. wn d THEY COME AT 8 ANYWAY " ' Mr. Hardy and students gy in Iato do- hours"- - his biolo-hol- d not ..believe At any (?-)- . b say at (They hold lab year. in. the 8 morn-hop- e. ( Parowan Dixie for terms out the compete on even terms with This October 31 tradi- ,18-- 0. T; large and hard to stop. col- ' ; ; known for ho r large-men- . Most boys from Beaver abb tS 'I off for the deer hunt, the Dixie lege football boy s will have to got in and hit Since Carbon had Dixie beat out. Hinckley at Hinckley by ously barely nosed 13-7 Mesa Dixie! at Price the score of 56 to 22. Beaver defeated a will have :to play ball to1 Also the Aggies from the strong Cedar team by the score of 6 to 0. tQpv.perch. But anything can happen Last year Beaver, defeated. Beaver by... the in' the game for the ax. Dixie at .Last year the score of 23 to 7'. "So. the Aggies the ax until basket- Dixie crew will be out; for rovenge. Beaver is- usual! ball season,, but the boys Last first HGG . a week With, a close game, team. Las.t both teams are playing, to a in the T Page seven be should for w I DIXIE: DROPS ONE. TO POWERFUL tho host be I , place today at Hu- with most of oven on Carbon during played the first half, McAllister .does not believe in wasting the ..wee Mr. sma hours of the mornin . the Golden Eagles, had Male .chorus will now be the third spot, with Dixie too much .power .for 'the- - Fly- - .gdyon at 8 : A5 .. and Cedar tied for fourth. ors: in :the second half. 'hi HALLam DInS OF MISS ,313'TER s cored in each Milford and Hinckley aro 'first-meeting today to determine quarter after-- the: Miss Hall am was called who is to rest in the cel- -, .i '.PLANS FOR- FINE ARTS 0.. Spanish ;Fork early this lar. 'REPORTED TO BE FESTIVAL of the death .. because week Hurricane Last week of her sister, Marie. downed Milford 330 What be don to is Students and faculty of Cedar is scheduled to Fuu Dixie extend their sincere meet the Flyers hero next tho Fine Arts this year? That is the sympathy toxJs Hal lam. Friday. question being askod by JUNIORS TO GO. FOR RDE tho ones' in charge. BEAT BEAVER Since the activities, TAKE THIRD PLACE! "Giddap, Moll; giddap, due to war conditions , Tooin!" to be confined This: is to be the tune will have Is Scrap Pile Unsightly? to local, talent, the prob-- of tho juniors at their (continued from tourist depr hunters lem of what to do and when class party Monday night. ,h to do it arisen.. hayrack this past week. has-Huf :.n Coach A central such as committee Are we going to declare our pilo of scrap unsight- - been asked to make rocpm- -; isqcL .0 take when ho was a ly and hide it? No! a. mendations togthc faculty,' lad, will be featured, thousand times no. Lets FORMER TEACHER VISITS quit "drugging our feet," rme Wi 1 k n s rricane. .Beaver .is now in but " ' .. . , 4 : hi : ' ' hi hi i from-Fhgol- old-fashio- ned ; ... ; hi This is the move fruits ..the war! Get behind the our of efforts to world.--- and A show student. i Ral ph seminary Duxuom , f0 instructor was early thi: r at in St.. George |