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Show IT yOU MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY GHOSTS Rain walloped Penelope Gibbs and David Stoddard as they glided to the nearest shelter, an old witch haven nestled in the heart of superstitious Aurora Canyon. had They been with a group Ghosts aro fancy brought 1 6 'view, Ghosts aro thoughts just wrought anew ; Ghosts aro images of our droams, Ghosts aro pledges of our schemes o . friends enroute to a Halloween party, and happened to be in the last car in the party. As they were romantically can- riding through this talked-abo- it group had gone ahead,; so less to call for. 'jgfelp. !ot as ' the dismal, night,--' shelter. As g arm her on' the' porch she of existence ; :;'a hoard and they: tiptoed door practically motionless . . to . Ghosts-pla- .. be dont chin up',' and try bo t-- to ave ' 'consoled Dave.' me keep 1 -- opened was door. The creepy Tike my thing was Each all right. time then, the other side atmo- ion when' he ' hand she-'- Why, .darling, .arent Joe .. " ' lots is broken." got out of boro my corner of tho room. That was tho consummation. they made a rocky oxit ..Penney'.' didnt feel- the limbs of a treo crack The "Death March" against her face. skeleton had placed just- played 'by-hor in a madness. All sho felt was tho twist of tho locked hor and Davo which handle safoly in tho car, for tho rest of that escapade. As- ' ' a never-to-be-forgot- you holding felt the profile. , ' , "Dave, where are you?" Dave, do Just then the black, cat dancod up tho keyboard' of tho piano in tho farm'; noticed a freak disguise in front of her. She' touched what felt like the outline of a' face. as our friend on me-s-- oh Louis would have been placed with the amateurs .if 'one 'could have seen Dave "wind up" In liis own formidable fash- -' ion. The one and only blow him that t'he statue was definitely not human. "Penney, ut fell-bac- of is threw himself near the figure; experienced the same sensat- - Dave night into day 'Penney formed a more vivid picture of the room they were To the far right stood occupying. what appeared to be' either an organ or a piano. Even drops of rain that reached the structure, as it: stole into the room through a half-shbroken window,' not remove' the' did' On her dust. was the remains left f a stove. One leg had been broken, probably due to' old age. In general, tbe appearance of the room "was anything but pleasant. Penney took a baby step forward tut who Millet something quick!" lightning, turned the hand?" "Nell,' her that every- assured ys ; : your sphere terrifying. the golden locks of 'Penneys pageboy bob rose to meet the ceiling, but Daves arms fair-wa- ' you ovor moot a ghost',''- Remember ho is just a boast; Tacklo him right hard and rough, Prove to him. hes not so tough! One by one . thealloys , If the last syllable dropped in a Dave state, of frenzy, cautiously ' .static: . With the "have Ghost's knock- golfballs. down the . - radios in tho attic, Ghosts. play football in ' the added to the .afraid poker, Ghost s 'make , black cat, which only gripping suspense. v L. - I m frightened I ga sped hear voices."Penney. The voice was the purring of a Dove posHoh," hills, chim- neys; v. Ghosts keep climbing up the stairways! ; Penney Stepped lost all sense and Ghosts haunt meadows, woods and Ghosts haunt windows, doors and ; met her f&ce o face the outcome; wasan aggravated black. eye. Dave grasped stroots houses, stills, They c.ould they laced to . haunt Ghosts use- - sit in the drizfiCng rain! through not aro calling, screaming, crying, arc winging, soaring, flying; are gaudy, curt and daring, aro ugly, black and scaring I Ghosts Ghosts Ghosts Ghosts Dave detected-- . a rear tir.e'rdst--lessl- y the'' deflating. The rest ' J ' ; ut yon, V Pago Five ' ton D.C. Watson ; |