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Show art guild pins arrive for the The pins members have ' NEWS Beaux Arts Guild and are now obtain- arrived able, according to Schuyler Gardner. The pin for the outstanding artist has also come but will not be awarded until Honor day, at which time the name of the student will also become known. The pins are of the style adopted by several years ago, with only Guild guard the the and chain undergoing changes year to year, from exhibited Dixie ART several EXHIBIT outstanding paintings at Hurricanes annual art display last week. They were very well received, according to Hr. Huntsman, who also stated that' the display contained finest art, as well as which were shipped from the of Utahs some some hast . prints also announces that tho Beaux Arts Guild will have a department exhibit He last the staged during school. weeks of two Beaux lected last for tho yoar se- 194-1-4- president, Emma Young, Kanab vice president, Norman Atkin, St, George; secretary, Genevieve Asay, St. George; historians, Mary Wade and Jossio Larson, aro: ; of amusomcnts, St. Goorgo; commissioner Melvin Ogden, Richfield. Tho and next meeting will bo hold Monday, and is to bo tho final get-togeth- party. TO DELTA homo. very van, 19 May 1 1 am PHI ALPHA: bo hold on Monat Mr. and Mrs. Bleaks sure wo will all have a splendid timci" states. Lola Sulli- president. It is necessary that wo collect partnors. We thero because want it will all game-s- members be the last to be meet- and noints. - .D. Pearl Carpenter of St. George was elected Alpha Theta president for next year. Phyllis Ncilson of Oak City was named vice presAT THE ELECTION LAST WEEK ident, and secretary. Black of Loora Glendale .D. piano recitals, under tho direcof Miss Falck, wero hold last Sea-da- y Monday. Tho crowds were r vv! 'because of so many competing activities, but tho numbers were well rendered. .D. 1 I LA HOLT, DIXIE HIGH PIANO STUDENT, is representing the southern part of tho state today in a national regional competitive music meet in Ogden. She received a very high rating on her piano solo in the recent music festival here and was recommended for this national meet .D. LINESMAN ' SENDS OUT ANOTHER ILEA for young men for the national defense industries. Approximately 24.0,000 more men will be needed. HA THE IDEAL MOTHER'S DAY 'ROSE SNCV CAKE. , those' of you who havent paid the balance of your club fee please pay this to Jane as soon as' possible. Also A de- ing for some of us. Alma, Norman and Dorothy will 'bo in charge of tho program and TAKES 25 each mombor bocauso of the creased fund' in tho treasury. Either old or now officers wili accept this assessment. Try to get this paid by tho You are invited to bring your 19th. from CLASS' BIRD. their- habits. They start 'out in 'the early morning at 6 oclock, and thoy travel in Ernest Pulsiphers truck to the different MR. final party will The day, er .D. NOTICE TRIPonco a week out into tho open country surrounding St, Goorgo to observe the different THE and Arts' Guild officers, week .DO tion ART GUILD ELECTS OEEICERS The have gone. to OFFICERS . Two .D. BRIEFS Hurricane where the new Dixie officers (greenhorns) will be initiated by tho Hurricane officers. Today tho now Hurricane greenhorns will come down here and bo initiated by the Dixie Chapter. species of birds, .D. DIXIE SUPPORTS HURRICANE F.F.A. THE DIXIE Pago Thrco ' QUALITY (BAKERY |