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Show PagGHTwo OILED ROAD APPR -- DC tUatT Miles wishes to or school organizations .who would like to have a picture 6f their group or future activities to put in papers such as tho' Doserot' Salt Lako Tribune should got in touch I ATED Mr. any; c lab a at the request of tho Dixie College, and for the benefit of St. George, oiled built an excellent highway This out to our football. fioLd. was made possible by a' bill passed by tho 1939 legislature authorizing Commission to construct the Road with him .early State institutions.. " We are grateful indeed for tho helpful consideration of Chairman Hammond and the Commission for this excellent Glenn 2 f Show project .D. Halverson - wor.will This be completed by ' ombor 15. " Cottam Mr".- study' .D. Hand' : their partners of tho ladies seeing pounds,- horses. - ' a chance to lose - Poom, Schuyler : ' ' " wirri'in g 'numbers appear . Gard- 'in this " . .D. ; ho s p i t ab lo 'sc'hool.- havo been to 'larger Sovo r a 1 g schoois'--cbimpent'dd;'- - ? who. the fact that both students 'and teachers here seem personally- inter-- ested in 'members of the .student body. ' bn ' .D. Mrs. Romney, 9! class under Mis taking the to the class' discussions. Nov- - adds much - .DA : Renovation of the L.D.S. stako tabernacle has begun, with improvements being made on both the inside and out. This building is ono of Dixie fs-- earliest 'structures and stands as a non-- '' umont to the pioneers. It shows the"type of architecture used by the oarly founders of Dixie land. Jennings and Cannon arc tho contractors for who-i- ' "army boon i ' ' style table has recent- -, constructed at tho. boys .dormitory, . Improvomonts arc constantly being made, and already winter supplies are in storage, The boys state that they never expected to bo so happy away from home as they are in this new place. Von ly : A now n .Cottam deserves credit. for his assistance in making this dormitory so successful. j ' - ha-fe- .D. work. Watson; Shows .. orient at Idn .class We.livdnesday discovorod that Dixie.-ito hor reputation of';."beihg a " ing up - -- Navarro Gub- -. Eldon "Hurricane1; ossag, D. 'C.' Mi-ss"- Miss Falck stated today that her piano students will vmeet for club Monday, Oct. 31 at 6:30 P.M. this .D.. con-tio- issue. ' l st winners of tho Halloween conducted by... the.'D. J. G. 'are: The- ' spent tho evening riding .D - ner, Delta. Woodward - Tho some-additiona- ' Millet, lor, Ivins; high school. They' journeyed to "Grass Valley where everyone enjoyed a doer barbecue. The tools.' Story, .D. and - J ' coming in of tho Monday hold by tho faculty - auto' mechanics, department- .is go : - still .real bo. a ; . will start Monday. It is vory impor- tant that everyone cooperate if tho year book is to be a success. should and 1 ' Taking pictures-- for the year book in excell- be' also a grinder, paint gun, .body sender, .and .D. party last to is.-p'ai- -- Bentley left this morning' to attend tho meeting of tho State Association of Registrars. aro ' ing to receive- Mr. Reports - air': The for vocational - . - abset.- to other junior colleges to trips theset-u- p vork. - The. ent condition Halverson plan Mr. cost The machine ' the-colleg- .D. and micro---scop- - . ' Tho s. : es compressor- which vdLll.bo. pur-- chased .from tho Snow Auto Service. College - f the-accessorie- tho department around $100'. 00. They should bo a groat aid to the department. all debaters arj due at few days, to Dixie' withih"the ; next debate question. discuss Webbr has, just microscopes,: completo now trades- and science departments.: of tho school will- now havo access-t- ; .D. two with all ' -' . .D- D heating; units in tho Science building. Nov' this make biology department added arc installing Sons Tho . to enough possible. highways to and announces . |