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Show Farso Six BIOLOGISTS TAKE PINS VALLEY TRIP SAT. biology department is taking its annual Pine Valley trip 'tomorrow. At 6 a.n. the group will leave the science building and will, arrive at the valley at 8:30. From 8: to 9:4-- they will, study the birds of that locality under Mr. Hardys supervision. At 10 a program will be held in the outdoor amphitheatre and of The 4-- will-consis- t The plants of 'the Pine Valley reports: area," by Vcre Barnhuret ; Reptiles end Amphibians of Pine Valley, assisted Russell by Junior Gardner; Birds of Pino Valley," by lack Rancher; "Marrmals of Pine Valley, by Arlo Hall; Some aspects of Soil' and Plant conserCornelius, Call by Anson vation,, by county agricultural' agent; and "Some problems in Conservation from a Foresters Standpoint," by Ranger I. Johnson of the Pino Valley ' station. ' . TRIP TO ENJOYS B.J-I- band .took a' program to. neighboring Kane' county . schools. first program was presented at The program consisted of Orderville. band selections,, duet, a brass a vocal ' and from 1 p.m. duet, a trumpet quartet- and a number, reading. r While in urderville the band members seemed in a dormant mood,, or maybe they were just tired from riding; but on the way to Kanab a small' group livened them up. A song which did the trick was, . I Dont Know, Joe? "What.cha Know-Nothing,- , all sung in every key and with known variations. Several- people were clap-hapbranded as being because of py the bean-porrid- ge in competition. At Kanab the band hot and group . was insured The. bus group they carried game a on with a of the provided lunch, which added to the After, the program the group .will cat that evening. to-- their lunch, KAI.JE the Wednesday' 'two of our The . spirit good performance pretty well 'paired was will take short hikes to' collect various off for the return trip, and everyone seemed to enjoy tho ride home. types of. plants and animals. D. At 3:30 they will leave for' St. George GRADUATION DATES SET to join in the airport 'celebration. to .The all-iAll students interested are invited port ant thing now confrontJust take your ing sophomores and seniors is graduation join the biologists. and all the details. The sophomores lunch and. coats. m ' VD.'" .. SUNDAY o Seminary SEMINARY GRADUATION EXERCISES "graduation exercises 'for t: will bo held Sunday night at. m. in the ..tabernacle. It' is to be more formal t.hap in ; ceding years. The ' The will be director of the speaker Larscn, seminary. will . 8 p. pre- Mri Gustave 0.. Parowan stak'd President Harold S. Snow will preside, with members of the honor roll also taking part. Mr. Corbett announces that this. years graduating class is the largest': in tho history of the St. George seminary, fp-tho- honor roll is also tho largest. After tho ceremony, a reception for the graduates, their parents, tho stake presidency and the ward bishops and their wives will bo hold in the Insti- tute building. Honor students are: Shirley Harper; .Thelma Blake, Virginia Woodbury, Junior Larkin, Cannon.",.' Do Wayne Guy Schmutz, Bowler, Lislic Carlotta Hafon, John '.Nelson,:.' llano la Jonos, Marquita Lo.a.M oss," Margaret lxemp , Georgia Blazzard, Hnry raxman, Caldwell and Zola McGregor. . Stirling,, Ellen Barter, Montana their exit- from tho lower Wednesday, May 21 p while' the make - division seniors have their exercises scheduled for Thursuay. '".Due- to tho inability ' of the Governor- to bo boro,' Milton-Welling- his secretary, willgivc the ad- -' dress to the senior class.- All prospective graduates in either upper or lower division should by now have made all .'arrangements necessary for- graduation.'-- institute graduates The thoir services was on Sudd ay, .May. 18. " D. ' FRESHi.AN PLAY, RUTTER THE presented .'hold - ; RELAKA to. the student' HOIK body Wed-n- os in assembly.. .The.', play provided relaxevery one a pleasant period of who did o.fi ation, except Glen Kenworthy, admirable job of trying.--The play was a project of the '.ay : Bradshaw, ; class, dramatic-production- and' .was coached by Qqe " I ;.d. MR. ASHBY STATES-- THAT TWO STUDENTS ARE RECOMMELKCD as eligible- ' - for certificates .in their respective Brynep in trowel trades and fields, Winsor Asay. in tTie field of 'Vocational carpentry. of completion Tom ' |